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Plastik in Toastbrot: Welche Produkte Rewe und Penny zurückrufen
Die Firma Glockenbrot Bäckerei hat vorsorglich mehrere Toastbrotsorten zurückgerufen. Wegen eines technischen Defekts könnten Plastikfremdkörper in die Produkte gelangt sein, teilte das Unternehmen aus Frankfurt/Main am Freitagabend mit.
► Betroffen seien bestimmte bei Rewe und Penny verkaufte Toastbrote.
Das sind zum einen die Chargen mit dem MHD 25.01.2018 A011 und dem MDH 25.01.2018 B011 von folgenden Produkten:
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REWE Beste Wahl Roggentoastbrot 250g und 500g
REWE Bio Weizenvollkorntoastbrot 250g und 500g
Ferner sind die folgenden Artikel mit den Mindesthaltbarkeitsdaten 24.01.2018 A010, 24.01.2018 B010, 25.01.2018 A011 und 25.01.2018 B011 betroffen:
Ja! Buttertoastbrot 500g
REWE Beste Wahl Dreikorntoastbrot 500g
Die Firma rate dringend vom Verzehr ab. Glockenbrot habe die Produkte umgehend aus dem Verkauf genommen und bedauere den Vorfall. Für Kunden wurde eine Hotline eingerichtet unter +49 69 42087 276.
Aziz Ansari Responds To Sexual Assault Allegations
Aziz Ansari has responded to allegations of sexual assault made against him.
The actor – best know for starring in ‘Parks And Recreation’ and creating and starring in ‘Master Of None’ – was accused of assaulting an anonymous 23-year-old photographer, who came forward with her story.
In her account, which she called the encounter the “worst experience with a man I’ve ever had”, she detailed how after a date with Aziz, he took her back to his apartment and she became “uncomfortable” with his advances.
Speaking to Babe, she said: “Most of my discomfort was expressed in me pulling away and mumbling. I know that my hand stopped moving at some points. I stopped moving my lips and turned cold. I know I was physically giving off cues that I wasn’t interested. I don’t think that was noticed at all, or if it was, it was ignored.”
sex, she left his apartment and “cried the whole way home” having felt “violated”.
Aziz has now issued a statement on the matter, which read: “In September of last year, I met a woman at a party. We exchanged numbers.
“We texted back and forth and eventually went on a date. We went out to dinner, and afterwards we ended up engaging in sexual activity, which by all indications was completely consensual.”
He continued: “The next day, I got a text from her saying that although ‘it may have seemed okay’, upon further reflection, she felt uncomfortable.
“It was true that everything did seem okay to me, so when I heard that it was not the case for her, I was surprised and concerned.”
He concluded: “I took her words to heart and responded privately after taking the time to process what she had said.
“I continue to support the movement that is happening in our culture. It is necessary and long overdue.”
The woman said she came forward with her story after seeing Aziz become the first Asian-American actor ever to win a Golden Globe for acting in a TV show at last Sunday’s awards, where he was seen wearing a pin in support of the Time’s Up movement.
Krefeld: Unbekannte überfallen Frau, ihr Hund schlägt sie in die Flucht
Für eine Frau aus Krefeld ist ein Ausflug mit ihrem Hund zum Alptraum geworden. Nur ihr Hund verhinderte vermutlich noch Schlimmeres.
In der Nacht von Samstag auf Sonntag überfielen drei unbekannte Männer zwischen 01.15 und 01.40 Uhr in der Großstadt am Niederrhein eine 23-Jährige.
Die Frau ging mit ihrem Hund in einem Waldstück in Forstwald Gassi. Plötzlich wurde ihr ein Gegenstand auf den Kopf geschlagen. Die Männer überwältigten die Frau und stellten sie an einen Baum. Dann begannen sie, sich sexuell an ihr zu vergehen.
Doch durch die Gegenwehr der Frau und durch lautes Bellen und Knurren des ihres Hundes ließen die Täter schließlich von der Frau ab und flüchteten in unbekannte Richtung.
Die Frau wurde durch die Tat leicht verletzt und konnte nach ambulanter Behandlung im Krankenhaus wieder entlassen werden.
Aufgrund der Dunkelheit kann die Frau nur einen der Täter beschreiben: Er war etwa 1,80 bis 1,90 Meter groß und hatte eine athletische Figur. Er trug ein dunkles Sweatshirt, eine dicke, dunkle Daunenweste und ein Basecap. Die Kapuze seines Sweatshirt hatte er über das Basecap gezogen. Auf der Kappe standen die Buchstaben NY.
Die Polizei Krefeld bittet unter der Rufnummer 02151 / 634-0 oder per E-Mail an [email protected] um Hinweise.
28 Male Models and Assistants Accuse Mario Testino and Bruce Weber of Sexual Abuse
In December we reported that photographer Bruce Weber was being sued by male model Jason Boyce for sexual harassment and discrimination over Weber’s behavior during a 2014 photo shoot.
On Saturday, the New York Times reported that they spoke with 15 current and former male models who accused Weber of sexual harassment and abuse of power.
Additionally, the paper spoke with 13 models and assistants who accused photographer Mario Testino of sexual abuse as well.
Wrote the NYT: “The men recalled, with remarkable consistency, private sessions with Mr. Weber in which he asked them to undress and led them through breathing and “energy” exercises. Models were asked to breathe and to touch both themselves and Mr. Weber, moving their hands wherever they felt their “energy.” Often, Mr. Weber guided their hands with his own.”
It added: “In accounts going back to the mid-1990s, 13 male assistants and models who have worked with the photographer Mario Testino, a favorite of the English royal family and Vogue, told The Times that he subjected them to sexual advances that in some cases included groping and masturbation.”
Head over to the NYT for the sad and disturbing report.
Anna Wintour, artistic director of Condé Nast, said the company would no longer be commissioning work from the two photographers.
Fashion labels have also begun dropping the pair:
Burberry also said it had no plans to work with Testino again in the foreseeable future and there were reports that other brands including Michael Kors were reconsidering their relationship with the men.
A Burberry spokesperson said: “We take allegations of this nature very seriously. Burberry is committed to providing a just, safe and fair working environment and we have a zero-tolerance policy against any form of harassment, abuse or discrimination.”
Both men have denied the claims.
The post 28 Male Models and Assistants Accuse Mario Testino and Bruce Weber of Sexual Abuse appeared first on Towleroad.
28 Male Models and Assistants Accuse Mario Testino and Bruce Weber of Sexual Abuse
‘Falling for Angels’ Covers the Gay Threesome Issues
Many gay couples one day wonder if adding a third is right for them. This Silver Lake story is one of — caution or possibility?
Forget Blue Monday, You Need To Know About Samaritans’ Brew Monday
The third Monday of January has become known as “Blue Monday”, because it supposedly represents the “most depressing day of the year”. The concept has previously come under fire, however, for trivialising mental illness, which affects people all year round.
Samaritans has transformed Blue Monday into Brew Monday – a campaign dedicated to preventing suicide and improving the nation’s mental health.
The campaign tells the nation “don’t let things stew, get together for a brew”, encouraging us to invite a friend, family member or colleague for a cuppa and have a chat.
The small act could make a big difference to someone’s wellbeing: research commissioned by Samaritans found eight out of 10 people believe getting together for tea and a talk makes them “feel better” about their day.
Life can be tough at any time of year and Brew Monday aims to get people talking, not just about tea, but about anything that may be bothering them.
Samaritans volunteers are giving out free tea bags at stations and events up and down the country, while workplaces across the UK, ranging from the Bank of England and PWC to Yorkshire Tea and McVitie’s, are staging Brew Monday tea and chat fundraising events.
The campaign has gained the support for a host of famous faces, including comedian Ross Noble, TV and radio broadcaster Yasmin Evans, poet Hussain Manawer, Libertines vocalist Carl Barât, Years & Years lead singer Olly Alexander and Olympic champion Audley Harrison.
Yasmin commented: “Having a cup of tea, and sitting across the table from someone, you just put all your walls down and get a little bit comfortable, you have a conversation and a chat.
“What is comforting is, you know that the conversation is going to last as long as that little mug, so there’s no pressure. You don’t have to stay longer than the brew.”
It also seems us Brits believe tea and talking is a great way to connect with other people.
Nine out of 10 of those who responded to the survey of more than 2,000 people believe having a cuppa and a chat with someone who may be lonely is a good way of reaching out to them.
What’s more, seven out of 10 people aged 18-24 say they would like more time to sit and chat, while eight out of 10 students in full time education believe people should talk over a drink more often during the day.
Commenting on the launch of the initiate, Samaritans CEO Ruth Sutherland said: “Challenging feelings aren’t seasonal and pressures can pile up over time and become overwhelming.
“Samaritans’ Brew Monday gives you the chance to sit down with someone and talk to them, or listen to them over a cup of tea, or coffee if you prefer.
“No matter what your brew, it’s great to get together and support each other. We’re grateful to everyone who’s making it a date to raise funds for Samaritans too, so that for people who feel they have nowhere else to turn, we can always be there.”
Find out more about Brew Monday and download a resource pack here.
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