New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Speaks at HRC’s NYC Dinner
New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Speaks at HRC’s NYC Dinner
장병들이 초대하고픈 행보관으로 뽑은 연예인
‘행정보급관’(행보관)은 군부대에서 보급 등 살림을 책임지고, 부대 시설 관리를 맡아서 하는 부사관 직책을 말한다. 흔히 상급 부사관이 맡는 경우가 많다.
군필자들은 행정보급관 지시로 진지공사나 각종 시설보수 작업에 동원된 경험을 가지고 있다.
그런 탓에 주말이나 명절에 ‘인자한’ 행정보급관을 만나는 것은 중요하다. 행정보급관이 작업을 지시하면, 그만큼 장병들의 휴식시간도 줄어들기 때문이다.
4일 국방홍보원이 발행하는 국방일보는 행정보급관을 주제로 한 장병 대상 설문조사 결과를 공개했다.
국방일보가 2017년 12월26일부터 2018년 1월14일까지 국방망(인트라넷)을 통해 장병 463명을 대상으로 ”설날 일일 행정보급관으로 초대하고 싶은 연예인”을 물었다.
설문조사 결과, 영화 ‘범죄도시’로 687만 관객을 모은 마동석이 72명(15.6%)의 지지를 받았다. 이어 2위에는 국민MC 유재석(62명·13.4%)이, 3위에는 예비군 1년차인 가수 겸 배우 이승기(58명·12.5%)가 이름을 올렸다.
그 뒤를 이어 배우 유해진(47명·10.2%), 가수 아이유(42명·9.1%), 걸그룹 ‘레드벨벳’의 아이린(38명·8.2%)이 4~6위를 차지했다.
이 외에도 영화 ‘아이 캔 스피크’에 출연했던 배우 나문희(35명·7.6%), 개그맨 강호동(27명·5.8%)·김병만(22명·4.8%), 배우 라미란(20명·4.3%)이 뒤를 이었다.
연합뉴스는 장병 인터뷰를 통해 왜 이들을 뽑았는지를 소개했다.
마동석|”헐크 같은 근육질 몸매와 사나운 인상의 소유자지만 귀여운 면도 있는 마동석 씨와 체력단련실에서 운동도 같이하며 즐거운 시간을 보내고 싶다.”
유재석| ”명절이면 부대에서 자체적으로 행사를 여는데 재미있는 진행은 기본, 부대원 사기 증진에 도움이 될 것 같다”
이승기|”얼마 전 전역한 민간인이기 때문에 군인의 고충과 마음을 잘 이해해줄 수 있을 것 같다”
이 설문조사는 국방홍보원이 2016년 1월부터 매달 장병을 대상으로 진행하고 있는 ‘별별랭킹’ 가운데 하나다. 설문 결과는 매달 발행하는 국방일보에 싣고 있다.
「変化を好きな者はいない」 ― 生き残るためのカギ
前回に続き、先に紹介したワールドマーケティングサミット東京2017から、富士フイルムホールディングス 代表取締役会長 CEO 古森 重隆 氏をはじめとするゲスト登壇者の講演前半をまとめます。
Tribeca Flashpoint Collegeなどの起業スクール運営ほか起業支援事業を行う米1871社 CEOのハワード・トゥルマン氏は、「変化を好きな者はいない。変化は必ず最初に機能停止をもたらす」としながら、3Dプリンター、ドローン、複合現実などのテクノロジーにより新しいビジネスが生まれ、データ、注目(attention)、脈絡(context)などの価値が高まるトレンドを解説しました。そしてAmazon Hubの宅配ロッカー、Amazon Keyの不在時宅配などがもたらす消費における「時間」概念の変化、テキストからボイスへのメッセージの置換、「今」のニーズに応えるRight Nowエコノミーなどを例に挙げながら、市場淘汰されないためのカギとなるトレンドを説明しました。
※ コウタキ考の転載です。
Angry Users Delete ‘HQ Trivia’ App After Trump Supporter Peter Thiel Becomes Major Investor
HQ Trivia, the gaming phenomenon which often attracts more than a million people on their mobile devices to its cash-awarding daily live trivia challenges, is facing calls for users to delete the app after it was revealed that Trump supporter Peter Thiel is the main investor behind a new $15 million round of funding.
Thiel, a billionaire who co-founded PayPal, donated $1.25 million to the Trump campaign through a combination of super PAC donations and funds given directly. Thiel also funded a lawsuit by Hulk Hogan in order to destroy the media company Gawker for outing him.
Thiel, who announced he was “proud to be gay” at the Republican National Convention in 2016, said he was confident Trump would expand and not restrict LGBT rights as president.
Thiel made waves at the RNCC when he publicly endorsed Trump, slammed “fake culture wars”, and said of transgender bathroom rights, “who cares?”
Said Thiel at the time, “I don’t pretend to agree with every plank in our party’s platform but fake culture wars only distract us from our country’s decline, and nobody in this campaign is being honest about it but Donald Trump.”
In September 2016, reports circulated that Thiel was telling friends Trump would appoint him to the Supreme Court if elected president.
Thiel made headlines back in December when it was revealed that his venture capital firm is the sole backer of Yass, a new members-only LGBTQ “co-working space and social club” in San Francisco.
To summarize:
Peter Thiel is now involved
Alleged bad behavior by co-founder towards women
It’s not fun anymore anywayTime to #DeleteHQ
— Tim Baker (@IAmTimBaker) February 2, 2018
@hqtrivia everyone hates you now
You took @peterthiel ‘s dirty blood money #DeleteHQ #GrabYourWallet— Smith&Co (@Justica4all) February 3, 2018
Fuuuuck @hqtrivia provides a much needed break in the workday but their massive new investment from Peter Thiel is enough to make me #deleteHQ. He took away my number one love, Gawker. Fuck that guy.
— Katie Roscher (@ButtzGalore) February 2, 2018
Dear @hqtrivia I will be deleting your app today. I cannot support a business associated with @peterthiel. I hope this is simply a failure on your part to due diligence on before accepting his help. #DELETEHQ
— josephcouture (@josephcouture) February 2, 2018
Here’s a trivia question: do I want to keep my HQ Trivia account? The answer is no. #DeleteHQ
— Jordan•Parker•Rae•Jepsen•Bouvier (@jbouvier) February 2, 2018
The post Angry Users Delete ‘HQ Trivia’ App After Trump Supporter Peter Thiel Becomes Major Investor appeared first on Towleroad.
Angry Users Delete ‘HQ Trivia’ App After Trump Supporter Peter Thiel Becomes Major Investor
Gay Muslim posted a photo:
Mehr als 2000 Menschen demonstrieren in Cottbus gegen Flüchtlingspolitik
Nach einer Serie von Gewalttaten zwischen Flüchtlingen und Einheimischen haben in Cottbus Menschen für ein friedliches Zusammenleben demonstriert – eine fremdenfeindliche Demo hatte jedoch mehr Zulauf.
► Nach Schätzungen von Beobachtern folgten am Samstag mehr als 2000 Menschen einem Aufruf des asylkritischen Vereins “Zukunft Heimat”. Die Veranstalter sprachen von mindestens 5000 Teilnehmern.
► Auf Transparenten war unter anderem zu lesen “Die Islamisierung ist wie ein Krebsgeschwür und ist die größte Gefahr für die Menschheit”, “Wir rufen Islam raus” und “Merkel muss weg”.
► Zuvor hatten 600 Menschen nahe der Kundgebung für eine weltoffene Stadt demonstriert.
Die Stimmung in der brandenburgischen Stadt Cottbus ist angespannt.
Zuletzt war es zu Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Deutschen und Flüchtlingen in der Stadt gekommen. So hatten unter anderem jugendliche Syrer ein Ehepaar vor einem Einkaufszentrum attackiert.
Die Stadt nimmt momentan keine weiteren Flüchtlinge auf. Cottbus ist wegen der Attacken bundesweit in den Schlagzeilen.
Mehr zum Thema: Mit einem Satz beweist die AfD in Brandenburg, dass sie niemand braucht
Nach Aussagen der Polizei verlief der Versammlungstag in Cottbus insgesamt störungsfrei und war am Nachmittag beendet.
Ein 38-Jähriger zeigte den Angaben zufolge an verschiedenen Orten den verbotenen Hitlergruß. Beamte nahmen den Deutschen in Gewahrsam. Weitere Straftaten seien bislang nicht bekannt, hieß es am frühen Abend.
GroKo-Endspurt: Wo es bei den Verhandlungen noch hakt
Die Koalitionsverhandlungen von Union und SPD nähern sich ihrem Ende – doch einige große Hürden sind noch nicht genommen.
► Die Verhandler haben am Samstag Fortschritte gemacht, doch drei entscheidende Punkte sind noch offen. Fraglich ist auch, ob die Koalitionsverhandlungen wie geplant an diesem Sonntag abgeschlossen werden können.
► Die SPD pocht weiterhin auf zwei Kernforderungen: die Abschaffung der sachgrundlosen Befristung von Arbeitsverträgen und der Zwei-Klassen-Medizin. Die stellvertretende SPD-Vorsitzende Manuela Schwesig unterstrich am Samstag diese Forderungen.
► Auch beim Thema Wohnen hakt es noch. Umstritten war neben möglichen Verschärfungen der Mietpreisbremse und Verbesserungen für Mieter auch die Frage, ob sozialer Wohnungsbau (SPD-Position) oder Wohneigentum (Unions-Position) stärker gefördert werden solle.
Die Koalitionsgespräche sind bisher gut vorangekommen. Am Sonntag allerdings droht wieder eine lange Verhandlungsnacht.
Mit den Themen Gesundheit und Arbeitsmarkt stehen zwei Forderungen der SPD noch aus, die für die Sozialdemokraten essentiell sein dürften, um die eigenen Anhänger beim Mitgliedervotum vom Koalitionsvertrag überzeugen zu können.
Es wird erwartet, dass beide Seiten am Sonntag in der SPD-Zentrale in Berlin zunächst zu getrennten Vorberatungen zusammenkommen.
Um 11.30 Uhr soll erneut die 15er-Spitzenrunde der Unterhändler um Kanzlerin und CDU-Chefin Angela Merkel, den SPD-Vorsitzenden Martin Schulz sowie CSU-Chef Horst Seehofer zusammenkommen.
Mehr zum Thema: Diese 10 SPD-Revoluzzer sperren sich gegen den GroKo-Aufschub beim Familiennachzug
Für Samstag haben sich Union und SPD unter anderem darauf geeinigt,…
► Diesel-Fahrverbote in Städten zu verhindern und den schleppenden Ausbau der Elektromobilität zu beschleunigen.
► das Klimaziel 2020 aufzugeben, die Ziele für 2030 und 2050 allerdings zu erreichen.
► den Tierschutz in der Landwirtschaft zu verbessern.
Mehr zum Thema: Bisher ist die SPD in den GroKo-Verhandlungen gescheitert – mit einer Ausnahme
Mit Material der dpa.
Donald Trump Says Republican Memo Vindicates Him In Russia Probe
Donald Trump claims that a controversial memo attacking federal law enforcement written by congressional Republicans vindicates him in the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.
Trump’s fervent embrace of the memo on Saturday raised again the prospect that he may use it as justification to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting the probe, or Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, Reuters reported.
Tweeting from his resort in Palm Beach, Florida, Trump said the memo “totally vindicates” him but added “the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their (sic) was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction.” He called the investigation “an American disgrace”.
This memo totally vindicates “Trump” in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an American disgrace!
February 3, 2018
The White House told Reuters on Friday there would be no changes at the Justice Department as a result of the memo’s conclusions.
The memo, written by Republicans on the US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee chaired by Devin Nunes, argues the federal investigation of potential collusion betweenTrump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia was a product of political bias against Trump at the FBI and Justice Department.
Trump approved the release of the formerly classified memo without redactions, despite objections from the FBI in a move that deepens tension between the White House and senior law enforcement that has existed since Trump first took office.
Democrats contend the four-page memo mischaracterises highly sensitive classified information and was intended to undermine the Mueller criminal probe that was launched in May 2017 as an outgrowth of an earlier FBI investigation.
Jerrold Nadler, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, said in a statement that Trump’s decision to allow the release of the memo was “part of a coordinated propaganda effort to discredit, disable and defeat the Russia investigation”.
Some Republicans were also critical of the memo’s release. John Kasich, the governor of Ohio and a former rival of Trump’s for the presidential nomination, released a statement on Saturday calling it “a disservice to our country.”
Asked by reporters on Friday whether the memo made him more likely to fire Rosenstein or whether he had confidence in him, Trump replied, “You figure it out”.
Dismissing Rosenstein or Mueller would trigger a political firestorm much like the sacking of FBI Director James Comey by Trump last year.
Mueller also is examining whether Trump has obstructed justice in trying to thwart the Russia investigation.
The memo alleges the FBI concealed the Democratic ties of a source the agency used to justify surveillance on Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser with links to Russia. The memo revealed the names of senior FBI and Justice Department officials, including Rosenstein, who it said had signed off the surveillance.
The document was commissioned by Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House intelligence panel. He said it laid bare “serious violations of the public trust, and the American people have a right to know when officials in crucial institutions are abusing their authority for political purposes”.
Mueller’s investigation so far has led to guilty pleas by two of Trump’s foreign policy advisers on charges of lying to the FBI, and indictments of former campaign manager Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates.
On Friday, the Justice Department backed Mueller by dismissing a civil suit filed by Manafort claiming Rosenstein had exceeded his legal authority in giving Mueller “carte blanche”.
The Republican memo focused on court-approved surveillance of Page and said the FBI used a source who was strongly biased against Trump, former British spy Christopher Steele, to justify the action.
It alleged that a dossier of alleged Trump-Russia contacts compiled by Steele, and funded in part by Democrats, formed an “essential part” of requests to a special court to be allowed to conduct electronic surveillance on Page that began in October 2016.
Despite the memo’s charges, neither the focus on Page nor the FBI’s investigation of Trump-Russia ties began with the Steele dossier.
Page came to the FBI’s attention as early as 2013, when he met in New York with Russians who were officers of the Kremlin’s foreign intelligence service, sources have said.
The memo acknowledges that the FBI counterintelligence investigation began in July 2016, three months before the request for electronic surveillance on Page, as a result of the activities of another Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos.
Steve Vladeck, a professor of constitutional law at the University of Texas-Austin, said it was unprecedented for the president to feud so publicly with leaders of the US intelligence agencies.
“You do long-term damage to these institutions if you convince a large swath of the American public that they can’t be trusted,” he said.
Internal discord
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Instagram: @karstenfatur
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