Immer weniger Arbeitslose finden wieder einen Job

Immer weniger Arbeitslose finden wieder einen Job
Gerade mal 16 von 1000 Langzeitarbeitslosen finden in Deutschland wieder einen Job.

  • Hartz IV-Bezieher haben es schwer auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt
  • Eine neue Studie zeigt: Immer weniger Langzeitarbeitslose finden wieder einen Job

Hartz-IV-Empfänger müssen kämpfen, um wieder eine Beschäftigung zu finden.

Gerade mal 16 von 1000 Menschen, die länger als ein Jahr arbeitslos sind, finden in Deutschland wieder einen Job, wie die “Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung” (WAZ) berichtet. Sie bezieht sich dabei auf eine neue Studie des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes (DGB).

Mehr beschäftigte Menschen bedeuten weniger Jobs für Langzeitarbeitslose

Die Zahl der Wiedereinsteiger ist deutlich kleiner geworden: Laut der Studie waren es 2014 noch 200.000 Langzeitarbeitslose – zuletzt nur noch 180.00.

Gründe dafür gibt es viele:  

DGB-Vorstandsmitglied Annelie Buntenbach nennt der WAZ einen davon:  “Die Zahl der Arbeitslosen sinkt weiter, während die Chancen von Langzeitarbeitslosen auf einen Arbeitsplatz sich sogar noch verschlechtert haben“.

Mehr beschäftigte Menschen bedeuten weniger freie Arbeitsplätze für Langzeitarbeitslose.

Erschwerend hinzu kommen für viele beschäftigungslose Menschen oft noch ein höheres Alter, gesundheitliche oder familiäre Probleme. 

Die Jobcenter arbeiten gegen die Beschäftigungslosen

Doch das ist nicht alles. Auch die Jobcenter arbeiten gegen die Beschäftigungslosen:

Sie geben zwar Millionen für Fortbildungen für die Arbeitssuchenden aus – in der Realität helfen die jedoch jedem außer den Arbeitslosen

Denn die Führungskräfte in den Jobcentern erhalten Boni, je nachdem, wie viele Menschen ihre Abteilung erfolgreich in neue Jobs oder Fortbildungen vermittelt. 

Diese Fortbildungen helfen nachgewiesenerweise in vielen Fällen nicht

2015 überprüfte der Bundesrechnungshof 500 Jobcenter – und kam zu dem Schluss, dass diese “Oft nur zufällig erfolgreich” und “meist nutzlos” seien.

Mehr zum Thema: Fast jeder sechste Hartz-IV-Empfänger ist Flüchtling

Die Zahlen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit bestätigen den Misserfolg der Fortbildungsmaßnahmen ebenso: Zwei Drittel der Menschen, die an einer Maßnahme teilgenommen haben, beziehen sechs Monate danach noch immer Hartz-IV. 

Die Fortbildungen helfen also vor allem den Jobcenter-Mitarbeitern und den privaten Trägern, die die Maßnahmen anbieten. 

Ohne Abschluss läuft nichts

DGB-Vorstand Buntenbach ist damit wohl auch nicht zufrieden. Wichtig sei es bei den Fortbildungen wohl vor allem, dass Abschlüsse nachgeholt werden können, sagt sie der “WAZ”.

Denn 54 Prozent der Langzeitarbeitslosen haben laut der “WAZ” keinen Berufsabschluss. Problematisch dabei: Nur rund 20 Prozent der offenen Stellen auf dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt sind ohne abgeschlossene Ausbildung zugänglich.

Ohne Abschluss läuft also wenig.

Und momentan erhalte von 100 Arbeitslosen im Hartz-IV-System nur einer eine Weiterbildung, die auch zu einem Abschluss führe, so Buntenbach.

Gegenüber der “WAZ” meint sie, dafür müsse man eine Milliarde Euro zusätzlich in das Hartz-IV-System einsetzen.  


[올림픽] ‘평창 출전’ 북한 선수단 32명, 남측 전세기 타고 양양 도착

[올림픽] ‘평창 출전’ 북한 선수단 32명, 남측 전세기 타고 양양 도착

2018 평창 동계 올림픽에 출전하는 북한 선수단이 한국 땅을 밟았다.

북한 선수단은 1일 오후 6시9분쯤 아시아나항공 전세기편을 통해 양양 국제공항에 도착했다.

북한 선수단은 단장을 맡은 원길우 체육성 부상을 비롯해 알파인스키 3명, 크로스컨트리 3명, 피겨 페어 2명, 쇼트트랙 2명 등 선수 10명에 코치와 지원 인력을 포함해 총 32명 규모다.

남북 단일팀 구성으로 지난달 25일 방남한 여자 아이스하키 선수 12명을 제외한 나머지 선수들이 모두 들어와 북한 선수단의 방남 일정은 마무리됐다.

평창올림픽에 참가하는 북한선수들이 1일 강원도 양양공항을 통해 입국했다. 강릉 선수촌으로 가는 버스에 올라탄 피겨 렴대옥 선수가 미소지으며 창가로 손을 흔들고 있다. 원길우 체육성 부상을 단장으로 하는 북한 선수단은 이날 마식령 스키장에서 훈련을 마친 남측 스키선수들과 함께 강원도 원산 갈마비행장에서 아시아나 항공기를 타고 왔다

이날 들어온 선수들은 피겨스케이팅 페어의 김주식(26), 렴대옥(19), 알파인스키의 최명광(28), 강성일(24), 김련향(26), 크로스컨트리스키의 한춘경(24), 박일철(22), 리영금(19), 쇼트트랙의 최은성(26), 정광범(17) 등이다.

이날 전세기에는 남북 공동 훈련에 참가한 한국 스키대표팀 상비군 선수들도 탑승해 함께 내려왔다. 남북 스키 대표팀은 전날부터 1박2일 일정으로 마식령 스키장에서 공동 훈련을 진행했다.

방남한 북한 선수단은 곧장 강릉 선수촌으로 이동해 짐을 푼다. 북한 선수단의 공식 입촌식은 8일 오후 1시 강릉선수촌에서 열린다.

「ものづくり系女子」がやりたいことを追い求めてたどり着いた先は…… 仕事も、子育ても混ざり合う ”拡張家族”というカタチ

「ものづくり系女子」がやりたいことを追い求めてたどり着いた先は…… 仕事も、子育ても混ざり合う ”拡張家族”というカタチ


株式会社wip取締役 ものづくり系女子主宰 神田沙織さん


2017年4月末オープンしたSHIBUYA CAST.の13FにCift(シフト)という新しい生活共同体があるのをご存知ですか? 


シェアハウスやコワーキングスペースとも違って、生活の場であり、仕事の場でもあり、社会と繋がれる場。”拡張家族=コーファミリー” と言うキーワードを元に集まっているのです。

ご主人と起業している神田沙織さんも、子育てをしながらも自分のやりたいことを追い求め、Ciftに飛び込んだメンバーの一人。旦那さんが出張中でもワンオペにならないことを筆頭に、今までで一番ラクなのだとか。この拡張家族というスタイルは、子育て世代の救世主となるのか? 彼女のこれまでの仕事との向き合い方と共に、このCiftでの暮らしを伺いました。



そしてアパレルPRへ…… とにかく”楽しんだもの勝ち”


神田沙織さん(以下、敬称略。神田):2008年の新卒時に3Dプリンターの会社に就職しました。そこで営業やPRを経験したのをきっかけに、ものづくりの楽しさを発信する「ものづくり系女子」という自主活動を始め、イラストや手芸、WEBや建築まで…… 200名ぐらいのコミュニティとなり、幅広くものづくりを紹介する活動をしていたんです。そこからアッシュ・ペー・フランスのセレクトショップ、Lamp harajukuのPRを経て、2015年に現在の夫である平本知樹と株式会社wipを起業しました。ものづくりのコンサルを主に、今年で4年目に入るところです。


神田:私、すごくミーハーで、女子大時代は丸の内OLになりたかったのです(笑) 就職サイトで「新丸の内ビル」で上がって来た会社だったので、そこに就職しました。全然説得力ないでしょ(苦笑)

編集部:え! 今の神田さんのイメージと真逆です。

神田:そうなのです。説明会に行ってみると3Dプリンターの映像がSFっぽくて。こういう技術職を支えるバックオフィスもいいな、と思い入社しました。すると3ヶ月研修の時、作業服と安全靴を渡されて「自分で設計して金型作れ」とか「自動車を1週間かけて工場で解体しろ」みたいな研修が始まり「なんでこんな状況に?」と思いながらも楽しんだもの勝ち! と思って向き合いました。研修も終わり丸の内OLになれると思ったら、配属先は工場を拠点とした3Dプリンターのインサイドセールスでした。




神田:2010年頃、3Dプリンターブームがきてものづくり系女子の活動の中でも”3Dプリンターの情報発信” というミッションが生まれました。しかし会社員という立場上、どうしても自社製品を第一に説明しないといけない、そこにギャップを感じて。自分の好きなテクノロジーやマシンを自分の責任で思いっきり発信できる立場になりたいと思い、辞めました


神田:ひとり社内ベンチャーみたいな時期があり、WEBの管理や運営、広報に電話の窓口を一人でしていたので、PRならその経験が活かせるかと。ツイッターで検索したら、Lamp harajukuのPR募集記事を見つけたので応募しました。


神田:「前職では何を?」と質問があった時、3Dプリンターのテクノロジーについて熱弁して終わってしまいました(苦笑) でも、面接を担当してくださったショップディレクターが、あれだけ自分の好きなことを話せるなら、お店のことも熱く語れるだろう、と思ってくださって。2回目の面接に呼んでいただいた時は「今の私にできることをカタチにしよう」と思い、お店の世界観をイメージしたアクリル製のモチーフを作ってお渡ししたらすごく喜んでくださって。募集記事の文面にも「ゴリ押しPRマネージャー募集」とあったので、通常のプレス業務範囲にとらわれず、一緒にこれからのショップを作っていける人材だ、と思って頂けたみたいです

編集部::さすがです! ここでもものづくりの精神が活かされていますね!




マリッジリングは新郎が3D CADでデザインし3Dプリント


神田:3Dプリンター会社の時に大学教授にお世話になったのですが、そこで院生だった彼と出会いました。なので、夫とも3Dプリンターつながりです(笑) 夫は新卒で入った会社を1年で辞めて、ここのCiftを計画した藤代健介くんと一緒に起業しました。その後、会社を抜けることになり新たな起業を考えていた時、私もものづくり系女子の活動がすごく膨らんできていて。これからの働き方を考えた時に、もう会社員じゃないな、と


神田:そうですね。すごくわがままですけど「辞めます。でも、アッシュ・ペー・フランスやLamp harajukuでお仕事がしたいので、夫と起業するのでお客さんになってください」とお願いしました。本当に自分のやりたいことを説明したら応援して下さいました。

編集部:すごい! 熱意が伝わったのですね。二人で起業するのはごく自然なことだったのですか?

神田:これまでも一緒に仕事していたので「そろそろ会社やりますか」という感じ。まず入籍し、1年がかりでDIYウエディングを作りました。その結婚式1週間前に3Dプリンターの本を共著で出版したので、新婚当初も深夜までずっとカフェで執筆…… と言う状況。そして会社を立ち上げ、それぞれのお客さんを持って活動していた矢先に妊娠。設立2年目の2016年6月に出産しました。毎年、次の年は何をやっているか、正直わからないです(苦笑)


神田:まさに、産育休制度がないこと。実家の母に「産休っていつから? 育休はどうするの?」と聞かれた時に、誰もが持てるものではなく「制度がある人のためのもの」という事に初めて気が付きました。行政で説明しているページはなく、知り合いにもいなかったので、「社長 出産」「経営者 出産」でヒットした体験談を読み漁りました。はみ出して生きてきた私にとって、命に関わることでも自分自身でリスクを負わなければならないことに、正直驚きました。そこまでの心構えはなかったので。


神田:初期のつわりがひどく2週間ほど寝込んでいたので、必要な時にしっかり休めたのは良かったです。後半は元気だったので、出産1週間前まで登壇していました(笑) 産後は、macを持ち込んでメールの対応をし、チームメンバーとの打ち合わせは病院に来てもらいました。その後は実家に帰って、3Dプリンターの研究に没頭していました。総務省の異能vationプロジェクトに選出されていたので、2ヶ月後の研究発表までひたすら実験していました……

編集部:産後に研究までなさっていたとは! その後、お子さんの預け先は?

神田:生後3ヶ月頃で東京に戻り、初めてベビーシッターさんにお願いしました。その時、子育てって二人だけですることじゃないって痛感したんです。来てくださった方が本当に良い方で、心から救われました。子どものことだけでなく自分のことも気にかけてくださり、情報もたくさん教えていただきました。もっと早くお願いしとけばよかった! と後悔したぐらい。








編集部:その言葉はすごく希望が持てますね! その時、旦那様の意見は?








編集部:なるほど! それは気持ちに余裕ができますね!










編集部:今日はありがとうございました! とても刺激を受けました!







1985年生まれ。大分県佐伯市出身、日本女子大学家政学部卒業。著書に「3D Printing Handbook」(2014年出版、オライリー・ジャパン)3Dプリントサービス運営、ものづくり系女子としての講演・執筆活動を経て2015年株式会社wipを設立、FABプレスルームLittle Machine Studioスタジオマネージャー。2016年総務省「異能vation」プロジェクトに採択され研究にも取り組む。夢は工場を建てること。HP:ものづくり系女子 株式会社wip




起業家パワーママの秘訣は実家・姉夫婦と協力し 「家族は10人、子どもは皆で育てる」方式。


【LAXIC編集長対談】 「世の中的正解」を選ばされるような生き方からは卒業しよう!76世代編集長が語る、女性活躍推進の矛盾

Jeremy Vine Blasted By Vegan Activist Offended By His Ham And Cheese Sandwich

Jeremy Vine Blasted By Vegan Activist Offended By His Ham And Cheese Sandwich
Radio 2 presenter Jeremy Vine received an earful when a vegan activist appearing on his radio show spotted his ham and cheese sandwich on a nearby table during an interview and promptly laid into him.

Joey ‘Carbstrong’ Armstrong, who is currently touring the UK to promote a plant-based diet, tore into Vine during a segment about recent clashes between animal rights activists and farmers.

This Vegan activist was FAR from impressed with @thejeremyvine after he revealed he’d bought a ham sandwich earlier today… Do you agree with Joey? ▶️— BBC Radio 2 (@BBCRadio2) January 30, 2018
Armstrong, whose Twitter bio picture features him tenderly kissing a piglet, took Vine to task immediately for leaving his lunch out on display. Here’s how the exchange went…

Armstrong: “Well I’m a bit upset to see your sandwich has a bit of a pig’s body in there. A dead pig that didn’t want to die. Vine: “This is a ham sandwich on the table.” Armstrong: “Ham is a euphemism that actually comes from the flesh of a dead pig.” Vine: “What would you rather call it?” Armstrong: “I’d like you to call it the dead body of an animal who didn’t want to die.” Vine: “Is the cheese a problem as well?” Armstrong: “The cheese comes from a mother who had her children taken from her, and had hands shoved in her anus and was artificially inseminated with bull semen. Probably why vegans would say that a dairy farmer is akin to a rapist. I wouldn’t call a farmer a rapist, I wouldn’t use any of those words without explaining to them the process and why they involve themselves in these types of practices.” Vine: “For you – I obviously won’t eat this sandwich now, I might never eat it – but it’s offensive to see it?” Armstrong: “I believe is more offensive to actually show me the piece of animal who didn’t want to die than it is to call someone out for it.”
While Armstrong’s diatribe apparently succeeded in preventing Vine from eating his ham sandwich, it didn’t go down so well with listeners.

“It’s your life choice mate, not everyone has to conform,” remarked TheRealGarr, while John Devlin tweeted: “That bloke did nothing for his cause.”

“His point would be much better made if he wasn’t so aggressive, gets people’s backs up, not the way to persuade anyone of anything,” opined FireWasp.

Armstrong was also branded a “precious little snowflake”, while Keith Nickless quipped he had: “Laughed so much I had to have a steak.” 

Despite the backlash, he did have some support, with self-described animal lover and dedicated vegan Patricia Caputo stating: “He was very articulate”, while Matthew Gough tweeted: “He’s got a point, we’re socialised not to eat dead dog = cruel but that’s exactly what we call it when other cultures do. Ham = abused dead pig.”

Vine later tweeted: “Tip: When interviewing a militant vegan, don’t leave a ham sandwich in view.”

That bloke did nothing for his cause, Mr Shouty who you allowed to keep interjecting, love your interviews normally but this one? Sorry no
His point would be much better made if he wasn’t so aggressive, gets people’s backs up – not the way to persuade anyone of anything.
The man was an arse. I bet he uses the new £5 & £10 notes. It’s your life choice mate, not everyone has to conform. #Aggressive#argumentative#getagrip
He’s got a point, we’re socialised to not eat dead dog =cruel but that’s exactly what we call it when other cultures do. Ham=abused dead pig









We Must Ensure Autistic Children Are No Longer Held Back

We Must Ensure Autistic Children Are No Longer Held Back

Too often when I talk to families or young autistic people, they tell me about the struggles they face to get the right support, about being misunderstood by their teachers and how the education system doesn’t meet their needs.

As I write this today, I know there are thousands of parents across the country, battling to get their autistic child the education appropriate to their needs. At the National Autistic Society, we know that parents are frustrated that currently 50% of teachers say they don’t have the correct understanding of autism. We know that there isn’t enough provision locally for parents to make a good choice for their autistic child. We know the impact this has on families, the stresses it puts on siblings and marriages, and we know that this is because the education system is currently not fit for purpose. 

Yesterday, I attended a reception in Parliament to personally hand in a letter to the Secretary of State for Education, Damian Hinds MP, urging the Government to take action to make sure the 120,000 school-aged children on the autism spectrum in England are no longer held back.

This letter, which had over 20,000 signatures behind it, was in response to an autism and education report which was launched in November 2017 by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Autism (APPGA) alongside the National Autistic Society.

The APPGA report was published following an inquiry, which included a survey of over 3,000 parents, carers, young people and teachers, as well as expert witness evidence sessions in Parliament. The findings, which came three years after the Government introduced a new special educational needs and disability (SEND) system in England, showed that the education system was still failing to meet the needs of autistic children and young people. This is why we launched our #HeldBack campaign, in partnership with Ambitious About Autism, to make sure no child is held back because they are autistic.

I was pleased to see nearly 60 MPs and peers attend the reception and show their support by signing our open letter before it was handed in to the Secretary of State. Attendees were able to hear first-hand accounts from two of our young ambassadors, Lauren and Sam, who had given evidence in Parliament and shared their own experience of the education system. After Damian Hinds heard about the challenges they’d faced during their school years, he promised to build a better education system that works for all children, including those on the spectrum.

I hope the Secretary of State for Education acknowledges the importance of this letter and understands that amongst those 20,000 signatures are parents, children, teachers and MPs who passionately believe autistic children deserve an education, just like everyone else.

Dear Secretary of State, 

The education system in England is letting down children and young people on the autism spectrum. Too many children are not getting the support they need to succeed at school, and are held back from achieving their potential because they’re autistic.

Autism is one of the most common types of special educational need, affecting children in every school in the country. More than 1 in 100 children are on the autism spectrum, with 70 per cent educated in mainstream schools. While autism can present some serious difficulties, we know that a child who is understood and supported appropriately can make excellent progress. 

The Children and Families Act 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice make clear that children with special educational needs such as autism should have their needs identified early and support put in place quickly. 

But many parents have to fight to get the support their child is entitled to. 50 per cent of children on the autism spectrum have to wait more than a year for the help they need at school. 42 per cent of children are refused an assessment by their local authority of their education, health and care needs the first time this is requested. 40 per cent of parents say their child’s school place does not fully meet their needs.

The consequence of this is that children too often have to fail at school before support is provided. This has a negative impact on their educational outcomes, their self-esteem and their long-term prospects.

In their recent inquiry into how well the education system works for children on the autism spectrum, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Autism concluded that a national autism and education strategy is needed. This would make sure that local authorities plan and commission the services and support that are needed in every area. It would also help schools to develop a better understanding of the needs of autistic pupils and make the necessary adjustments to meet those needs.

Every child has only one childhood. There is one opportunity to get it right for them. We urge you to put in place a national autism and education strategy without delay so that every child has the opportunity to thrive, and no child is held back.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Lever, Chief Executive, The National Autistic Society
Jolanta Lasota, Chief Executive, Ambitious About Autism

And over 20,000 signatures from supporters across the country

엠넷 ‘엠카운트다운’ 출연을 앞둔 셀럽파이브의 자세 (영상)

엠넷 ‘엠카운트다운’ 출연을 앞둔 셀럽파이브의 자세 (영상)

김신영, 송은이, 안영미, 신봉선, 김영희로 이루어진 프로젝트 걸그룹 ‘셀럽파이브’가 오늘(1일) 오후 6시 Mnet의 ‘엠카운트다운’에도 출연한다.

Mnet에까지 진출하게 된 ‘셀럽파이브’의 송은이는 자신의 인스타 계정을 통해 엠카운트다운 출연을 앞둔 셀럽파이브의 모습을 전했는데 몹시도 경건해 보인다.


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하~ 본방송 시작하지도 않았는데 벌써 재밋따! 온라인 대화제! #셀럽이되고싶어#셀럽파이브 음원 출시! #엠카~에! 유쾌한 그녀들이 옵니다! 오늘 팬미팅은 또 을매나 재밌게요!!! 오늘 저녁 6시 #엠카운트다운~과 함께한다면 스트레스는 모두 날아갈것입니다…

— MCOUNTDOWN (@MnetMcountdown) February 1, 2018

아래는 모두를 놀라게 한 셀럽파이브의 MBC 뮤직 ‘쇼 챔피언’ 생방송 무대 모습. 오늘 저녁의 엠카운트다운 무대 역시 몹시 기대된다.

How To Help Your Children Adjust To A Blended Family

How To Help Your Children Adjust To A Blended Family
The breakdown of a relationship is undoubtedly going to be hard on children caught in the crossfire, but sometimes the hardest change comes later when parents move on and find new partners.

These new partners may already have children of their own they want to bring into the household, in fact statistics show one in nine families in Britain is now ‘blended’ or incorporating children who have different genetic parents.

Lizi Jackson-Barrett, 40, split from the father of her eight-year-old twins in 2012 and in the six years since has remarried and acquired a stepbrother and stepsister for her kids. She told HuffPost UK that her twins found getting used to a new family dynamic tough.

“At first they found it upsetting, but as time has gone on it’s actually helped them learn to be more resilient,” she said.

“With plenty of reassurance from me and my husband, they’ve learned it is okay for families to argue and that it doesn’t mean we’ve stopped loving each other.”

Make Sure You Are Certain Of Your Situation

It’s not very romantic, but Rose Stone, head of advice and information at Gingerbread, the UK charity for single parent families, says before you go any further with this plan, you need to look into how becoming a blended family will affect you financially, to avoid any unforeseen issues that could unsettle your kids.

“Think about your housing – it’s worth checking your rights and responsibilities. Your status may change once you’re living with a new partner,” explained Stone.

“Your finances will also change. In particular, benefits and tax credits you receive will need to be recalculated to take into account that you’re in a couple family now. Be sure to check your situation if you’re receiving tax credits or universal credit as there are new rules for families with more than two children, for example.”

Be Open With Your Children

Once you and your partner are certain you’d like to become a step-family then don’t delay in telling your children your plans.

“It is important to talk openly to your children about what this means and how things will be different, so that you can support them through this transition,” explained Stone

By keeping them in the dark for a longer period, you might feel like you’re protecting them, but they’ll only end up feeling left out and as thought changes have been sprung on them.

Understand That This Might Not Be Good News

Although this is an exciting time for you and your new partner, you cannot expect that from day one your children are going to be on board with this idea.

Cathy Ranson, editor of parenting video community ChannelMum advised: “Understand there maybe upset. Some blended families form as the result of death, divorce or relationship break-ups. There may be baggage and pain from both the adults and the children, so give everyone the space and support they need.”

Reassure Your Children About Your Relationship With Them

Starting in the earliest conversations with your children, make a special effort to focus on how much you love them, and that becoming a blended family doesn’t change that at all.

Ranson advised: “Be clear and explain they are your number one priority before you think about introducing then to a new partner and the other children.”

 This reassurance will need to continue as your relationship progresses.

Jackson-Barrett said: “My children have struggled to learn to share me and my husband (who they call dad) with two other children.”

“We work hard to try to give every child some attention, and to make sure no-one feels left out. We also try to make sure we have ‘family time’ when they’re here – it might be a walk in the local park, or sitting together to watch a nature documentary.”

“Introductions and the moving in process should be slow, I would not introduce the children to the new partner until the relationship is stable so possibly eight to 12 months down the line,” she said. “What you don’t want is another relationship break up so you need to make sure 100% that it’s stable.” 

Ranson added: “Don’t rush it, no matter how in love you are. Kids come first.”

This won’t happen overnight, so listen to what your children are telling you about how they feel and act accordingly.

Make The First Meeting As Relaxed As Possible

Once you have decided you want to take this to the next level, you might think you need to make the introductions a formal occasion, as there’s no doubt this is a big moment in your children’s lives, but actually that could just make things more difficult.

Ranson advised: “Make the first meeting relaxed and informal. A playdate for young children away from home so you are not one someone’s ‘turf’ is ideal. Or try a cool restaurant teens will love for older kids. Add in some sweets and naughty treats so it’s remembered positively.”

Think Carefully About Sharing Space

It might seem the logical next step to you and your partner, but moving in together is a huge change for your children and requires a lot of thought.

“Moving into a shared space needs careful management,” advised Ranson. “Ensure all children are treated equally – there can be no favouritism. Work out who gets which bedroom carefully as a smaller room or sharing with a sibling when you had your own room before can be seen as a slight which wounds deeply.”  Jackson-Barrett said her children have struggled somewhat with having to share their home when their stepbrother and stepsister come to stay every second weekend.

“We have to move everyone around a bit to fit the whole family in, which means giving up their own space in their own bedroom sometimes,” she said.

Celebrate The Small Wins With Your Partner

At each step, tensions are probably going to be running high, so respect boundaries and understand that small wins are just as important as major breakthroughs for long term success with your new partner.

You should also make time for the two of you and remember why you started this process.

“Your partnership may come under pressure. Accept that the ups and downs of blended family life comes as part of the package,” advised Ranson. “Laugh, cry if you need to, and remember with love and understanding, even the most difficult of situations will work out.”