SPD-Parteitag im Live-Stream: GroKo-Abstimmung online sehen

SPD-Parteitag im Live-Stream: GroKo-Abstimmung online sehen

  • Die SPD-Delegierten treffen die Entscheidung öffentlich
  •  Das Video zeigt, wie ihr die Phoenix-Übertragung im Internet sehen könnt

Die SPD stimmt über die GroKo ab – auch im Live-Stream. Freunde und Gegner der großen Koalition kämpfen um die Stimmen der SPD-Delegierten, die am Sonntag in Bonn abstimmen: Darf Parteichef Martin Schulz in Koalitionsverhandlungen mit der Union einsteigen oder nicht?

► 600 Delegierte und der 45-köpfige SPD-Vorstand dürfen entscheiden. Allerdings sind es nicht automatisch 645 Stimmberechtigte, zum Beispiel weil Vorstandsmitglieder zugleich auch Delegierte sein können.

An Beschlüsse von Landesparteitagen oder -vorständen sind sie nicht gebunden. Ob sie sich für oder gegen die GroKo-Verhandlung aussprechen, ist öffentlich. Bei der SPD werden nur Personen geheim gewählt.

► Sachentscheidungen wie diese treffen die Delegierten, indem sie ihre Stimmkarten hoch halten.

SPD-Parteitag im Live-Stream

Wer die Diskussionen und die Abstimmung am Sonntag, mitverfolgen will. Der Nachrichtensender Phoenix überträgt ab 10.45 Uhr den Parteitag im Free-TV und im Live-Stream auf der Homepage.

Die SPD startet seinen Live-Stream dann um 11 Uhr:

Zu den Delegierten

Wie viele Delegierte zu den Jusos gehören, die lautstark gegen die GroKo Stimmung machen, ist nicht ganz klar – es dürften Schätzungen zufolge 60 bis 90 sein. Nicht jeder unter 35 Jahren ist automatisch Juso.

► Zudem entscheidet sich oft auch erst unmittelbar vor dem Parteitag, wer als Delegierter hinfährt, zum Beispiel, wenn jemand krank wird. Dann gibt es Nachrücker.

Nicht alle Landesverbände haben den gleichen Einfluss. Die mit Abstand meisten schickt der Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Eine Übersicht in absteigender Reihenfolge

Insgesamt: 600 Delegierte

  • Nordrhein-Westfalen: 144

  • Niedersachsen: 81

  • Bayern: 78

  • Hessen: 72

  • Rheinland-Pfalz: 49

  • Baden-Württemberg: 47

  • Saarland: 24

  • Schleswig-Holstein: 24

  • Berlin: 23

  • Hamburg: 15

  • Brandenburg: 10

  • Bremen: 8

  • Sachsen-Anhalt: 6

  • Thüringen: 7

  • Sachsen: 7

  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 5


Kabul Intercontinental Hotel Siege Ends With At Least Five Dead, Government Confirms

Kabul Intercontinental Hotel Siege Ends With At Least Five Dead, Government Confirms
Afghan Special Forces ended an overnight siege at Kabul’s Intercontinental Hotel on Sunday, killing the last gunman from a group of three attackers who stormed the hotel, taking hostages and battling security forces for hours.

Two gunmen were killed on Saturday night. It was initially reported that four gunmen had attacked the hotel.

Interior Ministry spokesman Najib Danish said at least five other people had been killed and six wounded, a lower casualty total than earlier feared, while 153 people, including 41 foreigners had been evacuated.

As day broke on Sunday, thick clouds of black smoke could be seen pouring from the building. Several armored US military vehicles with heavy machine guns could be seen close to the hotel along with Afghan police units.

The raid came just days after a US embassy warning of possible attacks on hotels in Kabul.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

The raid was the latest in a long series of attacks which have underlined the city’s precarious situation and the ability of militants to mount high profile operations aimed at undermining confidence in the Western-backed government.

Hotel manager Ahmad Haris Nayab, who escaped unhurt, said the attackers had got into the main part of the hotel through a kitchen before going through the hotel.

According to one witness, who did not want to be named, the attackers took hotel staff and guests hostage.

The Intercontinental Hotel, an imposing 1960s structure set on a hilltop and heavily protected like most public buildings in Kabul, was previously attacked by Taliban fighters in 2011.

It is one of two main luxury hotels in the city and had been due to host an information technology conference on Sunday. More than 100 IT managers and engineers were on site when the attack took place, Ahmad Waheed, an official at the telecommunications ministry, said.

The attack, just days after a United Nations Security Council visit to Kabul to allow senior representatives of member states to assess the situation in Afghanistan, may lead to a further tightening of security in Kabul.

Large areas of the city center are already closed off behind high concrete blast walls and police checkpoints but the ability of the attackers to get into a well-protected hotel frequented by both government officials and foreigners demonstrated how difficult it remains to prevent high profile attacks.

Danish said a private company had taken over security of the hotel about three weeks ago.

The State Department said on Saturday it was monitoring the situation and was in contact with Afghan authorities to determine whether any US citizens had been affected.

Captain Tom Gresback, spokesman for the NATO-led Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan, said they were also watching closely but it was not clear what role international forces were taking in suppressing the attack.

“Afghan National Defense and Security Forces are leading the response efforts. According to initial reports, no Resolute Support or (US forces) members were injured in this incident,” he said in an emailed statement.

Although Resolute Support says the Taliban has come under pressure after the United States increased assistance to Afghan security forces and stepped up air strikes against insurgents, security remains precarious.

As pressure on the battlefield has increased, security officials have warned that the danger of attacks on high-profile targets in Kabul and other cities would increase.

After repeated attacks in Kabul, notably an incident last May in which a truck bomber killed at least 150 people outside the German embassy, security has been further tightened.

While it shares the same name, the hotel in Kabul is not part of InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), which issued a statement in 2011 saying that “the hotel Inter-continental in Kabul is not part of IHG and has not been since 1980”.


Jenny Frankhauser und Matthias Mangiapane müssen zusammen in die Dschungelprüfung

Jenny Frankhauser und Matthias Mangiapane müssen zusammen in die Dschungelprüfung

  • Tag 2 im “Dschungelcamp”: Jenny Frankhauser und Matthias Mangiapane müssen gemeinsam in die Dschungelprüfung
  • Sie kommen ohne Sterne zurück

Im Dschungel gibt es Ärger. An Tag 2 im “Dschungelcamp” mussten Matthias Mangiapane und Jenny Frankhauser gemeinsam die Prüfung versuchen – und das ging schief. Weil Daniela Katzenbergers Schwester Jenny zu langsam war.

Matthias gab alles, holte zehn von zwölf Sternen. Doch Jenny machte ihm einen Strich durch die Rechnung: Sie schaffte es nicht rechtzeitig aus der Prüfung, die Zeit lief ab.

Das bedeutet: Alle Teilnehmer müssen Reis und Bohnen essen, sonst gibt es nichts. 

“Ich habe zehn Sterne geholt”

Der Streit ist somit vorprogrammiert. Nicht zuletzt, weil Matthias kein Geheimnis daraus macht, wer die Dschungelprüfung versaut hat. Kaum sind Jenny und er wieder am Camp bei den anderen Teilnehmern angekommen, legt er los: “Ich habe zehn Sterne geholt, wir haben alles verloren.”

Kurze Zeit später: “Zehn Stück. Wir hätten richtig geiles Essen gehabt.” Es vergehen ein paar Sekunden. Dann legt er nach: “Wir hätten zehn Sterne gehabt.”

Dann stellt er noch fest: “Eigenlob stinkt.” Und wirft noch nach: “Aber ich bin so stolz, das ist mein voller Ernst.”

► Wer ganz und gar nicht stolz auf sich ist: Jenny.

Die kleine Schwester von Daniela Katzenberger hat nach der misslungenen Prüfung mit starken Selbstzweifeln zu kämpfen und schüttet dem Dschungeltelefon ihr Herz aus. “Ich bin ja sowieso der Idiot”, redet sie sich ein. 

Mehr zum Thema: David Friedrich verrät, woran seine Beziehung zu “Bachelorette” Jessica Paszka gescheitert ist

Wer es noch nicht wusste: Matthias hat zehn Sterne gewonnen

Matthias hingegen scheint sich wohl zu fühlen. Immerhin erzählt er seit mehreren Minuten, die dem Zuschauer wie Stunden vorkommen müssen, dass er zehn Sterne geholt hat. Also hätte. Wäre Jenny ihm nicht in die Quere gekommen. 

Am Sonntagabend muss Matthias gleich nochmal unter Beweis stellen, was er kann. Dann muss er schon wieder in die Dschungelprüfung. 

Mehr zum Thema: Fataler Patzer: Dr. Bob enttarnt Dschungelcamp als Kulisse



Lying Mike Pence Spox: Skater Adam Rippon’s Claim VP Dislikes Gays ‘Has No Basis in Fact’

Lying Mike Pence Spox: Skater Adam Rippon’s Claim VP Dislikes Gays ‘Has No Basis in Fact’

Mike Pence Adam Rippon Olympics

Earlier this week, U.S. Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon expressed his disapproval that Vice President Mike Pence is leading the U.S. delegation to South Korea for the Winter Olympics.

Rippon spoke with USA Today about the choice: “You mean Mike Pence, the same Mike Pence that funded gay conversion therapy? I’m not buying it.”

Rippon said he’d avoid a meet-and-greet with Pence because of his views: “If it were before my event, I would absolutely not go out of my way to meet somebody who I felt has gone out of their way to not only show that they aren’t a friend of a gay person but that they think that they’re sick.”

Rippon also said that Pence does not have a “real concept of reality” if he declares himself to be a “devout Christian” and stands by Donald Trump’s policies: “If he’s okay with what’s being said about people and Americans and foreigners and about different countries that are being called ‘s—holes,’ I think he should really go to church.”

RELATED: Doug Jones’s Gay Son Carson Stares Down Homophobic VP Mike Pence at Senate Swearing-In

Rippon said he might speak to Pence if he felt there was a way to have “an open conversation.”

Pence’s spokesman Alyssa Farah told USA Today that Rippon’s claims have “no basis in fact:”

“The vice president is proud to lead the U.S. delegation to the Olympics and support America’s incredible athletes. This accusation is totally false and has no basis in fact. Despite these misinformed claims, the vice president will be enthusiastically supporting all the U.S. athletes competing next month in Pyeongchang.”

That, unfortunately, is not true.

Pence, as his record shows, is no friend to the LGBTQ community.

In 2000 during his first successful run for Congress, Pence said that he was in favor of sending money allocated to care for people with HIV/AIDS to organizations that provide conversion therapy.

From running a think-tank that published virulently anti-gay articles, to attempting to divert HIV/AIDS money to fund conversion therapy, to refusing to protect LGBT Hoosiers from discrimination, to legalizing anti-LGBT discrimination in Indiana, to cozying up to notorious homophobes, to supporting a ban on gay marriage, and decrying the ‘mainstreaming of homosexuality in the military’ after DADT was repealed, Pence’s record is among the worst records on LGBTQ issues of anyone who has ever occupied the office of the Vice President.

The post Lying Mike Pence Spox: Skater Adam Rippon’s Claim VP Dislikes Gays ‘Has No Basis in Fact’ appeared first on Towleroad.

Lying Mike Pence Spox: Skater Adam Rippon’s Claim VP Dislikes Gays ‘Has No Basis in Fact’