HRC Endorses New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand for Re-Election

HRC Endorses New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand for Re-Election

Today, HRC announced its endorsement of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) for re-election to the U.S. Senate. Senator Gillibrand will speak this Saturday at the 2018 HRC Greater New York Gala — one of organization’s largest events of the year, attracting more than 1,000 of HRC’s most active leaders, supporters and members.

“Senator Gillibrand has spent her career fighting for equality — for LGBTQ people, for workers, for women and for families,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “From fighting back against Donald Trump’s transgender military ban to pushing for LGBTQ non-discrimination protections through the Equality Act, she fights for what’s right and she never backs down. New Yorkers and all Americans need her leadership now more than ever before as we pull the emergency brake on the Trump-Pence administration’s hate-fueled agenda.”

A leader for LGBTQ equality in Congress, Senator Gillibrand has consistently scored a perfect 100 percent on the HRC Congressional Scorecard throughout her time in the Senate. In response to President Trump’s discriminatory attempt to implement a transgender military ban, Gillibrand announced bipartisan legislation to protect currently serving transgender troops from being discharged. She also recently spoke out against violence targeting LGBTQ Americans and the critical need for equality voters to make their voices heard at the ballot box.

HRC recently announced a bold, proactive grassroots expansion with the launch of HRC Rising — a campaign to accelerate progress in states from coast-to-coast, resist the politics of hate, fight anti-LGBTQ legislation, and fuel pro-equality candidates and initiatives. The expansion is the biggest strategic investment in the organization’s 37-year history. HRC has identified more than 5 million New Yorkers as likely Equality Voters, meaning they are strong supporters of progressive LGBTQ policies including same-sex marriage, adoption by LGBTQ people, and laws that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC and authorized by Gillibrand for Senate

The Ariadne Getty Foundation Pledges $15M to GLAAD and Brings LGBTQ Inclusion to the World Stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos

The Ariadne Getty Foundation Pledges $15M to GLAAD and Brings LGBTQ Inclusion to the World Stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos


Forward progress is a pendulum and last week GLAAD and The Harris Poll released an alarming poll that showed LGBTQ acceptance is beginning to swing in the wrong direction.

But The Ariadne Getty Foundation is not going to let that happen.

The Foundation’s President, Ari Getty, announced a $15M lead gift to fund GLAAD’s work to stop the rollback of LGBTQ acceptance and move the global LGBTQ community forward.

The gift was announced during a LGBTQ panel discussion during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The annual meeting welcomes the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. The mission of the World Economic Forum is simple: “improve the state of the world.”

GLAAD and The Ariadne Getty Foundation’s panel “Progress in Peril: How Business, Philanthropy and Media Can Lead to Achieving 100% Acceptance for LGBTQ People” included notable panelists and speakers:

  • Beth Brooke-Marciniak: Global Vice Chair, Public Policy, EY
  • Serge Dumont: Vice Chairman, Omnicom Group Inc., Chairman, Omnicom Asia Pacific
  • Jim Fitterling: President and Chief Operating Officer, Dow Chemical Company
  • Franz Paasche: Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Paypal
  • Bozoma Saint John, Chief Brand Officer, Uber
  • Brad Smith, President and Chief Legal Officer, Microsoft

Check out the panel here:


This panel was one of the few LGBTQ-inclusive events during the World Economic Forum and is hopefully the start of broader inclusion.

GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis introduced the event and reviewed the findings of GLAAD and The Harris Poll’s Accelerating Acceptance report and the rollback of LGBTQ acceptance.

CNN International’s intrepid reporter and human rights advocate in his own right, Richard Quest moderated the panel.

During the panel he asked Ari Getty about her gift to fund the newly launched GLAAD Media Institute. The GLAAD Media Institute is a training, consulting, and research venture that builds upon and furthers GLAAD’s successful legacy of leveraging media, business, social media and cultural institutions to effect positive change with advocates around the world. GLAAD aims to put 10,000 advocates around the world through the GLAAD Media Institute training over the next three years with the goal of increasing coverage of LGBTQ people and issues and hold elected officials accountable.

The Ariadne Getty Foundation, under the leadership of Ari Getty, improves the lived experiences of marginalized individuals and communities through large-scale investments and hands-on advocacy. The $15 million lead gift will be dedicated to building the Institute as well as advance GLAAD’s work to invest in LGBTQ ventures, including media and small businesses, that have social impact worldwide.

Ari received a standing ovation in the room after the gift was announced. Quest asked about her inspiration for the gift and Ari cited her two out children, August and Nats. Her daughter Nats was in the room and got called onstage to thank her mom.

“We cannot go backwards. With LGBTQ acceptance slipping, I have no choice but to use my power to create a better world for LGBTQ youth. The time is now to stand by marginalized communities and promote a better world for all. GLAAD has always been the leader in creating a better world for LGBTQ people. This lead gift will not only ensure that work continues, but will hopefully inspire others to join us in our pursuit of 100 percent acceptance.”

The panelists discussed their company’s varied initiatives to push for LGBTQ equality. Quest also made a poignant point around broader LGBTQ inclusion in the World Economic Forum.

“This important lead gift continues Ari’s legacy of strategic philanthropy to improve the lives of countless people around the world,” said GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. “We will not stop until 100 percent LGBTQ acceptance is the norm everywhere. Though this White House is trying to turn the tide against LGBTQ people, this critical lead gift will enable GLAAD to both leverage the media to change the world, and invest in the best storytelling to bring to life the importance and value of achieving 100 percent LGBTQ acceptance.”

February 1, 2018

Adam Schiff: Sham GOP Memo Was Altered by Devin Nunes Before It Went to White House

Adam Schiff: Sham GOP Memo Was Altered by Devin Nunes Before It Went to White House
Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff

A hyper-partisan, not-yet-released Republican memo written by Rep. Devin Nunes which allegedly claims that the FBI and DOJ abused their power with regard to Trump campaign surveillance was altered by Nunes before he sent it to the White House, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said late on Wednesday.

Schiff said the document already had “profound distortions and inaccuracies” before the changes were made, and called Nunes’ actions “deeply troubling” because the White House is now reviewing a document that was not shared with nor voted on by the entire House Intelligence Committee.

Schiff called on Republicans to withdraw the document it sent to the White House and called for a new vote on the memo and on another memo, written up by the Democrats on the committee. Majority Republicans have denied Democrats the opportunity to release a memo in response to the Nunes memo.

Tweeted Schiff: “Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.”

BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) February 1, 2018

NBC News adds:

Jack Langer, a spokesman for Nunes, confirmed that the memo had been edited, but he told NBC News that the changes included “grammatical fixes and two edits requested by the FBI and by the Minority themselves,” referring to committee Democrats.

“The vote to release the memo was absolutely procedurally sound, and in accordance with House and Committee rules,” Langer said. “To suggest otherwise is a bizarre distraction from the abuses detailed in the memo, which the public will hopefully soon be able to read for themselves.”

But a senior Democratic source on the Intelligence Committee disputed that account, telling NBC News that the changes weren’t “cosmetic.”

“Instead, they try to water down some of the majority’s assertions,” the source said.

In a rare public statement yesterday, the FBI disavowed the memo.

Said the FBI in its statement: “With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray has reportedly urged the White House not to release the memo. At his State of the Union address last night, Donald Trump was overheard telling a Republican lawmaker that he’s “100 percent” going to release the memo.

The post Adam Schiff: Sham GOP Memo Was Altered by Devin Nunes Before It Went to White House appeared first on Towleroad.

Adam Schiff: Sham GOP Memo Was Altered by Devin Nunes Before It Went to White House

Dieses obskure Produkt kaufen Muslime im Sex-Shop am häufigsten

Dieses obskure Produkt kaufen Muslime im Sex-Shop am häufigsten

Zugegeben, Sexspielzeuge sind inzwischen zwar kein absolutes Tabuthema mehr. Trotzdem tun sich viele Menschen noch immer schwer, über Dildos, Analkugeln und Penisringe zu sprechen. Ich weiß das. Ich arbeite in einem Sexshop.

Es gibt verunsicherte Pärchen, kichernde Freundinnen und Stammkunden. Jeder hat verschiedene Vorlieben. Während manche nur aufreizende Dessous kaufen, suchen andere nach dem nötigen Kick für ihr eingeschlafenes Sexleben.

Wenn ein Kunde unseren Laden betritt, dann weiß ich normalerweise sofort, was er oder sie sucht. Eine Gruppe an Menschen, die unseren Laden regelmäßig besucht, hat mich jedoch zu Anfang etwas irritiert.

Ihren Glauben sieht man unseren Kunden normalerweise natürlich nicht an, aber ich spreche von verschleierten Touristen aus Ländern wie Saudi-Arabien, Katar oder den Arabischen Emiraten.

Frauen in Niqab oder Burka, die mit ihrer Familie zum Shoppen übers Wochenende oder um der Sommerhitze ihres Heimatlandes zu entkommen, in die bayrische Landeshauptstadt fliegen.

Wir verkaufen Produkte, die es in Dubai nicht so einfach gibt

Diese Frauen kommen nicht zufällig in unser Geschäft. Unser Sexshop ist bekannt dafür, Produkte zu verkaufen, die in anderen Läden nicht erhältlich sind. Schon gar nicht in streng muslimisch geprägten Ländern wie Saudi-Arabien. Denn ob ihr es glaubt oder nicht, ayurvedische Vagina-Stäbe sind in Dubai eher schwer aufzutreiben.

➨ Mehr zum Thema: Mit diesen 5 Tipps könnt ihr euer Sexleben während der Periode auf ein ganz neues Level heben

Der Stab ist ein Hilfsmittel für Frauen, um ihren Intimbereich einer Art Verjüngungskur zu unterziehen. Er sieht in etwa aus wie ein kleiner Vibrator und wird auch so eingeführt.

Beliebt ist er aufgrund seiner reinigenden und pflegenden Wirkung. In Asien nutzen Frauen Vagina-Stäbe schon seit Hunderten von Jahren, denn sie straffen die Scheide, in etwa so, als wäre man wieder Jungfrau.

Die Frauen schämen sich nicht, wenn sie bei uns einkaufen. Sie kommen in Burka reinmarschiert, sagen auf Englisch genau, was sie wollen und verschwinden dann wieder. Keine Diskussion, manche kaufen direkt mehrere. Alles ganz unkompliziert.

Leider können wir keine Lieferungen machen

Manchmal bekommen wir auch Anrufe aus Hotels, ob wir die Stäbe direkt ins Hotel liefern. Leider ist meist nur eine Verkäuferin im Laden, daher können wir keine Lieferungen machen.

Während jüngere Muslimas beim ersten Besuch noch etwas zögerlich sind, handeln ältere Frauen auch gerne, wenn es um den Preis geht. Wie auf dem Markt.

➨ Mehr zum Thema: Ich hatte einen Vierer – und es war nicht, was ich erwartet hatte

Die deutschen Frauen benutzen auch Vagina-Stäbe, holen ihn sich manchmal auch auf Rezept. Frauenärzte verschreiben ihn beispielsweise gegen Pilzinfektionen. Deutsche Frauen kaufen auch alle möglichen andere Sachen, wohingegen die Muslimas meist wegen des Vagina-Stabs kommen.

Es ist immer schön, wenn wir Kundschaft aus dem Ausland im Laden haben. Die Vorstellung ist trotzdem ein wenig verrückt, dass eines der beliebtesten Mitbringsel aus der bayerischen Hauptstadt wohl der Vagina-Stab ist.

Der Beitrag wurde von Julius Zimmer aufgezeichnet.

중 특파원-대변인 설전 “언론 환경 심각” “당신만 그런다”

중 특파원-대변인 설전 “언론 환경 심각” “당신만 그런다”
주중외신기자협회(FCCC)는 지난달 30일 ‘접근 불가'라는 제목의 2017년 중국 언론환경 보고서를 발간했다. 사진은 보고서 표지.

중국에 주재하는 외신 언론인들이 언론 환경 악화를 지적하는 보고서를 내자, 중국 정부가 이를 인정하지 않고 반박하는 모양새가 이어지고 있다.

1일 중국 외교부 정례브리핑에서는 일본 <산케이신문> 기자가 “지난 30일에는 브리핑에 참석하지 않아 손을 못 들었는데, 나는 주중외신기자협회(FCCC·협회) 보고서에 동의한다”며 “보고서에 나온 상황을 직접 겪기도 했다”고 말했다. 이 기자는 “중국의 관련 상황이 개선되기를 진심으로 바란다”면서 “이것이 우리의 입장”이라고 말했다.

이는 지난 30일 발표된 협회의 2017년 중국 언론환경 보고서와 관련해 같은 날 브리핑에서 질문이 나오자, 화 대변인이 “보고서 내용에 동의하는 사람은 손을 들라”고 했던데 대한 늦은 답변이다.

당시 현장에선 아무도 손을 들지 않았고, 이에 화 대변인은 “없다. 오늘 참석한 외국 기자들도 보고서를 인정하지 않는다. 그러므로 600명 가까운 중국 주재 외국기자들은 더더욱 대표할 수 없다고 협회에 전하라”고 말한 바 있다.

화 대변인은 1일 <산케이> 기자의 질문에 대해서도, “중국에 외국 기자가 600명이나 있는데 그 협회에 몇 명이나 있는지 모르겠다”며 “왜 산케이신문 기자만 이렇게 느끼는가? 스스로 생각해봐야 하는 것 아닌가?”라고 되물었다. 그러면서 “절대다수의 매체가 중국에서 순조롭게 생활하고 취재하고 있다”고 주장했다.

중국공산당 기관지 <인민일보>는 ‘외교부 브리핑에서 다시 한번 화약 냄새(전쟁 분위기)가 났다’는 제목으로 온라인 속보를 냈다.

지난 30일 나온 협회 보고서를 보면, 중국 주재 외국 기자들은 미행, 도청, 비자 발급 통제, 정부부처 소환 및 면담 등 취재 방해 행위를 당하고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

협회 회원을 상대로 한 이번 조사에서 응답자 117명의 40%는 지난해 중국의 취재 환경이 악화됐다고 밝혔다. 특히 신장위구르자치구나 티벳, 북-중 접경 지역 등 ‘민감한’ 지역에서의 취재 방해 행위가 심각했다.

보고서에는 <산케이>의 후지모토 킨야 베이징지국장이 “어디 출장 갈 때마다 문제가 생긴다”며 한반도 전문가 인터뷰가 방해받은 적도 있었다고 말하는 부분이 나온다.

극우 성향으로 평가되는 이 매체는 지난 2014년 가토 다쓰야 전 서울지국장의 기소와 관련해 한국에서도 ‘언론 자유’를 호소한 바 있다. 가토 전 지국장은 박근혜 전 대통령의 ‘세월호 7시간 의혹’ 관련 칼럼 탓에 기소됐다가 무죄를 선고받았다.

주중외신기자협회는 개인 단위로 가입하는 회원 단체로, 중국 외교부에 등록된 베이징 주재 외국기자 465명 가운데 218명이 회원이다. 중국 외교부에 등록된 중국 전체 주재 외국기자 수는 585명이다.

The Juicy Couture Velour Tracksuit Is Back, Here Are Other Looks To Revive This Year

The Juicy Couture Velour Tracksuit Is Back, Here Are Other Looks To Revive This Year

Juicy Couture has announced it’ll be making a comeback, showcasing a debut collection at New York Fashion Week in February. 

The brand is synonymous with its velour tracksuit, popularised by “It Girl” of it the noughties, Paris Hilton. More recently the outfit has been spotted on the likes of Rihanna, Kylie Jenner and even Lady Gaga. 

While the upcoming show hopes to establish the two-piece as a wardrobe staple, the brand is also keen to showcase other pieces from its new collection.

Socks and shoes? Hmm.

But velour trackies aren’t the only things we’re newly obsessing over. Other past favourites have been slowly making a comeback over the past 12 months, and seem sure to find a fitting place in your wardrobe. 

From crop tops to cargo pants, these looks are an acquired taste to some. They don’t, for example, fit the unwritten requirements of modern day attire: being transitional, interchangeable from day to night or ‘effortless.’

But fashion is all about switching it up from time to time and, even if these looks aren’t for you, they will certainly make you feel nostalgic. 

Patterned Denim

Like this amazing jacket on ASOS.

Chunky Trainers

You can find these beauties via Foot Asylum

Cargo Pants 

Make like Liberty X and grab a pair of these from Topshop

Circular Glasses 

Topshop is also the place to get these shades. 

Crop Tops

This top is from the queen of vintage glam, Nasty Gal

Rockport Shoes 

Get yours from Timberland

Flared Jeans

Reiss is doing it retro this season.

Black History Month — Honoring Our Justice Warriors

Black History Month — Honoring Our Justice Warriors

As we mark the start of Black History Month, HRC honors the Black LGBTQ and allied justice warriors who have tirelessly driven the fight for equality at the intersections of LGBTQ experiences and identities.

Each day during Black History Month, HRC will share stories of trailblazers who have made our movement possible. From Bayard Rustin to Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi, the women who founded Black Lives Matter, Black LGBTQ people and allies continue to be at the center of the collective fight for equality.

“It is imperative that we acknowledge and celebrate the contributions that Black warriors for justice have made and continue to make in defining our historic march toward full equality for all,” said Nicole Cozier, HRC Director of Diversity & Inclusion. “Black History Month provides an important opportunity to begin correcting oversights embedded in our collective history. It is incumbent on all of us to commit to shining a light on these too-often unsung warriors whose heroic efforts have driven our movement.”

Historians like Carter G. Woodson, the founder of Black History Month, remind us to question the underrepresentation of Black people in our stories.

Artists like Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, James Baldwin, Audra McDonald, Lee Daniels, Tarell Alvin McCraney and Audre Lorde give voice to the richness of the emotions and experiences of the Black community, amplifying our shared struggle through mediums from poetry to film.

Politicians like Andrea Jenkins, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Elijah Cummings, Maxine Waters and John Lewis provide bright lights in dark times, advocating for LGBTQ people at the local and federal level and reminding us that the fight for equality is far from over.

“Fighting for everyone’s civil rights is in our common interest, and in our self-interest,” said Harris at the 2017 HRC National Dinner. “No one should be left to fight alone. No one should have to hide — not in the closets, and not in the shadows.”

Celebrities like Laverne Cox, Robin Roberts, Wanda Sykes, Lena Waithe, RuPaul, Raven-Symoné, Samira Wiley and Don Lemon live proudly, openly and authentically, inspiring others to live their truth and serving as role models for Black youth.

Athletes like Jason Collins, Josh Dixon, Fallon Fox, Layshia Clarendon, Brittney Griner, John Ameche, Glenn Burke, Wade Davis II and Seimone Augustus bravely live their truths in and out of sports arenas.

And advocates like Angela Davis, Bayard Rustin, Marsha P. Johnson, Candis Cox, Kenyon Farrow and Janet Mock remind us that the bias, discrimination and prejudice that exist in America disproportionately affects LGBTQ people of color.

HRC stands committed to promoting racial diversity within the LGBTQ movement and to fighting bias and discrimination in all forms, including many of the unique challenges facing LGBTQ communities of color.

To learn about the experiences of LGBTQ people living in the U.S. who identify as African American, click here. For more on the experiences of Black LGBTQ people living outside of the U.S., click here.