Henry Bolton Could Survive As Ukip Leader Because Party Can’t Afford Contest To Replace Him

Henry Bolton Could Survive As Ukip Leader Because Party Can’t Afford Contest To Replace Him
Henry Bolton could survive being ousted as Ukip leader because the party cannot afford to hold a contest to replace him.

HuffPost UK has learned Ukip’s finances are in such a state that it would struggle to stump up the cash for what would be its fourth leadership contest in 15 months.

A well-placed source said a fresh leadership election to replace the under-fire Bolton could cost between £30,000 and £60,000, and it might need to axe staff in order to finance the contest.

According to the Electoral Commission, Ukip received just £25,140 in cash donations in the final three months of 2017 and membership rates have falling for months.

Bolton is set for a showdown meeting with Ukip’s NEC this Sunday, with many in the party wanting the former soldier to be axed following revelations about his private life.

Ukip chairman Paul Oakden denied financial considerations would prevent a contest, adding that such an election would be funded by leadership candidates.

“Bluntly speaking, and I don’t think it’s any great secret, that’s what deposits are for,” he said.

But a Ukip source told HuffPost UK the coffers are sparse, and spending money on sending ballots and election literature to almost 25,000 members was an expense the party could ill afford.

Bolton flagged up the party’s perilous financial state in a newsletter to members in November, telling them: “On taking office I looked in the money bucket and found it entirely empty. In fact it was worse than empty; it had a big hole in the bottom. There is no money – in fact for a year we have been running on an entirely unsustainable monthly deficit.”

The Ukip leader also revealed that “for the past 9 months, with one exception, we have lost between 800 and 1,000 members every month”

In the party’s most recent leadership election, candidates were required to put down a deposit of £5,000 – which would be returned only if a contender received 20% of the vote.

Only two of the six candidates breached that threshold.

If the same rules are used for a new contest, a small field featuring just two or three candidates could see them all getting their deposits back, leaving the party to foot the entire bill.

Bolton, 54, left his second wife for Ukip activist Jo Marney over Christmas, but after text messages were released showing the model making racist and derogatory comments while discussing Meghan Markle, Bolton said the “romantic” part of the relationship was over.

Yet HuffPost UK witnessed the pair enjoying an intimate dinner at a private members’ club in Central London just days after Bolton claimed the romance was over.

Bolton told HuffPost UK after the meal he would fight on as leader despite the calls for him to quit.

“I’ve made that very clear, I’m not resigning,” he said.


HRC Responds to the Trump-Pence Administration’s Launch of Unnecessary “Conscience” Division at HHS

HRC Responds to the Trump-Pence Administration’s Launch of Unnecessary “Conscience” Division at HHS

HRC responded to the Trump-Pence Administration’s creation of the Division of Conscience and Religious Freedom at the Department of Health and Human Services, which could enable discrimination against LGBTQ people, women, and others:

“LGBTQ people need the Department of Health and Human Services to enforce non-discrimination protections in federal health programs. The creation of an unnecessary new division that is likely to promote a license to discriminate diverts needed enforcement resources and encourages discrimination against LGBTQ people. ” said Sarah Warbelow, HRC Legal Director. “Every American deserves access to quality health care, and that should not be determined by the personal opinions of individual medical providers or administrative staff.”

HHS Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Roger Severino justified creation of the office based on a small number of complaints last year and over the past decade. The HHS announcement lacked any details about funding for the new division, including where existing programs will be cut to fund it.

The Human Rights Campaign has always fought for the inclusion and affirmation of LGBTQ people in health care spaces and will continue to ensure bigotry has no place where the most vulnerable in our society seek help.


Trump administration announces new ‘civil rights’ division to allow LGBT discrimination

Trump administration announces new ‘civil rights’ division to allow LGBT discrimination
The office is intended to give far right Christians a license to discriminate against LGBT people and pregnant women.


‘I Couldn’t Protect Him from Everything’: Parents of Slain Gay Teen Blaze Bernstein Speak Out

‘I Couldn’t Protect Him from Everything’: Parents of Slain Gay Teen Blaze Bernstein Speak Out
Blaze Bernstein

Blaze Bernstein

LOS ANGELES — Blaze Bernstein never formally came out to his parents as gay. But they had an idea. When his mother, Jeanne Pepper Bernstein, tried to broach the subject, Blaze brushed her off and preferred to remain quiet. It was understandable, the parents said. He was still trying to explore his identity and his world…

The post ‘I Couldn’t Protect Him from Everything’: Parents of Slain Gay Teen Blaze Bernstein Speak Out appeared first on Towleroad.


Diese Nachricht einer Mitarbeiterin war sogar AfD-Chef Gauland zu rassistisch

Diese Nachricht einer Mitarbeiterin war sogar AfD-Chef Gauland zu rassistisch
Manches das in der AfD passiert, bringt wohl sogar Parteichef Alexander Gauland an den Rande der Verzweiflung. 

  • Aufgrund einer Facebook-Nachricht hat AfD-Parteichef Alexander Gauland eine seiner Mitarbeiterin intern abgemahnt
  • In einer Privatnachricht machte Shirley Borchardt rassistische Äußerung zum Thema Organspende

Das einem AfD-Mitglied Rassismus vorgeworfen wird, ist an sich nichts Neues.

Wiederholte Male waren in der Vergangenheit Mitglieder der rechtspopulistischen Alternative für Deutschland durch menschenverachtende und rassistische Äußerung aufgefallen. 

Vorallem in sozialen Netzwerken wie Twitter und Facebook stolpert der ein oder andere AfD-Politiker immer mal wieder über die Maustaste. Doch eine Äußerung einer Mitarbeiterin ging nun offenbar sogar AfD-Parteichef Alexander Gauland zu weit. 

➨ Mehr zum Thema: AfD-Aussteiger berichtet: “Der Judenhass in der Partei war unerträglich”

“Ich will nicht, dass irgendein Nafri meine Organe bekommt”

Zur aktuellen Debatte über Organspende hatte seine Mitarbeiterin Shirley Borchardt eine Privatnachricht an einen Facebook-Freund gesendet. Darüber berichtet die “Rheinische Post”. In der Nachricht erklärte sie:

“Wenn ich bestimmen könnte, wer nach meinem Tod meine Organe bekommt, wäre ich auch Spender, aber ich will nicht, dass irgendein Nafri Safri meine Organe bekommt. Da sollen sie lieber verrotten.”

Kürzlich war bekannt geworden, dass die Zahl der Organ-Spenden einen Tiefpunkt erreicht hat.

In Borchardts Facebook-Nachricht soll es weiter heißen: “… ich könnte nicht damit leben, dass mein deutsches Herz eventuell in einem Türken oder was auch immer schlägt.”

Ein Ausschnitt der Unterhaltung wird in den sozialen Medien verbreitet.  

Der Begriff “Nafri” wird im Polizeijargon intern für “nordafrikanische Intensivtäter” verwendet und spielte eine große Rolle in der Debatte um die Kölner Silvesternacht 2015.

➨ Mehr zum Thema: Von Storch: Schusswaffen-Zitat war jetzt doch kein “Mausrutscher”

AfD-Parteichef Gauland mahnt Mitarbeiterin ab

Dem Bericht der “Rheinischen Post” zufolge soll Gauland von seinem Büroleiter über den Screenshot der Konversation informiert worden sein.

Es habe daraufhin ein persönliches Gespräch mit ihr gegeben, ließ Gauland am Donnerstag über einen AfD-Sprecher mitteilen. “Die dort gemachte Aussage ist für mich nicht akzeptabel und entspricht auch nicht meinen Überzeugungen.”

Mit Material der dpa.


Meghan Markle Wears Welsh Jeans Brand Hiut Denim During Cardiff Visit

Meghan Markle Wears Welsh Jeans Brand Hiut Denim During Cardiff Visit
Prince Harry’s bride-to-be may still only just be coming to terms with her newfound Meghan Markle effect, but she’s already harnessing it to shine a spotlight on local talent.

Markle was spotted wearing Dina skinny fit high waist jeans from Welsh brand Hiut Denim Co. while visiting Cardiff Castle with her fiancé on 18 January.

She may be following in the Duchess of Cambridge’s footsteps, as her future sister-in-law is known to use her appearances to support local designers.

Markle looks fetching in a black turtleneck and chic Stella McCartney coat.

The jeans, which cost £175, are cut to order in Cardigan, West Wales, and will be available from March in sizes 6 – 14.

The brand takes a sustainable approach when it comes to washing their jeans.

“We believe, the longer you can go without washing them, the more beautiful your pair of jeans will become,” their website states.

Harry is officially known as Prince Henry of Wales, so Markle’s participation in this particular visit is significant to the couple


New Analysis Shows Increase in Gun Deaths since 2008 Supreme Court Decision

New Analysis Shows Increase in Gun Deaths since 2008 Supreme Court Decision

Gun deaths have increased by 17 percent since the Supreme Court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller in 2008 that there is a right to keep a handgun in the home for self-defense, according to a new analysis released by the Violence Policy Center. The analysis also shows a correlation between gun violence prevention laws and gun deaths: states with higher rates of gun ownership and weaker gun violence prevention laws have higher rates of gun deaths, while states with lower rates of gun ownership and stronger gun violence prevention laws have lower rates of gun deaths.

Despite these statistics, which emphasize the importance of passing common sense gun violence prevention measures, the House of Representatives passed the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act late last year. This bill, which has been identified as high priority legislation by the National Rifle Association and which HRC opposed, would allow people who are prohibited from getting a concealed carry permit in a state with strong gun laws to apply for a permit in a state with weaker laws. This includes convicted stalkers, domestic abusers, people convicted of violent crimes, and people with no training or experience firing a gun.

The volatile combination of a lack of strong laws to prevent gun violence and animosity towards the LGBTQ community only increases the dangers faced by LGBTQ people. In 2016, 49 people — most of them LGBTQ and Latinx — were killed in a mass shooting in Orlando. While this incident gained national attention, the LGBTQ community is consistently the target of bias-motivated violence, as evidenced by the FBI’s hate crimes statistics for 2016. Reasonable gun violence prevention measures are part of the solution to violence driven by bias and hatred. HRC is committed to advocating for common sense gun violence prevention measures and standing against bills like the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act that would undermine state laws and greatly weaken local law enforcement’s ability to serve their community.


Trump administration openly promotes healthcare discrimination towards transgender patients

Trump administration openly promotes healthcare discrimination towards transgender patients

New Health and Human Services department will grant religious and moral exemptions to healthcare providers who refuse to serve LGBTQ patients and other vulnerable communities

NEW YORK –  GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization, today denounced the Trump Administration for creating a new Health and Human Services Office for Human Rights department for the sole purpose of shielding healthcare workers who refuse to treat transgender patients, LGBTQ people, those living with HIV and AIDS, or those in need of abortion services in cases where they claim moral or religious objections to doing their job.

“Any healthcare worker who has moral objections to providing medically necessary care to an entire vulnerable population is in the wrong line of work,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD. “Denying a transgender person – or any person – life saving care if they walk into an emergency room is far from a moral act, it is unjust and dangerous. Trump, Pence, and Trump’s appointees have tried time and again to establish blatantly bigoted policies that harm transgender and gender non-conforming Americans, and history will neither forget nor forgive this Administration’s attacks on its own people.”

Transgender and gender non-conforming people already face massive barriers when it comes to accessing healthcare. According to the National Center for Transgender Equality’s U.S. Transgender Survey, 19% of respondents reported being refused care became of their gender identity, and 28% were subjected to harassment in medical settings. This direct targeting of an already vulnerable community from the White House is part of a clear and dangerous pattern including revoking protections for trans students, the proposed trans military ban, and reportedly seeking to censor the word “transgender” from the Center of Disease Control budget documents.

This directive comes from Roger Severino, an anti-LGBTQ activist and former Heritage Foundation employee who Trump put in charge of the Office of Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services. Severino is a defender of the discredited practice of conversion therapy, argued transgender service members “dishonors” the military, and insisted that anti-LGBTQ discrimination is “based not on any sort of hatred but, in fact, out of love.”


  • Criticized bans on scientifically-discredited “reparative therapy” and labeled being LGBT as being “against your biology”: “Unfortunately you’re seeing some states that are actually trying to criminalize any sex therapy that reinforces a person’s biology. They’re calling into question and passing bans on reparative therapy, is one name for it. And so it’s really an ideology that’s saying you can only go one way, against your biology, but if you try to do anything that enforces it, then we’re going to criminalize it.” (clip begins at 20:18 in audio a link)
  • Insists that anti-LGBTQ views are “actually decent and honorable beliefs based not on any sort of hatred but, in fact, out of love. It’s a vision of human flourishing, people who believe in marriage and believe in a biblical view of human sexuality, it’s out of love and because you believe this is the proper vision for human flourishing that leads to happiness and leads to childhood success, and there’s a lot of social science evidence backing those statements up.” (clip begins at 7:15 in audio at link)
  • In a column titled “Pentagon’s Radical New Transgender Policy Defies Common Sense,” he argued that the suggestion of transgender people serving openly in the military “dishonors [the] sacrifices” of “hundreds of thousands of veterans and current troops who were traumatized, wounded, or died fighting against Nazis, Communist aggressors, and terrorists, yet, believe that biological men should not be allowed into the same barracks and showers as women.”
  • In a joint Op-Ed with former Senator and anti-LGBT activist Jim Demint, he maligned the complexity of gender identity by insisting transgender rights supporters see sex as “merely a placeholder’ assigned at birth,’ much like a Social Security number, only far easier to change.” In same piece, he slighted trans teen Gavin Grimm as “a gender-dysphoric teen girl.”
  • Said of LGBT rights: “…same-sex marriage was merely the start, not end, of the left’s LGBT agenda. The radical left is using government power to coerce everyone, including children, into pledging allegiance to a radical new gender ideology over and above their right to privacy, safety, and religious freedom.”
  • Claims pushback against “religious freedom” bills (i.e. license-to-discriminate bills) is “really just a form of bullying.”
  • Stated that asking a student to address a transgender classmate with a proper pronoun is “equivalent to making them say two plus two equals five.” Then continued: “This is the logical conclusion to the Sexual Revolution (of the 1960s). Not only can you do what you want to do without anybody being able to say it’s wrong, but you can actually be whatever you want to be based on your subjective self-identification, regardless of biological realities.”
  • Insists that sexual orientation, unlike race, is an issue of “character.” (Begins at 10:05 at linked audio)
  • Co-authored an amicus brief urging the California Supreme Court to reject civil marriage equality based on religious grounds.



January 18, 2018
