Trump Refers to African Nations and Haiti as ‘Sh-thole Countries’ in Meeting with Lawmakers

Trump Refers to African Nations and Haiti as ‘Sh-thole Countries’ in Meeting with Lawmakers
shithole countries

shithole countries

Donald Trump shocked lawmakers in an Oval Office meeting today when he referred to Haiti and African nations as “sh-thole countries,” the Washington Post reports:

“Why are we having all these people from sh-thole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to African countries and Haiti. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met Wednesday.

The comments left lawmakers taken aback, according to people familiar with their reactions. Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) proposed cutting the visa lottery program by 50 percent and prioritizing countries already in the system, a White House official said.

There was no immediate comment from the White House on the report.

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Trump Refers to African Nations and Haiti as ‘Sh-thole Countries’ in Meeting with Lawmakers

Britain Would Vote 55% To REMAIN If 2nd EU Referendum Was Held, Says New Poll

Britain Would Vote 55% To REMAIN If 2nd EU Referendum Was Held, Says New Poll
Britons have changed their mind on Brexit and now back Remain, a fresh poll on EU membership suggests.

A flash ComRes/Daily Mirror poll of more than 1,000 people found 55% back staying in Europe and just 45% would vote Leave.

More than half (51%), however, said they do not back a re-run of the divisive 2016 referendum which saw the country narrowly back breaking away from the bloc.

The poll comes after former UKIP leader Nigel Farage’s shock admission that he is close to backing a second referendum, saying it would “kill off” the Remain campaign for a generation.

Speaking on the Channel 5 talk show The Wright Stuff, Farage said: “What is for certain is that the Cleggs, the Blairs, the Adonises will never ever, ever, give up.

“They will go on whinging and whining and moaning all the way through this process.

“So maybe, just maybe, I’m reaching the point of thinking that we should have a second referendum on EU membership… and we may just finish the whole thing off.

“And Blair can disappear off into total obscurity.”

He even claimed “the percentage that would vote to leave next time would be very much bigger than it was last time round”.

Pro-EU campaigners have said support is growing for a second referendum, while others, including Tory MP Heidi Allen and Labour MP Ali McGovern, have said Farage wants a second Leave to torpedo any notion of a soft Brexit.

Leave.EU founder, Arron Banks, supports a re-run. He said that to avoid sleepwalking “into a faux Brexit” people should “go back the polls and let the people shout from the rooftops their support of a true Brexit”.

But Farage’s UKIP colleagues do not all agree with the Farage floating the idea. Former deputy chairwoman Suzanne Evans described his comments as “epically stupid”.

Labour MP Chuka Umunna, of the pro-single market Open Britain campaign, however, said: “For perhaps the first time in his life, Nigel Farage is making a valid point.

“In a democracy like ours, the British people have every right to keep an open mind about Brexit.”

Downing Street said: “We will not be having a second referendum.”

AZ Senate: Arpaio, Ward & McSally Share Dangerous Agenda, Unpopular Views on LGBTQ Issues

AZ Senate: Arpaio, Ward & McSally Share Dangerous Agenda, Unpopular Views on LGBTQ Issues

HRC denounced the slate of anti-LGBTQ candidates who have entered the race against Representative Kyrsten Sinema for Arizona’s open Senate seat. On Tuesday, Joe Arpaio — whose infamous torture and racial profiling of immigrants and people of color has earned him both widespread derision and Trump’s presidential pardon — entered the race alongside noted conspiracy theorist Kelli Ward and Rep. Martha McSally, who is set to announce her candidacy this week. All three support giving businesses a license to discriminate, and oppose marriage equality and nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people.

As polling of GOP primary voters indicates a statistical dead heat between these three candidates, polling of likely voters in November’s general election indicates their shared anti-LGBTQ views will be a liability. The majority of likely voters in Arizona support protections for the LGBTQ community, with 63 percent in favor of the Equality Act. Further, when asked if knowing a candidate is anti-LGBTQ makes them more or less likely to vote for a candidate, a majority of Arizona voters, by a margin of 51-to-10, say they would be less likely to support that candidate.

“There’s absolutely no question about who Arizonans should be supporting,” said HRC Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs JoDee Winterhof. “They can either support Kyrsten Sinema, a proven champion of equality who has worked her entire career to ensure that every person can achieve the American dream, or Arpaio, Ward and McSally, who, time and time again, have supported discrimination against LGBTQ people. These three share a dangerous agenda that is bad for Arizona and has no place in the U.S. Senate. It would do them well to remember that Arizona voters overwhelming support equality and reject politicians who don’t.”

Joe Arpaio built his career on attacking nearly every marginalized community, including using anti-LGBTQ schemes to humiliate inmates at his ‘Tent City’ prison, like forcing them to wear pink underwear. Following a long record of flouting the law, violating the civil rights of Maricopa County’s Latinx population, and carrying out a hate-filled agenda through extreme racial profiling, he was found guilty of criminal contempt, but pardoned by Donald Trump last August. He also continues to campaign against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which provides much needed relief for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children — including 75,000 LGBTQ Dreamers.

Kelli Ward has consistently supported and voted in favor of legislation that would give businesses a license to discriminate against LGBTQ people. She even called for the impeachment of U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch after Lynch filed a complaint alleging North Carolina was discriminating against transgender people, following that state legislature’s passage of the notorious HB2 in 2016. Ward also praised the president for pardoning Sheriff Arpaio, agreeing with Trump’s claim that Arpaio was a “patriot.”

Rep. Martha McSally, who has long opposed marriage equality, is expected to announce her Senate run on Friday. She has pushed for discriminatory, anti-LGBTQ policies including an amendment that would allow discrimination against LGBTQ people by taxpayer-funded organizations.

HRC has endorsed Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-9) for U.S. Senate. She is a staunch advocate for the LGBTQ community, earning a perfect 100 on HRC’s Congressional Scorecards each Congress since she was elected in 2012. Sinema is also a cosponsor of the Equality Act, crucial federal legislation that would extend comprehensive federal protections to LGBTQ Americans.

HRC has prioritized Arizona for early and expanded investment in the 2018 elections.  HRC has identified more than 800,000 “Equality Voters” who support pro-LGBTQ policies and will be targeted for outreach and mobilization in the run up to Election Day. In July, HRC launched HRC Rising, the earliest deployment of resources and largest grassroots expansion in its 37-year history ahead of the 2018 midterms. National and in-state staff across the country will be leading this historic campaign to win equality in states from coast-to-coast, resist the politics of hate, fight anti-LGBTQ legislation, and fuel pro-equality candidates and initiatives.

Johnny Weir, Steve Bannon, Tonya Harding, My Beautiful Laundrette, Julian Assange, Chicken Soup: HOT LINKS

Johnny Weir, Steve Bannon, Tonya Harding, My Beautiful Laundrette, Julian Assange, Chicken Soup: HOT LINKS

Obama farewell addressIT’S OBAMA’S ECONOMY, STUPID. Increasing number of U.S. voters give credit to Obama for current state of economy: “The Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday finds that 49 percent of Americans say Obama is more responsible for the current U.S. economy compared to 40 percent who say Trump is responsible. The number of voters crediting Obama for the state of the economy has grown in the past two months. In Quinnipiac’s Nov. 22 poll, 43 percent of Americans credited Obama, and in a December poll 45 percent of voters credited the former president.”

STEVE BANNON. He’ll appear before House Intel Committee on Russia probe.

JOHNNY WEIR. The figure skater is not buying into Tonya Harding’s redemption storyline.

MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE. Daniel Day-Lewis gay classic being adapted into a TV series.

PAUL MANAFORT. Sued by Russian billionaire for fraud. “The complaint — filed by Surf Horizon Limited, a company linked to oil tycoon Oleg Deripaska, according to Reuters — includes references to the indictment Special Counsel Robert Mueller brought against Manafort and Gates.”

OFFSHORE DRILLING. Outrage from other states after Florida is exempted from drilling plan. “Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s abrupt decision to remove Florida’s coastal waters from the offshore drilling plan he issued a week ago sparked a backlash Wednesday, failing to mollify Florida’s congressional delegation, galvanizing opposition in other states and even angering Trump administration allies in the energy industry.

HIV/AIDS. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has nothing to say about the termination of the entire Presidential Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS.

.@PressSec It’s time to stop being dismissive of questions about the firing of members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS. It’s time for this administration to prioritize issues related to HIV and AIDS.

— GLAAD (@glaad) January 9, 2018

$35 MILLION. The amount of real estate Trump’s company sold in 2017: “In Las Vegas alone, Trump sold 41 luxury condo units in 2017, a majority of which used limited liability companies – corporate entities that allow people to purchase property without revealing all of the owners’ names.”

Julian AssangeCITIZENSHIP. Ecuador has granted it to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. “Ecuador has granted citizenship to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been living in asylum at the nation’s embassy in London for more than five years. The nation’s foreign minister announced Thursday that officials had decided to permit Assange’s naturalization while they look for ways to resolve his situation.

LOGAN PAUL. YouTube puts “suicide forest” vlogger’s projects on hold.

RIP. Gay rights activist and actor Matt Palazzolo has died of heat stroke in Australia: ‘Palazzolo, an avid hiker and a friend were hiking in 108 degree heat. Palazzolo was born in Fremont and has a resume that includes roles in “Bloomers” (2011), “Stone Fruit” (2018) and “Switched at Birth” (2011). He was recognized for his role as the pre-op transgender prostitute, Lexus, opposite Forest Whitaker, in “Powder Blue.”’

PIERS MORGAN VS TONYA HARDING. The British TV host and the figure skater will not soon be friends.

WINTER RECIPE OF THE DAY. Chicken stock and chicken noodle soup.


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The post Johnny Weir, Steve Bannon, Tonya Harding, My Beautiful Laundrette, Julian Assange, Chicken Soup: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Johnny Weir, Steve Bannon, Tonya Harding, My Beautiful Laundrette, Julian Assange, Chicken Soup: HOT LINKS

Deutschland erreicht die Grippewelle – diese Regionen sind betroffen

Deutschland erreicht die Grippewelle – diese Regionen sind betroffen

  • In Europa wütet die Grippe
  • In Großbritannien droht sogar die schlimmste Welle seit 50 Jahren
  • Die Risikogebiete in Deutschland seht ihr oben im Video

Bisher waren vor allem Frankreich und England von der Grippewelle betroffen. Nun hält sie allerdings auch in Deutschland Einzug, wie Karten des Robert-Koch-Instituts zeigen.

Ärzte melden “akute respiratorische Erkrankungen” an das Institut, dieses verwandelt die Informationen dann geografisch anschaulich.

Nur wenige tödliche Viren

Auf den Karten zu sehen: Vor allem Bayern, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Baden-Württemberg kämpfen mit Grippeerkrankungen. Im Video oben seht ihr, ob auch eure Region betroffen ist.

Deutschland traf es im Vergleich zu Großbritannien aber noch eher milde. Dort droht die schlimmste Grippe-Welle seit 50 Jahren, inklusive dem teils tödlichen Influenza-Virus H3N2.

► Laut dem Robert-Koch-Institut gibt es in Deutschland nur wenige H3N2-Fälle.

Bei gesundem Immunsystem kein Problem

In Deutschland handelt es sich vor allem um den Influenzavirus Typ B und den H1N1-Virus, gegen die man sich impfen lassen sollte.

Vor allem Risikopatienten wie ältere Menschen oder Menschen mit einem schwachen Immunsystem sollten sich vorsorglich eine Impfung holen. Wer ein gesundes Immunsystem besitzt, sollte mit einer Grippe keine Probleme haben.

Mehr zum Thema: Grippe-Schutz: Ständige Impfkommission ändert Empfehlung – und das hat Folgen für Kassenpatienten


Trans Candidates Could Be Fast-Tracked To Westminster Using All-Women Shortlists, Says Dawn Butler

Trans Candidates Could Be Fast-Tracked To Westminster Using All-Women Shortlists, Says Dawn Butler
Trans candidates could be fast-tracked into the House of Commons via Labour’s all-women-shortlist policy, Dawn Butler has revealed.

Labour’s Shadow Women and Equalities Minister said the party should consider including trans women in female-only candidate selections – an automatic process in safe Labour areas – if they applied.

Speaking to The House magazine, however, Butler said it was a “complicated subject” and the party would establish an LGBTI+ advisory board to help party chiefs “take each step at a time”.

She said: “We will be taking guidance and advice from people who are LGBT+ – who don’t all agree – round the table, because they are not a homogeneous group who all agree on one thing or another. You need people who have lived experiences in order to make informed decisions.

“We will take each step at a time. I think if a trans woman wanted to be included in an all-women shortlist then that should be considered.

“I just don’t think people really need to make a big fuss about it. I mean if one of my team members came into the office and decided that James wanted to be called Jane and was now a woman I would not say ‘prove it, what do you mean?’ I would just accept where he is and his journey or where she is and her journey and that she is being her true authentic self.

“This is a very complicated subject actually and there’s two ways to look at it to be fair. I am in favour of equality. I don’t really care how people want to live their lives, if they are not hurting anyone then equality is equality and you should fight for somebody else’s rights as strongly as you fight for your own because that is how we get true equality. For me I want people to be their true authentic self whatever that may be.”

Dawn also said Labour should publish its gender pay gap and “fulfil its obligations” to women.

She predicted 2018 would be “the year for women” as pressure increases on power-holders to close the gender pay gap and the sexual harassment scandal shines a light on the workplace. Asked whether Jeremy Corbyn should publish the party’s gender pay gap, she said: “Yes I do. I think everybody should publish their gender pay gap. I think that you have to see it and measure it to be able to correct it and so it is time for everything to be corrected.

 “I really do think that 2018 is the year, well it is the year for women anyway – 100 years since some women received the vote – so I do think in 2018 we are starting as we mean to go on. Asking for pay parity is just a right and everybody needs to fulfil their obligations.”

Butler also laid into Prime Minister Theresa May for defending the appointment of Toby Young on to the advisory board of the Office for Students, despite a litany of sexist remarks the journalist had made on social media.

He has since been forced to resign.

Asked whether she thought May was a feminist, Butler said: “No. Not in my eyes and not in my measure of feminism. I don’t think she is a friend of women. I think that – and I have got good reason for saying that – 86% of the cuts have fallen on the shoulders of women form her Government. And I just don’t see how women could sit back and watch that happen.

“I think Toby Young and what he said about women and his misogynistic comments that Theresa May said she’s not impressed with – she should have put her foot down, she should have insisted that he went, instead of going on national TV to defend him. Our Prime Minister went on national TV to defend somebody that was completely inappropriate for the position.”