Pressure For BBC’s John Humphrys To Step Aside After Gender Pay Gap Jibes

Pressure For BBC’s John Humphrys To Step Aside After Gender Pay Gap Jibes
BBC faced a fierce backlash from female MPs, campaigners and even its own stars, after veteran presenter John Humphrys worked as normal on Friday despite mocking its gender pay gap.

The corporation faced calls to make Humphrys, 74, step aside from presenting duties after audio transcripts leaked last night showed him jesting about the gap with another male colleague.

The presenter, who fronted BBC Radio 4′s Today programme as normal on Friday morning, was revealed to be paid more than £600,000 last year, making him one of the Beeb’s highest-paid stars.

It comes after bosses this week demanded those who have given support to the ‘#BBCWomen’ campaign to achieve equal pay stand down from reporting the topic.

That rule was enforced after the intervention of former China editor Carrie Gracie this weekend, and saw Gracie herself made to sit silently on Monday while Humphrys reported on her case.

Labour’s Stella Creasy told HuffPost UK that it was “unfair” some stars have been stopped from speaking while Humphrys continued to work.

“This shows the BBC needs to ensure equal pay rather than using editorial guidelines to try to prevent presenters talking about this issue,” the Walthamstow MP said.

“It’s clear everyone has an opinion, so it is unfair to stop some speaking and not others. 

“That some of those opinions appear rooted in the 19th century when it comes to why this matters only further underlines the importance of getting this right.”

Woman’s Hour presenter Jane Garvey, who alongside colleague Winifred Robinson has been banned from reporting on pay disparity, described the corporation as “the Department of Mixed Messages”.

Heading into work at the Department of Mixed Messages, formerly known as the BBC #bbcwomen

— Jane Garvey (@janegarvey1) January 12, 2018

Womens’ Equality Party leader Sophie Walker asked whether Humphrys could continue to report on the gender pay gap following his reported comments. 

Taking this to mean John Humphreys can no longer report on the gender pay gap under the BBC’s impartiality rules. Can you confirm, @BBC?

— Sophie Walker (@SophieRunning) January 12, 2018

Lib Dem deputy leader Jo Swinson also raised the apparent inconsistency.

So is John Humphrys now banned from presenting stories on the BBC gender pay issue like @wrobinson101 and @janegarvey1 ?

— Jo Swinson (@joswinson) January 11, 2018

The exchange was reportedly leaked by former Countryfile presenter Miriam O’Reilly, who successfully sued the BBC over age discrimination.

She later denied she was the source of the story, but hit out at the BBC for having an invite to appear on Today withdrawn, while Humphrys was free to present the programme.

″[I]t’s clear there is one rule for male presenters at the BBC and one for women”, O’Reilly said.

I agreed to appear on Today on Weds night. It was confirmed by the programme several times, verbally and in writing. At lunchtime yesterday I was leaked the exchange between Humphrys and Sopel.

— Miriam O’Reilly (@OReillyMiriam) January 12, 2018

In my final briefing with the Today producer I asked who was doing the interview with me on #EqualPay The two presenters on this a.m. were Nick Robinson and John Humphrys. I told the producer I had heard the exchange between Humphrys and Sopel and Mr Humphrys was not impartial.

— Miriam O’Reilly (@OReillyMiriam) January 12, 2018

A matter of minutes later the producer rang back sounding a little embarrassed. He said something along the lines of news moves on, full programme, not able to talk to me now etc. He suggested perhaps Saturday. Obvs Mr Humphrys would not be presenting then.

— Miriam O’Reilly (@OReillyMiriam) January 12, 2018

I was disappointed, but mostly cross because the presenter of You and Yours, Winifred Robinson, was stood down from #EqualPay discussion as she had tweeted support for @bbccarrie In the case of Today it was the guest -me -who was stood down rather than Mr Humphrys.

— Miriam O’Reilly (@OReillyMiriam) January 12, 2018

I believe the person who made the decision to stand me down this morning was concerned I would mention the leaked tape on air. If Mr Humphrys was interviewing me I quite possibly would have – but why not – he would have done the same – it’s called freedom of speech.

— Miriam O’Reilly (@OReillyMiriam) January 12, 2018

The BBC did not immediately respond to HuffPost UK’s questions over the situation on Friday.

The scandalous transcripts appeared to depict Humphrys, who also fronts TV’s ‘Mastermind’, mocking the fight to end the pay gap, saying to colleague Jon Sopel: “How much are you prepared to hand over?”

In the transcript, Humphrys addresses the difference in pay between North American editor Sopel, 58, who is paid between £200,000-£249,999, and now former China editor Gracie, 55, who was paid £135,000:

HUMPHRYS:  “The first question will be how much of your salary you are prepared to hand over to Carrie Gracie to keep her and then a few comments about your other colleagues, like our Middle East Editor and the other men who are earning too much…”

SOPEL: “If we are talking about the scope for the greatest redistribution I’ll have to come back and say well, yes, Mr Humphrys, but…

HUMPHRYS: “And I could save you the trouble as I could volunteer I’ve handed over already more than you fucking earn but I’m still left with more than anybody else and that seems to me to be entirely just – something like that would do it?”

SOPEL “Don’t…”

HUMPHRYS:  “Oh dear God. She’s actually suggested that you should lose money; you know that don’t you? You’ve read the thing properly have you?” 

A BBC source previously told HuffPost that management were “deeply unimpressed” by the exchange.

And a corporation spokesperson said on Thursday evening: “This was an ill-advised off air conversation which the presenter regrets. 

“The BBC is committed to getting its pay structures right and, as we have said, we are conducting a comprehensive analysis of presenter pay.

“PwC are working with us on this to ensure an objective external assessment of how we have set pay in the past, what we need to do differently going forward, and what further action we need to take immediately.

“We will publish that in the coming weeks.”

“Pornos und Gewaltvideos – wir brauchen dringend ein Handyverbot an Schulen”

“Pornos und Gewaltvideos – wir brauchen dringend ein Handyverbot an Schulen”
Vor allem auf den Pausenhöfen der weiterführenden Schulen werden die Handys zu einem gravierenden Problem.

Immerhin: An den meisten Grundschulen stellt der Handykonsum der Schüler noch kein Problem dar. Die Grundschüler haben in der Regel kein Handy – oder besser gesagt: kein Smartphone.

Dies ändert sich schlagartig, sobald aus den Viertklässlern Fünftklässler geworden sind. Dann haben nicht nur vereinzelte Schüler ein Handy, sondern alle. Vor allem auf den Pausenhöfen der weiterführenden Schulen werden die Handys zu einem gravierenden Problem.

Weil die Handynutzung dort meistens offiziell erlaubt ist, nutzen die Schüler ihre “Freiheit”, um zu chatten, sich Youtube-Videos anzuschauen (und zwar keine Lernvideos!) oder um Clash of Clans zu spielen.

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Smartphones lenken die Schüler zu sehr ab

Mit einem Verbot schützen wir die Schüler vor den Gefahren des Internets und sich selbst.

Das ständige Chatten ist allein deshalb problematisch, weil die Schüler, die kurz vor dem Klingeln noch eine Nachricht verschicken, im Unterricht, wo die Handynutzung meistens offiziell verboten ist, auf die Antwort warten.

Und dann gucken sie in einer Tour heimlich aufs Display und sind enttäuscht, wenn nichts kommt, oder noch schlimmer: Sie reagieren, wenn etwas kommt. Das schadet vor allem denjenigen, die eh Schwierigkeiten haben, sich länger als zehn Minuten zu konzentrieren.

Wir dürfen keine Angst vor einem konsequenten Verbot haben

Darüber hinaus sollte Schule verhindern, dass bestimmte Ecken auf Pausenhöfen dazu genutzt werden, um sich Hinrichtungen und Pornoseiten anzuschauen.

Es ist bedauerlich genug, dass Kinder heutzutage außerhalb der Schule quasi überall die Möglichkeit haben, solche Seiten binnen Sekunden zu finden. Aber es sollte alles getan werden, damit Schüler nicht gerade auf dem Pausenhof erste Pornoerfahrungen zu sammeln.

Deshalb sollten sich bundesweit alle weiterführenden Schulen auf ein konsequentes Handyverbot einigen! Das wäre ein mutiger Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Für Oberstufenschüler hingegen könnte eine eigene Handyzone eingerichtet werden.

➨ Mehr zum Thema: So krank macht die Smartphonenutzung Kinder – und auch Babys

Nun regt sich Widerstand

Ein geläufiges Gegenargument für ein Verbot lautet, dass man ein solches nicht kontrollieren könne.

Das ist Unfug. Man schafft es ja auch, auf die Einhaltung des Rauchverbots an Schulen zu achten.

Oft wird auch darauf hingewiesen, dass Handys zum Alltag gehörten und Schüler in der Schule lernen müssten, wie man verantwortungsbewusst mit ihnen umgeht.

Ein neues Schulfach könnte helfen

Das stimmt! Dafür sollte es ein Fach geben. Man könnte es zum Beispiel Internet 21 nennen.

Auf schuleigenen Geräten könnten die Schüler von Grund auf lernen, wie sich das Internet sinnvoll nutzen lässt, welche Gefahren es birgt und wie man mit den Geräten, mit denen man Zugang zum Netz hat, umgeht. Mit der Einführung eines solchen Fachs würde man gleich mehrere Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen.

➨ Mehr zum Thema: Was mit Kindern passiert, die vor dem zweiten Lebensjahr mit dem Smartphone spielen

Schulen würden sich zum einen dem digitalen Suchtverhalten ihrer Schüler entgegenstellen und sich zum anderen nicht der Digitalisierung verschließen.

Sowohl in seinen Sachbüchern “Schule ohne Lehrer” und “Lehrer – ein verdammt attraktiver Beruf” als auch in seinem Roman “Nicht von dieser Welt” setzt sich Arne Ulbricht mit den Folgen der Digitalisierung auseinander.

In seinem aktuellen Roman geht es allerdings um etwas ganz anderes: Um den Schriftsteller Guy de Maupassant. Und in seinem neuesten Sachbuch “Mama ist auf Dienstreise” schildert Arne Ulbricht das Leben einer Familie, in der die Frau das Geld verdient, während der Mann sich um die Kinder kümmert und versucht aufzuräumen.

Mehr über den Autor und seine Bücher erfährt man hier.

Rebekah Shelton Dead: Former ‘Big Brother’ Housemate Dies, Aged 32

Rebekah Shelton Dead: Former ‘Big Brother’ Housemate Dies, Aged 32
Former ‘Big Brother’ housemate Rebekah Shelton has died at the age of 32, it has been confirmed.

Rebekah took part in the 10th series of the reality show in 2009, when it still aired on Channel 4, making it through to the live final.

A statement on her Twitter account on the early hours of Friday morning (12 January) announced the tragic news that she had died “unexpectedly” two days earlier.

We’re sorry to inform everyone of the sad news that our wonderful and lovely Rebekah died unexpectedly on Wednesday night.
We’re sorry to inform everyone of the sad news that our wonderful and lovely Rebekah died unexpectedly on Wednesday night. We ask that you respect the family’s privacy at this time.

January 12, 2018
‘Big Brother’ fans will best remember Brazil-born Rebekah – who took part in the show under her former name, Rodrigo Lopes – for her unabashed love of the Queen, as well as the UK in general, and brief romance with fellow housemate Charlie Drummond.

Three years after leaving the house, Rebekah came out as transgender in 2012, and has since made guest spots on spin-off show ‘Big Brother’s Bit On The Side’, as well as an appearance on ‘Judge Rinder’ which aired last year.

In an interview with Heat magazine, she disclosed that when she changed her name to Rebekah, she chose “Shelton” as a surname after the family she stayed with when she first moved to the UK.

In more recent years, Rebekah has had a number of health problems, falling into a coma in 2014 after she was diagnosed with a brain tumour, though she later made a recovery.

Grünen-Mann Habeck unkt bei “Maybrit Illner”: “Wenn GroKo scheitert, ist Schicht”

Grünen-Mann Habeck unkt bei “Maybrit Illner”: “Wenn GroKo scheitert, ist Schicht”

  • Grünen-Mann Habeck glaubt, die GroKo-Sondierung ist für viele Beteiligte die letzte Chance
  • Gute Ergebnisse bei den Verhandlungen bezweifelt er

Fast wirkt es wie ein Unkenruf.

Der Grünen-Politiker Robert Habeck, stellvertretender Ministerpräsident in Schleswig-Holstein, hat am Donnerstagabend über die Folgen eines GroKo-Scheiterns gesprochen.

Im ZDF-Talk von Moderatorin Maybrit Illner sagte Habeck, er glaube nicht, dass CDU-Chefin Angela Merkel, CSU-Kollege Horst Seehofer oder SPD-Chef Martin Schulz noch eine Chance bekommen würden, sich an einer Regierungsbildung zu versuchen.

„Irgendwann ist das dann auch mal gut. Bei aller Wertschätzung für die Beteiligten… Dann ist Schicht im Schacht!“
Robert Habeck (Grüne)

“Dann gibt es eine Dynamik, die sagt, es versuchen auch mal andere Leute”, sagte Habeck.

Genauso könnte es kommen: Denn auch am Freitagmorgen gibt es noch keine Einigung.

Grünen-Mann Habeck kritisiert GroKo

Habeck glaubt derweil nicht, dass eine Große Koalition eine positive politische Vision für Deutschland entwerfen wird.

“Wir werden wieder eine Koalition bekommen, die so vieles nicht falsch, aber nichts wirklich richtig macht”, sagte Habeck, der sich für einen Posten an der Grünen-Spitze bewirbt.

“Es gibt keine analytische Analyse und Idee”, warnte er. “Deswegen glaube ich, es gelingt, aber doll wird es nicht.” 


5 Easy Gym Hairstyles That Will Still Look Fresh Post-Workout

5 Easy Gym Hairstyles That Will Still Look Fresh Post-Workout

We often find ourselves with a multitude of reasons to put off going to the gym, so anything we can do to overcome those hurdles is going to instantly improve our commitment to fitness.

It may be embarrassing to admit that fear of struggling with our hair is one of the reasons, but (let’s face it) we’ve all been there. 

After all, nobody likes the idea of spending precious minutes on hair styling after a gruelling gym session. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Well, fear no more, as we’ve put together a round-up of five easy hairstyles to rock at the gym, that will look equally fresh post-workout. 

Short And Sweet

Twist the hair at your temples away from your face and towards the nape of your neck. Using hair grips, pin each strand. 

Aiming for the nape as opposed to the higher central point at the back of your head will help keep your hair in place for longer.

Feel free to use more than one hair grip per side – some of us have to.

Another tip is to scrunch the rest of your hair into a quick, messy bun during workout, especially if you don’t want sweaty hair.

Release post-workout for a fuss-free hairstyle. 

Take inspiration from this ’do by Beautiful Morning.

Naturally Done

Any naturalista worth their salt will be (over) familiar with the chunky twists look.

Usually en route to a twist-out, the look can be worn as a style in its own right (with a little care when preparing). 

While it may take slightly more time to put together, it’s worth the effort because it can last up to three days. (Afros need less frequent washes as they don’t become greasy as quickly as other hair types).

The best part is, once you’re bored of the twisted ’do, you can undo them for the perfect ’fro. A look that is also easy during a workout.

We love this example by Will On A Whim.

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Moose Be Quick

If your hair is shoulder length and you’re doing gentler exercise, it’s worth enlisting the help of a moose. 

Just apply a little moose to your hair pre- and post-workout for glossy wavy locks. (Try this Aveda styling foam, £17.)

The moose will add a slight stiffness to your tresses – a good thing on this occasion, at it will prevent it from flopping about your face.

What’s more, you’ll look good throughout. Ideal for on-the-go fitness stints. 

The Prissy Hippie Beauty Shop has got wavy hair inspo nailed.

Braided Bunch 

If Germanic braids is your go-to gym look, why not switch it up with this cute adaption.

Plait your hair into one a very loose braid starting halfway up your head at your left temple and culminating on the other side of your head. 

Next, snap a hairband over the back of your head and tuck loose bits in wherever suits.

Braided Lifestyle is a great source of plait inspiration.

Ballerina Bun

There’s nothing like an expertly styled ‘chignon’ to don during a workout. Not only does this keep your hair out of your face, it also looks instantly chic. 

This is ideal for those moments you ‘forget’ to have that post-gym hair wash because you’re rushing and a quick rinse will have to do. 

Practice making this style look effortlessly put together, so it’s not as tight as a real ballerina’s bun, but not exactly scrunchy-ville either. 

We love blogger Izzy Ann Whit’s style.

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