Hayes Crash Investigators Release Image Of Man Sought In Connection With Smash That Killed Three Teens

Hayes Crash Investigators Release Image Of Man Sought In Connection With Smash That Killed Three Teens
horrific car crash which left three teenagers dead in west London on Friday night have released grainy CCTV of a man they wish to speak to.

Officers have already arrested a 28-year-old man on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving after the smash at a bus stop in Hayes, near to the busy M4.

Emergency services were called to Shepiston Lane at approximately 8.41pm but despite the efforts of officers and London Ambulance staff, all three boys, aged 16 and 17, died at the scene.

males are believed to have left an Audi A5 following the collision. One of them was detained by members of the public, police said.

The CCTV images released are believed to be of an additional male who had been travelling in the vehicle.

Meanwhile the suspected driver was taken to a west London hospital for treatment and subsequently transferred to a north London police station where he remains in custody.

The CCTV images were captured by cameras local to the scene of the incident.

Detective Sergeant Michael Rapp, of the Met’s Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said: “While the images are not of good quality, I am convinced that anyone who knows this male will recognise him. I urge anyone who can identify him or provide details of his whereabouts to contact my team without delay.

“Three young men have lost their lives as a result of this incident; such tragic circumstances must far outweigh any taboo around assisting police.

“Anyone with information should call the Met’s Serious Collision Investigation Unit on 0208 991 9555 or via Twitter @MetCC.

“Alternatively, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, or visit crimestoppers-uk.org.”


Ikea-Gründer Ingvar Kamprad ist gestorben

Ikea-Gründer Ingvar Kamprad ist gestorben
Ikea Gründer Ingvar Kamprad steht vor einer IKEA Filiale (undatiertes Archivbild)

Der Gründer des schwedischen Möbelkonzern Ikea, Ingvar Kamprad, ist im Alter von 91 Jahren gestorben.

Das teilte das Unternehmen am Sonntag über den Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter mit. Kamprad sei in seinem Heim in Småland friedlich eingeschlafen.

In Kürze mehr

Ingvar Kamprad har i stillhet somnat in i sitt hem i Småland. Han föddes 1926 i Småland och redan som 17-åring grundade han IKEA. Ingvar kommer att vara mycket saknad och varmt ihågkommen av sin familj och av IKEA-medarbetare över hela världen. pic.twitter.com/RWTGtukeyI

— IKEA Sverige (@IKEASverige) January 28, 2018


Roy Walker Saved From Drowning By Shaun Ryder After Paddleboard Accident

Roy Walker Saved From Drowning By Shaun Ryder After Paddleboard Accident

OK, get comfortable, because have we got a tale for you.

Former ‘Catchphrase’ host Roy Walker has opened up about a near-death experience he recently had following a paddleboard accident.

As first reported in The Sun, Roy was filming in Sardinia when his paddleboard was hit by a “huge wave”.

Fortunately, Happy Mondays singer Shaun Ryder was at hand to save him.

man who helped popularise the expression “twisting my melons, man”.

A spokesperson for Roy Walker told Digital Spy: “He says he’s eternally grateful to Shaun and has made a lifelong friend – a longer life than he would have had otherwise!”

June Brown and ‘Gogglebox’ favourite Sandra Martin were put through their paces with some extreme anti-ageing techniques.

The celebrities underwent scientific tests to determine their true “biological ages” at the beginning and end of the process, with the aim of collectively losing 100 years in the space of three weeks.

Other famous faces hoping to shed the years include former ‘Loose Women’ panellist Sherrie Hewson, soap star Claire King and celebrity astrologer Russell Grant.

‘100 Years Younger In 21 Days’ will air on ITV later in 2018.


Tatjana Gsell spricht beim Dschungelcamp über sexsüchtigen Ex-Freund

Tatjana Gsell spricht beim Dschungelcamp über sexsüchtigen Ex-Freund

  • Tatjana Gsell und Natascha Ochsenknecht haben im Dschungelcamp Männer-Geschichten ausgetauscht
  • Tatjana beschäftigt vor allem eine negative Erfahrungen mit einem Ex-Freund

“Das war schlimm. Sowas schon mal erlebt?”, fragte Modell Tatjana Gsell beim nächtlichen Gespräch Dschungel-Kumpanin Natascha Ochsenknecht. 

Die beiden sprachen bei ihrer Nachtwache im australischen Dschungel in der RTL-Show “Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hie raus” über verflossene Liebschaften. Dabei ging es nicht nur um Positives. Gsell offenbarte Ochsenknecht die Erlebnisse mit einem Ex-Freund, der sexsüchtig ist. 

Mehr zum Thema: Dr. Bob holt etwas Ekliges aus Danieles Ohr

“Das wünsche ich auch keinem. Danach bist du kaputt als Frau. Wenn einer immer nur nimmt und einer immer nur gibt, das kann nicht gut gehen”, erzählte Gsell.

“Das sind Schmerzen wie eine tägliche Misshandlung”

“Ein Jahr wart ihr zusammen?”, fragte Ochsenknecht. Gsell bejahte und sagte, “es war die Hölle”. Am Anfang sei er ganz normal und Liebe gewesen. Später habe er seine Sex-Sucht mit Prostituierten befriedigt.

Wenn man verliebt sei, tue man Dinge, die man sonst eigentlich nicht machen würde. “Man versucht den Partner glücklich zu machen.”

Mehr zum Thema: Dschungelcamp: Melanie Müller findet Mangiapane “hinterfotzig”

So habe ihr Ex genau vorgeschrieben, was sie im Bett zu tragen habe, bestimmte ihren Style und wie sie sich schminkte.

“Das sind Schmerzen wie eine tägliche Misshandlung”, bemerkte Gsell.

Natascha fragte sie, warum sie nicht irgendwann “die Bremse reingehauen” habe. “Dass du das alles mitgemacht hast? Das muss dich doch total kaputt machen.”

“Ich war da auch echt überfordert”, gestand Gsell. 



Avoid The End Of The World By Watching The Sky

Avoid The End Of The World By Watching The Sky

We live in a fruitful and abundant world that seems custom-designed for our physical and spiritual needs. It was not always so. Did the dinosaurs feel the same sense of security and belonging on the planet that had nurtured their own existence? Did they ever look up in reptilian wonder? If so, they saw points of light—the stars. Maybe they noticed some that wandered through the heavens on their own paths. In the final millennia of the dinosaurs’ existence, their birdlike brains might have noticed one shiny object that occasionally burned very bright as it passed near the Earth.

Then they had a bad day. Without warning, the dazzling wonderer plowed into a sea, releasing its unfathomable energy in a massive explosion, with blast and heat that would dwarf a global thermonuclear war. Debris engulfed the world, creating a planetary convection oven by filling the atmosphere with glowing hot vapour, steam, molten lava, and embers. The raging global firestorm wiped out most of the beasts. Endless darkness, bitter cold, and deprivation descended. The atmosphere was changed forever. The climate crossed a tipping point. Ecosystems collapsed. There were no survivors among the ruling animals.

Surely these creatures loved their home as much as we do, in their own lizardesque way. If they’d had science and technology, could they have defended it? Or would they have procrastinated, or squabbled over politics of who pays and how to distribute risk among the various species and regions?

The rules of orbital mechanics were exactly the same 66 million years ago. Johannes Kepler was able to predict planetary motion even before Newton worked out the physics that governs it. If dinosaurs had had a VelociKepler, could they have known of the impending apocalypse? Could a SaurIsaacNewton have designed a kinetic impactor to deflect it?  Could rocket technology of a VonBraunasaurus have intercepted it? Could they have nuked it if they’d had a Triceritoppenheimer?

We humans have been systematically surveying the heavens for near-Earth objects for more than two decades. A threatening extinction-class asteroid would have been discovered by now, but a large comet could yet appear without much warning. Still undiscovered are smaller asteroids that have apocalyptic potential, killing billions of people and bringing down civilisation. Survivors of such an event might envy the dead after finding themselves on a transformed and unrecognisable sphere.

Sky surveys are the first line of defence. We can’t protect our planet from something we don’t know about. If we find an object on a collision course, then planetary defence would require advanced spacefaring technology to prevent the crash. This could be done by using a kinetic impactor or nuclear explosion to change its speed just enough so that it misses the Earth.

Humans already have interplanetary rockets and nuclear devices. In practice, these tools have never been used together in deep space, and our experience at intercepting asteroids is very limited. Such a mission would require many years or even decades to execute, so finding the next threatening asteroid is by far the most urgent step.

Unfortunately, the current discovery rate is far too slow to find every potentially apocalyptic impactor within the next decade. Earth-based telescopes, like dinosaur eyes, can only see objects that are sufficiently large or close to shine brightly in sunlight. But asteroids are also heated by the sun. Thermal infrared is invisible to telescopes or animal eyes (human or lizard). Detectors that are sensitive to this wavelength must be above the atmospheric heat to be effective. That’s what NEOCam–the Near-Earth Object Camera―is about.

If launched, this space-based infrared telescope will discover and characterise two thirds of the most dangerous asteroids within five years. Where there’s risk there is also opportunity. NEOCam will furthermore help us study the origin of the solar system and enable asteroid exploration and exploitation. It will be an indispensable tool for humans to dynamically map the inner solar system and open up the next frontier in collaboration with a number of private entities, non-profit organisations, and publicly-funded Earth-based surveys like the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, Pan-STARRS, Catalina Sky Survey, and ATLAS. Other humans have created the new B612 Asteroid Institute to contribute to the tracking, identification, analysis, and understanding of how to do a better job responding than the dinosaurs did.

Regrettably, NEOCam was not among the two Discovery Mission finalists selected by NASA early last year, and research funding is nearing the end of its one-year extension. A final decision for this first line of planetary defense is imminent, but the laws of physics that govern the timing of the next impact won’t wait. If an asteroid pushes the reset button on the human race like it did for the dinosaurs, it won’t be for lack of scientists and visionaries. We humans had our Kepler, Newton, von Braun, and Oppenheimer (among many other smart men and women). What will our excuse be?

HuffPost UK Tech has launched HuffPost-Apocalypse, a project that aims to investigate what an apocalypse would mean for humanity, how we can best delay the end of the world, what the world will look like after we’re gone and what the best viable options for survival will be for anyone left. Join in the conversation with #HuffPostApocalypse on Twitter. To read more from the series, visit our dedicated page.



Kramp-Kar­ren­bau­er pocht auf Einhaltung der Sondierungsergebnisse

Kramp-Kar­ren­bau­er pocht auf Einhaltung der Sondierungsergebnisse
Saarlands Ministerpräsidentin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

Die saar­län­di­sche Mi­nis­ter­prä­si­den­tin An­ne­gret Kramp-Kar­ren­bau­er hat den SPD-For­de­run­gen nach grund­sätz­li­chen Nach­bes­se­run­gen bei den Gro­Ko-Ver­hand­lun­gen eine Ab­sa­ge er­teilt.

Das ist passiert: 

► “Der Spiel­raum ist sehr be­grenzt. Die Grund­la­ge für die Ver­hand­lun­gen ist das ge­mein­sa­me Son­die­rungs­pa­pier”, sagte Kramp-Kar­ren­bau­er der “Bild am Sonntag” (“Bams”).

► Die CDU-Politikerin fügte hinzu: “Ich kann mir nicht vor­stel­len, dass die SPD bei null an­fan­gen will. Denn das hieße, dass man auch Ver­ein­ba­run­gen wie die Grund­ren­te und das Bil­dungs­pa­ket wie­der kip­pen würde.”

Darum ist es wichtig: 

Seit dem Ende der Sondierungsgespräche zwischen Union und SPD verlangen die Sozialdemokraten Nachbesserungen. Aus Sicht zahlreicher CDU- und CSU-Politiker bildet das Ergebnispapier der Sondierungen die Basis für eine mögliche Neuauflage der Großen Koalition.

Kramp-Kar­ren­bau­er gestand aber, es gebe in der Ge­sund­heits­po­li­tik Pro­ble­me, die be­sei­tigt wer­den müss­ten. So sei es not­wen­dig, die War­te­zei­ten für Pa­ti­en­ten zu ver­kür­zen – etwa durch ver­än­der­te Ho­no­rar­sät­ze in Ge­gen­den oder auf Ge­bie­ten, bei denen ein Ärz­te­man­gel herr­sche.

Auch Unionsfraktionschef Volker Kauder hatte der SPD in der Gesundheitspolitik ein Entgegenkommen signalisiert.

Was ihr noch wissen müsst:

Die For­de­run­gen der SPD nach einer kom­plet­ten An­glei­chung der Be­zah­lung der Ärzte für Kas­sen- und Pri­vat­pa­ti­en­ten hat die 55-jährige CDU-Politikerin indes strikt zu­rückgewiesen:

► “Eine kom­plett ein­heit­li­che Ho­no­ra­rab­rech­nung für ge­setz­lich Ver­si­cher­te und pri­vat Ver­si­cher­te ist nichts an­de­res als die Bür­ger­ver­si­che­rung ohne die­sen Namen. Das wird es mit der Union nicht geben.”

Auch beim Fa­mi­li­en­nach­zug sieht Kramp-Kar­ren­bau­er kei­nen Nach­bes­se­rungs­be­darf: “Das ver­ein­bar­te Re­gel­werk ist gut. Ich glau­be, dass es ge­nü­gend Spiel­raum für Här­te­fäl­le bie­tet.”
