GLAAD launches Digital Task Force of advocacy groups, tech companies, and community leaders to address anti-LGBTQ online bias

GLAAD launches Digital Task Force of advocacy groups, tech companies, and community leaders to address anti-LGBTQ online bias


Last night GLAAD, The Webby Awards, and Conde Nast presented a panel discussion, ‘Preserving the Digital Lifeline for LGBTQ People,’ that addressed the unique lifelines and dangers that the Internet poses for LGBTQ people. At the event, held at WeWork Fulton Center, GLAAD announced the launch of the #digitaltaskforce, a coalition of advocacy groups, tech companies, and community leaders that will come together to address systemic problems in online bias.

Tonight we discussed how the larger Internet community can create technology that is equitable and safe for all who use it: @TheWebbyAwards @them @glaad

— WeWork (@WeWork) January 31, 2018

Check out video of the panel here:

“GLAAD is the leading voice of LGBTQ acceptance, and a powerful force fighting back against the targeting and erasure of LGBTQ people that we are currently experiencing,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “As new challenges face the LGBTQ community, GLAAD creates new tools to fight back. Our digital work has spanned over a decade but today we are creating a new Digital Task Force that will directly address anti-LGBTQ bias online and will improve the daily lives and experiences of LGBTQ people.”

The inaugural issue that the #digitaltaskforce will tackle is bias in machine learning, a product issue that affects the tech industry across brands. Machine learning that conflates good content with bad content and makes sweeping decisions, has been removing important, educational, and even life-saving LGBTQ content from the Internet — including GLAAD’s information and resources on trans and bi people.

Major moments in anti-LGBTQ bias in machine learning:


  • October Facebook creates Network of Support to address policy issues faced by the LGBTQ community in keeping the internet safe.


  • February Facebook makes a product change to add a custom gender field for transgender and gender nonconforming people.
  • September Symantec recognizes its web filtering system penalizes LGBTQ content and makes a product change to treat LGBTQ content equally.


  • June Facebook’s real-names policy unfairly suspends transgender users and drag queens from the platform.



  • June Tumblr’s safe mode blocks LGBTQ content as NSFW
  • September Stanford research on AI is placed under ethical review after claiming it can determine a person’s sexual orientation.
  • September Google Jigsaw releases Perspective showing highest levels of toxicity for phrase “I am a gay black woman
  • November Twitter blocks the words bisexual, gay, and queer from search results.
  • November Facebook ads from fake Russian accounts are released that use LGBTQ people as a wedge issue.


Any possible solution to bias in machine learning will require community involvement, and a seat at the table for LGBTQ experts when product decisions are being made. The GLAAD #digitaltaskforce is an important first step toward finding solutions to this and other issues of bias in tech that need to be addressed, and in working toward creating safer online spaces for all of us.

Sign up and stay connected with GLAAD’s digital work here.  

GLAAD #digital accomplishes the organization’s mission of accelerating acceptance by protecting the digital lifeline that is vital for LGBTQ people. We work directly with tech companies on product and policy decisions, engage the LGBTQ community through online organizing, and create public discourse that simplifies and humanizes complex technical issues.


January 31, 2018

Genius Mash-Up Reveals What a ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Disney Edition Would Look Like: WATCH

Genius Mash-Up Reveals What a ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Disney Edition Would Look Like: WATCH
drag race disney

drag race disney

What if some of the most beloved Disney characters got into their drag personas for a special edition of RuPaul’s Drag Race?

It would look like this parody video from vlogger Edgardo Arrendondo, who took Buzz Lightyear, Mulan, the Genie from Aladdin, and Robin Hood, among others, and transformed them into Mrs. Nesbitt, Fa Ping, Jeanie, and Robin Hoe, respectively.

RELATED: Tops And Bottoms: Nice Girls Finish First On ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars’ [PREMIERE RECAP]

Shantay, Edgardo. You stay.


Instagram Photo


Friday morning we’ll have the recap from this week’s episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars, which airs this Thursday night. If you missed the recap of last week’s premiere, catch it HERE.

RuPaul also recently appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Colbert wanted to become fluent in “Ru-ish,” asking RuPaul about some of the terms he uses on Drag Race, like “T” (truth), “Okerrr” (a declaration of yes I hear you and I agree), and finally “squirrel friends” (used on the show to refer to other drag queens, particularly those who hide their nuts).

Explained RuPaul to an amused Colbert: “These are friends who enjoy nuts.”

Added RuPaul: “I love ’em. Love ’em.”

“Salted?”, asked Colbert.

“Any way I can get ’em, honey. I love me some nuts.”

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Genius Mash-Up Reveals What a ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Disney Edition Would Look Like: WATCH

Helene Fischer: So unterstützt sie Sophia Thomalla bei ihrem neuen Tattoo

Helene Fischer: So unterstützt sie Sophia Thomalla bei ihrem neuen Tattoo

  • Sophia Thomalla lässt ihre Fans auf Instagram über ihr nächstes Tattoo-Motiv entscheiden
  • Bald könnten Helene Fischer und Florian Silbereisen auf ihrer Haut verewigt sein

Sophia Thomalla steht auf auf großflächige Tattoos. Neben einem Porträt ihrer Mutter ziert bereits das Konterfei ihres Ex-Lovers Till Lindemann ihren Arm.

► Bald kommt wohl noch ein weiteres Tattoo hinzu. Die Frage ist jedoch: Zeigt es nur Helene Fischer oder auch Florian Silbereisen.

Ausgangspunkt ist eine Wette. Thomalla postete am Dienstag ein Foto mit einer gewagten Ansage auf Instagram. Darin verspricht sie, dass sich sich Justin Bieber auf die Haut tätowieren lässt, falls ihr Post mehr als 100.000 Likes bekommt.

Diese Marke war noch am gleichen Tag geknackt.

Bei 200.000 Helene Fischer. Bei 500.000 Helene und Florian.

Ein Beitrag geteilt von S O P H I A T H O M A L L A (@sophiathomalla) am

► Mittlerweile hat der Post mehr als 200.000 Likes. Das heißt: Ein Tattoo von Helene Fischer ist ihr bereits sicher. Justin Bieber ist aus dem Rennen.

Doch das 28-jährige Modell will offenbar mehr. In einem Kommentar ruft sie ihre Follower auf: “500.000 schaffen wir locker. Kommt Leute!” 

Knackt der Post die Bench, wird sich Thomalla ein Bild von Fischer und Florian Silbereisen stechen lassen.

Helene Fischer unterstützt die Aktion

Fischer hat offenbar Gefallen daran gefunden, bald zusammen mit Silbereisen auf der Haut von Thomalla verewigt zu sein.

►  Auf Instagram witzelt sie: “Flo und ich haben dir schon ein besonders schönes Bild rausgesucht.”

Und damit nicht genug. Bei einem Konzert in Stuttgart hat sie nun ein Video aufgenommen und auf Instagram gepostet, dass sich an Thomalla richtet.

► “Liebe Sophia, logischerweise habe ich den Post gelesen und möchte natürlich auf deiner wunderschönen Haut erscheinen”, sagt sie.

Dann ruft sie ihre Fans auf, den Post zu liken. Sie ist offenbar ziemlich begeistert von der Wette: “Sophia, halt dich fest. Ich weiß nicht, was du dir da angetan hast, aber coole Aktion.”

Die Fans beider Frauen dürften ziemlich gespannt sein, ob Thomalla ihr Versprechen tatsächlich hält und den Wetteinsatz einlöst.

Knappe 260.000 Likes fehlen noch am Mittwochnachmittag, dann weiß auch Silbereisen, ob es sein Bild auf Thomallas Haut schafft.


UK Weather To Stay Wintry As Met Office Predicts -10C

UK Weather To Stay Wintry As Met Office Predicts -10C

The winter gloom continues for the UK with temperatures predicted to plummet as low as -10C at the weekend.

The cold spell is expected by forecasters, following snow and sleet earlier in the week.

Motorists faced risky driving conditions as snow fell across some parts of Scotland on Wednesday, with the M74, M77 and M8 among the routes affected.

A yellow severe weather warning for #ice has been issued: Stay

— Met Office (@metoffice) January 31, 2018

The Met Office has issued yellow “be prepared” warnings of snow and ice for northern, western and southern Scotland and Northern Ireland, which are valid from 3am until 6pm on Wednesday.

It said two to five cm of snow is expected to accumulate in places above 200m while some snow is also possible at low levels at times.

Forecasters are warning of ice on untreated surfaces and frequent blustery showers of rain, sleet, snow and hail on Wednesday.

Here is the latest snowdar image ️ showing an area of rain across southern areas. Showers have followed, falling as snow across some northern parts, especially on hills – stay

— Met Office (@metoffice) January 31, 2018

Fresh yellow warnings of snow and ice have been issued for northern Scotland which are valid from 6pm on Wednesday until 11am on Thursday.

A yellow warning of ice has been issued for western Scotland, part of Northern Ireland and Wales and central and south eastern England, which is valid from 6pm on Wednesday until 10am on Thursday.

Cold temperatures are expected to continue over the next few days, when they will widely drop below freezing overnight and could be as low as minus 5C (23F) in parts of Scotland with lying snow.

On Friday night the mercury could fall as low as minus 8C (17.6F) over parts of Scotland and could plunge to minus 10C on Sunday night.

Alex Burkill, a Met Office meteorologist, said: “On Sunday night into Monday temperatures could get as low as minus 10C or a little bit below in parts of Scotland, with lying snow and to minus 3C (26.6F) or minus 4C (24.8F) across many parts of the UK.

“It will be a cold frosty start on Monday with a harsh frost.”

He said there could be more snow across the hills in Scotland and northern England on Saturday, and there is an “outside chance” of some sleet in London.

However, forecasters said it is unlikely to be the coldest night of the year so far, which was overnight from January 20 to 21 when the mercury dropped to minus 13.7C (7.34F) at both Altnaharra and Kinbrace in the Highlands.

Bookmaker Coral is odds-on at 10-11 for the temperature to drop to as low as -15C (5F) by the end of the week in the UK.

The firm said it continues to see a flurry of bets for February to be the coldest on record, where it is 6-4 in the latest betting, while it is 2-1 for snow to fall in London by the end of the weekend.

Coral spokesman John Hill said: “The latest arctic blast has prompted a huge gamble on February ending as the coldest on record in the UK something which will leave the bookmakers in a hot sweat over the next few weeks.

“The betting suggests temperatures could fall to as low as -15C this week while we are not ruling out snow falling in London.”

Joe Kennedy Response to SOTU: Trump’s Policies Have Betrayed ‘American Promise’ – WATCH

Joe Kennedy Response to SOTU: Trump’s Policies Have Betrayed ‘American Promise’ – WATCH

Democratic Congressman Joe Kennedy says President Donald Trump’s administration “isn’t just targeting the laws that protect us – they are targeting the very idea that we are all worthy of protection.” Delivering the minority party’s traditional response to the president’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, Kennedy said millions of Americans have been left “anxious,…

The post Joe Kennedy Response to SOTU: Trump’s Policies Have Betrayed ‘American Promise’ – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Darmstadt: Paar nimmt Frau als Geisel und zwingt sie, Koran-Verse zu lernen

Darmstadt: Paar nimmt Frau als Geisel und zwingt sie, Koran-Verse zu lernen

  • Derzeit steht ein afghanisches Paar vor dem Darmstädter Landgericht
  • Ihm wird vorgeworfen, eine 28-Jährige entführt zu haben – anschließend soll das Opfer Koran-Texte gelernt haben müssen

Ein 44-jähriger Mann und seine Frau müssen sich derzeit vor dem Darmstädter Landgericht verantworten. Den beiden wird vorgeworfen, 2015 eine Halbschwester des Mannes als Geisel genommen und eingesperrt zu haben

► Neun Tage lang sollen sie die Frau im südhessischen Eppertshausen festgehalten haben. 

28-jähriges Opfer musste auf den IS schwören

In der Zeit soll sie dazu gezwungen worden sein, Koran-Texte zu lernen, islamische Kleidung zu tragen und auf die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat zu schwören. Das berichtet das Regionalportal “Express”. 

Das aus Afghanistan stammende Paar streitet die Vorwürfe ab.

► Noch am Mittwoch soll das Urteil fallen.

► Die Staatsanwaltschaft fordert acht Jahre und drei Monate Haft.

► Die Verteidigung plädiert auf Freispruch. 

Mehr zum Thema: 7 Dinge, die ihr wissen solltet, wenn ihr über ein Burka-Verbot urteilt


David Lidington Tells Emily Thornberry To ‘Grow Up’ For Demanding Votes For 16-Year-Olds

David Lidington Tells Emily Thornberry To ‘Grow Up’ For Demanding Votes For 16-Year-Olds

Cabinet Office minister David Lidington told Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry to “grow up” on Wednesday, as the pair clashed over giving the vote to 16-year-olds.

Theresa May is on a three-day trip to China and Lidington stood in for her at prime minister’s questions while Thornberry took Jeremy Corbyn’s place.

During the raucous exchanges, Thornberry branded the Conservative Party and DUP a “coalition of cavemen” for rejecting proposals to lower the voting age.

But Lidington mocked Thornberry for arguing in favour giving votes to 16-year-olds given the last Labour government had “raised the age to buy sunbeds to 18”.

Thornberry, flanked by two female shadow cabinet ministers, also demanded the government do more to increase female representation in the Commons.

“I am the only Emily elected since 1981 and he is one of 155 Davids,” she told Lidington.

Emily Thornberry took Jeremy Corbyn's place for PMQs on Wednesday.

Thornberry told Lidington there was “no logical principled objection to votes at 16”.

“We can get married we can start work, we can pay taxes, we can join the forces,” she said.

The Welsh government wants to set the voting age at 16. In Scotland the voting age has already been lowered for the Scottish and local government elections.

“Every party in this House supports it except of course the Conservatives and the DUP. Once again, joined in opposition to change, they’re not the coalition of chaos, they’re the coalition of cavemen,” Thornberry added.

“Why doesn’t the minister realise the lesson that we women taught his predecessors 100 years ago. When change is right it cannot be resisted together and this is a change whose time has come.” 

Lidington dismissed the argument and said the national voting age was 18 in 26 out of 27 of the other members of the EU as well as in US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

“Unless she’s going to judge all those countries as somehow inadequate…then quite honestly she ought to grow up and treat this subject with a greater degree of seriousness,” he said.

Lidington also agreed there was “more to be done” to see more women MPs elected, but pointed out Labour had never had a female leader.

“We have now had two women leaders and prime minsiters, so they have a bit of catching up to do,” he said.

Thornberry hit back: “If the party opposite is so proud of having a female leader, why are so many of them trying to get rid of her and why has she had to run away to China to get rid of them?”

Speaking to journalists on her flight to Beijing last night, May suggested she intended to fight the next election despite the turmoil and rumours of a leadership plot within her party. “I’m not a quitter,” she said.