#AM_Equality Tipsheet: January 8, 2018

LGBTQ STORIES AT THE GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS, HRC GOES BLACK TO HONOR #TIMESUP ADVOCACY: The 75th annual Golden Globe Awards on Sunday featured a number of groundbreaking stories about LGBTQ people and celebrated the LGBTQ actors and allies who brought them to the screen. The award show was hosted by Seth Meyers (@sethmeyers), a longtime advocate who received the HRC Equality Award last year. All eyes were on the red carpet, as many actors wore all black in a show of solidarity with the #MeToo movement and the new #TIMESUP project to advocate for women — especially the most vulnerable — in an effort to stop workplace sexual assault and harassment. HRC stood in solidarity with this movement, changing its logo to black across its social platforms.
REMEMBERING TRAGIC DEATH OF AN OHIO TRANS TEEN & THE URGENT NEED FOR LGBTQ-INCLUSIVE NONDISCRIMINATION MEASURE: “A little more than three years ago, people across Ohio awoke to tragic news: Leelah Alcorn, a 17-year-old transgender girl from Kings Mills, near Cincinnati, had died by suicide… Leelah’s final call was for all of us to ‘fix society’ and fight injustice,” writes HRC Ohio Director Shawn and TransOhio Co-Chair Melissa Alexander in a piece for Cleveland.com. LGBTQ advocates are hoping to fufuill Leelah’s final plea by passing Ohio Fairness Act, expected to have its first hearing this month. This crucial legislation would bar discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in areas of employment, housing and public accommodations in Ohio. Read the full piece in Cleveland.com.
MUST WATCH MONDAY: In a new video, HRC thanks its millions of members and supporters for standing on the right side of history and continuing to unite, resist and enlist in 2018. They made a huge difference by calling Congress, signing petitions, donating money, responding to urgent text alerts, marching, and speaking out in their hometowns. More from San Diego LGBT Weekly.
GEORGIA LAWMAKER PURSUES HATE CRIMES BILL: GOP State Rep. Meagan Hanson will introduce a bill with bipartisan support. It mirrors protections in federal hate crimes law, which includes sexual orientation and gender identity. More from The Georgia Voice.
HRC MOURNS KERRICE LEWIS, LESBIAN WOMAN MURDERED IN DC: HRC was shocked to hear about the horrifying murder of Lewis, 23, who was shot and burned alive last month. Lewis’ grandfather described her as “full of life” and a “free spirit” who could “light up a room, just talking and laughing.” Police are investigating and have yet to release a possible motive. More from HuffPost.
#SayHerName: Our hearts break for family & friends of Kerrice Lewis, whose tragic murder still demands answers. t.co/qzvEJTUGUK
— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) January 7, 2018
LOVE AND SUPPORT FOR TRANS WOMAN COMING OUT AT WORK: When Zoe, a trans woman in Ontario, Canada, came out to her coworkers, she was astonished at their support — from sending her notes, decorating her office and holding a “coming out” party in her honor. More on this beautiful story from Upworthy.
Congrats @Adaripp on becoming the first openly gay American male figure skater to compete in the Winter Olympics! #TeamUSA ����⛸��️�� t.co/htqbq8meEu
— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) January 8, 2018
SEVEN YEARS SINCE GABBY GIFFORDS INJURED IN SHOOTING IN TUCSON: The mass shooting took the lives of six people and seriously injured many more, including then-Rep. Giffords. HRC is proud to work with Gabby and other advocates to end gun violence once and for all.
LGBTQ MORMONS SEEK EQUALITY IN THE CHURCH: Across the nation, LGBTQ Mormons and their allies are having important conversations about the role of faith in their lives. Vice’s Nigel Duara (@nigelduara) sat down with LGBTQ Mormons to talk bout their struggles and hopes for the future in light of the church’s recent change in leadership. In 2017, HRC Foundation released “Coming Home to Mormonism Guide,” which provides advice and resources to help Mormons in the U.S. looking to engage more deeply with their faith, even in the face of significant challenges. More from Vice.
- “In the 18-26 age bracket, more than 40 percent [of Mormons] support gay marriage, double the 20 percent backing among Mormons age 52 and over. Of the former Mormons in the Riess’ millennial cohort, LGBT issues were the third most commonly cited reason for their decision to drop out.” More from The Salt Lake Tribune.
TRANS INMATE SEEKS TRANSFER TO WOMEN’S PRISON: Deon “Strawberry” Hampton is receiving a rare hearing from a U.S. magistrate judge on her request to serve out her sentence in a women’s facility, where she will be less vulnerable to assault and harassment. More from The Seymour (Ind.) News.
HRC WORKPLACE EQUALITY EFFORT IN MEXICO FEATURED ON COVER OF COUNTRY’S ONLY LGBTQ MAGAZINE: Comunidad Divers highlights HRC Equidad MX: Global Workplace Equality Program, which launched recently in Mexico City, highlighting the importance of LGBTQ-inclusive policies in workplaces, including at major multinationals. More from Comunidad Divers.
HRC EN LA PORTADA DE LA ÚNICA REVISTA LGBT IMPRESA DE MÉXICO: Comunidad Divers, la única revista LGBT impresa de México, destacó el lanzamiento del Programa HRC Equidad MX: Global Workplace Equality que se llevó a cabo hace un mes. La nota destacó la importancia de políticas inclusivas de personas LGBT en centros laborales y multinacionales. Más de Comunidad Divers.
.@HRC makes the cover of #ComunidadDivers, the only #LGBTQ magazine in #Mexico highlighting HRC’s Equidad MX Report.
HRC hace portada en #ComunidadDivers, la única revista LGBTQ de #México destacando el lanzamiento del Informe HRC Equidad MX ¡Gracias t.co/fwSenxG0AK! pic.twitter.com/xDjtKGcIE9
— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) January 5, 2018
WHERE DO THE 12 NFL PLAYOFF TEAMS STAND ON LGBTQ EQUALITY? Find out in this wrapup from OutSports.
SINGAPOREAN GAY MAN TO APPEAL DECISION DENYING HIM RIGHT TO ADOPT BIOLOGICAL SON: The child was born to a surrogate in the U.S. More from Daily Mail.
CANADIAN MAYOR TO APOLOGIZE FOR PREDECESSOR’S ANTI-LGBTQ ACTIONS: London, Ontario, Mayor Matt Brown will apologize for actions taken by a former mayor to refuse to recognize the LGBTQ community. More from CTV News.
South Florida Gay News reviews “Welcome to Fairyland: Queer Miami Before 1940;” BBC highlights Paris Lees, the first openly trans woman featured in British Vogue; Washington Blade interviews trans women in El Salvador’s capital
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