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북한 선수단이 오늘 드디어 남쪽으로 온다
평창동계올림픽에 참가하는 북측 선수단 중 지난달 25일 먼저 내려온 여자 아이스하키 선수단 15명(선수 12명, 지원스태프 2명, 감독 1명)을 제외한 타종목 선수들과 임원 등 32명이 1일 방남한다.
북측 선수단은 경의선 육로를 통해 이동하려 하던 당초 계획 대신 마식령스키장 남북 공동훈련에 참가했던 우리측 선수들과 함께 원산 갈마비행장에서 우리측의 전세기를 타고 내려오기로 했다.
이들은 이후 평창으로 향해 평창 선수촌에서 등록을 진행하고 강릉 올림픽 선수촌에 입촌할 것으로 보인다.
총 22명의 북한 선수들은 알파인(3명), 크로스컨트리(3명), 여자 아이스하키(12명), 피겨스케이팅 페어(2명), 쇼트트랙(2명) 등 5개 종목에 출전한다.
앞서 윤용복 체육성 부국장을 단장으로 한 북측 선발대는 지난달 25일부터 2박3일 간 방남, 강릉과 평창, 서울을 오가며 북한 선수단과 응원단, 기자단이 머무를 숙소, 개폐회식장, 프레스센터 등을 점검한 바 있다.
쇼트트랙과 피겨 스케이팅 경기는 강릉 아이스아레나, 아이스하키는 관동하키센터 스키 경기는 용평 알파인과 평창 알펜시아 크로스컨트리센터에서 열린다.
한편 마식령스키장 남북 공동훈련에 참여했던 45명의 우리측 대표단(스키선수, 취재진 등 포함)은 이날 오전 9시30분께 알파인과 크로스컨트리 공동훈련을 진행한 뒤 오후 1시께 다시 방남길에 오른다는 계획이다.
마식령스키장에서 자동차를 타고 원산 갈마비행장으로 이동한 뒤 오후 4시께 다시 전세기에 오를 것으로 보인다. 양양국제공항에는 오후 5시15분께 도착할 것으로 예상된다.
【図1】転職を考えるきっかけは何でしたか? ※複数回答可
◯年功序列制で評価体制がハッキリしておらず手当も手薄なので、給与面で将来の不安を感じた。 (29歳)
■調査対象:『エンウィメンズワーク』 ( )を利用中の転職を考えているユーザー
■調査期間:2017年10月24日 ~ 11月20日
女性の転職・女性歓迎の求人なら【エン転職 WOMAN】|エンジャパン
女性歓迎!土日祝休みの転職・求人情報なら、【エンジャパン】のエン転職 WOMAN
女性歓迎!18時までに退社可能の転職・求人情報なら、【エンジャパン】のエン転職 WOMAN
The Internalized Misogyny of Sarah Sanders
The White House Press Secretary told Nancy Pelosi she should “smile” more. It’s just one more in a long line of sexist defenses she’s delivered for her boss.
Children’s Fitness Levels Directly Impact Their Chance Of Lung Disease Later On
Children who have good fitness levels during childhood and adolescence have better lung function when they grow up and become adults, a study has found.
In the first (and largest) study of its kind, a team of scientists have confirmed what they long suspected to be true – but had no evidence for – that your early years’ health does have a bearing on the rest of your life. In fact, it could go so far as to lower the risk of developing lung disease.
Thierry Troosters, president-elect of the European Respiratory Society, said: “It seems that regular sports in childhood and adolescence, ensuring development of peak exercise capacity, may be your lung-insurance for later.”
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) affects an estimated 1.2 million people in the UK, around 2% of the population, making it the second most common lung disease nationwide after asthma.
And with prevalence increasing 27% in the last decade, and an ageing population that will make the problem worse, researchers are keen to pinpoint how preventative measures can start as early as possible and help reduce the burden of lung disease in the future.
Looking at 2,406 children from New Zealand and Denmark, the two groups were asked to take part in aerobic fitness tests. In Denmark, they were tested at age nine, 15, 21 and 29 using an exercise bike to see how much they could do before they were exhausted.
And in New Zealand the study asked people at 15, 26, 32, and 28 to do the same test.
The results showed that fitter children had better lung function and the more their fitness improved during childhood, the greater their lung capacity when they reached adulthood.
This linked remained even when considering height, weight, asthma and smoking. The results also showed a stronger effect in boys than girls.
Professor Bob Hancox, respiratory specialist at the University of Otago, New Zealand, said: “We don’t know why fitness and lung function are linked but one explanation could be that fitter people have better respiratory muscle strength as well as other muscle strength.”
And he adds that looking into this further is difficult because “following children over many years is expensive and time consuming”.
“In the meantime, this provides another reason to make sure our children get fit and stay fit. Exercise and fitness are good for our bodies and this appears to be true for our lungs as well as other aspects of health.”
How can I help my child get fitter?
Samantha Young from Kids Run Free told HuffPost UK: “It is easy to blame your lack of ability to go outside on the British weather, but there are no bad weather days just inappropriate clothing.”
“Children do as you do,” explained Young. “If you sit and watch TV whilst telling your children to get off their bottoms and move, you are giving a mixed message.
“Educate your children about how important it is to move and feel their hearts beating.”
The NHS recommends parents find time every weekend to do something active with their children.
You could play frisbee or football in the park, go trampolining, try indoor rock climbing, roller skating, rollerblading or skateboarding. In winter, go ice skating.
For a State of the Union to Be Taken Seriously, You Need to Be a Leader for All People
Whether Donald Trump is ever impeached, he has no right to be called president or have his State of the Union address taken seriously.
FBI Expresses ‘Grave Concern,’ Disavows Nunes Memo for ‘Material Omissions of Fact’
In a rare public statement, the FBI today disavowed a not-yet-released Republican memo written by Rep. Devin Nunes which allegedly claims that the FBI and DOJ abused their power with regard to Trump campaign surveillance.
Said the FBI in its statement: “With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”
FBI Director Christopher Wray has reportedly urged the White House not to release the memo. At his State of the Union address last night, Donald Trump was overheard telling a Republican lawmaker that he’s “100 percent” going to release the memo.
The post FBI Expresses ‘Grave Concern,’ Disavows Nunes Memo for ‘Material Omissions of Fact’ appeared first on Towleroad.
FBI Expresses ‘Grave Concern,’ Disavows Nunes Memo for ‘Material Omissions of Fact’
Streit um Geheimdienst-Bericht: Trump will Veröffentlichung, FBI ist dagegen
Im Streit um die Veröffentlichung einer vertraulichen Notiz aus dem Geheimdienstausschuss des US-Repräsentantenhauses hat sich jetzt auch das FBI eingeschaltet.
► Es geht um einen Bericht des republikanischen Vorsitzenden des Ausschusses Devin Nunes.
► In der Notiz geht es um die Ermittlungen des FBI im Rahmen der Russland-Affäre. Der Bericht soll angeblich unterstellen, dass die Bundespolizei ihre Ermittlungskompetenzen überschritten hat.
► Das FBI erklärte am Mittwoch in einem Statement nun, es gebe erhebliche Bedenken gegen die Veröffentlichung des Papiers. Die Bedenken richteten sich gegen das “erhebliche Weglassen von Fakten, was die Richtigkeit der Notiz fundamental beeinflusst”.
Sowohl US-Präsident Donald Trump als auch die Republikaner wollen den Bericht veröffentlichen. Am Dienstag hatte eine Mehrheit im Geheimdienstausschuss für die Veröffentlichung gestimmt.
Trump und seine Partei erhoffen sich offenbar, so die Ermittlungen von Sonderermittler Robert Mueller in der Russland-Affäre angreifen oder gar beenden zu können.
► Das Statement des FBI zeigt, wie klar die Behörde mit Trump auf Kriegsfuß steht – und wie sehr das Vertrauen beider Parteien ineinander erschüttert ist.
Mehr zum Thema: Trumps Eleven: Das sind die wichtigsten Verdächtigen in der Russland-Affäre
Trump selbst hatte am Vorabend im Kapitol einem Abgeordneten im Vorbeigehen gesagt, er werde das Papier “hundertprozentig” veröffentlichen. Das kurze Gespräch war zufällig von Fernsehkameras eingefangen worden.
Auch Trumps Stabschef John Kelly hatte sich am Mittwoch in einem Radiointerview ähnlich geäußert.
Nick Timothy Should ‘Shut The F*** Up’ Says Tory Deputy Chairman James Cleverly
Theresa May’s former policy guru has been told to “shut the fuck up” by the Tories deputy party chairman James Cleverly.
The Braintree MP, promoted to the post in the New Year reshuffle, took aim at Nick Timothy as he discussed how the Tories needed to be bolder to win over voters.
Along with Fiona Hill, Timothy resigned as May’s chief of staff after the 2017 General Election, with many Tories blaming his tactics and policies for the loss of the party’s parliamentary majority.
He is now a columnist for the Telegraph and the Sun, and on Monday he attacked Tory strategists for focusing the party’s message on environment policies.
Earlier this month, Timothy got into a public spat with former Universities Minister Jo Johnson after accusing ex-Education Secretary Justine Greening of blocking tuition fee reforms.
Cleverly, known for his outspoken comments on social media, was asked at a recording of comedian Matt Forde’s Political Party podcast whether Timothy should “shut up”.
“Yes,” he replied, adding: “Sometimes the best thing you should do in politics is shut the fuck up.”
Cleverly went on: “Sometimes you just need to shut up and get on with the day job.
“Tim is a really clever guy but he didn’t do us any great favours in the General Election.”
He added that “a period of silent contemplation” would be welcomed by many.
Cleverly used much of the podcast to attack Labour, but admitted he was jealous of the pride his political opponents have in their party.
Reflecting on the perceived reluctance of Tories to champion their party’s achievements, he said: “That really grips me.
“I envy the Labour party’s institutional passion. You talk to Labour MPs they know their history, they know the stuff that they’ve done.”
Cleverly also accused Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn of being the “king of spin” for aligning himself with grime music.
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