Sachsen-Anhalt: SPD droht mit Aus für Kenia-Koalition

Sachsen-Anhalt: SPD droht mit Aus für Kenia-Koalition
Sachsen-Anhalts SPD-Chef Lischka.

Sachsen-Anhalts SPD-Chef Burkhard Lischka hat mit dem Aus der Koalition zwischen CDU, SPD und Grüne gedroht – weil CDU-Abgeordnete für AfD-Anträge gestimmt hatten.

Das ist passiert:

► “Ich toleriere in Zukunft keine Abweichungen mehr”, sagte Lischka im Interview mit der “Mitteldeutschen Zeitung” über die Stimmen aus den Reihen der CDU für Anträge der AfD.

► Sollte die CDU Verabredungen nicht einhalten, könne die Kenia-Koalition aus CDU, SPD und Grünen scheitern, warnte Lischka.

Darum ist es wichtig: 

Im Landtag in Sachsen-Anhalt hatte die AfD für Anträge mehrfach mehr Stimmen erhalten als sie selbst hat.

Im August etwa hatten sich große Teile der CDU-Landtagsfraktion hinter einen Antrag der AfD zur Einrichtung einer Enquete-Kommission zur Untersuchung von Linksextremismus gestellt – und damit die Koalitionspartner düpiert, die strikt gegen den Antrag waren. 

Auch in der CDU gilt eine parlamentarische Zusammenarbeit mit der AfD eigentlich als ein Tabu.

Das müsst ihr noch wissen:

SPD-Mann Lischka forderte im Interview auch Ministerpräsident Reiner Haseloff (CDU) dazu auf, seiner Fraktion deutlich zu machen, dass man mit Rechtspopulisten nicht gemeinsame Sache mache.

“Herr Haseloff sollte sich weniger im Klein-Klein verheddern”, kritisierte Lischka.

Mehr zum Thema: Eine Szene im Landtag von Sachsen-Anhalt beweist, dass die AfD nicht versteht, wie ein Parlament funktioniert

3 Out Of 5 People Who Try Cigarettes Become ‘Daily Smokers’

3 Out Of 5 People Who Try Cigarettes Become ‘Daily Smokers’
At least three out of five people who start smoking go on to become daily smokers, a pioneering study has found.

 The data of more than 215,000 people, analysed by Queen Mary University of London, found at least 60.9% of people who try smoking repeat the habit daily, at least temporarily.

Study authors said the findings provide strong support for prioritising efforts to reduce cigarette experimentation among adolescents.

While smoking as a teen was once a rite of passage, researchers reveal the recent reduction in the number of smokers overall could be down to the fact teenagers are already “experimenting” with cigarettes less than they used to.

Data was compiled from eight studies from the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand to gather their results. The research selected asked respondents whether they’d ever tried a cigarette and ever smoked daily.

The team calculated that overall 60.3% of respondents had said they had ever tried a cigarette in their life, and among those, an estimated 68.9% said they had progressed to daily smoking.

Because the surveys used different methodologies and thus yielded different results, researchers explained the estimated 68.9% “conversion rate” from experimentation to daily smoking has a margin of error, between 60.9% and 76.9%.

Commenting on the findings, lead researcher Professor Peter Hajek, from Queen Mary, said: “This is the first time that the remarkable hold that cigarettes can establish after a single experience has been documented from such a large set of data.

“In the development of any addictive behaviour, the move from experimentation to daily practice is an important landmark, as it implies that a recreational activity is turning into a compulsive need. We’ve found that the conversion rate from ‘first time smoker’ to ‘daily smoker’ is surprisingly high, which helps confirm the importance of preventing cigarette experimentation in the first place.

“The UK is seeing a dramatic reduction in smoking at the moment and this tallies with recent findings that only 19% of 11-15 year olds have ever tried a cigarette, so the good news is that we are on the right track.”

Given the high conversion rate found in all existing surveys, the researchers suggested  at least some of the reduction in smoking prevalence observed over the past 20 years is likely due to reduced experimentation with cigarettes among adolescents.

However, they did point out questions can be raised over the recall accuracy people have in surveys concerning their smoking history, so more research may be needed in this area.

The survey is published in full in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research.

Ricky Martin and Jwan Yosef Take Us Through Their L.A. Home: WATCH

Ricky Martin and Jwan Yosef Take Us Through Their L.A. Home: WATCH
ricky martin home

Ricky Martin and his husband, artist Jwan Yosef, took Architectural Digest on a lengthy tour through every part of their home including their very messy kitchen, the bedroom where the magic happens, a massive light-filled bathroom, screening room, and of course the very important breakfast-eating and porn-viewing rooms.

The video (watch it above) is the accompaniment to a February cover story in the magazine.

Martin met Yosef on Instagram. Martin was scrolling through the app when he came across a piece of Yosef’s art, and then he checked out the artist. He says they talked for six months before broaching any kind of romance.

Martin recently sat down with Ellen DeGeneres to discuss his upcoming role in American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace and a few other topics including Puerto Rico, his kids, and going to the Golden Globes for the first time. Martin was clearly excited about the upcoming series, and told Ellen he reveals his “tush” for the first time on television. Now you can see where he does other things with that tush.

Martin added that the show also talks about the state of LGBT rights at the time, and the fact that serial killer Andrew Cunanan was ignored for many months by police who looked the other way because the victims were gay men.

The post Ricky Martin and Jwan Yosef Take Us Through Their L.A. Home: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Ricky Martin and Jwan Yosef Take Us Through Their L.A. Home: WATCH

Kay Burley’s Clash With NUS President Over Toby Young Ends With Serious Shade Thrown

Kay Burley’s Clash With NUS President Over Toby Young Ends With Serious Shade Thrown
The President of the National Union of Students and Kay Burley of Sky News have clashed over Toby Young quitting the new universities regulator, with the interview ending acrimoniously as the new watchdog was labelled “not fit for purpose”.

Shakira Martin appeared on the broadcaster after the journalist-turned-free schools advocate apologised for sexist and other offensive tweets and writings that had caused outrage as he stepped down from the Office for Students (OfS) board.

The 29-year-old has been championed as a replacement for Young, and had unsuccessfully applied for a position originally.

Martin argued on Sky that despite Young’s departure, the board has been “tarnished” and its composition does not represent students.

But the interview became awkward when Burley put forward the argument made by Young’s supporters.

Martin: “We need a board that is working in the interests of students with the skills and expertise required to be able to tackle things like student poverty and the black attainment gap.” Burley: “Shouldn’t he be judged on his actions rather than silly schoolboy gags on Twitter?”
The journalist added that “people change” and that Young was “passionate about schools”.

Martin, though, was more anxious to talk about whether the regulator was “fit for purpose”, questioning the diversity of the board and whether it had the “skills and expertise … to work in the interests of students”.

Burley suggested this was a “wider point” and had “nothing to do with Toby Young and his interests in a better education for our children”.

When Martin again tried to make an argument about debt being the biggest concern for students, Burley closed down the monologue, saying: “You have made your point.”

Burley went on to suggest Young had done his bit to help people get out of poverty and lead a “better life” by setting up several free schools that were an improvement on what existed where he lived and elsewhere.

“I am just shocked that the story is about Toby Young resigning,” responded Martin, clearly frustrated.

“That’s why we booked you to come on, to talk about Toby Young. You said yes,” came Burley’s response.

As the interview wound up, Martin’s unguarded reaction spoke volumes (see video at top of story).

She later tweeted how her reaction reflected her unhappiness about repeatedly “talking about Toby Young being sorry”.
The face i make when im talking about the OFS working in the interest of student around student povetry, black attainment and mental health as well as it being fit for purpose and they keep talking about Toby Young being sorry…when it come to my students i don’t play!! Next….

January 9, 2018
National Union of Students President Shakira Martin pulls a face after strong interview by @KayBurley on Sky News on the subject of the Toby Young resignation. Bet you missed that Kay?

January 9, 2018
Oh no I didn’t, as a mother I have eyes in the back of my head and used to youngsters pulling faces ?
Bless you Andy. Did you hear my interview with the guest who had the alternative viewpoint earlier? No. Didn’t think so. Have a lovely evening ?

January 9, 2018

Australia Gay Weddings, Troye Sivan, Michael Wolff, PrEP, Nyle DiMarco, Lana Del Rey, Lemurs: HOT LINKS

Australia Gay Weddings, Troye Sivan, Michael Wolff, PrEP, Nyle DiMarco, Lana Del Rey, Lemurs: HOT LINKS
mckenzie jr

MICHAEL WOLFF. The Fire and Fury author sits down with Colbert. “He’s watching.”

AUSTRALIA. Same-sex marriage ceremonies begin

LONDON. Man left seriously injured after being hit while wearing a dress outside London nightclub: ‘The 6ft tall victim was forced to undergo reconstructive surgery, lost his sense of smell in one nostril and suffered potential permanent nerve damage after being punched in the face, police said. In an emotional statement calling for his attacker to face justice, Mr Maxwell said: “I fully believe I was targeted that evening because of my sexuality.’

CLIMATE CHANGE. New York City redrawing flood maps: “The new models, for coastal areas stretching from Cape May to the Hudson Valley, will be used to shape the city’s future zoning, development and building standards to help it become more sustainable. As a result, FEMA and city officials say, New York could be an example for other places around the country.

HELL NO. The synchronized snow sissies want nothing to do with the white stuff.

ATLANTA. Doraville swears in Georgia’s only transgender elected official: “Stephe Koontz officially became Georgia’s only transgender elected official on Friday night when she was sworn in as a Doraville City Council member. Koontz won the District 3 seat on the council by just six votes in November. She likes to stick to the issues of local government, but she is proud of the ground she’s breaking. She said she was inundated with support after the victory and was pleased some seemed to see her as a role model for trans youth.”

PrEP. Usage remains low, not getting to those who need it.

FITNESS. Peloton introduces $4,000 treadmill. “Called Peloton Tread, it has been in development for nearly two years and will begin shipping in the fall. Its design boasts exotic materials, enveloping surround sound, a running board that fairly glides under your feet, and a den-sized 32-inch screen.”

ALL WET. Guess who fell into a pool at a Golden Globes after-party?

KENTUCKY. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis files for re-election.

PRETTY COUPLE OF THE DAY. Manny Mua and Nyle DiMarco.

well damn the light likes @MannyMua733 ???

— Nyle DiMarco (@NyleDiMarco) January 7, 2018

MY MY MY! Troye Sivan releases cover of new single. Is the new face of Valentino menswear.

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RADIOHEAD VS LANA DEL REY. Band claims she stole “Creep”. They may have a case.

It’s true about the lawsuit. Although I know my song wasn’t inspired by Creep, Radiohead feel it was and want 100% of the publishing – I offered up to 40 over the last few months but they will only accept 100. Their lawyers have been relentless, so we will deal with it in court.

— Lana Del Rey (@LanaDelRey) January 7, 2018

BEACH ICE SKATING OF THE DAY. Making the best of it.



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The post Australia Gay Weddings, Troye Sivan, Michael Wolff, PrEP, Nyle DiMarco, Lana Del Rey, Lemurs: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Australia Gay Weddings, Troye Sivan, Michael Wolff, PrEP, Nyle DiMarco, Lana Del Rey, Lemurs: HOT LINKS

Kubicki: “Merkel hat entweder keine Ahnung, oder uns für dumm verkaufen”

Kubicki: “Merkel hat entweder keine Ahnung, oder uns für dumm verkaufen”

FDP-Vize Wolfgang Kubicki hat Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) scharf angegriffen – weil die Union in den GroKo-Sondierungen laut Berichten das deutsche Klimaziel für das Jahr 2020 aufgegeben hat. 

Das ist passiert:

► Kubicki sagte der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters: “Es ist wirklich ein Treppenwitz der Geschichte, dass die Union, vereint mit den Grünen, uns das verwehrt hat, was sie den Sozialdemokraten jetzt innerhalb weniger Stunden auf dem Silbertablett serviert.”

► Am Montag wurde bekannt, dass Union und SPD im Falle einer Großen Koalition das Ziel einer Reduzierung des CO2-Ausstoßes um 40 Prozent bis 2020 kippen wollen.

► Bei den Jamaika-Sondierungen hätten Union, FDO und Grüne drei Tage darum gerungen, sagte Kubicki. Merkel habe “entweder keine Ahnung, oder uns für dumm verkaufen wollen”, sagte der FDP-Vize über die Klima-Meldung.

Mehr zum Thema: Jamaika Reloaded: Schon jetzt kracht es zwischen CSU und SPD gewaltig

Darum ist es wichtig:

Die Klimapolitik war einer der Knackpunkte bei den Verhandlungen zwischen Union, FDP und Grüne. Gerade beim Thema Kohlestrom gab es Streit. 

Dass Union und SPD in dieser Sache schnell zu einer Einigung gefunden haben überrascht nicht. Beide Parteien wollen Arbeitsplätze in Kohlekraftwerken schützen und liegen ideologisch nicht so weit auseinander wie FDP und Grüne.

Dennoch nahm Kubicki die bekanntgewordene Einigung von SPD und Union zum Anlass für eine Attacke gegen die Kanzlerin. Wie er das zuletzt häufiger getan hat. In einem Interview deutete sich zuletzt an, dass Kubicki eine Neuwahl ohne Merkel offenbar lieber wäre als eine Fortsetzung der Großen Koalition.

Was ihr noch wissen müsst: 

Union und SPD begründen die Abkehr vom Klimaziel 2020 laut Parteikreisen damit, dass das Ziel ohnehin nicht mehr erreichbar sei. Im Wahlkampf hatte Merkel noch versprochen, Wege zur Einhaltung des Ziels zu finden.

Mehr zum Thema: Rabenschwarze Bilanz: Wie Angela Merkel beim Klimaschutz versagt hat