Ivanka Trump Planned to Become First Female President

Ivanka Trump Planned to Become First Female President
Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner made a deal for the daughter of President Donald Trump to become the first female head of state, according to Michael Wolff’s new book “Fire and Fury.” The book, written by the Hollywood Reporter contributing editor and former White House strategist, is being labeled as a tell-all of his time inside…

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Ivanka Trump Planned to Become First Female President

Mehrere Schauspielerinnen werfen Regisseur Dieter Wedel sexuelle Belästigung vor

Mehrere Schauspielerinnen werfen Regisseur Dieter Wedel sexuelle Belästigung vor
Regisseur und Festspiel-Intendant Dieter Wedel

Im “Zeit-Magazin” haben mehrere Frauen zum Teil schwere Vorwürfe wegen sexueller Belästigung gegen den Regisseur Dieter Wedel erhoben.

Das ist passiert:

► Die ehemalige Schauspielerin Jany Tempel sagt, Wedel habe sie 1996 in einem Hotelzimmer in München vergewaltigt

► Eine weitere ehemalige Schauspielerin, Patricia Thielemann, berichtet, wie Wedel sie 1991 bei einem Casting ohne Vorwarnung bedrängt und versucht habe, sie zu vergewaltigen.

► Weitere ehemalige Mitarbeiter erinnern sich auch daran, wie Wedel bei Dreharbeiten eine Schauspielerin vor der gesamten Crew angebrüllt und über Monate unter Druck gesetzt habe, weil diese nicht mit ihm schlafen wollte.

Darum ist das wichtig:

Die Vorwürfe gegen Wedel erinnern an die Diskussion über sexuelle Übergriffe in den USA, die Hollywood-Schauspielerinnen Ende 2017 angestoßen hatten.

Erstmals seit der sogenannten #MeToo-Debatte erheben nun auch Frauen in Deutschland konkrete Vorwürfe gegen einen prominenten Mann aus der Filmbranche.

In einer schriftlichen Stellungnahme bestreitet Wedel die Vorwürfe. Der 75-Jährige habe zudem in einer eidesstattliche Erklärung versichert, “dass die offenbar von mehreren Schauspielerinnen gegen ihn erhobenen Vorwürfe unzutreffend und nicht gerechtfertigt sind.”

➨ Mehr zum Thema: “Er fing an, mich zu betatschen”: TV-Moderatorin Schrowange berichtet vom Übergriff eines ZDF-Sendeleiters

Was ihr noch wissen müsst: 

Wedel geht gegen die mehrere Seiten lange Veröffentlichung im “Zeit-Magazin” und die Online-Version vor. Er sieht sich mit den “Verdächtigungen” einem “massiven öffentlichen Pranger ausgesetzt”.

Im “Zeit-Magazin” wird Wedel selbst mit den Worten zitiert, dass er “ein überbordendes, manchmal auch grenzüberschreitendes Temperament” habe und dabei “vermutlich auch oft Schauspieler und Schauspielerinnen in ihrem Stolz und Selbstwertgefühl verletzt” habe.

Wedel gilt als einer der erfolgreichsten deutschen Regisseure. Er machte sich vor allem in den 1990ern mit Fernseh-Mehrteilern einen Namen. Dazu zählen unter anderem “Der große Bellheim” (1993), “Der Schattenmann” (1996) und “Der König von St. Pauli” (1998).

(Mit Material von dpa)


Olly Murs Throws Shade At ‘X Factor’, Hailing ‘The Voice’ As ‘The Best Show He’s Worked On’

Olly Murs Throws Shade At ‘X Factor’, Hailing ‘The Voice’ As ‘The Best Show He’s Worked On’
Olly Murs has made a subtle dig at his old stomping ground at ‘The X Factor’ by declaring ‘The Voice’ “the best show I’ve worked on”.

After finishing in second place in the 2009 ‘X Factor’ final, Olly went on to host spin-off show ‘Xtra Factor’ for two years, later presenting the main show alongside Caroline Flack in 2015, before they were dropped after one series.

He has now joined the new series of rival talent show ‘The Voice’ as a coach, and it sounds like it’s an experience he’s enjoying far more.

Speaking at The Voice’s press launch, Olly said: “I’m loving it. I really am enjoying every moment and I want to sit here and say thank you to all the editing team and producers because it’s so much fun.

“It is the best show I’ve worked on for a fact, so I’m loving that.”

Asked what ‘The Voice’ had over ‘The X Factor’, he cheekily responded: “We can’t compare. I will only say this – let’s compare when we’ve finished the season and let’s see how good our winner is.”

Following reports Simon Cowell had failed to make contact with him after he jumped ship, Olly believes the music mogul will not be happy when he sees how good the show is.

Asked if he contacted Simon before taking the job or whether his old boss had reached out to him, Olly said: “I’m just going to say no and no. None of that happened.

“Listen, I’m just going to say, you make your own decisions in life and ever since I left ‘The X Factor’, I’ve always made my own.

“When ‘The Voice’ came calling, [I thought] ‘yeah, I want to do this’, because it is an incredible show. Being among these amazing coaches, I’m going to learn loads and grow as a character, and I want to help people.

“I haven’t heard from Simon. I only read what [journalists] like to write. Simon knows where I am and he’s got my telephone number, so he knows how to reach me.

“If he wants to call me, we can have a chat but he probably won’t.”

He added: “I saw him at the ITV Gala recently and he said it was good to see me and that was it. I was like, ‘OK, cool’. But he’s going to watch the show and he ain’t going to be happy.”

‘The Voice UK’ launches on Saturday (6 January) at 8pm on ITV.


Anderson Cooper, Taylor Swift, Mississippi, Roku, Frank Ocean, Lana Del Rey and BØRNS, Horse Cat: HOT LINKS

Anderson Cooper, Taylor Swift, Mississippi, Roku, Frank Ocean, Lana Del Rey and BØRNS, Horse Cat: HOT LINKS
tj bridges

trump waterTV TIME. Trump wanted multiple TVs in White House bedroom: ‘In the first days, he ordered two television screens in addition to the one already there, and a lock on the door, precipitating a brief standoff with the Secret Service, who insisted they have access to the room. He ­reprimanded the housekeeping staff for picking up his shirt from the floor: “If my shirt is on the floor, it’s because I want it on the floor.” Then he imposed a set of new rules: Nobody touch anything, especially not his toothbrush.’”

CRACKED. Donald Jr. blasts Bannon for Alabama election loss.

Thanks Steve. Keep up the great work. t.co/J9O8CUfJAD

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 3, 2018

GRAND JURY. The Grand Jury for the Russia probe looks “like a Black Lives Matter rally,” according to witness. “The grand jury room looks like a Bernie Sanders rally,” my source said. “Maybe they found these jurors in central casting, or at a Black Lives Matter rally in Berkeley [Calif.]”

STANKY FLOP? Taylor Swift’s Reputation Tour.

phil bryantMISSISSIPPI. Heinous religious freedom law affects college baseball season: “The Sun Herald reports the University of Southern Mississippi was supposed to play three games in Hattiesburg in late February against Stony Brook University. The games were canceled because New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo banned all non-essential state travel to Mississippi after Republican Gov. Phil Bryant signed the law in 2016.

WALKOUT. Why Anderson Cooper walked out of Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

ROKU. Its own version of Alexa and Siri for home speakers is on the way. “Instead of marketing the software as artificial intelligence that can schedule your appointments, turn off your bedroom lights and order your groceries, the Roku assistant’s primary job will be to help you play music and video on devices throughout your house.”

FRANK OCEAN. A cryptic Tumblr post hints at new music on the way this year.


NEW TUNE OF THE DAY. Lana Del Rey and BØRNS “God Save Our Young Blood”.

HORSEBACK RIDING CAT OF THE DAY. Louis. “Horse trainer Emma Massingale has a pony named Comet and a cat named Louis. They are good friends who go on adventures together. Louis doesn’t need a saddle when he goes horseback riding; a horse blanket will do, but a saddle will do fine if that’s what’s on the horse. It’s not like he could get his feet into the stirrups!


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Instagram Photo


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Instagram Photo

The post Anderson Cooper, Taylor Swift, Mississippi, Roku, Frank Ocean, Lana Del Rey and BØRNS, Horse Cat: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Anderson Cooper, Taylor Swift, Mississippi, Roku, Frank Ocean, Lana Del Rey and BØRNS, Horse Cat: HOT LINKS

Ein “Zeit”-Journalist erklärt, was viele bei der Diskussion um Flüchtlingsgewalt übersehen

Ein “Zeit”-Journalist erklärt, was viele bei der Diskussion um Flüchtlingsgewalt übersehen

  • Deutschland diskutiert über Flüchtlingsgewalt
  • Dabei wird übersehen, welche Gruppen tatsächlich Probleme bereiten

Ein Mord durch einen Flüchtling in Rheinland-Pfalz und eine Studie, die einen Anstieg der Gewaltdelikte durch Flüchtlinge in Niedersachsen verzeichnet: Das genügt, dass Deutschland wieder über kriminelle Flüchtlinge diskutiert.

Eines übersehen viele dabei aber: Flüchtlinge und Migranten sind nicht zwangsläufig dasselbe. Auf diese Tatsache weist Jochen Bittner, Journalist bei der Wochenzeitung “Zeit”, hin.

Er twitterte:

“Wer nie unterschieden hat zwischen Flüchtlingen und Migranten, begreift vielleicht spätestens beim Stichwort ‘Flüchtlingskriminalität’, warum das falsch war. Es ist doch irre, dieses Wort zu verwenden, wenn viele der Täter gerade keine Flüchtlinge sind.”

Wer nie unterschieden hat zwischen Flüchtlingen und Migranten, begreift vielleicht spätestens beim Stichwort „Flüchtlingskriminalität“, warum das falsch war.
Es ist doch irre, dieses Wort zu verwenden, wenn viele der Täter gerade keine Flüchtlinge sind.

— Jochen Bittner (@JochenBittner) January 3, 2018

Flüchtlinge integrieren sich zumeist gut

Manch einer mag darin nur Wortklauberei sehen. Doch der Unterschied ist entscheidend.

Denn Flüchtlinge, die aktuell zumeist aus Afghanistan und Syrien kommen, erhalten in Deutschland meist einen temporären Aufenthaltsstatus. Viele Programme helfen ihnen bei der Integration.

Und die Studie über einen Anstieg der Flüchtlingskriminalität in Niedersachsen, die die Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft im Auftrag des Bundesfamilienministeriums durchgeführt hat, zeigt deutlich: Menschen, die vor Krieg und Verfolgung geflohen sind, die integriert sind und denen eine Perspektive in Deutschland gezeigt wird, werden nur selten kriminell.

➨ Mehr zum ThemaDas sind die wichtigsten Zahlen aus der Studie zur Flüchtlingskriminalität

Migranten mit ungewissem Aufenthaltsstatus verursachen Probleme

Wer also pauschal gegen die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen ist, weil er einen Anstieg von Gewalttaten fürchtet, interpretiert die Zahlen der Studie falsch.

Anders ist die Lage zum Beispiel bei Wirtschaftsmigranten, die in der Regel keine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung erhalten. Sie müssen Deutschland zwar offiziell verlassen – doch kaum einer tut das tatsächlich.

Viele Migranten vor allem aus Nordafrika driften in die Schwarzarbeit ab, nicht wenige von ihnen, das zeigt die Zürcher Studie, werden kriminell.

Sprich: Vor allem Menschen, die eigentlich gar nicht in Deutschland sein dürften, bereiten Probleme; Kriegsflüchtlinge weniger.

Vor diesem Hintergrund betrachtet ist der Unterschied zwischen Flüchtlingen und Migranten entscheidend.  



Windsor Council Leader Calls For Police To Remove Rough Sleepers Ahead Of Royal Wedding

Windsor Council Leader Calls For Police To Remove Rough Sleepers Ahead Of Royal Wedding
The Tory leader of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead has written a letter calling for Thames Valley Police (TVP) officers to remove beggars and rough sleepers ahead of the royal wedding.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are due to get married on Saturday, May 19 at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle.

But councillor Simon Dudley wants action to be taken against “aggressive begging and intimidation in Windsor” ahead of the royal ceremony.

In a letter to the force’s police and crime commissioner Anthony Stansfeld, Dudley writes: “As you will be aware from your officers, there is a growing concern amongst residents, businesses and visitors regarding the number of people occupying the streets of Windsor, who are begging during the day and in some cases taking occupancy throughout the night.”

Dudley points to the “the quantities of bags and detritus” that are being left on pavements, which he says can present a security risk.

The letter, which has been made public, continues: “Residents, businesses and visitors are consistently raising concerns regarding this situation.

“Our residents, businesses and visitors rightly assume that TVP will take immediate action, as this is a significant security concern, especially given the national importance of Windsor.

“Obviously, the level of tourist interest is set to multiply with the royal wedding in May 2018, and there are increased concerns from our residents about their safety.

“The whole situation also presents a beautiful town in a sadly unfavourable light. As leader of the royal borough this situation is totally unacceptable to me and my fellow councillors.”

Dudley claims that “a large number of adults that are begging in Windsor are not in fact homeless, and if they are homeless they are choosing to reject all support services to beg on the streets of Windsor”.

The letter adds: “In the case of homelessness amongst this group, it is therefore a voluntary choice. Recently, council officers secured emergency accommodation for every individual begging and rough sleeping in Windsor, through making contact with each one.

“A significant number of the adults chose not to turn up and use the accommodation that we had purchased for them, instead choosing to remain on the street begging.

“This is creating a concerning and hostile atmosphere for our residents and the seven million tourists who come to Windsor each year.”

Large crowds are expected to descend on Windsor ahead of the royal wedding later this year.

Windsor Castle, which has been the home of British monarchs for nearly 1,000 years, is one of the royal family’s main residences.

Last year, 1.36 million people visited Windsor Castle and Frogmore House, which adjoins the castle, in Berkshire.

Dudley, who represents the Maidenhead Riverside ward, included a list of initiatives the borough had invested in for vulnerable people, such as the establishment of an emergency night shelter.

The letter states: “In the Royal Borough we believe homelessness is completely unacceptable in a caring, compassionate community such as ours.”

But the council leader suggests in his letter that TVP could use its powers under the Vagrancy Act 1824 or the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

The Vagrancy Act makes it an offence to sleep rough or beg.

The letter is dated January 2. On December 29, Dudley said that he would be writing to Stansfeld asking TVP to “enforce the Vagrancy Act against organised begging” in Windsor.

In the tweet, he said that residents have “had enough of this exploitation”.

A letter will be going from me as leader of @RBWM to @StansfeldPCC asking that @ThamesVP enforce the Vagrancy Act against organised begging in #Windsor. Residents have had enough of this exploitation of residents and ~6 million tourists pa t.co/6fU5WBaBPi

December 29, 2017
TVP’s Windsor branch responded to Dudley’s comments on Twitter, saying that agencies should work together to tackle homelessness.

TVP Windsor also disputed a claim made by Dudley in an earlier tweet that tourists were being taken to cash points by rough sleepers in order to withdraw money.

We need to protect the most vulnerable in society by working together but each agency must understand its own unique responsibilities. Housing is the responsibility of the council but it is better that agencies work together so people don’t become homeless. (1/2)

December 27, 2017
It is time for you to deal with this issue. This is not voluntary homelessness. It is commercial life choice praying on residents and tourists. It’s been going on and getting worse for months. Enough is enough

December 27, 2017
In a statement sent to HuffPost UK, Stansfeld said that he was “somewhat surprised” that Dudley’s letter had been released publicly “but not yet been sent directly to me”.

The statement continued: “Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Council are a key partner for Thames Valley Police and myself and I am always happy to listen to any concerns they may have and work together where possible.”

Stansfeld said that his office and TVP work closely with the local authority and that these issues were not raised when he attended a council meeting in October.

“I will of course provide Cllr Dudley with a full response addressing his concerns once I have received the letter and investigated the issues he has raised further,” the statement added.

He described supporting the vulnerable, including the homeless, as a “priority”.

“I have previously provided funding to homeless shelters in Berkshire. I also provide a Community Safety Fund to local authorities which allows them to fund any local priorities they may have to prevent crime and improve community safety and this year provided Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Council with nearly £150,000.

“Protecting the public is of the utmost important to both myself and Thames Valley Police and the force work day in and day out to keep people safe from harm and make the Thames Valley a safe place to live, work and visit,” the statement concluded.

A report from Shelter, published in November, identified 307,000 people as being homeless in Britain – 4,447 of whom are sleeping rough.
