Anderson Cooper Ridicules Trump’s Claim That News Anchors Sent Letters Praising Him for Running a Meeting Well: WATCH

Anderson Cooper Ridicules Trump’s Claim That News Anchors Sent Letters Praising Him for Running a Meeting Well: WATCH

Anderson Cooper put Donald Trump on his Ridiculist for his obviously false statement that the press sent him letters praising him for his DACA meeting with congressional leaders.

Trump claimed that his meeting got “great reviews” from everyone other than two networks who were “phenomenal for about two hours” but “after that they were called by their bosses” and “went south on us.”

Added Trump: “Unfortunately a lot of those anchors sent us letters saying that was one of the greatest meetings they’d ever witnessed…They probably wished they didn’t send us those letters of congratulations.”

Said Anderson: “Major kudos to the US Postal Service for delivering those letters so fast….Quick question though: Who are these anchors who wrote letters congratulating the president on one of the greatest meetings they’ve ever witnessed, which is a highly believable, totally normal thing that would absolutely happen?”

Anderson said that when he wants to send the president a note of congratulations he usually does it with a giant cookie or an edible arrangement.

The White House responded to a request from CNN for evidence of the letters with this: two CNN videos and 19 tweets.

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Anderson Cooper Ridicules Trump’s Claim That News Anchors Sent Letters Praising Him for Running a Meeting Well: WATCH

By Championing Diversity Theresa May Could Cement A Legacy Beyond Brexit

By Championing Diversity Theresa May Could Cement A Legacy Beyond Brexit
It’s a New Year and a new chance for change, which must be at the top of the political agenda for 2018. On diversity and economic inclusion, we learnt a lot in 2017. The UK Government released a mountain of statistics showing the gulf between the way different ethnicities and genders are treated in their interactions with the public sector while, tragically, the Grenfell fire gave us a horrifically stark illustration of the ethnic and economic divisions still prevalent in Britain today. Arguably, these divisions have been amplified by the ever-tightening squeeze on public finances and the increasingly precarious jobs market. Both factors have added more bricks to the walls put in front of those from poor and ethnic minority backgrounds.

2017 was also a year of disappointment. After her maiden speech as Prime Minister there was genuine hope that Theresa May would re-write the Tory playbook and work to deliver a more inclusive and fair Britain. To date, there’s been scant evidence of progress on this front. For some the inaction has proved too much. In December the government’s ‘social mobility advisor’, Alan Milburn, walked out in protest at the lack of progress followed by his entire team. A New Year it seems hasn’t brought the PM the change she was hoping for, unfortunately her so called New Year “diversity reshuffle” turned out to be an embarrassing fiasco which left us with more of the same.

But if the lack of progress on economic inclusion is stark, the lack of ethnic diversity in our political and commercial spheres is equally concerning. Tottenham MP David Lammy’s review of our criminal justice system also revealed the unjust discrimination faced by men of color and their disproportionate incarceration levels. The lack of diversity at all levels of society and in all sectors, has caused a huge disconnect in our country A disconnect that is now symbolised by the tragedy of Grenfell, symptomised by the disaffection of many, and radicalisation of the few. This is an area I have been researching for close to two years. New data from research I carried out in partnership with Oxford University and The LSE – presented in my new book Diversify  – suggests that there is a far greater cost to individuals across society than previously accepted. Women, and men from ethnic minority groups, would have extra incomes totalling an extra £127 billion a year, or £9,300 per person, if their incomes matched those of White British men.

This is a crisis which Jeremy Corbyn has rightly highlighted and capitalised on, as a lifelong Labour voter and supporter, I don’t believe this only has to be a left wing issue. Why can’t the Conservatives fulfill the rhetoric of their leader and also be the party of equality and opportunity? Clearly her reign as PM will be defined by Brexit but there is space for her to leave a parallel legacy, one which could have a real difference on the lives of millions of Britons. It could also raise her reputation globally. Part of Britain’s new global position could be as a bastion of equality and diversity. Few countries in the world can boast such a diverse society – we must show the world that such diversity can be nurtured and empowered for the good of the country and the people themselves.

Her predecessor’s legacy may also have been defined by Brexit but David Cameron’s personal intervention in pushing through same-sex marriage, and his government’s drive to prioritise and mainstream mental health, are policies he is rightly commended for. Theresa May, by pushing diversity, could achieve even greater results and help cement a legacy which goes beyond Brexit. Her precarious position as leader seems, in the last months of 2017 to have been strengthened. This is the year for her to rediscover her ambition.

So, what does bold look like? Firstly we need to see clear goals and targets with an achievable deadline. Just as the UN has its Sustainable Development Goals the UK needs its own Diversity Inclusion Goals.  To those who have an aversion to goals and targets, we had a target to get net migration down to the tens of thousands which seemed to be popular with many, albeit unrealistic.  Let’s now have some realistic goals and targets about how we enable all of our citizens to contribute to the best of their ability. A goal to build diverse communities where social and private housing are built side by side with comparable safety, services and opportunity. A goal to attribute greater status to home making and childrearing activity through accreditation and making this an option available to all genders.  A goal to extend suffrage to 16-year olds with greater opportunity for civic and political participation for young people.

These may seem simplistic to some but sometimes the simplest ideas can be the most effective. We can no longer just talk about this problem without offering potential solutions. We are at a cross-roads as a nation, what do we want post-Brexit Britain to look like? I would argue for a truly inclusive and diverse Britain, with equal opportunity as our target and not just a talking point.

June’s book Diversify is out now – visit the website to find out more.

Antigay pastor admits to raping teen girl, receives standing ovation from his congregation

Antigay pastor admits to raping teen girl, receives standing ovation from his congregation
42-year-old Andy Savage admitted to a “sexual incident” in the woods with an underage girl when he was working at a Baptist church in Houston.

Jussie Smollett Just Released a Massive Anthem Celebrating Gay Love: WATCH

Jussie Smollett Just Released a Massive Anthem Celebrating Gay Love: WATCH
Jussie Smollett freedom

Jussie Smollett gay

Empire actor Jussie Smollett, whose last major music foray was a blistering anti-Trump resistance anthem, has just turned out “Freedom”, a gorgeous, soaring tribute to gay love and true love in general.

The video for the track stars Tika Sumpter and Cynthia Erivo as a couple finding freedom in their love for each other.

ALSO: Jussie Smollett ‘FUW’ is a Blistering Anti-Trump Anthem of Rage and Resistance – WATCH

Said Smollett: “It’s a song about complete bliss, not the fantasy or some false sense of security, but love in its most honest and pure form. Whether it’s love for your partner, your family, your people or yourself, when Love is true, there’s a feeling that you can literally fly. That’s what I want for myself and every creature on this planet. To me that’s true Freedom.”

Jussie Smollett Freedom

He added: “The gratitude i feel for each person who worked on this with me is beyond explanation. There was literally nothing but love on this set. I pray you all feel that love when you watch it.”


Smollett came out in March 2015.

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Jussie Smollett Just Released a Massive Anthem Celebrating Gay Love: WATCH

In Berlin zeigt sich, warum unser Schulsystem bald zusammen brechen kann

In Berlin zeigt sich, warum unser Schulsystem bald zusammen brechen kann
Überfüllte Klassenzimmer und Lehrermangel - für viele Schüler in Deutschland Alltag. 

  • In Berlin herrschte am Anfang dieses Schuljahres ein enormer Lehrermangel 
  • Die Stellen konnten noch besetzt werden: mit fachfremden Quereinsteigern

Wenn pensionierte Lehrer wieder schuften müssen und Surflehrer Kindern Mathe beibringen, ist das ein sicheres Anzeichen dafür, dass in einem Schulsystem etwas falsch läuft. 

Doch genau das passiert. Mitten in Deutschland, in Berlin. 

In Deutschlands Hauptstadt fehlten vor Beginn dieses Schuljahres so viele Lehrer wie noch nie. Das berichtet die Online-Nachrichtenseite “Die Welt”. 

Zwar konnten die rund 3000 fehlenden Stellen noch rechtzeitig besetzt werden, aber von den neu eingestellten Lehrern sind 40 Prozent Quereinsteiger ohne pädagogische Ausbildung.

Lehrerverband: 60 Prozent der Grundschullehrer sind Quereinsteiger

Heinz-Peter Meidinger, Präsident des deutschen Lehrerverbandes, kennt den Grund für die Notlage. “Die Hauptursache für den starken Lehrermangel ist, dass der Geburtenanstieg unterschätzt wurde, da die Kultusministerin die Statistiken so schleppend angeglichen hat.”

Demnach ist die sachgerechte Ausbildung der deutschen Schülerinnen und Schüler vor allem ein administratives Problem. 

Mehr zum Thema: Gegen den Lehrermangel: Flüchtlinge könnten als Hilfskräfte arbeiten

Das beginnt schon in der untersten Schulstufe: In Berlin seien 60 Prozent der Grundschullehrer Quereinsteiger, warnt Meidinger.

“Dasselbe Problem haben wir in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Thüringen. Da kann das System zusammenbrechen.”

Denn bis eine Lehrkraft voll ausgebildet ist, dauert es Jahre. 

Surflehrer und Heilpraktiker als Lösung für den Lehrermangel

“Wenn Quer- und Seiteneinsteiger entsprechend ordentlich nachqualifiziert werden, ist das in Ordnung”, sagt Meidinger. “Es ist aber ein Irrglaube, dass Naturbegabung ausreicht, um Lehrer zu werden.”

“In manchen Bundesländern, zum Beispiel in Berlin, werden Quereinsteiger zu schnell eingesetzt”, warnt Meidinger. Man setze dort darauf, dass ein paar Zusatzstunden ausreichen, um die Aushilfslehrer komplett auszubilden. 

Wessen Abschluss zu berufsfremd ist, kann nicht damit rechnen, eine Festanstellung als Lehrer zu bekommen.

Allerdings ist ein passender Abschluss für den Beruf des Vertretungslehrers weitaus unwichtiger. So könnte es auch als Surflehrer oder Heilpraktiker möglich sein, Kinder zu unterrichten. 

“Ich bin mir sicher, dass die Schüler die Quittung dafür bekommen”, meint Meidinger. Doch so viele bessere Lösungen gibt es nicht.

Überall in Deutschland unterrichten pensionierte Lehrer

In vielen Bundesländern werden inzwischen pensionierte Lehrer wieder aus der Rente geholt. 

Lehrerpräsident Meidinger geht sogar davon aus, dass in fast jeder Schule in Deutschland, zumindest in allen weiterführenden Schulen, pensionierte Lehrkräfte einspringen müssen. 

“Ich sehe das nicht dramatisch. Sie sind erfahren, man kann sie bedenkenlos
einsetzen. Diese Leute unterrichten gerne”, so Meidinger. 

Den Lehrermangel nachhaltig beseitigen – das können pensionierte Lehrer allerdings nicht. 

“Das Problem ist, dass die meisten pensionierten Beamten nicht mehr verdienen dürfen als in ihrer aktiven Zeit”, sagt der Lehrerpräsident. 

Mehr zum Thema: “Sie bedrohen uns mit Messern”: Lehrer im Saarland senden verzweifelten Hilferuf an Regierung

Das heißt, sie könnten maximal fünf oder sechs Stunden pro Woche unterrichten. Die sogenannte Kappungsgrenze besage, dass alles, was über den bisherigen Verdienst geht, vom Staat einbehalten wird.

Pensionierte Lehrer können das Problem also nur begrenzt lindern. 

Der deutsche Lehrerverband fordere deshalb die Bundesländer auf diese Regelungen zu ändern.

“Um gerade in Notsituationen mehr pensionierte Lehrkräfte gewinnen zu können”, so der Lehrerpräsident

Das Problem wird also erkannt und angegangen. Doch wenn wir verhindern wollen, dass das deutsche Schulsystem zusammenbricht, dann ist das auch höchste Zeit. 


‘Time’s Up’ Is A Unifying Movement – Can Lingua Franca’s £282 Slogan Jumpers Be A Part Of That?

‘Time’s Up’ Is A Unifying Movement – Can Lingua Franca’s £282 Slogan Jumpers Be A Part Of That?

Wearing your political views on a slogan top is a modern fashion staple that people love as it can make you feel included in a movement.

But the price of these “political” garments can vary wildly and this prompts questions about inclusivity, especially when the fashion statement costs more than a day’s wages.

Cult American brand Lingua Franca is selling jumpers for $380 (£282), with $100 dollars from each sale going towards funding the movement of the same name. 

Some people who are interested in supporting the cause may not mind forking out for a cashmere jumper.

But others can just as easily opt to pay $25 (£18.56 ) for an official Time Up’s T-shirt, with 100% of the proceeds going to the organisation. 

The #metoo movement saw a rise in a diverse range of voices standing in solidarity against sexual harassment

Time’s Up is the product of this new age of speaking out. It is an organisation with the goal of protecting women (and all) from sexual mistreatment through fierce legal defence. 

The organisation’s website defines it as a “unified call for change” spearheaded by “women in entertainment for women everywhere”.

“From movie sets to farm fields to boardrooms alike,” reads the manifesto. “We envision nationwide leadership that reflects the world in which we live.”

Times Up T-shirt, £18

Lingua Franca also has the intention of unifying people through a common cause, but the asking price makes it very “exclusive”.

The brand’s presence grew in popularity after Meryl Streep was spotted wearing one of the jumpers on The Ellen Show.

Some fans commented on the jumpers’ price tag, implying that supporting this movement through fashion is reserved for one group of people over another. 

They took to the comments section of Instagram to share their thoughts. 

“I wish you would make these in the sweatshirts, so they could be accessible to more women,” one commented. “For this cause, more women wearing these would be great.”

“I love this and the message is personal,” said another follower of the brand. “I wish there was an option that is priced for the average consumer who wants to participate.” 

Another hoped a cheaper alternative might be available: “$300 for me is just not realistic #willworkforsweater

Rachelle Hruska MacPherson, founder of Lingua Franca, told HuffPost UK the brand never “set out to make mass products for low- or mid-level pricing (fast fashion)”.

“That’s just not us,” she said. “Instead, we stitch everything by hand on luxury fair trade cashmere (ethically sourced and produced using clean energy) and care deeply about paying all of our employees and our embroiderers (who all work locally in NYC) a living wage.

“We also care about utilising our brand as a platform to create dialogue and inspire change – in our efforts to give back in tangible ways, we raised over $160,000 for charity in 2017 (with money going to Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center, to name a few).”


This isn’t the first time a successful up-market brand has used an existing political view, in their collection. 

Dior’s Maria Grazia Chiuri is known for printing well-known feminist phrases onto the high-priced designs strutted down the runway at Fashion Weeks. 

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s  book title ‘We Should All Be Feminists’ was splayed on a simple white shirt during Chiuri’s genesis collection in 2016. 

The Debrief called this move “ignorant at best, damaging at worst,” and added that instead of viewing it as progression, it was seen as “big business co-opting a phrase.”

Could Lingua Franca’s bid to be part of the conversation be viewed in a similar vain?

To MacPherson, the cost is justified by the intention and the work that is put into every garment. 

“Working in support of and in collaboration with activists and service oriented organisations, we’ve created and sold pieces with meaningful phrases stitched on them,” she said. 

“Donating the bulk of proceeds (with the rest covering our operating expenses) to groups helping to make the world a more equitable and just place.

“Simply selling tons of sweaters has never been central to our mission or our goals.” 

The meaning of ‘lingua franca’ is “a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different”.

The Times Up movement does this in spades. But the question remains as to whether an expensive range of clothing can be said to do the same.

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: January 11, 2018

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: January 11, 2018

HRC CALLS ON SENATE TO REJECT TRUMP-PENCE ANTI-LGBTQ NOM HOWARD C. NIELSON: While attending Nielson’s Senate nomination hearing for U.S. District Court for the District of Utah, HRC President Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) in a series of tweets outlined his experience with the nominee when they were on opposite sides of California’s Proposition 8 debate in 2010. Nielson had defended the unconstitutional law that prohibited loving, same-sex couples from marrying, arguing in court testimony that homosexuality is a choice, that anti-LGBTQ discrimination doesn’t lead to increased stress and mental difficulties, and that Vaughn Walker, a federal judge nominated by Presidents Reagan and H.W. Bush, couldn’t rule on a federal civil rights case because he is gay. More from HRC.

Nielson submitted this anti-LGBTQ argument in the Prop 8 case:

“Only if Chief Judge Walker had unequivocally disavowed any interest in marrying his partner could the parties and the public be confident that he did not have a direct personal interest in the outcome of the case.”

— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) January 10, 2018

LANDMARK LGBTQ RULING IN COSTA RICA COULD EFFECT ACROSS 19 OTHER COUNTRIES: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights ordered the Costa Rican government to “recognize and guarantee all the rights that are derived from a family bond between people of the same sex” and “guarantee access to all existing forms of domestic legal systems, including the right to marriage, in order to ensure the protection of all the rights of families formed by same-sex couples without discrimination.” The decision creates precedent and could lead to similar outcomes in the 19 other countries that have submitted to the jurisdiction of the court. More from The Washington Blade and Reuters.

THROWBACK THURSDAY: This week in 1958, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in its first case involving the LGBTQ community. One: The Homosexual Magazine, an early LGBTQ magazine in the U.S., had been declared “obscene” by the Los Angeles postmaster, who refused to deliver it. A challenge to that decision rose to the Supreme Court, which overturned the 9th Circuit decision that the magazine was “obscene,” allowing the LGBTQ press to flourish across the country. The archives of this pivotal publication are available through the USC Libraries Archive.

From the ONE Archives Foundation

SETTLEMENT REACHED IN TRANS STUDENT DISCRIMINATION CASE: A settlement of $800,000 was awarded to Ash Whitaker who sued the Kenosha (Wisc.) Unified School District for denying him access to the facilities consistent with his gender identity, using his birth name and incorrect pronouns, isolating him from his peers on overnight school trips and proposing a policy to require that transgender students wear green wristbands or stickers. Whitaker prevailed in his case before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. More from Advocate and The New York Times.

ICYMI — HRC & EQUALITY FEDERATION INSTITUTE RELEASE ANNUAL STATE EQUALITY INDEX (SEI) RATINGS: The comprehensive state-by-state report details statewide laws and policies that affect LGBTQ people and their families. It also highlights the onslaught of more than 125 anti-LGBTQ laws introduced across 30 states during the 2017 state legislative season. HRC Rapid Response Press Secretary Charlotte Clymer (@cmclymer) took a dive into the SEI assessment of Washington, D.C., and her home state of Texas. More from HRC.

But then there’s my home state of Texas. As you can see, there’s quite a lot of work left to be done. I’d like to think @GregAbbott_TX values the humanity of his transgender constituents. Remains to be seen, though.

— Charlotte Clymer��️‍�� (@cmclymer) January 10, 2018

FLORIDA BEGINS 2018 BY OFFERING FREE PrEP STATEWIDE: “Florida providing free PrEP in all 67 of its local county health departments is significant because it provides those who are most at-risk for HIV, but are uninsured, another tool in their HIV prevention toolbox that they did not have before,” says Daniel Downer, Early Intervention Services Program Coordinator at Hope and Health Center of Central Florida and a HRC HIV 360° Fellow. “It also shows that health officials understand the important role PrEP has played in the response to HIV and AIDS in the State of Florida.” PrEP has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV infection by up to 92 percent in people who are at high risk. More from HRC.

NEW YORK CITY CREATES A MORE LGBTQ-INCLUSIVE PAID FAMILY LEAVE POLICY: It  allows workers to use paid family leave to care for anyone they define as family, helping end policies that often exclude or unintentionally discriminate against LGBTQ families. For instance, some discriminate by limiting maternity benefits only to pregnant women,  withholding equal coverage to men or parents who pursue surrogacy or only giving time off to parents welcoming a child through childbirth — an oversight that can disproportionately affect same-sex couples who are more likely to foster and adopt children. More from Quartz.

VIDEO FROM HRC — HRC CELEBRATES DANICA ROEM AS SHE IS SWORN IN TO VA’S HOUSE OF DELEGATES: Roem is now Virginia’s first out transgender public official and the nation’s only out transgender state representative. She unseated Bob Marshall, who had a vicious, anti-LGBTQ record. More from HRC.

TRANSGENDER PEOPLE GOING TO UTAH SUPREME COURT TO CHANGE GENDER MARKERS ON LEGAL DOCUMENTS: After a lower court judge denied Angie Rice and Sean Childers-Gray’s request to update their gender marker on legal documents, they decided to challenge the decision at the state’s highest court. More from The Associated Press.

TRANS INMATE WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO WOMEN’S PRISON: Deon “Strawberry” Hampton received a rare hearing from a U.S. magistrate judge, who approved Hampton’s request to serve out her sentence in a women’s facility, where she will be less vulnerable to assault and harassment. More from The Southern Illinoisan.

RICKY MARTIN MARRIES JWAN YOSEF: Martin announced his marriage to Yosef on E! News. Congrats to the happy couple! More from USA Today.

Congratulations, @Ricky_Martin and Jwan Yosef! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness. ❤️����������

— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) January 11, 2018

AUSTRALIA MUST REPEAL ANTI-TRANS ‘FORCED DIVORCE’ LAWS: Before marriage equality became the law of the land in Australia, a transphobic law required people to be unmarried in order to make changes to birth certificates. Advocates are working with jurisdictions across the country to repeal the law, created to prevent same-sex marriages in the country. More from BuzzFeed.

JAMAICAN ADVOCATES WORK TO BAN ANTI-LGBTQ EXTREMIST FROM ENTERING COUNTRY: Steven Anderson is a known exporter of hate and a pastor at the Southern Poverty Law Center-designated hate group Faithful Word Baptist Church. Jamaican LGBTQ advocate Maurice Tomlinson (@mauricetom2) detailed Anderson’s horrific assertions about LGBTQ people in a letter to the editor in The Gleaner. In 2016, he was banned from South Africa and arrested and deported from Botswana for advocating for the murder of LGBTQ people. Read the full piece from The Gleaner.

MORNING MUST READ — TRANS WOMEN IN PAKISTAN WORKING FOR EQUALITY: Transgender women have found a role in the Sufi religion, where they are believed to belong to a sacred third gender. Despite this, trans Pakistani women are often the targets of discrimination, poverty and violence. Read and listen to Diaa Hadid’s (@diaahadid) piece at NPR.

ANTI-LGBTQ PAPER BANNED FROM VIRGIN TRAINS IN UK: A statement from the train company reads: “We’ve decided that this paper is not compatible with the [Virgin Trains] brand and our beliefs. We won’t be stocking the Daily Mail for sale or as a giveaway.” More from Pink News and The Guardian.


The Daily Beast discusses best practices for covering bisexuality in the media; The Grunion previews a new show from Long Beach’s LGBTQ chorus; Canva interviews HRC Senior Design Director Robert Villaflor about HRC’s iconic logo and marketing strategies;

Transgender Student Wins $800,000 From School District That Forbade Him to Use Bathroom of His Choice

Transgender Student Wins $800,000 From School District That Forbade Him to Use Bathroom of His Choice
Ash Whitaker

Ash Whitaker

A Wisconsin school district is paying a transgender student $800,000 as a settlement for a discrimination lawsuit he filed. Ash Whitaker graduated from Tremper High School in June 2017, but he sued the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) in July 2016 for banning him from the boys’ bathroom with a threat of disciplinary action and subjecting…

The post Transgender Student Wins $800,000 From School District That Forbade Him to Use Bathroom of His Choice appeared first on Towleroad.

Transgender Student Wins $800,000 From School District That Forbade Him to Use Bathroom of His Choice