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Monthly Archives: January 2018
London Has Already Reached Its Air Pollution Limit For 2018
London Has Already Reached Its Air Pollution Limit For 2018
London has now reached its annual air pollution limit less than a month into the new year.
European Union rules – and UK law – state that monitoring stations are allowed to exceed hourly limits of 200 micrograms of NO2 [nitrogen dioxide] per cubic metre of air just 18 times in a year.
Today, Brixton Road in Lambeth recorded its 18th breach marking the official limit for the entire year.
This is actually a significant improvement on previous years. Last year London broke the limit for the year in just five days while the capital as a whole has consistently broken its own limits on air quality for the last five years.
To try and tackle the air pollution crisis that’s currently facing the capital, London Mayor Sadiq Khan has introduced a number of tough new measures including the T-charge which charges the most polluting types of car that wish to drive through the city.
Other actions include introducing new greener busses on routes that are classed as particularly dangerous air pollution hotspots including Putney. This has reportedly led to a 90% drop in the harmful emissions since their introduction.
Throughout 2016 Putney high street broke the EU limit a shocking 1,600 times.
The London mayor has been a strong proponent of tackling air pollution in the city and earlier this year blogged on HuffPost UK saying: “It’s shameful this problem has been ignored for so long.”
“It is a scandal that air pollution claims the lives of thousands every year and that children have been allowed to grow up in our capital with stunted lungs, while no meaningful action has been taken to safeguard their health.”
World Health Organisation figures from 2016 reveal that a staggering 92% of the world’s population are living in areas that exceed its own guidelines on air quality.
Digital Pride – Rise with us (Promo)
Digital Pride – Rise with us (Promo)
Blood Red & Beige
Blood Red & Beige
jessicajane9 posted a photo:
Red top, beige skinny jeans and scarf with brown ankle boots and bag ♥
House Republicans Vote to Release Secret ‘Spin’ Memo of GOP Talking Points
House Republicans Vote to Release Secret ‘Spin’ Memo of GOP Talking Points
The public will likely soon see the controversial memo that Republicans in Congress have said contains “jaw-dropping” revelations about the FBI and Department of Justice. On Monday evening, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee voted to make public the memo written by staffers for GOP Representative Devin Nunes of California, the committee chairman. The classified four-page…
The post House Republicans Vote to Release Secret ‘Spin’ Memo of GOP Talking Points appeared first on Towleroad.
Für 166 Euro: Usbekin verkauft ihr Baby nach der Geburt
Für 166 Euro: Usbekin verkauft ihr Baby nach der Geburt
- Eine Mutter verkaufte ihren Sohn direkt nach der Geburt für rund 166 Euro
- Jetzt wurden sie und das Paar, dass das Kind kaufen wollte, verurteilt
Sobald eine Frau ihr Baby das erste Mal in den Armen hält, entsteht ein starkes Band. Die Mutter ist sofort bereit, alles für ihr Kind zu geben.
Doch einer in Russland lebenden Mutter scheint der Wille, sich um ihren Sohn zu kümmern, gefehlt zu haben.
Denn sie hat ihr Kind gleich nach der Geburt verkauft.
Mehr zum Thema: Mein Kind sollte in Frankreich aufwachsen – auch weil Mütter in Deutschland unfair behandelt werden
Für das Geld kaufte sie ein Flugticket
Die Frau wurde in der früheren Sowjetrepublik Usbekistan in Zentralasien geboren – lebte aber später offenbar in Russland. Sie wurde schwanger, doch das Kind scheint sie nicht gewollt zu haben.
Im Sommer 2016 habe sie mit einem ebenfalls aus Usbekistan stammenden Paar eine Vereinbarung getroffen. Nach Angaben der Ermittler sollte der Junge gleich nach der Geburt für 11.500 Rubel, umgerechnet rund 166 Euro, an das Paar übergeben werden.
Mit dem Geld, dass sie für ihr Kind bekam, bezahlte sie ein Flugticket nach Zentralasien, teilte ein Sprecher eines Gerichts in St. Petersburg am vergangenen Montag mit.
Mehr zum Thema: Ich bin alleinerziehend und habe meine Kinder in eine Pflegefamilie gegeben
Die Frau und das Paar wurden jetzt verurteilt
Für ihre Tat wurde die 28-jährige Frau jetzt zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt.
Auch das Paar kam nicht davon. Ihr Urteil lautet jeweils drei Jahre Haft.
Was mit dem Sohn der Frau passiert ist, scheint nicht bekannt zu sein.
Mehr zum Thema: “Ich habe sie angefleht, mir meine Kinder wegzunehmen” – der radikale Schritt einer drogenabhängigen Mutter
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Parents Voice Concerns As School Suggests Cutting Week To Four-And-A-Half Days
Parents Voice Concerns As School Suggests Cutting Week To Four-And-A-Half Days
Parents have raised concerns about childcare costs and their children’s education following suggestions a primary school could cut its week down to four-and-a-half days.
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, in Hounslow, London, suggested children could be sent home at 12.45pm on Fridays in order to tackle funding cuts.
Parents of children at the school were told to “actively start” to investigate childcare options for Friday afternoons from September 2018.
Chairperson of governors Jacqui Corley wrote in a letter to parents that another option would be for parents to contribute £400 per year for the child, but acknowledged this would not be favoured.
“Understandably there was some concern about the implications of closure of the school on Friday afternoon,” she wrote. “This is a new departure which school and parents as partners need to take forward.”
Corley explained that if the shortened week were to go ahead, Friday afternoon clubs led by a professional organisation would be run at the school until 3.15pm.
The cost of places at these clubs would be £4 per child per week for one child, £7.50 for two children and £10 for three children.
However there would only be 150 places planned, which would stretch to only half of the school’s pupils.
“As a priority we will establish criteria for the allocation of places which are likely to give priority to pupil premium and other disadvantaged children,” Corley wrote.
Concluding the letter, the chairperson wrote: “At this stage we would ask that you actively start to investigate childcare options for your children on Friday afternoons (from 12.45pm) from September 2018.
“A particular focus will be setting in place the arrangements for Friday afternoon clubs and the allocation of places and we will consult with you on how these places are offered.”
Some parents with children at the school were unhappy about the suggestion.
One mum, Nimalika Motha, wrote on Facebook: “As the school will appreciate, looking for childcare is a difficult task. I have spent my time this morning calling different childcare providers and looking for options about changing my work contract – I am not sure that the messaging during this process is very clear or fair.”
Another mum, Emma White, acknowledged the difficulty of childcare and felt that her child losing out on Friday afternoon in education was detrimental.
“Surely the main problem is that our children will be receiving 10% less education than their peers?” she wrote.
“I don’t believe this will have no impact when they get to secondary school. The school day already seems ‘crammed’ and to have less time to do all the tasks that the teachers have to get done is just insane.”
When HuffPost UK contacted the school for comment, they shared a statement they had also posted on their Facebook page that read: “At this stage no decision has been made and the governors, following the consultation with the parents, are now consulting with staff.
“There’s a lot more reflection and prayer to go until a decision is made.”
Due to the lack of funding, the school staff explained they have already tried to make cuts elsewhere.
They have cancelled music classes, asked parents to contribute towards basic classroom essentials and not filled staff posts that became vacant, including a part-time teacher and parent support worker.
The school funding crisis is at “breaking point” according to The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT). They state on their website: “The impact of real terms cuts mean that we need at least an extra £2 billion each year if schools are to avoid having to cut staff or offer fewer subject choices for students.
“The Department for Education have reprioritised funding from the existing education budget to get an extra £1.3 billion into schools but it’s nowhere near enough and the Chancellor doesn’t seem to be listening.
“Investing in education should be seen an investment in the future and not as a burden on public spending.”
Is your school affected by school funding cuts? Let us know how it’s impacting your children by emailing [email protected].
111 Pics of the Hippest Queer Street Party in the Nation
111 Pics of the Hippest Queer Street Party in the Nation
Russischer Jet fliegt nahe an ein US-Militärflugzeug: Moskau erklärt Manöver
Russischer Jet fliegt nahe an ein US-Militärflugzeug: Moskau erklärt Manöver
- Der Vorfall über dem Schwarzen Meer ist nicht der erste
- Die USA sind besorgt, Russland begründet das Manöver mit der Sicherung der Grenzen
War es eine Provokation oder nur militärischer Alltag? Ein russischer Kampfjet hat sich über dem Schwarzen Meer einem US-Militärflugzeug bis auf eineinhalb Meter genähert. Das berichtete der Sender CNN am Montag unter Berufung auf das Pentagon.
► Demnach befand sich die Maschine der US-Marine auf einem Aufklärungsflug und musste seine Mission vorzeitig abbrechen.
Das US-Außenministerium wirft Russland vor, es sei ein “unsicheres Militärmanöver” gewesen. Auch wurde dabei internationales Recht “schamlos” verletzt .
Moskau wollte Luftraum schützen
Moskau sieht das offenbar anders. Das Verteidigungsministerium betont laut der US-Nachrichtensenders CNN, man habe nach internationalen Recht gehandelt.
► Der Jet war gekommen, um ein unidentifiziertes Flugobjekt zu begutachten.
Dafür habe sich der Pilot, so die Ausführungen weiter, dem US-Flugzeug in sicherer Distanz genähert.
► Danach habe der Jet darauf geachtet, dass das US-Flugzeug nicht in den russischen Luftraum eindringt. Erst als die Aufklärer abgedreht sind, war auch für das russische Militär der Einsatz beendet.
Es ist nicht der erste Vorfall dieser hat: Im Juni und November vergangenen Jahres war es dem US-Militär zufolge ebenfalls über dem Schwarzen Meer zu ähnlichen unprovozierten Vorfällen gekommen.
Mit dpa-Material.
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‘Coronation Street’ Set To Include Costa And Co-Op Stores In Product Placement Deal
‘Coronation Street’ Set To Include Costa And Co-Op Stores In Product Placement Deal
‘Coronation Street’ bosses have struck a new product placement deal that will see a Costa Coffee and a Co-Op supermarket opening in Weatherfield.
The high street chains will feature on screen when the ITV soap’s new set extension debuts later this year.
Mark Trinder, sales director at ITV, said: “The expansion of the ‘Coronation Street’ set has given us a great opportunity to feature branded shop facades as more of Weatherfield is opened up to viewers. Incorporating product placement on this scale is something we have wanted to do for some time and we’re delighted with this exciting opportunity.
“We’ve worked really closely with the ‘Coronation Street’ team to make sure we’ve got a great brand fit for Co-Op and Costa Coffee with the nation’s favourite soap while still ensuring editorial integrity.”
teased what to expect from the set expansion, which viewers have speculated will allow them to see more of the oft-mentioned Tile Street and Viaduct Street.
What’s On TV: “There will be a couple of new businesses and we’re going to have a little park area.
“So not everything will happen at the Red Rec… sometimes we say in the story office that if Maxine hadn’t died where would people go to think – because it is Maxine’s bench where people have their pensive moments.”
Kate added: “There may also be another eatery with a different kind of vibe. We have already got the cafe and bistro. It’s nice to see a community feel.
“It does well for social dynamics if you’ve got people who were friends who are now colleagues or someone is someone’s boss. It always adds a nice energy.”
‘Coronation Street’ moved to its current studios in MediaCity in Salford in 2014, having previously been based in Manchester’s Granada Studios since 1960.
The old ‘Coronation Street’ outdoor set originally opened as a tourist attraction after the cameras stopped rolling, but the site is now being redeveloped and turned into flats and offices.