이안 맥켈런 “커밍아웃을 후회하는 게이를 만난 적이 없다”

이안 맥켈런 “커밍아웃을 후회하는 게이를 만난 적이 없다”
이안 맥켈런 경(78)이 커밍아웃 30주년을 맞아 자기 자신을 솔직히 드러내는 것이 얼마나 강력한 힘을 갖고 있는지…

기사 보기: Kr-Gay-Voice, 동성애, 게이, 이안 맥켈런, 커밍아웃, Korea News


EasyJet Boss Voluntarily Takes £34k Pay Cut In Bid Tackle Gender Pay Gap

EasyJet Boss Voluntarily Takes £34k Pay Cut In Bid Tackle Gender Pay Gap
EasyJet’s chief executive is voluntarily taking a £34,000 pay cut so that his salary matches that of his predecessor in a bid to address the gender pay gap.

Johan Lundgren, who took over as chief executive of the budget airline on December 1, will see his salary slashed from £740,000 to £706,000.

The rest of his paypacket will also be the same as his predecessor, Carolyn McCall, who left last summer to become chief executive at ITV.

British companies are under heightened scrutiny to address the gender pay gap, with the BBC facing criticism for paying some women less than men in equivalent jobs.

Lundgren said that easyJet was “absolutely committed” to giving equal pay and opportunity to men and women, adding that he asked the board to reduce his salary.

He said: “I also want to affirm my own commitment to address the gender imbalance in our pilot community which drives our overall gender pay gap.

“EasyJet has already gone further than other airlines in trying to attract more women into a career as a pilot.

“I want us not just to hit our target that 20% of our new pilots should be female by 2020 but to go further than this in the future.”

Lundgren was previously deputy chief at travel group TUI.

McCall is one of just six female CEOs among Britain’s biggest 100 companies.

A report last year by the High Pay Centre and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) found that male CEOs in the FTSE 100 earned on average £2.1 million more than women in 2016 and were more likely to be called David than be female.

The overall gender pay gap at easyJet is 51.7%.

The company attributes this difference in earnings to the “massive gender imbalance” in the pilot community.

EasyJet said on average, male employees earned twice as much as women but that was driven by the fact that 94% of its pilots were men.

Only about 4% of commercial pilots worldwide are female.

EasyJet said they recognised “we need to do better”. The budget carrier has set a target that 20% of new pilots should be female by 2020, up from 6% in 2015.


#SOTU: HRC Issues Pre-SOTU Statement on Trump-Pence Administration’s Anti-LGBTQ Agenda

#SOTU: HRC Issues Pre-SOTU Statement on Trump-Pence Administration’s Anti-LGBTQ Agenda

Today, HRC issued the following statement ahead of Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, following the past year of the Trump-Pence Administration’s attacks on LGBTQ people:

On Tuesday evening, Donald Trump is expected to address the nation before a joint session of Congress following a year of pursuing his and Mike Pence’s agenda in attacking LGBTQ people and other marginalized communities.

Over the past year, the Trump-Pence Administration has unleashed a torrent of attacks on the LGBTQ community and undermined the rights of millions of Americans.Donald Trump and Mike Pence have systematically and meticulously eroded years of progress and protections. What’s more, Trump and Pence have appointed and nominated scores of extreme and unqualified anti-LGBTQ officials to crucial agencies and court benches — some of whom will serve lifetime appointments. Beyond these extensive, explicit attacks on LGBTQ equality, the Trump-Pence Administration has targeted many of the most marginalized within our community — from banning Muslim refugees, to undermining voting rights, to putting the lives and livelihoods of 75,000 LGBTQ Dreamers at risk. Read a report detailing the myriad of ways Trump and Pence have attacked LGBTQ people over the past year here.

“From literally day one, the Trump-Pence administration has pursued an agenda rooted in anti-LGBTQ discrimination,” said Chad Griffin, President of HRC. “Donald Trump and Mike Pence have indulged extremists and engaged in a systematic campaign to make millions of LGBTQ people second-class citizens. In 2018, HRC, our grassroots army of three million, and our allies all across the country will continue to resist at every turn while mobilizing the largest grassroots campaign in our history to pull the emergency brake on their despicable agenda in November.”

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Patricia King, a transgender woman currently serving and Lynda Bengtsson-Davis, a transgender Marine Corps veteran, will join Representatives Joseph Kennedy and Jared Huffman as their guests at this year’s State of the Union. Donald Trump and Mike Pence are attempting to ban openly-transgender service members despite their courageous and honorable service in uniform.

Following the State of the Union and Rep. Kennedy’s response, HRC’s Sarah McBride will join other civil rights leaders, including NARAL’s Ilyse Hogue, UNITED WE DREAM’s Cris Alex Jimenez, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights’ Vanita Gupta, Sarah Silverman, Debra Messing, and others in delivering #ThePeoplesSOTUResponse, live-streamed by @NowThisNews.


Indonesia Police Force Transgender Women to Dress and Speak Like Men, Get Masculine Haircuts

Indonesia Police Force Transgender Women to Dress and Speak Like Men, Get Masculine Haircuts

Indonesian police forcibly cut the hair of a group of transgender women and made them wear male clothing, authorities said Monday, amid a crackdown on the LGBT community in the world’s biggest Muslim-majority nation. The incident happened after police on Sunday raided several beauty salons in conservative Aceh province and rounded up a dozen transgender employees…

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Strava : Wie die Fitness-App geheime Daten des US-Militärs verrät

Strava : Wie die Fitness-App geheime Daten des US-Militärs verrät
Die Fitness-App Strava hat eine Karte mit sensiblen Daten des US-Militärs veröffentlicht.

  • Die Fitness-App Strava hat eine Karte mit den Routen aller ihrer User online gestellt
  • Darauf sind auch die sensiblen Bewegungsprofile von US-Soldaten in Krisengebieten zu sehen

Fitness-Apps sollen einem zum Sport motivieren und zeichnen die Jogging-Routen auf. Doch auch nach dem Training schaltet nicht jeder das Tracking aus. 

Dieser unbedarfte Umgang mit dem Dienst von Strava gefährdet nun möglicherweise Männer und Frauen in Syrien und Irak, warnt ein australischer Student.

Denn der Anbieter machte sensible Daten öffentlich – auch für Terroristen.

Was ist Strava eigentlich?

Dabei wirkt alles zunächst ganz unverfänglich: Strava ist eine Fitness-Tracking-App. Mit dieser können User über das GPS-Signal ihres Smartphones oder eines Fitness-Armbands ihre Jogging-Routen auf einer Karte speichern und mit anderen Nutzern teilen.

► Die App erstellt also öffentliche Bewegungsprofile.

Auf Basis der Daten hat Strava eine Karte online gestellt, die die Routen aller ihrer Nutzer weltweit zeigt. Diese sogenannte Heat-Map hat das Unternehmen bereits im November 2017 veröffentlicht.

► Strava könnte damit amerikanische Soldaten in Gefahr bringen, wie das Nachrichtenportal “golem.de” berichtet. 

Denn ein australischer Student wies am Samstag darauf hin, dass die Karte auch die Standorte von Militärstützpunkten und die Routinen der dort stationierten Soldaten verrät.

Ein Student deckt die Sicherheitslücke auf

Nathan Ruser heißt der Student, der die Sicherheitslücke im US-MIlitär aufgedeckt hat. Das berichtet die amerikanische Zeitung “Washington Post”.

Das Mitglied des Institute for United Conflict Analysts wies auf Twitter darauf hin, dass Strava möglicherweise mehr preisgebe als den Nutzern lieb ist. 

Ruser veröffentlichte Screenshots mit regelmäßigen Jogging-Routen, Patrouillen und Standorten von vorgeschobenen Operationsbasen in Afghanistan.

Die Standorte von Militär-Stützpunkten sind zwar kein Geheimnis. Die Daten, die Strava erhoben hat, bieten jedoch zusätzliche und sehr sensible Informationen: Sie zeigen, wie häufig sich Menschen wo aufhalten – auch außerhalb der Militärbasen.

► Damit könnte das Kartenmaterial von Strava zur Vorberitung von Anschlägen und Hinterhalten verwendet werden.

Sogar Versorgungsrouten sind auf der Heat-Map zu erkennen, wie die US-Nachrichtenseite “abc-News” mitteilt. 

► Denn die Soldaten schalten ihre Tracker nicht einmal aus, wenn sie mit Fahrzeugen unterwegs sind.

A map showing paths taken by users of an exercise tracking app reveals potentially sensitive information about American and allied military personnel t.co/3jHKGq6dEf#Syria#Iraqpic.twitter.com/Leeez2xdaL

— Rudaw English (@RudawEnglish) January 29, 2018

So klar sind die Routen zu erkennen

Das Problem wird deutlich, wenn man die Map sich näher ansieht. Die meisten Teile Europas und der USA, wo Millionen Menschen Fitness-Apps benutzen, leuchten auf Heat-Maps strahlend hell. 

Woher die Daten kommen, ist also nicht so schnell zu erkennen.

► In Kriegsgebieten und Wüsten wie etwa in Syrien oder im Irak sieht es allerdings anders aus. Hier sind die Karten fast völlig dunkel – bis auf sehr vereinzelte Punkte. 

Die einzigen Menschen, die an diesen Orten Fitness-Apps benutzen, seien ausländische Soldaten, betont Ruser.

Das macht es einfach, Bewegungsprofile der Soldaten zu erstellen und auszuwerten.

Mehr zum Thema: Donald Trumps Atomwaffen-Plan kommt ans Licht – er ist schlimmer als gedacht

If soldiers use the app like normal people do, by turning it on tracking when they go to do exercise, it could be especially dangerous. This particular track looks like it logs a regular jogging route. I shouldn’t be able to establish any Pattern of life info from this far away pic.twitter.com/Rf5mpAKme2

— Nathan Ruser (@Nrg8000) January 27, 2018

Das US-Militär untersucht die Angelegenheit

Wie John Thomas, Oberst der Air Force und Sprecher des US-Zentralkommandos am Sonntag der “Washington Post” berichtete, untersucht das US-Militär die Angelegenheit.

Die Armee äußerte sich bisher aber nicht dazu, ob es Richtlinien zur Benutzung von Fitness-Apps gebe und wie diese aussehen. 

Laut der “Washington Post” ermutigte das Pentagon jedoch militärisches Personal zur Nutzung des Fitness-Trackers Fibit, der mit Strava verbunden ist. Im Jahr 2013 verteilte es sogar 2.500 der Fitness-Armbänder im Rahmen eines Pilot-Projekts gegen Übergewicht.



A Real Insight Into The Pageant World

A Real Insight Into The Pageant World
So, the first thing is why would anyone want to compete in a pageant? Well, several reasons. In the right pageant, your competitors actually form a huge family. You end up being pageant sisters, you support each other and help each other. This kind of sisterhood is so close and you all have the same interests at heart. It is an amazing bond that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.

The second reason is the good that pageants do for the community. Most decent systems will have one or more nominated charities, and as a contestant, you must fundraise for those. This only does one thing — it promotes charity work and does good for all. It helps the charities and enables the contestants to feel they are contributing to a good cause. Fundraising is hard work and can be stressful, but it is so worth it when you are on stage and hear the total amount you have all raised together.

The third reason is to feel amazing. Leading up to a pageant finals is stressful, to say the least, but when you are all dressed up in a fabulous dress, with your hair and make-up done to perfection, and standing on stage feeling a million dollars, it is a feeling like no other.

A pageant is not just a pageant. There are different types of pageant and they have different requirements for competition.

Charity pageants are often based on the highest amount of charity money raised to win. These are excellent for the community and show a lot about the person entering. They will still include catwalks or some kind of stage show, and these pop up all over for different causes.

Natural beauty pageants are often based on a number of things. These include charity fundraising, appearances, an interview by a panel of judges, and involve a number of rounds. Some have a swimsuit round, creative or inspirational round, party wear round, eco round (make an outfit from recycled materials), and nearly all (I’ve never seen one without) finish with the evening wear round (ball gowns). These pageants are usually scored by a panel of judges, who take everything into consideration on a point-scoring system. International level pageants often include a talent round and a bikini round, with some live questions on stage.

Glitz pageants are high fashion pageants where there is no such thing as too much fake tan or sparkle. There has been a lot of divided opinion on these, as many involve young children in fake tan, make-up, and being dressed up to the max. Some love them, some hate them. Glitz pageants are totally separate to natural beauty pageants.

I am a transgender female. This unfortunately puts HUGE restrictions on me in the pageant world. I am the winner and title holder Miss Transgender UK 2017/18. I decided after this I wanted to compete as a female with other females and not just in specific transgender pageants. After applying for one in the UK (one of the biggest), I made the grand finals. After talking to the director, she disqualified me for not being a “genetically-born female”, even though the Equality Act and Gender Recognition Act says I am female and have the rights as any other woman. It is CRUCIAL for anyone applying to take part in a pageant to read all the terms and conditions BEFORE applying. Some pageants discriminate against:

you must be a genetically-born female/male (this is to exclude transgender applicants)
If like me, you apply, make the finals and then get kicked out, it is heartbreaking, so please please read the T&Cs. As wrong and discriminatory as some of the rules for certain pageants are, it will only end in heartache like it did for me at first. I am now in three pageants this year against natural born women … I am finally being accepted as a woman… but there are very few systems like this.

I will soon be doing a blog on up-to-date pageants and their criteria for applying, to make life easier for anyone wishing to enter and form a pageant sisterhood. There really is nothing that compares to it.

My titles so far are:

Miss Enchanting World North Lincolnshire (I’m in the finals to compete for the full title)
Miss Severn Diamond Finalist (finals later this year)
Miss Mystic Beauty UK Finalist (finals later this year)
