We’ll go ahead and assume you want to see Darren Criss dancing around in a pink Speedo
So hot. So terrifying.
Daily Archives: January 25, 2018
Christian Group Uses Pro-LGBT Language to Promote Harmful Gay Conversion Therapy
Christian Group Uses Pro-LGBT Language to Promote Harmful Gay Conversion Therapy
A Christian media propaganda group has denied using pro-LGBT phrases and language to promote gay conversion therapy.
In Anchored North’s video “Love Is Love,” which has been viewed more than two million times on Facebook, a woman named Emily talks about coming out to her parents. Her language suggests that god is on her side because “god is love.” In the four-minute video, Emily is engaged to a woman. However, when she’s invited to church and studies the bible, she tells the viewer that it “scared me really badly.”
Using the term “born this way,” she says that “It’s not gay to straight, it’s lost to saved.”
RELATED: Pro Wrestler Mike Parrow: Conversion Therapy Made Me Realize ‘I am Gay and That is Not Going to Change’ – WATCH
Denying that the video promotes conversion therapy, Anchored North co-founder Greg Sukert told the Guardian:
“Homosexuality, drunkenness, sexual promiscuity, rape, all of these things are manifestations of the true problem which is the deceitful and wicked heart that all people are born with.
“The message of someone changing their attraction or desires is not the same as conversion therapy. That whole thing is the use of psychotherapy to alter someone’s behavior, which is not what we’re communicating. What we’re saying is God changes the heart.”
However, Deb Cuny, a spokeswoman for the #BornPerfect campaign and a conversion therapy survivor, said:
“I want to expose all the different subtle practices of the church that don’t have the label of conversion therapy, but clearly are. Any attempt to change someone’s sexual or gender identity, even through something as subtle as prayer, is conversion therapy.”
Anchored North’s website also includes such videos as “Do Aborted Babies Go To Heaven?” and the particularly f**ked up“I Forgave My Rapist”.
The post Christian Group Uses Pro-LGBT Language to Promote Harmful Gay Conversion Therapy appeared first on Towleroad.
Christian Group Uses Pro-LGBT Language to Promote Harmful Gay Conversion Therapy
Lünen: Mit dieser Traueranzeige verabschiedet sich die Familie von ihrem toten Kind
Lünen: Mit dieser Traueranzeige verabschiedet sich die Familie von ihrem toten Kind
- Am Dienstag ist der 14-jährige Leon in Lünen von einem Mitschüler erstochen worden
- Seine Familie hat nun mit einer Anzeige Abschied von dem Jugendlichen genommen
Es war eine Tat, die fassungslos macht. Im nordrhein-westfälischen Lünen hat am Dienstag ein 15-Jähriger an einer Schule einen Mitschüler erstochen.
Die Familie des 14-jährigen Leons verabschiedet sich mit einer rührenden Traueranzeige in den “Ruhr Nachrichten” von ihrem toten Kind.
Wo Worte fehlen, das Unbeschreibliche zu beschreiben, wo die Augen versagen, das Unabwendbare zu sehen, wo die Hände das Unbegreifliche nicht fassen können, bleibt einzig die Gewissheit, dass du für immer in unseren Herzen weiterleben wirst.
Die ganze Schule trauert
Der 15-jährige Tatverdächtige hat gestanden, dem Mitschüler mit einem Messer in den Hals gestochen zu haben. Laut eigenen Aussagen habe er den 14-Jährigen angegriffen, weil dieser seine Mutter mehrfach provozierend angeschaut haben soll.
An der Käthe-Kollwitz-Gesamtschule in Lünen, wo die Tat geschah, herrscht weiter Trauer. Der Unterricht läuft aber regulär.
Notfallseelsorger, Psychologen und Sozialarbeiter geben Unterstützung. Die Internetseite der Schule ist weiter von einer schwarz untermalten Trauerseite geprägt.
Leon soll am Samstag in Lünen beerdigt werden, wie aus der Traueranzeige der Eltern in den “Ruhr Nachrichten” hervorgeht.
Mehr zum Thema: Brutale Messerstecherei in Essen: Anwohnerin ruft nicht die Polizei – der Grund ist bitter
Mit Material der dpa.
Kay Burley Called A ‘Munchkin’ By Ex-US Ambassador John Bolton As He Defends Trump Against ‘Slippery Fish’ Accusation
Kay Burley Called A ‘Munchkin’ By Ex-US Ambassador John Bolton As He Defends Trump Against ‘Slippery Fish’ Accusation
A former US ambassador has resorted to calling Sky News presenter Kay Burley a “munchkin” after the journalist suggested Donald Trump was a “slippery fish” during a tetchy live TV interview.
John Bolton made repeated personal attacks on the broadcaster as the ex-Ambassador to the United Nations was quizzed over the UK-US “special relationship” and potential trade deals after the US President and Theresa May met in Davos on Thursday.
Burley suggested to Bolton that “your president is a slippery fish”, and contended that “what he says and what he does is not necessarily the same thing”.
In June, the New York Times published a “definitive list of Trump’s lies”, which contained scores of falsehoods since taking office, and pointed out “Trump’s political rise was built on a lie” about Barack Obama’s birthplace.
Despite initially appearing to ignore Kay’s contention, Bolton returned to the “slippery fish” issue and said: “I think what you said is offensive and inappropriate.”
“You are a munchkin in the media and you may have your opinions but I think your job is to present the news accurately and not editorialise,” he went on.
“If you would like to tell me where the president behaved in a way that you disagree, let’s have an example of this and I’d be happy to deal with it.”
Burley returned with citing how Trump wants to upend the Iran nuclear deal, to which Bolton responded: “When the situation changes it is normal for someone to get out of the deal”, adding that George W Bush took the US out of nuclear agreements to help defend itself against the likes of North Korea.
“But it is not slippery,” Bolton was determined to make clear. “Do you think the United Kingdom is slippery for getting out of the European Union? Maybe you should call your whole country slippery.”
“Ooh,” responded Burley with mock shock, before urging him to “calm down, calm down” as he attempted to talk over her.
“I may not be a munchkin but I am a little bit lower than average height,” she added for the record as another guest, former UK Ambassador to the US, Sir Peter Westmacott, tried not to get involved.
But Bolton would not let it lie, returning a minute later to say: “My point with you, to make it very clear, is that I think you are unprofessional and I think your comments were uncalled for.
“Maybe you think that is your business, perhaps you let me finish this time ..”
“Please,” chimed in Burley.
“But I do not think it advances – thank you – the cause of informing your listeners.”
Burley then asked about Trump leaving the Paris Climate Accord, and suggested the US did not agree with climate change.
He accused Burley of “mis-characterising it entirely” (“of course I have,” intervened the broadcaster), arguing the Accord is a “charade”.
At the end, Burley asked her adversary if he was glad Trump had “stopped sulking” after Downing Street confirmed a visit is being planned to the UK before the end of the year.
“You know, you can continue in this vein obviously. It’s your network, I assume that your superiors think this is the proper way to conduct interviews,” he sniffed.
But Burley had the final word: “Munchkin, I’m going to put that on my Twitter profile.”
The Perfect Fit of the Round Hole Square Peg Art Show
The Perfect Fit of the Round Hole Square Peg Art Show
Gay (1299)
FBI launches investigation into drugs on gay cruise after death of Joel Taylor
FBI launches investigation into drugs on gay cruise after death of Joel Taylor
The FBI has questions. How did the drugs get on board? Who supplied them?
Big Little Lies, GLAAD LGBTQ Acceptance, Edible Banana Peels, Lily Allen, April Ryan, Oprah: HOT LINKS
Big Little Lies, GLAAD LGBTQ Acceptance, Edible Banana Peels, Lily Allen, April Ryan, Oprah: HOT LINKS
BAD REPORT. New GLAAD report shows alarming decline in LGBTQ acceptance: “In the past year, there has been a swift and alarming erosion of acceptance which can only be fought by being visible and vocal,” said GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. “This report puts numbers to the bias that too many LGBTQ Americans have recently experienced. GLAAD is fighting the rollback by enlisting philanthropic leaders like the Ariadne Getty Foundation and global changemakers attending the World Economic Forum to use their platforms and move our community forward.”
MISS PIGGY. HUD Official called White House reporter April Ryan “Miss Piggy”. I hear #MissPiggys still on a rampage. Gee, I must have struck a nerve @AprilDRyan! #BankruptBlogger”
Tonight, I made an inexcusable comment on my personal Twitter account that I deeply regret & deleted on my own volition. I sincerely apologize to @AprilDRyan. I also wish to apologize to my staff at @HUDNY_NJ, @SecretaryCarson & the #Trump family who deserved better leadership. pic.twitter.com/dpQAd2F2rC
— Lynne Patton (HUD) (@LynnePattonHUD) January 25, 2018
OPRAH. On 2020 run: “I’ve always felt very secure and confident with myself in knowing what I could do and what I could not. And so it’s not something that interests me. I don’t have the DNA for it. Gayle — who knows me as well as I know myself practically — has been calling me regularly and texting me things, like a woman in the airport saying, ‘When’s Oprah going to run?’ So Gayle sends me these things, and then she’ll go, ‘I know, I know, I know! It wouldn’t be good for you—it would be good for everyone else.’ I met with someone the other day who said that they would help me with a campaign. That’s not for me.”
SUPER BOWL. Will there be an ‘NSYNC reunion?
DEVIN NUNES. And his f-ing memo.
FLASHBACK. When gay people dreaded invitations to straight weddings. ‘In the years before same-sex marriage was legalized, some gay men and women considered weddings to be the ultimate celebration of heterosexuality itself, leading them to feel awkward, and sometimes unwelcome, when invited to a straight couple’s nuptials, argued Bob Morris, a longtime Styles contributor.
CHARLOTTE. LGBT-friendly church defiant in face of seventh vandalism incident.
BIG LITTLE LIES. Meryl Streep is joining the cast: “Streep will play Mary Louise Wright, the mother to the abusive Perry Wright (Alexander Skarsgard), who (spoiler alert!) was revealed to have been the one who died during the Emmy-winning first season of the David E. Kelley drama based on the Liane Moriarty novel. (Skarsgard is said to be returning in some capacity for season two.) ”
FOOD NEWS. There’s now a banana with an edible peel. ‘The secret to the edible skin comes from growing the banana trees in a minus 75 degrees Fahrenheit (-59 degrees Celsius) environment, then is thawed and replanted. It means the fruit grows rapidly and leaves the skin with a “lettuce” like texture.’
IMAGE REHAB ATTEMPT OF THE DAY Logan Paul exploits suicide.
NEW TUNE OF THE DAY. Lily Allen (feat. Giggs) “Trigger Bang”.
The post Big Little Lies, GLAAD LGBTQ Acceptance, Edible Banana Peels, Lily Allen, April Ryan, Oprah: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.
Forscher: Funde in Israel verändern die Menschheitsgeschichte
Forscher: Funde in Israel verändern die Menschheitsgeschichte
- Der homo sapiens kommt aus Afrika
- Aber seine Wanderung nach Europa war wohl schon viel früher als gedacht
Diese Funde in Israel schreiben die Geschichte der Menschheit um: Forscher entdeckten nun in Israel einen Teil eines Oberkiefers und acht Zähne, die sie auf ein Alter von etwa 180.000 Jahren datierten.
Der Knochen und die Zähne stammen aus der Misliya-Höhle im Karmelgebirge, etwa zwölf Kilometer südlich der Hafenstadt Haifa. Die Wissenschaftler um Israel Hershkovitz von der Universität in Tel Aviv berichten darüber im Fachmagazin “Science”.
► Das Besondere: Es sind die bislang ältesten bekannten Überresten eines Homo sapiens außerhalb Afrikas. Und das bedeutet: Der moderne Mensch hat Afrika mindestens 50.000 Jahre früher verlassen als bisher gedacht.
Der Fundort liegt nur knapp zehn Kilometer entfernt von der Skhul-Höhle; dort waren in den 1930er-Jahren die bisher ältesten bekannten Überreste eines modernen Menschen außerhalb Afrikas entdeckt worden. Sie sind vor 20 Jahren auf ein Alter von 90.000 bis 120.000 Jahren datiert worden.
Was wir bisher glaubten zu wissen
Nach bisheriger Lehrmeinung entstand der Homo sapiens vor etwa 300.000 Jahren in Afrika und wanderte vor rund 100.000 Jahren aus Afrika aus.
Jüngere Genanalysen deuteten jedoch schon auf eine erheblich frühere Auswanderung hin.
Wie das Alter der Knochen bestimmt wird
Das Alter des aktuellen Funds aus der Misliya-Höhle bestimmten die Forscher mit drei verschiedenen Datierungsmethoden: Zwar erbrachte die sogenannte U-Series-Datierung eines Zahnstückes nur ein Alter von etwa 70.000 Jahren – dies betrachten die Wissenschaftler als unterste Altersgrenze.
► Doch drei weitere Untersuchungen mit unterschiedlichen Methoden und in verschiedenen Laboren ergaben weitgehend übereinstimmende Ergebnisse: ein Alter zwischen 177.000 und 194.000 Jahren.
Zähne und Kieferknochen des Misliya-1 genannten Fossils wiesen sowohl Merkmale von modernen Menschen als auch von anderen Menschenarten, etwa dem Neandertaler, auf.
“Eine der Herausforderungen in dieser Studie bestand darin, Merkmale in Misliya-1 zu identifizieren, die nur in modernen Menschen zu finden sind”, sagte Co-Autor Rolf Quam von der Binghamton University (USA).
► Die Forscher fanden die eindeutig modernen Kennzeichen bei den Schneidezähnen und dem Eckzahn. Die Backenzähne hingegen sehen teilweise vormodern aus.
Experten sind sich sicher: Es ist ein homo sapiens
► In einem Kommentar, ebenfalls in dem Magazin “Science”, bekräftigen Chris Stringer und Julia Galway-Witham vom Natural History Museum in London (Großbritannien): “Die Kombination der Merkmale ist charakteristisch für Homo sapiens.”
► Auch Jean-Jacques Hublin vom Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie in Leipzig hält die Befunde zum Alter von Misliya-1 für überzeugend.
“Ich bin sehr froh über diese Studie”, betont Hublin. Die Untersuchung stütze seine Auffassung, dass Gruppen von Homo sapiens zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten aus Afrika ausgewandert sind. Als fraglich sieht er jedoch die von den Studienautoren geäußerte Vermutung an, die Levalloistechnik zur Steinbearbeitung sei mit dem Auftauchen des modernen Menschen in der Zeit der Misliya-Menschen verbunden.
► “Hellauf begeistert” von der Studie ist Madelaine Böhme von der Universität Tübingen. Sie zeige erneut die Bedeutung des Mittelmeerraums für die Evolution des Homo sapiens.
Die abweichende U-Series-Datierung fällt für sie nicht ins Gewicht, da sie auf Veränderungen des Zahnstücks nach seiner Versteinerung zurückgeführt werden könne.
Zugleich kündigt sie an: “Das ist noch lange nicht das Ende!” Sie erwartet für die nächste Zeit weitere spannende Datierungsergebnisse.
► Auch die israelischen Forscher gehen von weiteren ähnlichen Funden aus, zumal die Auswanderung aus Afrika nach älteren genetischen Analysen vermutlich schon vor weit mehr als 200.000 Jahren erfolgt sei, schreiben sie in der Studie.
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God’s Own Country’s Josh O’Connor Urges Film Bosses To Continue Supporting Queer Cinema
God’s Own Country’s Josh O’Connor Urges Film Bosses To Continue Supporting Queer Cinema
Bafta Rising Star nominee Josh O’Connor has urged film bosses to continue to support queer cinema, following the huge commercial success of ‘God’s Own Country’.
The actor, who played Johnny Saxby in the film, believes it has helped break down barriers about LGBT+ stories being told on screen.
Speaking to HuffPost UK on an episode of ‘BUILD’, Josh reflected on a huge year for queer cinema, which also saw the likes of ‘Call Me By Your Name’ and ‘Beach Rats’ achieve commercial and critical success.
“I think people are starting to cotton on to queer cinema being commercially viable,” he said. “There’s clearly a hunger for an independent films like ‘God’s Own Country’ to be made. I think it’s the most commercially successful British independent film of the year.”
He continued: “Now, hopefully regardless of the genre, this film is no longer niche, it’s no longer arthouse. People want to see these stories told, so let’s make them.”
Explaining why people who wouldn’t usually watch a film like ‘God’s Own Country’ need to be open to it, Josh continued: “I don’t think anyone I know doesn’t know a Johnny Saxby. Regardless of his sexuality, regardless of his gender, he is someone you’ll come across in your life and is emotionally closed off – someone who can’t love or be loved.
“I think that’s why this film hit – regardless of your background, sexuality, north./south divide, Brexit/Remain – this is a film for everyone because it is about relationships.
“It’s a universal love story and people love love stories. And it’s got hope, and we all love a bit of hope, don’t we?”
During the interview, Josh also reflected on the importance of the film’s sex scenes, which depict gay sex in an real and honest way.
“It’s funny that people see them as intense because I don’t see them as intense actually – they felt right,” he said.
“If you were to take them out, it would be a really bizarre film, because the way you’re following Johnny Saxby, you’re so intimate and you’re allowing the audience to be the third person in this relationship. So to go into a room or the barn and shut a door and leave them to it, I’d feel shortchanged.”
He added: “As far as the actual doing of it, we choreographed it down to a tee. That mud scene that’s very raunchy, we did no more than two takes and we just knew exactly what we were doing. It was muddy and mad and a bit crazy, but it was like a dance.”
Watch the full interview with Josh in the video below…