Top-News To Go: Drei AfD-Abgeordnete dürfen beim FC Bundestag mitspielen

Top-News To Go: Drei AfD-Abgeordnete dürfen beim FC Bundestag mitspielen
Ein Fußballmannschaft als parteiübergreifende Instanz: Der FC Bundestag

Der FC Bundestag steht demnächst auch mit Abgeordneten der AfD auf dem Spielfeld. 

Das ist passiert: 

► Einige Abgeordnete des Bundestags spielen zusammen in einem Hobbyverein Fußball: Dem FC Bundestag. 

► In diesem wollten nun auch Mitglieder der rechtspopulistischen AfD mitkicken. 

► Die fraktionsübergreifenden Altherren-Fußballmannschaft des Parlaments hat nun drei der fünf AfD-Politiker, die sich für den Verein angemeldet hatten.

Darum ist es wichtig: 

Es wird behauptet, Fußball sei die schönste Nebensache der Welt. Das stimmt natürlich nicht. Aber Sport kann Menschen zusammenbringen – und warum dann nicht auch Politiker

Dieter Janecek von den Grünen sagte zu der Aufnahme der AfD-Abgeordneten ins Team: “Wir treten nicht aus. Wir freuen uns auf gemeinsame Benefizspiele für die Flüchtlingshilfe.”

Was ihr noch wissen müsst: 

Sicher nicht für den FC Bundestag spielen wird der AfD-Abgeordnete Sebastian Münzenmaier. Er war vor fünf Jahren an einem Überfall auf Fußballfans beteiligt gewesen.

► Münzenmaier hält den FC Bundestag nun für ein “Propagandainstrument” der anderen Parteien.

Mehr zum Thema: “Schauen Sie mich an”: AfD-Frau pöbelt im Bundestag gegen Familienministerin Barley

North And South Korea Agree First Ever Unified Olympic Team

North And South Korea Agree First Ever Unified Olympic Team
The two Koreas will field a combined women’s ice hockey team and march together under one flag at next month’s Winter Olympics in the South, Seoul said on Wednesday, after a new round of talks amid a thaw in cross-border ties.

North and South Korea have been talking since last week – for the first time in more than two years – about the Olympics, offering a respite from a months-long standoff over Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programs, although Japan urged caution over the North’s “charm offensive.”

The two Koreas will compete as a unified team in the Olympics for the first time, though they have joined forces at other international sports events before.

North Korea will send a delegation of more than 400, including 230 cheerleaders, 140 artists and 30 Taekwondo players for a demonstration, a joint press statement released by Seoul’s Unification Ministry said, adding the precise number of athletes will be hammered out after discussions with the IOC scheduled for later this week.

Prior to the Games, the sides will carry out joint training for skiers at the North’s Masik Pass resort and a cultural event at the Mount Kumgang resort, for which Seoul officials plan to visit the sites next week.

“Under the circumstances where inter-Korean (relations) are extremely strained, in fact just some 20 days ago we weren’t expecting North Korea would participate in the Olympics,” said Chun Hae-sung, the South’s chief negotiator and vice unification minister.

“It would have a significant meaning if the South and North show reconciliation and unity, for example through a joint march.”

The North Korean delegation will begin arriving in South Korea on Jan. 25, according to the joint statement.

The North will separately send a 150-strong delegation to the Paralympics, Chun said.


Twenty nations meeting in the Canadian city of Vancouver agreed on Tuesday to consider tougher sanctions to press North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned the North it could trigger a military response if it did not choose dialog.

Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono said the world should not be naive about North Korea’s “charm offensive” over the Olympics.

“It is not the time to ease pressure, or to reward North Korea,” Kono said. “The fact that North Korea is engaging in dialog could be interpreted as proof that the sanctions are working.”

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has refused to give up development of nuclear missiles capable of hitting the United States in spite of increasingly severe U.N. sanctions, raising fears of a new war on the Korean peninsula. The North has fired test-fired missiles over Japan.

Earlier on Wednesday, state media warned the U.S. of “meddling” in inter-Korean issues at a time when it had to “mind its own destiny rushing headlong into self-destruction.”

“The U.S. is miscalculating,” the North’s Rodong Sinmun newspaper said in a commentary. “Although the U.S. makes desperate efforts to disturb peace while wielding a nuclear stick, it can not provoke us as long as we have the strong nuclear deterrent.”


Seoul has proposed a joint ice hockey team, which triggered an angry response from athletes in the South suddenly being told they may have to play alongside total strangers.

“I don’t know if it will happen, but a joint team will be a good opportunity for ice hockey to shed its sorrow as a less-preferred sport as many Koreans will take interest,” South Korean President Moon Jae-in told players during a visit to a training center.

The number of petitions to the presidential Blue House’s website opposing a unified team shot up to more than 100 this week, with the most popular one garnering more than 17,000 votes.

“This isn’t the same as gluing a broken plate together,” said one of the signers.

The prospect of a combined team had long been unsettling for the South Korean players. As in most other winter sports, the South is much stronger than the North.

“Our players were really nervous,” Sarah Murray, South Korean women’s hockey head coach, told Reuters last month during the team’s training swing through the United States.

“We can only take 23 players to the Olympics, and they thought these North Koreans are going to come in and take our spots,” Murray said.

Chun, the South’s lead delegate, said the decision on a united ice hockey team is not yet finalized, as it requires the consent of the IOC and related international body.

“We’re well aware of the people’s concerns and interests about this,” he told a news conference.

“But I would like you to see the other side that it could make a positive contribution to peace of theKorean Peninsula and improving inter-Korean relations.”

On Tuesday, the North said a 140-person orchestra would perform in South Korea during the Games. Pyongyang is also planning to send a large delegation in addition to the athletes and orchestra.

Paik Hak-soon, the director of the Centre for North Korean studies at Sejong Institute in South Korea, said North Korea was using the cheering squad to draw attention to its apparent cooperative spirit.

“Seeing good results in competitions thanks to the cheering squad would enable the NorthKoreans to say they contributed to a successful Olympics and the South Korean government would likely agree,” said Paik.

“In the end, they are using this old tactic to get to Washington through Seoul.”

Reclusive North Korea and the rich, democratic South are technically still at war because their 1950-53 conflict ended in a truce, not a peace treaty. The North regularly threatens to destroy theSouth, Japan and their major ally, the United States.

China, which did not attend the Vancouver meeting, said on Wednesday the gathering showed a Cold War mentality and would only undermine a settlement of the North Korea problem.

Here’s the Official Trailer for Netflix’s ‘Queer Eye’ Reboot – WATCH

Here’s the Official Trailer for Netflix’s ‘Queer Eye’ Reboot – WATCH
queer eye

We met the new cast back in December and now the first trailer is here for the Netflix reboot of Queer Eye – the “straight guy” portion of the title has been jettisoned.

“The original show was fighting for tolerance. Our fight is for acceptance,” says the trailer (above).

The new cast below, left to right: Bobby Berk (design) Karamo Brown (culture), Antoni Porowski (food and wine) Jonathan Van Ness (grooming), Tan France (fashion).

So what will be different this time around?

EW reported:

“It’s a new time with a new audience,” series creator David Collins tells EW. “If the original round was about tolerance, this time it is about acceptance.”

Which means audiences — but especially each episode’s subject, or “hero” as they’re called — will learn more about the Fab 5’s personal lives as they ditch the concrete jungle of New York City to take on straight guys in red states. “In order to make the emotions bigger, you actually had to see how [the Fab 5] were reacting to being with a cop from the South who was a Trump supporter, [or] ‘hillbilly Tom,’ who refers to himself by saying ‘you can’t fix ugly,’” executive producer Rob Eric explains. “These guys walked away truly loving every single hero that they made over and talked about them for weeks afterward. It affected them just as much as they affected our hero.”

Are you ready for a new Fab Five?

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Here’s the Official Trailer for Netflix’s ‘Queer Eye’ Reboot – WATCH

International Trade Minister Greg Hands Reveals His Son Wept Over Brexit Vote

International Trade Minister Greg Hands Reveals His Son Wept Over Brexit Vote
International Trade minister Greg Hands has revealed that his son wept when he was told the result of the Brexit referendum.

In an interview with HuffPost Germany, he explained that his nine-year-old had burst into tears, fearing his German mother and English father would have to split up.

Hands, who campaigned to Remain in the EU but now tours the world to drum up trade deals post-Brexit, spoke as he set out how UK would continue to build close trade and cultural links with Europe after 2019.

“My wife is German, my children are bilingual, and on the day of the referendum, or the day after, my son – who at the time was nine years old – cried over the result,” he said.

“It’s really like that also with us from time to time,” he added.

When quizzed on how he explained the Brexit decision to his son, he replied: “He didn’t really understand it. He may have thought that his mother and father would now be forced to separate.”

Asked by HuffPost UK what he meant by his remark about “also with us from time to time”, the minister said he had meant “it’s also emotional from time to time in our house”.

The 2016 EU referendum saw a stunning victory for the Vote Leave campaign, winning 52% of the votes to the Remain campaign’s 48%.

Hands stressed that his wife, like three million EU citizens living in Britain, would retain her rights following the deal hammered out between Theresa May and Brussels chiefs late last year.

“That was all worked out last autumn. I have a very great personal interest in this subject – around 16 percent of the people in my constituency, in London‘s Chelsea district, are actually EU citizens.

“In all, there are around three million EU citizens in the UK. They have an interest in there being security on both sides. They can continue to live their lives just as before.”

Hands spoke while he was in Tegernsee, Germany, attending the Ludwig-Erhard-Summit – of which HuffPost is the media partner – about Brexit and its consequences for Europe.

In the inteview with HP Germany’s Cherno Jobatey, he set out why the UK is almost as important as the USA as a trade partner for Europe – and why it is in the EU’s best interests to conclude a good trade agreement with Britain.

A fluent German and French speaker, the minister’s wife Irina teaches German in a London school, and he often impresses overseas colleagues with his backstory.

He lived for three years in West Berlin as a teenager and frequently visited Communist East Berlin and toured other Eastern European states in his youth.

In recent days, EU chiefs have offered an olive branch to the UK, floating the idea of a second referendum or a return to the 27-country bloc if the public change their minds after leaving.

Speaking to HuffPost Germany, Hands stressed Theresa May was determined to deliver on the will of the British people as decided by the 2016 referendum.

“The decision has been made; there was a referendum. In the summer of 2016, 1.3 million more people voted for leaving than did for remaining. Now we must turn this vote into a success,” he said.

In a speech to British Chamber of Commerce in Hanover last year, Hands explained that he had “a lot of human capital in the British-German relationship”, as well as political capital through his links to Angela Merkel’s CDU party.

He joked at the time about his son’s national allegiances.

“Before the last World Cup, I asked my son, ‘Which country are you going to support in the tournament?’

″‘Papa,’ he said, ‘I will start with England and then switch to Germany’. He is a clever boy.”

HRC Responds to Potential Proposal Allowing Health Care Workers to Discriminate Against LGBTQ People

HRC Responds to Potential Proposal Allowing Health Care Workers to Discriminate Against LGBTQ People

HRC responded to the Trump-Pence Administration’s potential proposal for new rules that would allow healthcare workers to discriminate against patients based on gender identity and other factors.

On Wednesday, Politico reported that the Trump-Pence White House is currently reviewing a proposed Department of Health and Human Services regulation that would allow medical providers to refuse to perform abortions, treat transgender patients based on their gender identity, or provide any service if they claim a  “moral” or religious objection.

“If adopted, this proposal would be another harmful attack on LGBTQ people by Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Health care workers have a professional and ethical obligation to provide health care to all who need it” said Sarah Warbelow, HRC Legal Director. “Every American deserves access to medically necessary health care, and that health care should not be determined by the personal opinions of individual health care providers or administrative staff. The Human Rights Campaign will fight this proposed rule–and all others like it–that seek to devalue the humanity of LGBTQ people.”

The proposed rule would create a new “division” in the civil rights office of HHS, which would provide staffing and other resources to enforce these troubling new standards — tying the hands of health care providers from taking any action against anti-LGBTQ employees who opt-out of critical procedures.

Mike Pence has a long history of discrimination against LGBTQ citizens in public accommodations. As Governor of Indiana, he tied up crucial HIV testing services in a scheme to defund Planned Parenthood and as vice president, has helped lead the charge behind the executive order granting a license to discriminate against LGBTQ people, and banning transgender service members in the military.

The Human Rights Campaign has always fought for the inclusion and affirmation of LGBTQ people in health care spaces and will continue to ensure bigotry has no place where the most vulnerable in our society seek help.

Eric Trump: My Father Doesn’t Care About Race, He Only Cares About Money

Eric Trump: My Father Doesn’t Care About Race, He Only Cares About Money
Eric Trump

Eric Trump appeared on FOX & Friends this morning and dismissed accusations that his father is a racist:

“My father sees one color. Green. That is all he cares about. He cares about the economy. He does not see race. He is the least racist person I have ever met in my entire life. It’s total nonsense. At same time they are saying that, they will never report African-American unemployment is the lowest it’s ever been, the lowest it’s ever been in this country. They won’t give him any credit for that. By the way, he campaigned on that, but then they’ll go out and call him racist. It’s very sad, it’s a race to the bottom. They stoop very, very low.

The post Eric Trump: My Father Doesn’t Care About Race, He Only Cares About Money appeared first on Towleroad.

Eric Trump: My Father Doesn’t Care About Race, He Only Cares About Money