Nur alle 150 Jahre: Übermorgen kommt es zum “Super-Blau-Blutmond”

Nur alle 150 Jahre: Übermorgen kommt es zum “Super-Blau-Blutmond”

  • Am 31. Januar kommt es zu einem Phänomen, das so nur alle 150 Jahre auftritt

  • Was am Himmel zu sehen sein wird, bezeichnet man als “Super-Blau-Blutmond-Finsternis”

  • Wie es zu dem Phänomen kommt, erfahrt ihr im Video oben

In zwei Tagen wird in Teilen der Erde ein äußerst seltenes Himmelsspektakel zu sehen sein: Am 31. Januar kommt es zu “Super-Blau-Blutmond-Finsternis”.

152 Jahre mussten Sternen-Fans nun auf diese Konstellation warten, bei der sich der Himmel blutrot färbt. Hinter dem Begriff, der allerdings nicht aus der Astronomie stammt, verbirgt sich die Kombination aus drei verschiedenen Phänomenen. 

“Once in a blue moon”

Zum Einen gibt es am 31. Januar einen Supermond. Das bedeutet, dass der Mond in seiner Bahn den erdnächsten Punkt durchläuft. An diesem Tag ist er somit 25.000 Kilometer näher an der Erde als gewöhnlich. Da am selben Tag auch Vollmond sein wird, wird dieser ein Drittel heller und ein Siebtel größer als ein Vollmond sein, der am erdfernsten Punkt steht.

Der Vollmond des 31. Januars ist bereits der zweite Vollmond dieses Monats. Normalerweise hat ein Monat nur einen Vollmond. Diese Ausnahme tritt nur alle rund zweieinhalb Jahr auf. Im Englischen spricht man dabei vom “Blue Moon”, also Blaumond. Daher kommt auch die Redewendung “Once in a blue moon” als etwas, das “alle Jubeljahre einmal auftritt”. 

Am deutlichsten sichtbar am Pazifik

Die dritte Besonderheit des Tages ist die Blutmond-Finsternis. Denn es stellt sich zudem eine Mondfinsternis ein. Dabei schiebt sich die Erde zwischen die Sonne und den Mond. Gegen 14:30 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit herrscht totale Mondfinsternis. Sie dauert 77 Minuten.

Für uns in Deutschland wird es allerdings leider schwierig, diese Besonderheit am Himmel zu beobachten. Am besten sichtbar ist sie nur am Pazifik.

Hierzulande wird man nur im östlichsten Teil Deutschlands und in Österreich ist nach dem Aufgang des Mondes die Halbschattenphase sehen können. Der halbe Schatten dürfte jedoch so blass ausfallen, dass es kaum einen Unterschied zu einem normalen Vollmond gibt.

Brussels Insists UK Abides By EU Laws During Two-Year ‘Transition’ To Brexit

Brussels Insists UK Abides By EU Laws During Two-Year ‘Transition’ To Brexit
The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier effectively said Brext won't happen until 2020.

The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator has insisted Britain will not be able to pick and choose aspects of the single market during a transition period.

Michel Barnier stressed EU law would have to continue to apply in the UK during the transition, including any changes that were agreed during that period, as Britain would continue to enjoy the full economic benefits of EU membership.

Speaking in Brussels after EU foreign ministers formally adopted the guidelines for negotiations on a transition agreement lasting from March 2019 to the end of December 2020, he said: “During that period the decisions will apply and the UK must acknowledge and accept these rules of the game from the outset.”

Barnier insisted that Britain could not have a la carte access to the single market.

“During transition the UK will continue to take part in the single market, to take part in the customs union,” he said.

“It will continue to have all the economic benefits therefore it must also apply all the EU rules. The single market cannot be a la carte.”

The EU negotiator gave a cool reception to Brexit Secretary David Davis’s suggestion the deadline for transition talks to conclude could slip back from October to the end of the year.

Davis told the European Union select committee: “We are also seeking the future relationship and withdrawal agreement in parallel.

“That may push it a little later because we will not want to sign a withdrawal agreement until we have got the substance of the future relationship ironed out as well.

“So, the last quarter of the year is about where we are aiming at.”

Brexit Secretary David Davis has suggested transition talks could slip to the end of the year.

Barnier said the October deadline for the deal could not change by much more than a week or so because time had to be allowed for national parliaments to ratify it.

He said: “We can’t go too close to the end of the year, even if it is not a matter about being too fussy about a week or so, but we are working towards the end of October anyway.”

The EU negotiator also warned a transition deal with Britain will depend on securing a legally-binding agreement on earlier commitments given by the UK in the talks.

Barnier said agreement on Britain’s orderly withdrawal from the bloc, which includes future citizens’ rights, the Irish border, and the £39 billion divorce bill, still had to be finalised.

“In the course of this second phase we will have to translate into legal terms the commitments that we had in the joint report,” he said.

“These have to be put into legally-binding language. That is a sine qua non condition for progress in this second phase.

“It is all a big package. If we have no agreement on the withdrawal issues there will be no transition.”

Barnier said a declaration on the future relationship between the UK and EU will be a political one, not a legal text.

Alessia Cara, Chris Coons, Patti LuPone, Dan Doherty, Chelsea Manning, Liz Carmouche: HOT LINKS

Alessia Cara, Chris Coons, Patti LuPone, Dan Doherty, Chelsea Manning, Liz Carmouche: HOT LINKS
samuel lemar

THUMBS DOWN. Majority of millennials disapprove of Trump’s job performance: “An NBC News/GenForward poll released Monday showed that 63 percent of millennials disapprove of the way Trump is handling the presidency. Forty-six percent say they strongly disapprove. Meanwhile, 61 percent of millennials disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job, the poll found.”

PATTI LUPONE. Blowing the roof off Madison Square Garden.

SEN. CHRIS COONS. Dem wants legislation to protect Robert Mueller. “We see now a president who has no clear sense of his boundaries and of the rule of law. On occasion, he consults his lawyers and follows their advice and the outcome’s been positive. On occasion, he doesn’t consult his lawyers and he’s done and said things that have really threatened the rule of law.”

Sen. Chris Coons calls for Congress to pass legislation to protect special counsel Robert Mueller: It would “protect our country from an unnecessary moment should the President go off the rails on this issue again”

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) January 29, 2018

BRITAIN’S BEST COOK. Host set to star in new Mary Berry cooking show used gay as pejorative on Twitter: ‘In one exchange, [Dan Doherty] told a fan: “I’d retweet that if you weren’t all gay and private.” And he told another Twitter user who sent him a message with kisses: “Don’t be gay.” He also labelled fellow chef Tom Cenci a “c***” for posting pictures of him online “looking like a rejected member of the village people”. Dan, 33, has been chef director at top London restaurant Duck & Waffle since 2012.’

PERJURY PANIC. Trump’s pals are pretty sure he’ll lie under oath.

MONTANA. Billings church vandalized with anti-gay posters.

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Chelsea Manning senateCHELSEA MANNING. Running to challenge the establishment: “The establishment needs to be challenged, and it needs to be challenged in their footholds and in the places where they feel safe. We need to stop expecting that our systems will somehow fix themselves, we need to actually take the reins of power from them.”

LIZ CARMOUCHE. Out UFC fighter says sport is ready for openly gay man: “I do actually believe that a man could come out as openly gay and he could rise to the top.”

GRAMMY DATES. Sam Smith brought his boyfriend Brandon Flynn to the Grammys.

VIRGINIA. Senate passes bipartisan legislation to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination: “HRC and Equality Virginia — the state’s leading LGBT advocacy group — hailed the Virginia Senate’s passage of two crucially important bills that would protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in housing and public employment. SB 423would update Virginia’s Fair Housing Law to include non-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. SB 202 would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in public employment, codifying into law protections that currently exist for state employees by way of executive order, and extending explicit protections to local government employees, including employees of school districts.”

ONE WOMAN. Just one woman, Alessia Cara, won a Grammy during last night’s telecast. The president of the Recording Academy said it’s because women aren’t working hard enough.

Only one woman won a Grammy during the live show last night, and the president of the Recording Academy says it’s because they’re not working hard enough

— AM to DM by BuzzFeed News (@AM2DM) January 29, 2018

CANADA. Lesbian fights deportation to Cameroon. UPDATE – Angela got a six month reprieve to stay in Canada. But it was close.

SUPERCUT OF THE DAY. The 2018 Oscar nominees.

MONDAY MUSCLE. New Boy Butter model Samuel Lemar.

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The post Alessia Cara, Chris Coons, Patti LuPone, Dan Doherty, Chelsea Manning, Liz Carmouche: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Alessia Cara, Chris Coons, Patti LuPone, Dan Doherty, Chelsea Manning, Liz Carmouche: HOT LINKS

“Wider den tierischen Ernst” im Live-Stream: Festsitzung online sehen

“Wider den tierischen Ernst” im Live-Stream: Festsitzung online sehen

  • Der Orden “Wider den tierischen Ernst” wurde am Samstagabend in Aachen verliehen
  • Das Erste zeigt die Show am Montagabend um 20.15 Uhr 
  • Das Video oben erklärt, wie ihr das ARD-Programm online sehen könnt

“Wider den tierischen Ernst” im Live-Stream: Zum 68. Mal verleiht der Aachener Karnevalsverein (AKV) den Orden “Wider den tierischen Ernst”.

Dabei dürfen sich die Zuschauer auf politische Redner in der Bütt, auf Comedy und Karneval freuen.

Winfried Kretschmann erhält den Orden 

Kretschmann mache Politik mit Sinn, aber wider den tierischen Ernst. Außerdem sei er mit seinem feinen Humor eine Leitfigur der deutschen Politik. So begründet AKV-Präsident Werner Pfeil die Entscheidung des Elferrats.

Die Laudatio auf den neuen Ordensträger hält Gregor Gysi von der Linken. Er erhielt den Orden im vergangenen Jahr.

Außerdem stehen politische Größen wie NRW-Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet, CDU Vizechefin Julia Klöckner und FDP Bundesvorstand Alexander Graf Lambsdorff auf der Bühne.

Auch Aachener Lokalgrößen wie 4 Amigos, Testbild und die Tanztruppe Marga Render wollen in der Karnevalshow für Stimmung sorgen

“Wider den tierischen Ernst” im Live-Stream

Das Erste überträgt die Gala am Montagabend um 20.15 Uhr. Wer die Aufzeichnung im Stream sehen möchte, wird in der ARD-Mediathek fündig. Das Angebot ist kostenlos.

► “Wider den tierischen Ernst” online sehen 


John Simpson Calls Out Piers Morgan’s ‘Spineless’ Donald Trump Interview

John Simpson Calls Out Piers Morgan’s ‘Spineless’ Donald Trump Interview
One of the UK’s most respected foreign correspondents has hit out at Piers Morgan’s interview with Donald Trump, labelling the interrogation of the US President as “spineless”.

John Simpson, the BBC’s World Affairs Editor, suggested Trump was allowed to spout “self-evident tosh”, and signalled the head-to-head was “just showbiz” rather than a political interview.

But Good Morning Britain host Morgan, who has suggested fellow journalists are jealous of his exclusive, hit back – calling Simpson an “old prune” who has gloried in his own scoops.

In a wide-ranging interview, which Morgan attempted to frame as the modern equivalent of David Frost’s grilling of Richard Nixon, Trump appeared to offer an apology for his re-tweeting Britain First, suggested he tweets from his bed, and made clear he is not a feminist.

The US President also hinted he would do a better job of Brexit negotiations than Theresa May.

In real-time, the interview broadcast on ITV on Sunday night divided opinion

I’d rather douche with a hedgehog than listen to another second of this circle-wank #TrumpMorgan
While former ‘Bake Off’ presenter Sue Perkins was less than impressed, ex-Tory chancellor-turned newspaper editor George Osborne offered his seal of approval. 
But Simpson, who has held his post at the Beeb since 1988, took a very different view as a social media row fermented.

He tweeted: “The art of the political interview, Piers, is to push your interviewee hard – not let them spout self-evident tosh. That’s just showbiz.”

The art of the political interview, Piers, is to push your interviewee hard – not let them spout self-evident tosh. That’s just showbiz.
The BBC led on revelations from my interview all Friday morning, and Andrew Marr said yesterday it had made real news. So it would appear you’re the one spouting tosh, you pompous old prune.

January 29, 2018
Pompous, probably. Old, undeniably. Prune, quite possibly. But I don’t enjoy watching spineless political interviews.
You once claimed live on air that the BBC (you!) had liberated Kabul, you egotistical charlatan. So please spare me the journalism lectures.

January 29, 2018
Poor old Piers – sounds like you need more than a journalism lecture.
The much-trumpeted interview was watched by 3 million viewers – 1 million more than the average audience for ITV at 10pm.

But it still drew in fewer viewers than the 3.9 million who watched the BBC News at Ten on BBC One.

Toronto Serial Killer Bruce McArthur Now Charged in Murders of Three More Men

Toronto Serial Killer Bruce McArthur Now Charged in Murders of Three More Men

Bruce McArthur / Facebook

Bruce McArthur, the Toronto landscaper arrested and charged with the murder of two gay men near the city’s gay village last week, has been charged with 1st degree murder in the deaths of three more men: Majeed Kayhan, Soroush Marmudi, and Dean Lisowisk.

McArthur has already been charged in the killings of Andrew Kinsman, 49, and Selim Esen, 42, two gay men who went missing last year near a downtown neighborhood known as the center of the city’s LGBTQ community.

Selim Esen and Andrew Kinsman

There may be more victims.

Toronto police announced the new charges in a press conference this morning. They also said it is safe to say that McArthur can now be referred to as a “serial killer.”

Dismembered remains of at least three individuals have been recovered from McArthur’s backyard.

The police are asking people in the Toronto area who have had landscaping work done by McArthur to come forward so police can search their yards.

Towleroad’s Michael Fitzgerald reported on the cases earlier this year:

In August, Toronto police voiced concerns that the disappearance of Esen and Kinsman from the city’s gay village could be linked to three other men who have not been seen for more than five years.

In a press release issued in August, Toronto police confirmed that they were investigating whether the two missing persons cases are connected.

Vice reported that the latest cases bear a striking resemblance to the disappearance of three men from the village between 2010 and 2012.

Detective Sergeant Michael Richmond noted in the press release that while “some members of the community and media have made a connection between the disappearance of Mr. Kinsman and that of 11 other males,” that line of inquiry was factually incorrect and “quite misleading.” However, police admitted that they are concerned about possible links to the 2010-2012 cases. All three of those men were in their 40s or early 50s, were Arab or East Asian, and frequented the same venues on Church Street in the village.

Vice noted:

There are reasons to suspect that the cases are merely an eerie coincidence. Kinsman is white, meaning he doesn’t quite fit the profile established by the first three men to disappear.. The five year gap between when the last man when missing, in 2012, and these two cases also suggests that, while they may be suspicious, the causes of these disappearances are unrelated.

Yet there are similarities. Esen fits the profile to a T. Of the five cases, all are of similar age, build, and all have facial hair.

Even more strangely, a hypothesis floated by an internet sleuth on an online message board some four years ago also rings true: All of the disappearances have been around holiday weekends. Kinsman, over Pride. Esen, over Easter. The previous three cases: Labour Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving.

Amid fears over the summer that police weren’t taking these cases seriously, Richmond said the investigation into Kinsman’s disappearance was in the process of “ramping up,” and police were getting set to conduct another search of his apartment.


The post Toronto Serial Killer Bruce McArthur Now Charged in Murders of Three More Men appeared first on Towleroad.

Toronto Serial Killer Bruce McArthur Now Charged in Murders of Three More Men