Verdachtsfälle von Kindesmissbrauch durch Bundeswehrangehörige haben zugenommen

Verdachtsfälle von Kindesmissbrauch durch Bundeswehrangehörige haben zugenommen

  • Anfang Januar konnte die Polizei einen Pädophilenring in Baden-Württemberg sprengen
  • Unter den acht Verdächtigen befindet sich auch ein Bundeswehrsoldat – er ist kein Einzelfall, wie Zahlen des Verteidigungsministerium zeigen

Es sind unfassbare Vorwürfe: Eine Mutter soll ihr 9-jähriges Kind Männern gegen Geld für Vergewaltigungen zur Verfügung gestellt haben. Die Polizei befreite den Jungen nach zwei Jahren Martyrium.

Die Behörde machte den Fall und die Verdächtigen am Donnerstag bekannt. Unter den Vergewaltigern des 9-jährigen Kindes war auch ein Bundeswehrsoldat. Er war Teil eines in ganz Europa aktiven Pädophilenrings.

Nun kommt heraus: Der 49-jährige Unteroffizier, der bei der deutsch-französischen Brigade im Elsass diente, ist womöglich kein Einzelfall.

Die Strafmaßnahmen gegen Bundeswehrsoldaten wegen Kindesmissbrauch und Kinderpornografie sollen in den vergangenen Jahren massiv zugenommen haben, berichtet die “Bild”-Zeitung am Mittwoch.

Verdachtsfälle verdreifachten sich fast

Die Zahlen, die ein Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums der “Bild” nannte, sind besorgniserregend.

Hat es im Jahr 2015 noch 9 Verdachtsfälle gegeben, erhöhte sich die Zahl 2016 bereits auf 19 und 2017 schließlich auf 26 Fälle. 

In den vergangenen drei Jahren sollen insgesamt vier Strafverfahren eingestellt worden sein. Unklar ist, ob dies gegen eine Geldauflage geschah. Aus Sicht des Verteidigungsministeriums stellt Pädophilie “eine krankhafte, psychische Störung” dar.

Mehr zum Thema: Jahrzehntelang habe ich Kinderschänder gejagt – oft war ich gegen ihre Methoden machtlos

Mutmaßlicher Vergewaltiger darf keine Uniform mehr tragen

Der Verdächtige in dem aktuellen Fall aus Freiburg sitze bereits seit dem 25. Oktober in U-Haft, wie ein Sprecher des Heeres erklärte. Er soll den Jungen nicht nur vergewaltigt haben, sondern ließ sich angeblich auch bei der Tat gefilmt haben.

Laut Informationen der “Bild” soll auf dem Dienstrechner des Beschuldigten bereits vor etwa acht Jahren kinderpornografisches Material gefunden worden sein. Damals sei der Mann degradiert worden und habe eine Geldstrafe erhalten. 

Diesmal ist das anders: Der Mann sei vorläufig des Dienstes enthoben worden und dürfe keine Uniform mehr tragen, wie der Heeres-Sprecher bestätigte.

Das ist ein Standardverfahren. Wird ein Soldat vom Gericht später zu einem Strafmaß von weniger als einem Jahr verurteilt, leitet die Bundeswehr ein disziplinargerichtliches Verfahren gegen den Soldaten ein.

Die Bundeswehr kann seinen Dienstgrad herabsetzen oder ihn sogar entlassen. Bei einer Gerichtsstrafe von über 12 Monaten verliert der Soldaten in jedem Fall  seine Anstellung bei der Armee.

Mehr zum Thema: Mädchen in Niedersachsen missbraucht: Jetzt rückt die perfide Strategie des Täters in den Fokus

Anonymer Hinweis auf Pädophilenring

Nach einem anonymen Hinweis hatten die Ermittlungen im vergangenen September begonnen, wie die Staatsanwaltschaft Freiburg berichtete.

Die Polizei stieß dann auf einen Pädophilenring, der seit Anfang Januar zerschlagen ist. Es sei der schwerwiegendste Fall von sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern, den das Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg jemals bearbeitet hat, sagt ein Sprecher der Behörde. 

Selbst Ermittler hat die Grausamkeit der Taten erschreckt. Die 47 Jahre alte Mutter des Jungen und ihr 37 Jahre alter Lebensgefährte haben das Kind demnach gemeinsam sexuell misshandelt sowie es anderen Männern gegen Geld für Vergewaltigungen überlassen. Der Kriminalfall sprenge bisher bekannte Dimensionen, sagen die Ermittler.

Acht Verdächtige sind in Untersuchungshaft. Die Taten ereigneten sich laut Polizei von 2015 bis Herbst 2017. Der Junge befinde sich mittlerweile in staatlicher Obhut. 

Mit Material der dpa.


Why We Should Tackle The Global Challenge Of Uncorrected Poor Vision

Why We Should Tackle The Global Challenge Of Uncorrected Poor Vision
I was in my forties when I discovered that I have an interiorised stammer – a relatively common problem, affecting over 750,000 people in the UK – and, thanks to a diagnosis and treatment from a speech therapist, I have been able to understand the condition and carry on with my career, knowing it is just part of who I am.

It just never occurred to me that it should hold me back. So, I am eager to find out the reasons why an estimated 2.5 billion people worldwide, according to the Clearly campaign, continue to suffer from a condition which hinders children’s education, undermines economic productivity and entrenches gender inequality, and yet is perfectly treatable: poor vision.

Affecting almost a third of the world’s population, uncorrected poor vision – by which I mean natural short-sightedness (myopia) or the gradual loss of vision that comes to everyone of a certain age (presbyopia) – proves to be a huge obstacle to global economic development.

Uncorrected poor vision creates a litany of small setbacks for people whose lives would be drastically improved with a straightforward solution: a simple pair of glasses.

It increases the toll of healthcare provision and the indirect costs of road and domestic accidents and informal family care, and it leads to lost income and workplace productivity.

And the total global cost is huge. Access Economics has estimated that the global cost of poor vision is as much as $3 trillion a year.

Poor vision itself is not the subject of any UN’s Security Council Resolutions or any of the Sustainable Development Goals. While there are laudable efforts to fund medical interventions for the 165 million people worldwide who could suffer sight loss without attention, there is no multilateral commitment in place to tackle poor vision.

Yet, if we were to tackle poor vision like we tackled diseases like polio, we would face enjoy significant economics returns, lift people out of poverty and improve the quality of life for literally billions of people.

Many of our multilateral health and development targets would be impossible to achieve without tackling poor vision. For example, global goals to deliver quality education, decent work and gender equality.

The important point is that glasses are genuinely affordable, costing as little as £1 to produce.

Outlining the objectives of the Clearly campaign, its founder James Chen has highlighted four obstacles standing in our way – what he calls ‘the four Ds’.

The first is diagnosis. In most countries, eye tests are the preserve of optometrists who generally need four years of training. Yet technology allows someone with just three days training to carry out a simple test. Of course, we should be training more optometrists but it is much cheaper to train community nurses, teachers and even entrepreneurs – as countries like Rwanda and Botswana are doing.

And even when people are diagnosed, the logistical challenges of distribution, getting glasses to where they are needed, holds back a nationwide solution. Most of the billions of people with poor vision live in rural parts of the developing world, but they are not totally inaccessible. If you can buy a bottle of coke or packet of biscuits in rural villages around the world, why can’t we distribute glasses too?

The lengthy supply chain and the payment of import taxes and duties add many dollars in value to the average pair of glasses – particularly prescription glasses – by the time they are sold, putting them out of reach to families on low incomes.

Organisations like Vision for a Nation and Vision Spring have sought to tackle this challenge by subsidising the cost of a pair of glasses in counties like Rwanda and Bangladesh in the hope of creating a market for glasses that cost as little as £1.

Yet the final ‘D’ – demand – still poses problems. Those who wear glasses have always encountered social stigma, which can stop even those with the right prescription from experiencing the improvements that glasses will bring. When the market reaches a critical mass, this problem can be overcome.

Since the invention of glasses 700 years ago – and their proliferation after the invention of the printing press – clear vision has transformed countless lives. Yet a third of the global population are still living a blurry life.

It’s time to help the whole world see.

Top-News To Go: Martin Schulz will GroKo-Nachbesserungen nach zwei Jahren

Top-News To Go: Martin Schulz will GroKo-Nachbesserungen nach zwei Jahren
Nachbesserungen kommen erst später, sagt Schulz.

SPD-Chef Martin Schulz will im Fall einer neuen großen Koalition die Bilanz der Regierung nach zwei Jahren bewerten – und gegebenenfalls nachbessern.

Das ist passiert: 

► “Wir werden den Koalitionsvertrag nach zwei Jahren einer Bestandsaufnahme unterziehen. Wir müssen nach dieser Zeit einen Strich ziehen und uns fragen: Wie weit sind wir eigentlich gekommen? Und was müssen wir verändern?”, sagte Schulz dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland.

► Das sei für die SPD auch die Chance, in einigen Punkten nachzubessern, betonte der Vorsitzende der Sozialdemokraten.

► Diese “Mid-Term-Evaluierung” sei für die SPD entscheidend, um einem Koalitionsvertrag mit der Union zuzustimmen, sagte Schulz.

Darum ist es wichtig:

In den Tagen nach dem Ende der Sondierungen mit der Union ist der Widerstand gegen eine Neuauflage der GroKo in der SPD weiter gestiegen. Führende SPD-Politiker forderten zudem Änderungen am Sondierungsergebnis.

Am Wochenende stimmen 600 Delegierte auf einem Sonderparteitag über die Aufnahme von Koalitionsgesprächen ab. Sollte die SPD sich gegen die GroKo aussprechen, ist fraglich, ob sich Schulz als Vorsitzender halten kann.

► Der SPD-Chef wirbt unterdessen um Zustimmung – offenbar auch mit dem Versprechen, nach zwei Jahren in einer GroKo noch Änderungen vornehmen zu können.

Mehr zum Thema: Es gibt 8 Szenarien, wie es mit der GroKo weitergeht – so wahrscheinlich sind sie

Was ihr noch wissen müsst: 

Mit Blick auf die Debatte über Nachverhandlungen der Sondierungsergebnisse sagte Schulz: “Ich kann keine konkreten Änderungen für bestimmte Punkte versprechen.”

Er wolle auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse mit der Union verhandeln.

Mehr zum Thema: Wie Union und SPD gerade die Neuauflage der GroKo zerdeppern


‘Home And Away’ Star Jessica Falkholt Dies Following Boxing Day Crash That Killed Her Parents And Sister

‘Home And Away’ Star Jessica Falkholt Dies Following Boxing Day Crash That Killed Her Parents And Sister

Former ‘Home And Away’ star Jessica Falkholt has died at the age of 29.

The actress, who played Hope Morrison on the Aussie soap in 2016, was seriously injured in a highway crash near Ulladulla, New South Wales, on Boxing Day.

Jessica Falkholt played Hope Morrison in 'Home And Away'

Jessica’s parents died at the scene along with a 50-year-old man, after a four-wheel-drive crossed the road and collided with their car.

The soap star and her 21-year-old sister Annabelle were pulled from the wreckage before the vehicles became engulfed by flames.

Annabelle died in hospital soon afterwards. 

Despite undergoing surgery several times, Jessica remained in a coma, before dying on Tuesday (16 Jan).

Jessica (far right) pictured with her parents Lars and Vivian, and sister Annabelle in a photo supplied to the media

News of her death was confirmed in a statement from St George Hospital in Sydney. A spokesperson said: “On behalf of the family of Jessica Falkholt, St George Hospital has been asked to advise the media and the community of Jessica’s passing today at 10.20am (local time).

“Jessica passed away from serious injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident on 26 December, 2017.

“The family has asked for privacy during this very difficult time.”

A post shared by Pia. (@piamiller) on

Channel Seven, the Australian broadcaster who produces ‘Home And Away’, stated: “Jessica’s shining talent was recognised and respected by all her cast mates and crew and her beautiful friendship treasured.

“We send our sincere condolences to her extended family and friends during this difficult time.”

During her two-month stint on the soap, Jessica’s character was kidnapped by Spike Lowe, and arrested for stealing credit card details before being sent to prison.

Minister Appointed To Tackle Loneliness Issues Raised By Jo Cox

Minister Appointed To Tackle Loneliness Issues Raised By Jo Cox
A minister for loneliness has been appointed to help tackle the misery endured by around nine million Britons.

Theresa May has backed a series of recommendations made by the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness, which highlighted how widespread the problem is.

Cox, who was brutally murdered by a far-right terrorist, campaigned across the political divide before her death to find ways to combat loneliness.

As well as announcing Tracey Crouch will become the minister responsible for the issue, the Prime Minister said a cross-government strategy to find ways to stop people feeling lonely will be published later this year.

Great to see this leadership. Appointing a minister might not sound like much, but in tackling a complex crisis like loneliness that cuts across departments it will provide much needed leadership& accountability. Good luck @tracey_crouch, Jo would be over the moon.

January 16, 2018
On Wednesday, May will host a Downing Street reception to celebrate Ms Cox’s legacy.

Ahead of the event, she said: “For far too many people, loneliness is the sad reality of modern life.

“I want to confront this challenge for our society and for all of us to take action to address the loneliness endured by the elderly, by carers, by those who have lost loved ones, people who have no one to talk to or share their thoughts and experiences with.

“Jo Cox recognised the scale of loneliness across the country and dedicated herself to doing all she could to help those affected.

“So I am pleased that Government can build on her legacy with a ministerial lead for loneliness who will work with the Commission, businesses and charities to shine a light on the issue and pull together all strands of Government to create the first ever strategy.

“We should all do everything we can to see that, in Jo’s memory, we bring an end to the acceptance of loneliness for good.”

Jo Cox’s husband, Brendan, welcomed the appointment, tweeting: “Great to see this leadership.

“Appointing a minister might not sound like much, but in tackling a complex crisis like loneliness that cuts across departments it will provide much needed leadership and accountability.

“Good luck Tracey Crouch, Jo would be over the moon.”

The Office for National Statistics will help to devise a method of measuring loneliness and a fund will be set up to allow Government and charities to find innovative ways to deal with the problem across all ages, backgrounds and communities.

Crouch said:  “I am sure that with the support of volunteers, campaigners, businesses and my fellow MPs from all sides of the House, we can make significant progress in defeating loneliness.

“This is an issue that Jo cared passionately about and we will honour her memory by tackling it, helping the millions of people across the UK who suffer from loneliness.”

A study by The Co-op and the British Red Cross showed more than nine million people always or often feel lonely, while Age UK found 200,000 older people have not had a conversation with a friend or relative in more than a month and Scope said up to 85% of young disabled adults feel lonely.

The Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness, chaired by Labour’s Rachel Reeves and Conservative Seema Kennedy, worked with 13 charities over the last year to help find solutions to the problem.

Reeves and Kennedy said: “We are really pleased to see that the Government is taking the issue of loneliness very seriously with its prompt response to our report. Jo Cox said that ‘young or old, loneliness doesn’t discriminate’.

“Throughout 2017 we have heard from new parents, children, disabled people, carers, refugees and older people about their experience of loneliness.

“We very much welcome that Government has accepted the Commission’s recommendations including the appointment of a new ministerial lead who will have the responsibility for creating a national strategy to tackle loneliness.”