Fake News Awards, Jimmy Kimmel, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Spacey, Sufjan Stevens, Prince William’s Dome: HOT LINKS

Fake News Awards, Jimmy Kimmel, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Spacey, Sufjan Stevens, Prince William’s Dome: HOT LINKS

FAKE NEWS AWARD. Jimmy Kimmel’s dad, as Wolf Blitzer, accepts Trump’s award.

TOWLEROAD TOP POSTS. Pay a visit if you haven’t, and if you like any of our posts, please share ’em – helps us out a ton.

 – Trump Overhauls HHS Civil Rights Office to Allow Anti-LGBT Religion-Based Discrimination

 – Russian Cadets Under Investigation for Stripping Down, Twerking in ‘Satisfaction’ Video

– Cory Booker Explodes at DHS Secretary for Inability to Recall Whether Trump Said ‘S—hole’ – WATCH

Steve BannonSTEVE BANNON. Trump directed him not to speak to House Intel Committee: “President Donald Trump personally made the decision to curtail the testimony of former chief White House political strategist Steve Bannon before the House Intelligence Committee, according to two people with firsthand knowledge of the matter.”

HULK HOGAN. For Senate? “In an interview with GOP communications consultant Patrick Slevin on his online blog, Roger Stone – a long-time Republican consultant, lobbyist and strategist who has spent decades working with Trump and was a onetime advisor to his campaign – said he is working on trying to convince the wrestling icon and Florida native Hulk Hogan to run for the office in 2018.”

INTERNATIONAL PARIAH. Trump’s achievement for America.

Kevin SpaceyKEVIN SPACEY. Accused of being a racist too. ‘The Daily Mail says the head of a security company hired to manage on-set security during the first season of the show has accused Kevin of racism. Earl Blue, the head of VIP Protective Services, claims Kevin refused to shake the hand of the black employees of his company. He claims the actor wouldn’t even acknowledge the workers and even went so far as saying, “I don’t want n—–s watching my trailer.” ‘

SHAVED HEAD OF THE DAY. Prince William buzzed the hair off his noggin!

INDONESIA. IT Ministry asking Google to block LGBT networking apps: “IT Minister Rudiantara confirmed today that the ministry is unable to block the apps themselves as they are all available under Google’s platform. One of the apps Rudiantara mentioned was Blued, a gay dating and social networking app that claims to have 27 million users worldwide. He also spoke of the ministry’s difficulties containing the app and its website ever since finding out about them in 2016.

Call Me By Your NameSUFJAN STEVENS. On his Call Me By Your Name songs: “Luca’s a real sensualist, and I very quickly keyed into that because I am, as well,” said Stevens, who tried to write towards that overlap in their sensibilities with his songs. “There’s a physicality to his work that’s really profound, and there’s an emotional experience that’s occurring as well, and they have this divine interaction. So that’s really what I was working on, this idea of first love being really irrational and sensational, and feeling boundless in its experience.”

UNDERSEA SIGHTING OF THE DAY. “The frilled tentacles of the Halitrephes maasi jelly came into view at 1225m in the Revillagigedo Archipelago off Baja California, Mexico. Radial canals that move nutrients through the jelly’s bell form a starburst pattern that reflects the lights of ROV Hercules with bright splashes of yellow and pink–but without our lights this gelatinous beauty drifts unseen in the dark.”

COMING OUT OF THE DAY. Mayank, from Revenge Body.

THIRSTY THURSDAY. British gymnast Ash Watson. Watch him get into shorts HERE.

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The post Fake News Awards, Jimmy Kimmel, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Spacey, Sufjan Stevens, Prince William’s Dome: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Fake News Awards, Jimmy Kimmel, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Spacey, Sufjan Stevens, Prince William’s Dome: HOT LINKS

Feuerwehrmann will Frau retten und stirbt – er muss mit einem Panzer geborgen werden

Feuerwehrmann will Frau retten und stirbt – er muss mit einem Panzer geborgen werden

  • Ein Feuerwehrmann verlor am Donnerstagnachmittag sein Leben
  • Er versuchte, eine Frau zu retten und wurde von einem Baum erschlagen
  • Im Video oben seht ihr, wie schwierig sich die Bergung gestaltete 

In Bad Salzungen kam es am Donnerstagnachmittag zu einer Tragödie: Auf einer Landstraße kam ein Feuerwehrmann bei seinem Versuch eine Frau zu retten ums Leben.

► Der 28-jährige versuchte, eine Autofahrerin zu befreien und wurde dabei von einem Baum erschlagen. 

➨ Mehr zum Thema: “Aktive Sterbehilfe!“: Kachelmann erhebt wegen Orkan Vorwürfe gegen Schulen

Autos hatten auf den Straßen keine Chance

Sein Kollege, ein 57-jähriger Helfer der freiwilligen Feuerwehr, trug schwere Verletzungen davon. 

Die Bergung des Toten gestaltete sich allerdings schwierig, da die gesamte Strecke von entwurzelten Bäumen versperrt wurde.

Orkantief “Friederike” sorgte dafür, dass die Bundeswehr mit Schützenpanzern ausrücken musste. Auch der tote Feuerwehrmann musste mit dem Panzer geborgen werden. 




Emmanuel Macron Dismisses ‘Special’ Brexit Deal As ‘Hypocrisy’ In Blow To Theresa May

Emmanuel Macron Dismisses ‘Special’ Brexit Deal As ‘Hypocrisy’ In Blow To Theresa May
French President Emmanuel Macron flatly ruled out a unique deal on single market access for the UK and warned Theresa May against Brexit “hypocrisy”.

A joint press conference at Sandhurst was designed to accentuate blossoming Anglo-French relations, with May agreeing more cash to prevent migrants from crossing the channel at Calais and Macron confirming a loan of the Bayeux Tapestry to the UK.

But the cordial mood was shattered when journalists raised the spectre of Brexit.

Macron was asked why he wanted to exclude financial services from a future UK-EU free trade agreement and appeared exasperated. 

The French President pointed out there were two options – the Norway model or a Canada-style free trade deal. A third way which also allowed Britain full access to the single market would “destroy” the integrity of the trading bloc’s rules, he said.

Norway has unfettered access to the single market but accepts all EU rules while Canada has negotiated a free trade agreement, eliminating tariffs on most goods, but the agreement does not include financial services.

“I am here neither to punish nor to reward,” said Macron.

“I want to make sure that the single market is preserved because that is very much the heart of the EU.

“The choice is on the British side, not on my side. But there can be no differentiated access for the financial services.

“If you want access to the single market – including the financial services – be my guest. But it means that you need to contribute to the budget and acknowledge European jurisdiction.

“Such are the rules, and we know the system already in place for Norway.”

A free trade agreement would not provide full access to the single market for financial services at the same level as that offered to members, he said.

“There must be no hypocrisy in this respect, otherwise it will not work or we would destroy the single market and its coherence,” said Macron.

“It’s simple. I do not want to exclude any sector in the trade agreement to come… but it does not mean that the access that it will allow will be equivalent to the access of a member.”

His strong words come as France bids to encourage London-based banks to relocate to Paris.

May underlined her call for “a deep and special partnership” and comprehensive trade agreement between the UK and EU post-Brexit.

“We recognise that as we leave the EU we will no longer be full members of the single market,” she said.

“We recognise that. There will be a different relationship in future, a different balance of rights and responsibilities, and we’ve been very clear about that.

“But I believe that it is actually in the interest not only of the United Kingdom, but also the European Union as it goes forward, to continue to have a good economic relationship and partnership with the UK and I believe that should cover both goods and services.

“I think the City of London will continue to be a major global financial centre. That is an advantage not just for the UK, it’s actually good for Europe and good for the global financial system.”

Pro-single market Labour MP Wes Streeting MP, said: “The message from President Macron and Theresa May’s press conference was very clear: if we want to freely trade in both goods and services then we need to be in the Single Market and Customs Union. The hard Brexit alternative being promoted by Theresa May and her ministers will cost Britain jobs, investment and influence.

“The cake-and-eat-it fantasists have once more collided with reality. The claim we can leave the Single Market and Customs Union and enjoy ‘the exact same benefits’ has been exposed as a fallacy.”


Troye Sivan Releases ‘The Good Side’, a New Track About a Breakup He Went Through: LISTEN

Troye Sivan Releases ‘The Good Side’, a New Track About a Breakup He Went Through: LISTEN
troye sivan good side

Troye Sivan debuted a new track “The Good Side”, on Zane Lowe’s Beats1 radio show on Thursday. Sivan said it’s probably his favorite track on his new album.

ALSO: Troye Sivan’s Steamy New Video Features a Cockyboys Star and Other Sweaty Men in a Warehouse: WATCH

Said Sivan of the gentle track: “This is like one of the only sad songs on the album. It’s basically about a breakup that I went through… I’m hoping that this song, a couple of years down the line, is going to serve as a cathartic experience for the both of us.”

Listen to the interview below:

Later this year Sivan will make his big screen debut in Boy Erased, the film adaptation of the Garrard Conley bookabout gay conversion therapy.

The post Troye Sivan Releases ‘The Good Side’, a New Track About a Breakup He Went Through: LISTEN appeared first on Towleroad.

Troye Sivan Releases ‘The Good Side’, a New Track About an Old Boyfriend: LISTEN

“Aktive Sterbehilfe!“: Kachelmann erhebt wegen Orkan Vorwürfe gegen Schulen

“Aktive Sterbehilfe!“: Kachelmann erhebt wegen Orkan Vorwürfe gegen Schulen
Jörg Kachelmann

  • Kitas und Schulen in Deutschland schickten Kinder anscheinend während des Orkans nach Hause

  • Jörg Kachelmann äußerte sich dazu scharf auf Twitter

Orkantief “Friederike” wütet gerade in weiten Teilen Deutschlands. Die Bahn hat bereits die Einstellung des Betriebs angekündigt, Flüge fallen aus und es gibt erste Verletzte. 

Jörg Kachelmann informiert über die aktuelle Lage auf seinem Twitter-Account und erhält dort auch immer wieder Updates seiner Follower. 

Kitas und Schulen schließen

Unter anderem wurde ihm mitgeteilt, dass Kitas in Dortmund Eltern anrufen, um sie dazu aufzufordern, die Kinder während des Sturms abzuholen. Auch sollen Gymnasiasten in Köln nach Hause geschickt worden sein, während die Lage schon gefährlich war.

Kölner Gymnasien schicken jetzt am Mittag die Kinder erst nach Hause, die nun durch den Sturm laufen (müssen). Hätte man vielleicht vorher auch mal als Option erwägen können #Friederike#Sturm Wozu gibt es @Kachelmann & @DWD_presse & Co?

— Michael Stang (@herrstang) January 18, 2018

In #Dortmund rufen die #Kitas gerade die Eltern an, dass die Kinder jetzt abgeholt werden sollen. Nicht empfehlenswert. #Friederike#Sturm

— Christian (@cfritze) January 18, 2018

“Aktive Sterbehilfe!”

Kachelmann ließ daraufhin seiner Wut freien Lauf und warf den Beamten, die die Kinder und ihre Eltern derart in Gefahr gebracht hatten, “aktive Sterbehilfe” vor. Der Beamtenstatus würde daran hindern, dass man die Verantwortlichen sofort entlassen könne

Deswegen gibt es in der Schweiz keinen Beamtenstatus mehr, damit man Betreiber aktiver Sterbehilfe, die Kinder im Höhepunkt des Orkans nach Hause schicken, umgehend entlassen werden können. #Friederiket.co/gq6ybS0Rnf

— Jörg | kachelmannwetter.com (@Kachelmann) January 18, 2018

► Außerdem bezeichnet Kachelmann die Verantwortlichen als “Verbrecher. Er könne “so viel Dummheit und Ignoranz” nicht fassen.

Verbrecher. Ich kann es nicht anders sagen. #Friederike#Sturmt.co/tC0SRHggO1

— Jörg | kachelmannwetter.com (@Kachelmann) January 18, 2018

Es ist zum Kotzen, so viel Dummheit und Ignoranz, irgendwas auf dem Höhepunkt des Sturms zu schliessen, ist kaum auszuhalten. #Friederike#Sturmt.co/yX4dKZmmdP

— Jörg | kachelmannwetter.com (@Kachelmann) January 18, 2018

