Han Solo Film Trailer: ‘Star Wars’ Fans Given First Look At Spin-Off Film (And It Actually Looks Pretty Good)

Han Solo Film Trailer: ‘Star Wars’ Fans Given First Look At Spin-Off Film (And It Actually Looks Pretty Good)

‘Star Wars’ fans were given their first look at the upcoming Han Solo spin-off movie on Sunday (4 February) night and – perhaps surprisingly… – the film actually looks pretty good.

It’s no secret that ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’, to give it its full title, has been marred by production issues, with directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller leaving midway through filming, citing “creative differences” with production company LucasFilm.

Thankfully, Ron Howard swiftly stepped up to take over and the results of his efforts have finally been revealed.

A full trailer will arrive later today (Monday 5 February), when it’s debuted on ‘Good Morning America’. Fingers crossed, the longer clip will reveal more about what we can expect from the film’s plot.

In the meantime, let’s take a second to appreciate the best bit of this teaser, this wonderful shot of Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian:

Yup, we’re officially excited.

Alden Ehrenreich will play a young Han in the film and he’s (briefly) featured at the end of the trailer, while we get a full look at Emilia Clarke as Qi’ra and Beckett, played by Woody Harrelson.

‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ is set for release in the UK on Friday 25 May. Watch the teaser clip above.


The Waugh Zone Monday February 5, 2018

The Waugh Zone Monday February 5, 2018


Winter is finally beginning to bite as sub-zero temperatures hit the UK this week. But ministers are still split between those who think life outside the warm embrace of the EU’s customs union will plunge our economy into the deep freeze – and those who think the sunlit uplands beckon once the cold, clammy hand of Brussels is lifted from our buccaneering businesses.

Ahead of the crunch meeting of the Cabinet sub-committee on Brexit this Wednesday, there is at least an emerging consensus that Theresa May has approved a form of words the whole team can live with. It turns out that Liam Fox was not freelancing last week in China when he suggested the UK had to stay out of any form of customs ‘union’. 

No.10 sources last night backed him up firmly, declaring: “To put this to rest, we are categorically leaving the customs union… we must also be free to sign those trade deals with the rest of the world.. So it is not our policy to stay in the customs union. It is not our policy to stay in a customs union”. Or, as another senior aide put it to me this morning: “The key point, as the PM said about 15 times last week, is we need to have freedom to sign trade deals”.

Two political imperatives seem to be at work here: May needs the Brexiteers (led by the Jacob Rees-Mogg) on board; the Brexiteers need May in place to avoid a leadership race that could derail Brexit itself. And, crucially, Remainer ministers seem pretty relaxed about the semantic debate, happy that the two options devised are “a customs partnership” or “a highly streamlined customs arrangement”.

As I’ve written before, members of the Cabinet sub-committee prefer its discussions to a full Cabinet as the debate is less about grandstanding and more about finding common positions. The Times reports that there is one compromise in the air, whereby Philip Hammond agrees to trade deals with non-EU states in return for a limited extension of the current customs union. Ministers tell me that Boris is frequently the one in Cabinet who is often a lone voice on Brexit, a factor that could endear him to backbench Eurosceptics in any future leadership race, if he walks out. Few suspect he will actually quit if he doesn’t get what he wants. But will he spring another surprise and prove them all wrong, just as he shocked David Cameron in coming out for Vote Leave in early 2016? We are nearly exactly two years from his fateful announcement back then.

There’s also a suspicion that some Remainers in Cabinet are going along with ‘cake and eat it’ demands of the EU in the full expectation that Brussels will refuse. Some of them think that the word ‘union’ or ‘arrangement’ is irrelevant, as long as the outcome is very similar to today’s frictionless trade with the EU (and are happy for the Brexiteers to have a propaganda ‘victory’ on words, but not on substance). Michel Barnier is in London today for a meeting with David Davis. There’s no press conference, but Barnier’s statement will be worth watching to see his reaction to the UK ruling out ‘a’, as well as ‘the’ customs union.  Will he help May to sell a workable solution to her party? Or make life more difficult?



Will there ever be a political consensus on how to fund the cost of our ageing population while keeping the NHS free at the point of use? The UK somehow managed to find cross-party agreement on increasing the state pension age (another big ticket item) in a way that few other countries have managed. But on health and social care, a similar long-term solution is desperately needed yet often seems further away than ever.

Today a panel of health experts set up by the Lib Dems has come up with what many expect will one day be part of the answer: a ring-fenced (‘hypothecated’ in the jargon) tax to provide the funds needed. What may make politicians sit up and take notice is that the panel includes former NHS chief exec Sir David Nicholson, former Royal College of GPs chief Claire Gerada and former RCN chief Peter Carter.

Their report suggests a new combined health and social care tax, which would take in bits of council tax and a reformed National Insurance levy. Reinstating a cap on the cost of personal social care is also among the recommendations. There will be disagreement about the detail but with Tory MPs like Nick Boles recently backing the idea of a special tax for the NHS, it is at least a starting point for debate. Labour is wary of any cross-party working not least after the Lansley-Burnham ‘death tax’ bitterness, but will Parliament take the lead on this and prod the parties towards a solution? Let’s see.



New Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey makes her debut at her departmental question time in the Commons today. Universal Credit and Carillion pensions will feature, but one question that caught my eye is from the SNP’s Martyn Day that askes for “an assessment of the effect of the benefit freeze on the use of food banks”. So far, McVey has taken steps to defuse criticism of the harsher elements of welfare policy, but on this one she may well dig in.

Many think tanks say that in-work poverty stems from not just the earnings squeeze but specifically from George Osborne’s four-year benefit freeze (most working-age benefits frozen at 2015/16 cash values from 2016/17 to 2019/20 inclusive) and today the main business of the Commons is a debate on the Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order 2018. Given that this will seek to continue benefits (other than for pensioners and the disabled) do not rise in line with inflation, will Labour try to sneak in a vote? There’s another issue too in that half a million expat pensioners don’t get any uprating.

Meanwhile, speaking of keeping pace on the income front, the new IFS report on the gender pay gap shows how far we have to go to help parents who take part-time work during a career break. In this anniversary year of women’s suffrage, we discover that by the time a first child reaches the age of 20, mothers earn around 30% less on average than similarly educated fathers. The IFS doesn’t offer solutions but better back-to-work skilling and fairer childcare are among the policies campaigners want to see.



Watch this thief slip up (literally) after trying to steal some packages from a porch.  



The Guardian reports that Freemasonry records have revealed that the secretive organisation has two active lodges operating in Parliament. One, New Welcome Lodge, recruits MPs and staff. Another, Gallery Lodge, is for Gallery and Lobby reporters.  The United Grand Lodge of England claims no new members have joined the journalists’ lodge since 2000, which would fit with gossip years ago that a small group of older hacks were masons.

I do recall once arriving early for a Commons meeting, in a little-known part of the House, to find all the chairs arranged in a very odd manner indeed, and hearing a rumour that this was where masons had met. Verifying anything was impossible. What’s particularly odd is that neither MPs nor journalists are required to declare their membership in the Commons register of interests. Surely if there’s nothing to hide, transparency is now long overdue?



On the trip to China with the PM last week, all of us in the British delegation were more than aware of the hacking threat. No10 staff had taken ‘burner’ phones to avoid being compromised and few used Gmail or Twitter blocked by the authorities. The FT has an advance of a report out today from GCHQ’s National Cyber Security Centre showing the scale of the threat at home too.

The NCSC took down more than 120,000 fake websites last year and blocked 54m malicious online attacks as part of a “great British firewall” designed to stop cyber criminals targeting the public for money and secret data. Fake HMRC sites were the most prevalent. Sadly, today’s report won’t include attacks by ‘hostile state actors’ such as China, North Korea or Russia.  But this is the first time we’ve had information about “commodity attacks” that caused “the majority of people the majority of harm”.


Had a lie-in? Got a life? Catch up with our quick round-up of the Sunday politics shows HERE.


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Alice Weidel bei “Anne Will”: Schon der erste Satz sorgt für Kopfschütteln

Alice Weidel bei “Anne Will”: Schon der erste Satz sorgt für Kopfschütteln
Grüßte erstmal die rechten Demonstranten in Cottbus: AfD-Chefin Alice Weidel

  • In der Talksendung “Anne Will” soll über die kommende Große Koalition diskutiert werden
  • Auch AfD-Politikerin Alice Weidel ist dabei – und nutzt die Zeit für eine typische Provokation

Wer Alice Weidel in eine Talkshow einlädt, weiß, was sie bekommt. Inhaltliche dünne Argumente, rechte Provokationen – und bisweilen einen inszenierten Abgang

Letzteren gab es am Sonntagabend bei “Anne Will” nicht. Dafür aber eine typische weidelsche Provokation. Denn eigentlich sollte es in der Sendung um die kommende GroKo und deren in den Koalitionsgesprächen ausgehandelten Inhalte gehen. 

Doch Weidel nutzte schon die erste Frage an sie für eine ihrer populistischen Show-Einlagen. 

Gruß nach Cottbus

Eigentlich wollte Moderatorin Anne Will von der AfD-Politikerin wissen, was sie von der Abschaffung von sachgrundlosen Befristungen halte. 

Weidel jedoch würdigte diese Frage zunächst keiner Antwort. Stattdessen versuchte sie, die Diskussion auf das einzige Thema zu lenken, dass ihre Partei besetzt: Den Kampf gegen Flüchtlinge. 

Das Grundproblem sei, dass die Regierungsparteien nicht sensibel für die “wahren Probleme der Menschen” seien.

► “Und darum geht auch mein erster Gruß raus an die Menschen in Cottbus, die für ihre Probleme demonstrieren.” 

Die Reaktionen der anderen Gäste und des Publikums: Kritische Blicke, Kopfschütteln, ungläubiges Lachen. 

Mehr zum Thema: Wutduell im Bundestag: AfD-Mann hält Hetzrede – dann dreht Toni Hofreiter auf

Zur Erinnerung: Zuletzt war es geballt zu Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Deutschen und Flüchtlingen in Cottbus gekommen. So hatten unter anderem jugendliche Syrer ein Ehepaar vor einem Einkaufszentrum attackiert. Zum Jahreswechsel hatten Unbekannte Flüchtlinge in ihrer Unterkunft angegriffen.

Nun ziehen immer wieder islamfeindliche Demonstranten durch die Stadt – unter diesen sowohl Politiker der AfD als auch viele Rechtsextreme. 

Weidel: “Messerstechende Migranten”

So fragte Will dann auch nach, ob Weidel nur diese Demonstranten grüße. Schließlich kommt es in Cottbus derzeit auch zu Gegendemos für ein friedliches Miteinander in der Stadt. 

Die AfD-Frau reagierte mit einem gedehnten “Ja” und ätzte dann gegen die Medien und deren angeblich “einseitige Berichterstattung”.

“Das sind einfach nur Menschen die sich dagegen wehren, dass hier messerstechende Migranten auf unseren Straßen rumlaufen”, sagte sie über die Pegida-artigen Proteste in Cottbus.

Sie fügte hinzu: “Und da ist ja letztendlich das Grundproblem: Das ist eine Politik, die komplett die Bodenhaftung verloren hat.”

Mehr zum Thema: So unsäglich reagieren AfD-Politiker auf den “Will”-Talk zu Judenhass

Anschließend ließ Weidel sich dann doch noch überreden, auch auf Wills Eingangsfrage zu antworten. Sachgrundlose Befristungen abzuschaffen, treibe die Menschen in die Leiharbeit, sagte sie. 

► Für den Rest der Sendung kommt Weidel dann kaum noch zu Wort.

Einmal darf sie noch Steuerentlastungen für hohe Einkommen fordern; später bestreitet sie gespielt empört, ihre Partei setze sich nicht für die Integration von Flüchtlingen ein – nur, um im gleichen Atemzug konsequentere Abschiebungen aus Deutschland zu fordern.

“Wir haben einen permanenten Gesetzesbruch an unseren Grenzen”, ereiferte sich Weidel da. “Nein, haben wir nicht”, antwortete ihr NRW-Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet (CDU). 

Aber für Inhalte war es da schon zu spät. Weidel hatte ihre AfD-Show wieder einmal erfolgreich zu bester Sendezeit durchgezogen.

Mehr zum Thema: Weidel und der Medienhass: Wie die AfD-Politikerin versucht, den öffentlichen Rundfunk zu attackieren


키디비 측이 블랙넛의 ‘추가 범죄’를 언급했다

키디비 측이 블랙넛의 ‘추가 범죄’를 언급했다

지난해 6월, 래퍼 블랙넛은 노래 가사를 통해 래퍼 키디비를 수차례 성희롱했음에도 ‘단순 모욕혐의’로 기소됐다. 이에 키디비 측은 ”항고를 진행하고 있다”며 ”추가 범죄사실도 발견돼 수사 중”이라며 강경대응할 것이라는 입장을 밝혔다.

5일 일간스포츠는 키디비 측과의 인터뷰를 진행했다. 키디비의 법률대리인 김지윤 변호사는 ”블랙넛의 앨범발매행위 등을 성폭력범죄의처벌등에관한 특례법 위반, 예비적으로 정보통신망법위반 등으로 고소했으나 원하던 혐의 아닌 모욕죄로 적용됐다”라며 유감을 표했다. 키디비 측은 ”불기소처분을 받은 2건에 대해 항고를 했다”며 확실한 피해 회복을 언급했다.

키디비 법률대리인은 ”이것은 심각한 성폭력인데도 성폭력법(통신매체이용음란죄) 등이 불기속 기소된 것은 유감이다”라며 ”성폭력법의 통신매체이용음란죄는 통신매체를 통해 음란한 글이나 음향을 상대에게 도달하게 한 자를 처벌하는 조항이다. 피의자가 노래를 온라인에 발매한 것이 인정되는데도 이것이 통신매체를 통한 것은 아니라는 이유로 불기소처분이 됐다”고 전했다.

OSEN에 따르면 키디비 법률대리인 측은 ”현재 노래발매 범죄 이외에도 블랙넛의 키디비를 향한 추가적인 범죄사실이 발견돼 수사 중에 있다”라며 ”관련 자료를 준비 중”이라고 전했다.

또 이번 고소가 ‘힙합 디스문화’를 부정하는 것이 아니냐는 질문에 키디비 측은 ”복싱을 하는 선수들에게 폭행죄가 인정되지 않듯, 블랙넛의 행위가 디스문화의 범주에 속하는 행동이라면 우리도 고소하지 않았을 것”이라며 ”그러나 블랙넛의 행동은 디스의 범주를 넘어선 것이고, 단지 피해자를 일방적 성추행한 것”이라고 전했다.

연합뉴스에 따르면, 당초 서울 방배경찰서는 지난해 9월 성폭력범죄 등에 관한 특례법 위반(통신매체 이용 음란) 및 모욕 혐의를 적용해 기소 의견으로 검찰에 송치했으나 서울중앙지검 여성아동범죄조사부(홍종희 부장검사)는 이중 모욕죄만을 적용해 불구속 기소한 것으로 나타났다. 블랙넛의 첫 재판은 오는 3월 15일 열린다.


母の自己犠牲を描くとなぜ炎上するのか のぶみ作詞「あたしおかあさんだから」を認知的不協和から考える

母の自己犠牲を描くとなぜ炎上するのか のぶみ作詞「あたしおかあさんだから」を認知的不協和から考える



歌詞を見ると、母親が子どもを産み育てるうえで、様々なことを我慢していることを書き連ね、でも「おかあさんになれてよかった」とまとめています。批判の主なポイントは、【1】そんなに母親たちは我慢や自己犠牲ばかりしていないというもの、【2】これまでののぶみさんの絵本の作風などとも相まって、母親だけに我慢や自己犠牲を礼賛しているようで「呪い」に感じられるというもの、【3】母親になる前の女性のこともばかにしているように聞こえるというもの の3点に分けられそうです。

このうち、【1】についてはTwitter上で、「#あたしおかあさんだけど 」や「おとうさんだから」など様々な親の在り方が発信され、かえって従来型の規範に捉われない人たちがたくさん居て発信してくれる世の中に「いい時代になってきた」感を覚えました。















