Cory Booker Explodes at DHS Secretary for Inability to Recall Whether Trump Said ‘S—hole’ – WATCH

Cory Booker Explodes at DHS Secretary for Inability to Recall Whether Trump Said ‘S—hole’ – WATCH

Cory Booker DHS

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) exploded in rage and disgust at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen during an extraordinary hearing about immigration over her failure to recall whether Donald Trump called African nations and Haiti “s—hole countries” in a meeting with lawmakers.

Said Booker: “The commander in chief, in an Oval Office meeting, referring to people from African countries and Haitians with the most vile and vulgar language–that language festers. When ignorance and bigotry is alive with power, it’s a dangerous force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is complicity.”

Added Booker: “When Dick Durbin called me I had tears of rage when I heard about his experience in this meeting, and for you not to feel that hurt and that pain and to dismiss some of the questions of my colleagues … when tens of millions of Americas are hurting right now because of what they’re worried about what happened in the White House, that’s unacceptable to me!”


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Cory Booker Explodes at DHS Secretary for Inability to Recall Whether Trump Said ‘S—hole’ – WATCH

So viel zahlen die Deutschen im Vergleich zu anderen Staaten für die EU

So viel zahlen die Deutschen im Vergleich zu anderen Staaten für die EU
Wer Geld für Kaffee hat, hat auch welches für die EU: Die AfD-Vorsitzenden Gauland und Meuthen

  • Die Europäische Kommission behauptet: Die EU kostet jeden Bürger weniger als eine Tasse Cappuccino am Tag
  • Das Magazin “Politico” hat diese Behauptung mit einem Vergleich aller EU-Länder überprüft – und kommt zu überraschenden Ergebnissen

Die Deutschen lieben ihren Kaffee. Im Durchschnitt trinken sie weit über 150 Liter im Jahr; für das Jahr 2016 waren es 162 Liter.

Das macht 1296 Tassen (à 125 Milliliter) pro Jahr. Der durchschnittliche Deutsche trinkt also 3,55 Tassen Kaffee am Tag – und je nachdem, wo dieser gekauft wird, kann das ganz schön teuer werden. 

Sehr viel teurer jedenfalls, als die täglichen Gebühren für die Mitgliedschaft in der EU.

► Das behauptet zumindest die Europäische Kommission. Sie sagt: Für jeden EU-Bürger kostet die Mitgliedschaft in der EU weniger als eine Tasse Cappuccino am Tag. 

It’s time to sort the myth from the reality: for less than one cup of coffee a day, every EU citizen benefits from #EUbudget.

— European Commission (@EU_Commission) January 7, 2018

Aber stimmt das auch? Und wenn ja: In welchem EU-Land ist das Verhältnis zwischen Kaffeekosten und EU-Beiträgen am besten? Das Magazin “Politico” hat den Test gemacht

Die Deutschen zahlen nicht am meisten 

Zunächst einmal stellt “Politico” anhand der Haushaltszahlen der EU fest, wie viel EU-Einwohner aus den verschiedenen Mitgliedsstaaten pro Tag für die Union aufbringen müssen. 

► Die erste Überraschung: Deutschland ist nicht Spitzenreiter, was die persönlichen täglichen Kosten angeht. Zwar ist Deutschland der größte Netto-Einzahler in der EU – weil die Bundesrepublik weniger Geld aus dem EU-Haushalt zurückbekommt, als sie einzahlt. Doch was die Brutto-Einzahlungen pro Land angeht, liegt Deutschland nur im Mittelfeld der EU-Staaten. 

➨ Mehr zum Thema: EU-Kommissionspräsident Juncker fordert mehr Geld für die EU – und stichelt gegen die CSU

► Am meisten zahlen die Luxemburger: 1,56 Euro pro Tag kostet die Bewohner des kleinen Landes die EU-Mitgliedschaft am Tag. Deutschland kommt erst an Platz 9, mit 84 Cent pro Tag – nach Ländern wir Schweden, Frankreich, Dänemark oder auch Irland und Belgien.

► Am wenigsten zahlen täglich die EU-Bürger in einigen osteuropäischen Staaten. Für die Bulgaren kostet die EU 18 Cent am Tag, für die Rumänen 22 Cent und in Kroatien, Polen und Ungarn sind es 30 bzw. 31 Cent

► Übrigens: Die Briten, denen die EU so teuer vorkam, dass sie diese nun verlassen, zahlen täglich nur 69 Cent für ihre Mitgliedschaft. 

Der Cappuccino-Index

Doch wie viel macht das für jedes Land in Kaffetassen pro Kopf? 

“Politico” hat anhand der durchschnittlichen Cafépreise in Europas Ländern nachgerechnet und einen Cappuccino-Index erstellt. Und der gibt der EU-Kommission Recht

► Tatsächlich zahlt nämlich kein EU-Bürger auch nur annähernd den Preis einer Tasse Cappuccino pro Tag für die Mitgliedschaft seines Landes in der EU.       

► In nur drei Ländern – Luxemburg, Belgien und Italien – ist es der Preis einer halben Tasse Cappuccino oder mehr (55 bzw. 56 Prozent einer Tasse) pro Tag. Gerade in Italien liegt das daran, dass der Kaffee dort so günstig ist.   

► Für Deutschland gibt der Cappuccino-Index an, dass jeder Bundesbürger und jede Bundesbürgerin 32 Prozent des durchschnittlichen Preises einer Tasse Cappucino täglich an die EU zahlen – eben die oben erwähnten 84 Cent pro Tag. 

Bei 3,55 Tassen Kaffe, die der Durchschnittsdeutsche am Tag trinkt, ein mehr als fairer Preis.

Donald Trump’s Doctor Has ‘No Concerns’ About US President’s Mental Health

Donald Trump’s Doctor Has ‘No Concerns’ About US President’s Mental Health

Donald Trump’s doctor has said he has “no concerns” about the state of the US president’s mental health, despite recent concerns raised about whether he was fit for duty.

Ronny Jackson told reporters that the President scored 30-out-of-30 during a cognitive screening exam requested by Trump himself.

Broadly, the doctor said the 71-year-old commander-in-chief is in “excellent” health – although he could benefit from a lower-fat diet and more exercise, the White House physician said on Tuesday.

He added Trump was aiming to lose between 10 to 15 pounds and was taking a pill to prevent male pattern baldness.

“In summary, the president’s overall health is excellent,” Ronny Jackson told reporters.

“He continues to enjoy the significant long-term cardiac and overall health benefits that come from a lifetime of abstinence from tobacco and alcohol.”

This is a breaking news story and will be updated. Check back for the fullest version. Follow HuffPost UK on Twitter here, and on Facebook here.

Studio 54, Demi Lovato, Kylie Minogue, Robbie Rogers, Modern Family, Adidas, Gill Foundation: HOT LINKS

Studio 54, Demi Lovato, Kylie Minogue, Robbie Rogers, Modern Family, Adidas, Gill Foundation: HOT LINKS

MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. VS DONALD TRUMP. The world is full of numbskulls.

MODERN FAMILY. Will it soon be over?

CHARLES WILLIAM DAVIS II. Army hero survives brutal gay bashing: ‘Through the kicks and the punches, Davis saw something that changed the stakes of a brutal situation dramatically. One of the men, as best he can tell, was holding what looked like a gun. He was screaming, “What, motherf**ker, what?” Davis remembered “pleading with him, ‘Don’t shoot us, oh my God, please don’t f**king kill us.’”’

ROBBIE ROGERS. The out former pro soccer player (and husband of Greg Berlanti) makes a cameo in Love, Simon as a coach.

GOOD IDEA. New Adidas sneakers double as Berlin public transport pass.

GILL FOUNDATION. Eliza Byard joins Gill Foundation Board of Directors: “You know Eliza well from her incredible work as Executive Director of GLSEN, where she’s designed and executed strategic initiatives that have transformed K-12 education in the United States to respond to the unique challenges and needs of LGBT youth. GLSEN’s work has contributed to a significant decrease in anti-LGBT harassment and violence in schools, and the organization’s advocacy and legislative strategies have achieved bipartisan support around the urgency and importance of bullying prevention and LGBT issues in education. Under her leadership, GLSEN was honored by President Obama as a “Champion of Change” and named a Top National Non-Profit for its impact on LGBT equality.”

NYLE DIMARCO. In a new TV series This Close.


FUN FACT: This show is Hollywood’s first deaf writers, producers, and creators.
(@Shoshannah7 and @ItsJoshFeldman)

Check out the trailer ????

— Nyle DiMarco (@NyleDiMarco) January 14, 2018

PORTLAND. New gay nightclub to open in Embers location: “…the new business owner in the space, TJ Bruce, says he plans to “carry on the tradition” in the former Embers space at 110 NW Broadway by opening a new gay dance club called Badlands, as soon as this summer—although timing will depend heavily on the level of renovations needed.”

TIFFANY TRUMP. Enthusiastic flower girl at a Vegas shotgun wedding, dropping flower petals out of a Tiffany bag. ‘Trump’s Secret Service detail watched the ceremony at A Little White Wedding Chapel “dumbfounded,” the New York Post reported.’

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STUDIO 54. Ian Schrager and Michael Overington on how they made it: “Right from the opening night, it was like holding on to a lightning bolt or walking into Disney World. The lighting and the sets were an assault on the senses. People danced with wild abandon. The door policy was controversial, but we wanted a mix of rich, poor, gay, straight, old and young, because when you have that alchemy, magic happens. Somebody topless could dance with a woman in a ballgown and a tiara.”

KYLIE MINOGUE. “Dancing” coming this Friday:

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DEMI LOVATO. Who’d you rather?

PHOTOBOMB OF THE DAY. A crow during the weather report.

NEW TUNE OF THE DAY. Bleachers “Alfie’s Song” from Love, Simon.


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The post Studio 54, Demi Lovato, Kylie Minogue, Robbie Rogers, Modern Family, Adidas, Gill Foundation: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Studio 54, Demi Lovato, Kylie Minogue, Robbie Rogers, Modern Family, Adidas, Gill Foundation: HOT LINKS

Weil Tattoo sich nicht entfernen ließ: Sohn schlägt Mutter brutal zusammen

Weil Tattoo sich nicht entfernen ließ: Sohn schlägt Mutter brutal zusammen
Mit einem Cent-Stück sollte die Mutter das Tattoo wegreiben – als das nicht funktionierte rastete ihr Sohn aus. (Symbolbild)

  • In Duisburg hat ein Mann seine Mutter auf brutale Weise zusammengeschlagen, weil es ihr nicht gelang, sein Tattoo zu entfernen
  • Das Gericht verurteilte ihn zu 18 Monaten Haft 

Für einen brutalen Angriff auf seine Mutter ist ein Mann in Duisburg zu 18 Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt worden.

Laut Anklage hatte der 30-Jährige im November 2016 seine Mutter aufgefordert, eine seiner Tätowierungen mit einem Cent-Stück wegzurubbeln. Als dies – wie zu erwarten – nicht gelang, soll er brutal auf die 59-Jährige eingeschlagen haben. Dies berichtete die Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung”.

Die Duisburgerin versuchte zu fliehen, doch ihr Sohn zerrte sie zurück ins Haus und stieß sie eine Kellertreppe herunter – das jedenfalls nimmt die Staatsanwaltschaft an. Da Täter und Opfer eine Stellungnahme zum Tathergang verweigerten, lässt sich der Stoß auf die Kellertreppe nicht nachweisen.

Fest steht nur, dass die Frau einen Nasenbruch erlitt.

Mutter in Keller eingeschlossen 

Nach der Tat schloss sich der Duisburger mit seiner Mutter im Keller ein. Nachbarn, die das Geschehen teilweise vom Balkon beobachtet hatten, alarmierten die Polizei.

Diese konnte die blutverschmierte Frau knapp eine Stunde später mit der Hilfe des Schlüsseldienstes aus dem von innen verschlossenen Keller befreien.

Das Amtsgericht Duisburg verurteilte den Sohn wegen vorsätzlicher Körperverletzung und Freiheitsberaubung zu einer Haftstrafe von eineinhalb Jahren. Da der Mann bereits mehrfach vorbestraft war, scheidet eine Aussetzung der Strafe zur Bewährung aus.

➨ Das könnte euch auch interessieren: Horrorhaus in Kalifornien: Eltern fesselten ihre Kinder und ließen sie hungern


Tory ‘Mutineer’ Paul Masterton: ‘Happy Clappy’ Pro-Brexit Tories Won’t Stop Me Standing Up To The Government

Tory ‘Mutineer’ Paul Masterton: ‘Happy Clappy’ Pro-Brexit Tories Won’t Stop Me Standing Up To The Government
Tory Brexit ‘mutineer’ Paul Masterton has attacked his “happy-clappy” colleagues who cheer “like a seal” whenever leaving the EU is mentioned.

Masterton – one of 15 Tories dubbed a ‘Brexit mutineer’ by the Daily Telegraph – told HuffPost UK he was determined to hold the Government to account during the EU Withdrawal process, despite attacks from hostile media and fellow MPs.

The East Renfrewshire MP was put on the Telegraph’s front page as one of a group trying to stop the Government locking the date of Brexit into the EU Withdrawal Bill – a move which they believed weakened the UK’s negotiating hand.

The Government later offered a compromise that the date could be changed if needed.

Masterton said the infamous front page actually galvanized those under attack, and he now counts some of his fellow ‘mutineers’ among his closest friends.

Speaking to HuffPost UK as part of a series of interviews with MPs elected in the 2017 General Election, Masterton said: “My constituency is the highest Remain voting constituency held by a Conservative and that matters to me – I’m not flippant about that.

“I am not and have never been a Brexiteer.

“To me, respecting the will of the people isn’t about happy-clappy cheering like a seal every time someone says we’re leaving the European Union, it’s about recognising that yes we are leaving, but how are we going to do it.”

Masterton said his goal is not to frustrate the result of referendum, but with an estimated 74% of people in his constituency backing Remain in the 2016 vote he was determined to represent their views – regardless of “people being hostile to you who made careers out of rebelling against the Government on Europe.”

He said: “It’s about actually being prepared to stand and say: ‘Hold on, the way you are doing this, Government, you are not yet convincing me this is going to work for my people.’

“I’m not going to compromise on that as a principle otherwise what’s the point in me being here?”

Masterton was clear that while he would hold the Government to account on Brexit, he would not go so far as trying to bring Theresa May’s administration down.

He said: “I’ve always been very clear that whilst there are some people in the party who are very happy to go on the assault against Conservative Prime Ministers over Europe regardless of the consequences, I’m never going to do anything that is going to put us at risk of having a neo-Marxist in Number 10, which is far worse for the people of East Renfrewshire than anything you could imagine.”

Masterton revealed that it was the leader of Scottish Conservative, Ruth Davidson, who alerted him to the fact he was under attack from the Telegraph.

“I was back in the hotel and I got a text from Ruth Davison actually, and she said” “Your first front page national!’. I was like: ‘What?!’ and I went on Twitter and saw the front page and went ‘Shit!’

“It was hilarious because the whole way they designed the front page was ludicrous but also most of those people on that front page I’ve literally said two words to since I joined and now I count many of them among my closest and best friends.

“People like Tom [Tugendhat], Vicky [Fox], I get on very well with Heidi [Allen], I get on well with Bob Neill.

“Because it was so overdone and so unnecessary it kind of threw us together in a way we hadn’t expected.

“I think in some ways the reaction of a lot of the ministers when it came out was so supportive of us and hostile to the paper because I think they recognised that actually, hold on a second here, you’ve basically just as a newspaper backed 15 people into a corner by projecting people in this way.”

Despite forcing the Government to offer a concession on locking the Brexit date into law, Masterton does not believe he will be remembered as a rebel.

“It’s funny because I’ve not mutineered on anything yet,” he said.