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In NRW: Familie nimmt Geiseln in Flüchtlingsunterkunft – SEK rückt an
Bei einem Polizeieinsatz in einer Flüchtlingsunterkunft in Nordrhein-Westfalen ist es am frühen Donnerstagmorgen kurzzeitig zu einer Geiselnahme gekommen.
► Als zwei Polizeibeamte, ein Mitarbeiter der Ausländerbehörde, ein Arzt und ein Mitarbeiter des Sicherheitsdienstes die Räume betreten hätten, sei es zu einem Gerangel gekommen.
► Dabei habe einer der Bewohner einem Polizisten die Dienstwaffe abgenommen. Es seien mehrere Schüsse gefallen, berichtete die Polizei. Dabei sei aber niemand verletzt worden.
Die Beamten und der Arzt konnten den Angaben zufolge aus der Wohnung flüchten.
► Zwei Männer – der Mitarbeiter des Sicherheitsdienstes und der Angestellte der Ausländerbehörde – seien dagegen in der Wohnung festgehalten worden, erklärte die Polizei.
► Bevor alarmierte Spezialeinheiten eintrafen, habe sich die Familie der Polizei gestellt. Dabei hätten Familienmitglieder angegeben, eine Bewohnerin befinde sich verletzt in der Wohnung.
Die Verletzung habe sich die Frau ersten Erkenntnissen zufolge selbst zugefügt.
Die genauen Hintergründe waren zunächst unklar. Zuvor hatte der Westdeutsche Rundfunk darüber berichtet.
Mehr zum Thema: “Tagesthemen”-Kommentator rechnet mit der EU-Flüchtlingspolitik ab
Jessica Falkholt Dead: Russell Crowe And ‘Home And Away’ Co-Stars Lead Tributes
Russell Crowe has led the tributes to late ‘Home And Away’ star Jessica Falkholt.
The actress, who played Hope Morrison on the Aussie soap in 2016, passed away earlier this week, following a horrific car crash on Boxing Day that also took the lives of her parents and sister.
Australian actor Russell called her death a “senseless waste of life” as he shared his condolences on Twitter:
RIP Jessica Falkholt and family. Such a senseless waste of life
— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) January 17, 2018
‘Home And Away’ bosses also released a statement, paying tribute to Jess:
“Jessica’s shining talent was recognised and respected by all her cast mates and crew and her beautiful friendship treasured,” a spokesman added.
“We send our sincere condolences to her extended family and friends during this difficult time.”
Many of the cast then shared their own words on social media:
News of her death was confirmed in a statement from St George Hospital in Sydney on Tuesday (15 January).
A spokesperson said: “On behalf of the family of Jessica Falkholt, St George Hospital has been asked to advise the media and the community of Jessica’s passing today at 10.20am (local time).
“Jessica passed away from serious injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident on 26 December, 2017.
“The family has asked for privacy during this very difficult time.”
Jessica was seriously injured in the highway crash near Ulladulla, New South Wales, on Boxing Day.
Jessica’s parents died at the scene along with a 50-year-old man, after a four-wheel-drive crossed the road and collided with their car.
The soap star and her 21-year-old sister Annabelle were pulled from the wreckage before the vehicles became engulfed by flames.
Annabelle died in hospital soon afterwards.
Despite undergoing surgery several times, Jessica remained in a coma prior to her death.
During her two-month stint on ‘Home And Away’, Jessica’s character was kidnapped by Spike Lowe, and arrested for stealing credit card details before being sent to prison.
Top-News To Go: SPD-Fraktionschefin Nahles attackiert Juso-Chef
Der innerparteiliche Streit in der SPD spitzt sich zu – Fraktionschefin Andrea Nahles hat Juso-Chef Kevin Kühnert scharf attackiert.
► “Was der Juso-Vorsitzende Kevin Kühnert in Sachsen-Anhalt zum Thema Rente gesagt hat, ist schlichtweg falsch”, sagte Nahles den Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe.
► Kühnert hatte die Stabilisierung des Rentenniveaus auf 48 Prozent bis 2025, wie im Sondierungspapier vereinbart, als “Augenwischerei” bezeichnet. Dieses Niveau werde bis dahin laut Prognosen gar nicht unterschritten, sagte er.
► Nach derzeitigen Prognosen der Rentenversicherung dürfte das Rentenniveau zwar in den kommenden fünf Jahren bei 48 Prozent stabil bleiben. Bis 2025 rechnen Experten allerdings mit einem Abfall der Renten.
Der Angriff Nahles’ auf Kühnert macht deutlich: Der GroKo-Streit innerhalb der SPD will sich nicht beruhigen.
Am Sonntag stimmen die Sozialdemokraten über die Aufnahme von Koalitionsgesprächen mit der Union ab.
Der Chef der SPD-Jugendorganisation Kühnert ist einer der schärfsten Gegner einer Neuauflage der großen Koalition, Nahles drängt auf die Zustimmung zum Bündnis mit der Union.
Nahles rief ihre Partei auch dazu auf, nicht mit falschen Hoffnungen in mögliche Koalitionsverhandlungen mit der Union zu gehen. Sie warnt “vor Illusionen”.
Trotzdem werde es harte Koalitionsverhandlungen geben. Die Fraktionsvorsitzende gab die Einschätzung ab, ein Drittel der Delegierten sei noch unentschlossen.
➨ Mehr zum Thema:Es gibt 8 Szenarien, wie es mit der GroKo weitergeht – so wahrscheinlich sind sie
Mit Material der dpa.
17 from ’17: Tory MP Paul Masterton Reveals Where He Had A Glow-In-The-Dark Piercing
The 2017 General Election saw 92 MPs elected to the Commons for the very first time. In a series of exclusive interviews, HuffPost UK is speaking to new MPs from the Conservatives, Labour, SNP and Lib Dems. This week, it’s Paul Masterton.
He had been in Parliament less than six months before making news as one of the 15 ‘Brexit Mutineers’ plastered across the front page of the Daily Telegraph.
But Paul Masterton is showing no signs of letting such attacks getting the better of him.
The East Renfrewshire MP is determined not to allow Brexit to be delivered by MPs who are “happy-clappy cheering like a seal every time someone says we’re leaving the European Union.”
While Masterton doesn’t want his party to live in the past, his musical tastes seem to be stuck in an Ibiza nightclub circa 2001, and the less said about the 32-year-old’s favourite film choices, the better…
Here’s Paul Masterton’s 17 from ’17 interview:
Where were you born and raised?
I’m from Edinburgh originally and then went up to uni in Dundee, and that’s where I met my wife. I studied law. She was at the art school. Met her there and she was from the west. After uni I lived in Belfast for a little bit and then moved over to Glasgow. We’ve been together 11 years and been married for five and a bit. From the floor of Dundee Student’s Union to the floor of the Commons, she’s carried me every step.
What did you want to be when you were 16?
Genuinely I had no idea, and that was one of the main reasons why I ended up doing law. It had a path. I certainly didn’t want to be a politician. I think at that point I was just being 16 and thought, as many 16 year olds do, that you’ll be young forever and don’t need to make those sort of decisions.
When did you first become interested in politics?
I’ve always been interested. I remember the 1992 election when I was six. Back then you were still allowed to put all the posters up on your lamp post and I remember every one had five posters on it and asking my mum and dad what this was all about. All through uni I was interested in politics, and with the Scottish Parliament we used to have more elections than you guys and I remember getting beers in and staying up through the night with mates watching the results come in. I wasn’t so active or overly engaged but I was aware of what was going on.
guys from Glasgow East, we’re kind of at similar phases in our lives. We used to get the same commuter train into Glasgow in our old life. There are some very, very impressive people on the Labour backbenches who shouldn’t be on the Labour backbenches. Liz Kendall, Yvette Cooper, Stella Creasy – people who are able to stand and command the attention of the House when they speak and are wasted completely. There’s some very good campaigning MPs as well who are perhaps never destined to go on and do big things but they know how to take an issue and run with it.
girl band and I love anything by Carly Rae Jepson.
I used to have these dreadful blonde highlights, but it was pointless because I was ginger so you could barely see them. I had a tongue piercing that glowed under UV light so when you were in a nightclub…[descends into laughter].
What’s your favourite film? Sister Act or Mean Girls. Why are you laughing? Both are classics.
What one thing would you change about UK politics if you could?
It’s still not as accessible to most of the public as it could or should be. There’s still a lack of awareness about what MPs do. There’s a lot of people who have said to my wife: “So is Paul just an MP in his spare time?”. There’s people who just fundamentally don’t understand how our parliament and how our democracy functions and how our country runs. I wish there was a way of getting more people down to visit, whether it’s through schools in terms of what they are learning through modern studies and whatever the English equivalent of that is. Our political debate would be much healthier if everybody knew a little bit more.
Which three words would your best friend use to describe you?
Ginger, laid-back, happy.
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