Worst nightmare: His Grindr date showed up to his house totally unannounced
“He texted that he was at a restaurant around the corner—and he pulled into my driveway two minutes later.”
Monthly Archives: January 2018
Tennis Legend and Anti-Gay Bigot Margaret Court To Boycott Australian Open
Tennis Legend and Anti-Gay Bigot Margaret Court To Boycott Australian Open
Professional bigot and tennis legend Margaret Court has said she will not attend this year’s Australian Open following her anti-gay comments last year.
Now a pastor and anti-gay marriage activist, in May Court wrote a letter to The West Australian to announce that she will be boycotting Qantas due to its support for marriage equality.
RELATED: Andy Murray Speaks Out for Equality in Response to Margaret Court’s Homophobic Remarks
Now aged 75, she has told the Herald Sun that she has decided to boycott the Open later this month and will instead spend time with her family.
“Margaret Court will not be attending the Australian Open in protest against gay marriage” pic.twitter.com/9Jvu3IaJ1l
— beth
(@billpottsbian) January 5, 2018
Saying calls to rename the Margaret Court Arena and the possibility of some players refusing to play there “childish,” the 11-time winner of the Australian Open said she was deeply offended by the backlash to her comments.
She added that she is not homophobic and does not hate gay people but has a deeply religious views, reports the Daily Mail.
Court is the most decorated player in grand slam tennis history, having won a record 24 major titles from 1960 to 1973.
Last June, Court said that the “US gay lobby” was behind the idea of renaming the court named after her in Melbourne Park, home to the Australian open.
The post Tennis Legend and Anti-Gay Bigot Margaret Court To Boycott Australian Open appeared first on Towleroad.
Tennis Legend and Anti-Gay Bigot Margaret Court To Boycott Australian Open
Golden Globes 2018 im Live-Stream? Preisverleihung sehen, so geht’s
Golden Globes 2018 im Live-Stream? Preisverleihung sehen, so geht’s
- In Deutschland überträgt TNT Serie
- Los geht es am 7. Januar 2018 um 1 Uhr
Golden Globes 2018 im Live-Stream: In wenigen Stunden flaniert Hollywoods Prominenz im kalifornischen Beverly Hills über den roten Teppich. Dort werden am Sonntagabend (Ortszeit) zum 75. Mal die Golden-Globe-Trophäen verliehen.
Die goldglänzenden Weltkugeln sind nach den Oscars Hollywoods bedeutendste Filmpreise.
► Das Fantasymärchen “Shape of Water – Das Flüstern des Wassers” von Guillermo del Toro ist mit sieben Nominierungen der Favorit des Abends.
► Jeweils sechs Gewinnchancen haben Steven Spielbergs Politfilm “Die Verlegerin” und der Kriminalfilm “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”.
► Der deutsche Regisseur Fatih Akin könnte mit dem NSU-Drama “Aus dem Nichts” den Globe für den besten nicht-englischsprachigen Film holen.
Die Preise werden von der Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), dem Verband der Auslandspresse, in 25 Film- und Fernseh-Kategorien verliehen.
Golden Globes 2018 im Live-Stream
Die Sendung beginnt in Deutschland mit dem Promi-Lauf auf dem roten Teppich. Dann ist ein Uhr. Um zwei Uhr beginnt dann die Verleihung. Mit Gastgeber Seth Meyers , er ist US-amerikanische Komiker, Schauspieler, und Moderator der NBC-Late Night.
In der Nacht auf Montag überträgt der Pay-Sender TNT Serie die Verleihung der Golden Globes – für Abonnenten von Sky, Telekom, Unitymedia und Vodafone Kabel Deutschland.
Einen Live-Stream gibt es für deutsche Fans aber nicht. Jedoch wiederholt TNT Serie die Verleihung am Montag um 20.15 Uhr. Die Verleihung findet sich damit wohl auch in den Mediatheken der Anbieter.
Wer in den USA ist, findet einen Live-Stream – nämlich bei dem Sender NBC:
Mit Material von dpa.
Passend dazu:
A Newly Released Statement Proves Pulse Shooter’s Widow Knew of the Attack
A Newly Released Statement Proves Pulse Shooter’s Widow Knew of the Attack
Noor Salman, the widow of Omar Mateen, who murdered 49 people at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Fla., previously maintained she knew nothing of her husband’s plans.
Paris, place de la Republique – AIDES 2017
These interracial couples are not having your racism, er, “preferences” any longer
These interracial couples are not having your racism, er, “preferences” any longer
When it comes to combating racism in the LGBTQ community, Corey Robinson says, “that has a long way to go.”
Trump Rages at ‘CNN Flunky’ Jake Tapper After Miller Interview, Unwisely Likens Himself to Reagan
Trump Rages at ‘CNN Flunky’ Jake Tapper After Miller Interview, Unwisely Likens Himself to Reagan
Donald Trump headed off to Camp David on Sunday morning for meetings with top Republicans.
Leaving Camp David for the White House. Great meetings with the Cabinet and Military on many very important subjects including Border Security & the desperately needed Wall, the ever increasing Drug and Opioid Problem, Infrastructure, Military, Budget, Trade and DACA.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 7, 2018
But not before lashing out at the media, specifically targeting CNN’s Jake Tapper:
Tweeted Trump: “Jake Tapper of Fake News CNN just got destroyed in his interview with Stephen Miller of the Trump Administration. Watch the hatred and unfairness of this CNN flunky!”
Jake Tapper of Fake News CNN just got destroyed in his interview with Stephen Miller of the Trump Administration. Watch the hatred and unfairness of this CNN flunky!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 7, 2018
Miller had appeared on CNN’s State of the Union where Tapper cut him off after a contentious interview. Watch it HERE.
RELATED: Jake Tapper Cuts Off WH Adviser Stephen Miller after Explosive Interview: ‘I’ve Wasted Enough Time’ — WATCH
Trump also took aim at the bestselling book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff, a reporter who had full access to Trump and his coterie.
Tweeted Trump: “I’ve had to put up with the Fake News from the first day I announced that I would be running for President. Now I have to put up with a Fake Book, written by a totally discredited author. Ronald Reagan had the same problem and handled it well. So will I!”
I’ve had to put up with the Fake News from the first day I announced that I would be running for President. Now I have to put up with a Fake Book, written by a totally discredited author. Ronald Reagan had the same problem and handled it well. So will I!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 7, 2018
It’s probably not wise for Trump to compare himself to Reagan when he’s being accused of being mentally unfit:
Although White House doctors insisted Reagan was mentally fit, many observers at the time were concerned about his forgetfulness, and some even wondered if he was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s in office. Reagan himself even admitted during a televised address on the Iran-Contra scandal that he often had a hard time remembering things, notes The Washington Post. Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1994, five years after he left the White House.
Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.
The post Trump Rages at ‘CNN Flunky’ Jake Tapper After Miller Interview, Unwisely Likens Himself to Reagan appeared first on Towleroad.
Trump Rages at ‘CNN Flunky’ Jake Tapper After Miller Interview, Unwisely Likens Himself to Reagan
Ein Mädchen spendet Haare – und wird vom Unterricht ausgeschlossen
Ein Mädchen spendet Haare – und wird vom Unterricht ausgeschlossen
- Die 14-jährige Niamh Baldwin schnitt sich ihre Haare ab, um sie einer Hilfsorganisation für Krebspatienten zu spenden
- Doch aufgrund ihrer neuen Frisur wurde sie vom Unterricht ausgeschlossen
- Unter welcher seltsamen Bedingung die Schülerin wieder teilnehmen dürfte, seht ihr oben im Video
Die 14-jährige Niamh Baldwin aus England trennte sich von ihren langen blonden Haaren, um sie der Hilfsorganisation für Krebspatienten “Little Princess Trust” zu spenden. Doch die Schülerin wurde für ihre gute Tat von der Schule bestraft.
Weil ihre neue Frisur nicht mehr der vorgeschriebenen Haarlänge der Schule entspricht, wurde Baldwin bis auf Weiteres vom Unterricht ausgeschlossen. Das berichtet die britische Zeitung “Sun”.
Die 14-Jährige besucht die renommierte Mounts Bay Academy und es scheint, als interessiere sich die Schule mehr für veraltete Regeln und Etiketten als für wohltätige Hilfsaktionen.
Baldwins Mutter ist wütend über die Reaktion der Schule
Niamh Baldwins Mutter kann das Verhalten der Schule nicht nachvollziehen. Gegenüber der “Sun” sagt sie:
“Ich bin sehr verärgert darüber, dass ihr die Schule das Gefühl gibt, nichts wert zu sein und sie so behandelt, weil ihre Haare eigentlich einen Zentimeter länger sein müssten.”
Die 14-Jährige soll stets eine gute und bei den Klassenkameraden und Lehrern beliebte Schülerin gewesen sein. Alle würden Baldwin für ein höfliches und liebeswürdiges Mädchen halten, erklärt ihre Mutter. Sie sagte der Zeitung:
“Die Meinung über einen Menschen kann sich aufgrund eines Haarschnittes doch nicht ändern. Ich bin wirklich sehr wütend.”
“Die Regeln sind sehr deutlich formuliert”
Die Schulleiterin Sara Davey verteidigt in der “Sun” die Reaktion der Schule. Die 14-Jährige müsse so lange isoliert von ihren Klassenkameraden lernen, bis ihre Haare wieder die erforderliche Länge hätten.
“Die Regeln der Schule bezüglich extremer Haarschnitte sind sehr deutlich formuliert. Extreme Haarschnitte waren noch nie erlaubt”, erklärt Davey.
Laut der Direktorin hätte Baldwin ihr Vorhaben zunächst mit der Schule abklären müssen. Sie sagt:
“Die Familie hatte genug Gelegenheiten, um die Schule bezüglich der Haarspende für wohltätige Zwecke zu kontaktieren. Aus irgendeinem Grund tat sie das allerdings nicht.”
Davey hätte der Schülerin dann zu einer anderen Hilfsaktion geraten. Weiter sagte sie, dass Baldwin auch jetzt schon wieder am Unterricht teilnehmen könne – aber nur unter einer seltsamen Bedingung, die wir in unserem Video erklären.
Es scheint, als zähle in dieser Schule eine veraltete Regel mehr als eine gute Tat.
➨ Mehr zum Thema: Freundinnen einer Krebs-Patientin lassen sich für Gruppenfoto die Haare abrasieren
Alexandra Burke Confirms Engagement To Boyfriend Joshua Ginnelly
Alexandra Burke Confirms Engagement To Boyfriend Joshua Ginnelly
Alexandra Burke has announced her engagement to her boyfriend of two years, Joshua Ginnelly.
The singer, who was a finalist on the last series of ’Strictly Come Dancing’, confirmed the news in a loved-up post on Instagram, after eagle-eyed fans spotted a ring on her finger in previous photos.
Alexandra shared the snap of her kissing her new fiancé as she holds the palm of her hand – complete with sparkler – towards the camera, which has the message ‘I said yes!’ written on it.
In the accompanying message, she told fans that her “soul mate” Joshua had proposed during a trip to Paris, and that it had been totally “unexpected”.
She said: “Being in love is one of the most magical feelings life has to offer.
So grateful for this amazing man in my life who has supported my family and I through so much.”
Joshua popped the question before Christmas, but Alexandra told fans they wanted to keep it secret until now.
“We decided to keep this between us for a while to enjoy this special moment and that’s why we haven’t said anything,” she explained.
“For those who guessed and have left such beautiful messages – thank you.
Josh is someone who makes me so happy and I’ve never felt this kind of love before.”
The 29-year-old star also reflected on her late mother, and revealed that she had known Josh was going to pop the question before her death last year.
“Something so amazing honestly felt so overwhelming because there was only one person I wanted to call when it happened,” she said.
“I know she is smiling and very happy for us both – because little did I know she knew about it.”
Must-See LGBTQ: Be sure to catch the Golden Globes, ‘The Chi’ and ‘The Fosters’ premieres, and more!
Must-See LGBTQ: Be sure to catch the Golden Globes, ‘The Chi’ and ‘The Fosters’ premieres, and more!

Grab the remote, set your DVR or queue up your streaming service of choice! GLAAD is bringing you the highlights LGBTQ on TV this week. Check back every Sunday for up-to-date coverage in LGBTQ-inclusive programming on TV.
On Sunday, NBC will air the 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards, where the Hollywood Foreign Press Association honors the best of film and and television. Included in this year’s nominations are coming of age romance Call Me By Your Name, as well as The Shape of Water and Lady Bird, which both feature LGBTQ characters, and LGBTQ inclusive series such as Will & Grace, Master of None and The Handmaid’s Tale on the television side. For all full list of LGBTQ-inclusive nominees, click here. The ceremony will take place at the Beverly Hilton and will be hosted by Seth Meyers. The 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards: Sunday, 8pm ET/5pm ET on NBC.
Sunday night is also the premiere of the long anticipated drama The Chi on Showtime. From out producer, writer, and actress Lena Waithe comes a story of a group of individuals on the South Side of Chicago whose lives become intertwined by coincidence and circumstance. The show aims to show a different side of black youth than often seen in the media. “I wanted to humanize them and show that their lives are valid,” said Waithe of the show and the characters. The Chi: Sunday, 10pm on Showtime.
CBS All Access’ Star Trek: Discovery returns for its winter premiere this Sunday on the streaming service. Discovery is known for being the first television series in the franchise to feature an LGBTQ couple as part of the ship’s crew, portrayed by out actors, Anthony Rapp and Wilson Cruz. In the midseason premiere, the U.S.S. Discovery crew is forced to get creative in their next efforts to survive opposing and unprecedented forces and return home. Star Trek: Discovery: Sunday, on CBS All Access.
Tuesday’s episode of Marvel’s Runaways will be the season one finale of Hulu’s teen superhero show. Over the course of the series, we’ve been introduced to the core ensemble including lesbian character Karolina, who harbors feelings for friend and fellow Runaway Nico, as they band into a team and discover the truth about their parents and the ominous organization PRIDE. In the finale, the Runaways face off with their parents, but they realize they are in over their heads when Jonah unexpectedly arrives with a new game plan. Marvel’s Runaways: Tuesday on Hulu.
The second half of the fifth and final season of The Fosters premieres this Tuesday on Freeform. The show is known for having many LGBTQ characters in the ensemble, including the titular family having two lesbian moms and a gay son. In this week’s episode “Sanctuary,” Ximena and Callie seek sanctuary from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in a church; the Adams Fosters offer support to the Sinfuego family as they struggle with their immigration status. The Fosters: Tuesday, at 8pm on Freeform
Sunday, January 7th: 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards (8pm ET/5pm PT, NBC); Madam Secretary (10pm, CBS); Shameless (9pm, Showtime); The Chi (10pm, Showtime); Star Trek: Discovery (CBS All Access)
Tuesday: Marvel’s Runaways (Hulu); Ellen’s Game of Games (8pm, NBC); The Fosters (8pm, Freeform); Fresh Off the Boat (8:30pm, ABC); Bull (9pm, CBS); LA to Vegas (9pm, FOX); I Am Jazz (10pm, TLC)
Wednesday: grown-ish (8pm, Freeform); Modern Family (9pm, ABC); The Magicians (9pm, SyFy); American Housewife (9:30pm, ABC)
Thursday: The 23rd Annual Critics Choice Awards (8pm, The CW); Superstore (8pm, NBC); Will & Grace (9pm, NBC); Nashville (9pm, CMT)
Friday: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (8pm, The CW)