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Trump will give healthcare workers the right to refuse to treat LGBT people
Eric Trump: My Father Doesn’t Care About Race, He Only Cares About Money
Eric Trump appeared on FOX & Friends this morning and dismissed accusations that his father is a racist:
“My father sees one color. Green. That is all he cares about. He cares about the economy. He does not see race. He is the least racist person I have ever met in my entire life. It’s total nonsense. At same time they are saying that, they will never report African-American unemployment is the lowest it’s ever been, the lowest it’s ever been in this country. They won’t give him any credit for that. By the way, he campaigned on that, but then they’ll go out and call him racist. It’s very sad, it’s a race to the bottom. They stoop very, very low.
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Eric Trump: My Father Doesn’t Care About Race, He Only Cares About Money
Ich habe meine Wohnung verloren – jetzt lebe ich im Wohnwagen
Ich habe immer geglaubt, wir leben in einer Gesellschaft, die sich um die Schwachen kümmert. Die dafür sorgt, dass Menschen mit Behinderung oder mit Krankheit Schutz bekommen.
Aber ich wurde enttäuscht.
Ich habe eine 50-Prozentige Behinderung, bin Asperger-Autistin, arbeitsunfähig und seit über einem Jahr wohnungslos.
Im Mai 2016 wurde mir meine Wohnung in Esslingen wegen Eigenbedarfs gekündigt, ein halbes Jahr später musste ich ausziehen, wollte aber unbedingt in der Stadt bleiben. Ich hatte dort einen Freundeskreis, habe mich glücklich und zuhause gefühlt.
Eine neue Unterkunft habe ich nicht gefunden – denn zu der Zeit fehlten in Esslingen rund 6000 Wohnungen.
Ich musste mir etwas einfallen lassen – und zog mit meinen Hunden Laika und Diva in einen alten Wohnwagen.
Mittlerweile geht es mir damit jedoch von Tag zu Tag schlechter.
Zunächst stand ich mit meinem Wagen weiter in Esslingen.
Zumindest so lange, bis mir die Stadt das Leben zur Hölle gemacht hat. Das Ordnungsamt duldete meinen Wagen in der Stadt nicht. Die Menschen aus der Nachbarschaft begegneten mir mit unbeschreiblichem Hass, Ausgrenzung und sogar Gewalt.
Sie beleidigten und bedrohten mich, spuckten mich an und zerstachen die Reifen meines Wagens. Schließlich vertrieben sie mich aus der Stadt.
➨ Mehr zum Thema: “Sie bewerfen mich mit Flaschen”: In München leben über 7000 Obdachlose – eine Begegnung mit einem, der den Mut nicht verliert
Seit Ende Oktober vergangenen Jahres stehe ich nun mit meinem Wohnwagen auf einem Campingplatz im Allgäu. Glücklich bin ich hier aber nicht. Ich musste meinen Freundeskreis in Esslingen zurücklassen. Außer meiner Hunde habe ich eigentlich niemanden.
Das Heimweh wird jeden Tag schlimmer. Ich will wieder nach Hause, nach Esslingen.
Doch die Wohnungssuche ist schwierig – besonders als Hundemama. Jeden Tag schaue ich auf Immobilienseiten, spreche wildfremde Hundebesitzer an, frage sie, ob sie wissen, wo ich unterkommen könnte.
Aber die Angebote sind knapp. Und unverschämt. Mir wurde sogar schon mal eine Wohnung angeboten – gegen Sex.
Vermieter nutzen die prekäre Wohnungssituation aus. Dabei ist es eh schon schwierig, in Esslingen überhaupt bezahlbaren Wohnraum zu finden. Laut der Esslinger Zeitung stieg die Durchschnittsmiete von 2016 bis 2018 um elf Prozent.
Ich beziehe Grundsicherung – das ist ein geregeltes Einkommen. Im Monat habe ich 450 Euro für Miete zu Verfügung. Es gibt Angebote für dieses Budget. Aber nicht für mich. Vielleicht schreckt es die Vermieter ab, dass ich nicht arbeite. Das assoziieren viele mit Faulheit.
Bei der Stadt Esslingen stehe ich seit einiger Zeit auf einer Notfallliste für Sozialwohnungen. Auf der sind aber noch hunderte Wohnungssuchende vor mir.
Kein Wunder, denn viele Wohnungen hat die Stadt nicht. Den sozialen Wohnungsbau hat sie laut der “Esslinger Zeitung” lange Zeit vernachlässigt.
Manchmal frage ich bei der Wohnungsbaugesellschaft nach. Die haben allerdings nie gute Nachrichten für mich. In der letzten Mail teilten sie mir mit, dass sie 98 Prozent der Anfragen ablehnen müssen.
Große Hoffnung auf eine Sozialwohnung habe ich also nicht.
Aber lange halte ich es im Wohnwagen nicht mehr aus. Die Fenster sind schon kaputt, werden nur noch mit Klebeband zusammengehalten. Es ist eng. Und einfach kein Zuhause.
➨ Mehr zum Thema: Das Arbeitsamt hat mich bestraft, weil ich einen Schlaganfall hatte
Viele Menschen vergessen oft, dass Armut, Obdachlosigkeit, Krankheit und Behinderung jeden treffen kann. Davor ist niemand sicher und das sollte sich jeder vor Augen halten.
Ich bin ein ruhiger Mensch und habe zwei liebe Hunde. Ich schmeiße keine Partys, rauche nicht, trinke nicht, zahle pünktlich und habe ein makelloses Führungszeugnis.
Es gibt keinen Grund, warum Laika, Diva und ich kein neues Zuhause bekommen sollten.
Wer für Isabel und ihren zwei süßen Mitbewohner eine Lösung hat, findet hier ihre Kontaktinformationen.
Tide Pod Challenge: How Worried Should Parents Be?
Every week it seems there is a new internet craze for children to share, and while many are just harmless fun, for parents it can be difficult to know how worried you should be about dangerous stunts like the Tide Pod Challenge.
The challenge sees teenagers and children filming themselves appearing to take bites out of laundry detergent tabs, despite the potential health risks.
Children are likely to have come across this footage on the internet or heard about it in the playground, but parents in England will be relieved to learn that it seems most are not tempted to take part.
The National Poisons Information Service (NPIS) has told HuffPost UK they have not had any cases of teenage exposure to laundry detergent tabs in the last six months.
There has long been concern about babies accidentally eating the tabs and incidents of babies playing with them have been reported as recently as last year.
In fact, laundry-detergent-maker Ariel, has a warning on its website and in a recent UK television advert, about the importance of keeping the tabs out of the reach of babies and in the safe, lockable container.
Although the issue was recognised in babies as an accident, it was never previously seen as something done on purpose by older children. Until now.
There have been 39 reports of teenagers intentionally misusing the pods…”
The American Association of Poison Control Centres (AAPCC) revealed 39 reports of American teenagers intentionally misusing the pods came in during the first 15 days of 2018 alone, according to Time magazine.
To put that in context, you should consider that in the duration of 2017, there were 53 individual cases, suggesting that it is on the rise.
In fact, the Tide Pod Challenge has become so widely recognised by teenagers, and some fascinated adults, that there are a growing number of memes and accounts dedicated it.
The majority of teens may be wise enough to avoid partaking in the stunt, however, it is still an important topic to address with your kids, to gauge their understanding of how important it is to question things seen online.
Do they think this is something that is safe to do for laughs? Do they understand that videos may have been staged?
Having the discussion now will mean they’re better prepared for the next viral challenge that comes along.
A spokesperson for UK Safer Internet, told HuffPost UK: “The internet is full of great content to engage and educate young people… however some of these challenges aren’t for a good cause.
“All children and parents need to be ready to deal with such challenges, whether they are rumoured or real.”
“We would advise parents and carers to have an open and honest conversation with their children,” the spokesperson said.
“Ask your children about what they’re seeing online and be prepared to talk about some difficult topics such as self-harm, suicide and negative influences online.”
This also includes talking about the reality of the internet and what they see portrayed online, whether that is a stunt or edited photographs on Instagram.
Keep your child safe online by considering things such as age-restricted content, privacy settings on your computer and blocking (or reporting) content that you discover and don’t wish your child to have access to.
The NSPCC has some great advice for when you need to talk about difficult topics.
#AM_Equality Tipsheet: January 17, 2018
HRC TO LAUNCH 2ND EQUIDAD PROJECT TO RATE LGBTQ WORKPLACE INCLUSION IN CHILE: Today in Chile, HRC will kick off its groundbreaking partnership with Fundación Iguales & Pride Connection with an international launch of HRC’s Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the premier report tracking LGBT inclusion in the world’s largest companies. “Following the equality trend across the Americas, Chile is now taking a clear lead by investing in LGBT inclusion in the workplace, which is both fair and smart for business,” said Deena Fidas, Director of HRC Equidad MX and HRC’s Workplace Equality Program. “This partnership with Fundación Iguales demonstrates our commitment to deliver concrete results for LGBT employees in Chile and around the globe.” HRC has previously launched the CEI internationally in Mexico, marking the historic HRC Equidad MX initiative that works with leading employers in country to create more diverse and LGBT-inclusive workplaces. More from HRC.
BREAKING — POLITICO REPORTS TRUMP-PENCE TO ALLOW HEALTH WORKERS TO REFUSE TO TREAT TRANS PATIENTS: Dan Diamond (@ddiamond) and Jennifer Haberkorn (@jenhab) are reporting that the administration is considering a rule that would allow an exemption for health workers who “don’t want to perform abortions, refuse to treat transgender patients based on their gender identity or provide other services for which they have moral objections.” Sources tell Politico the rule would shield health workers and “punish organizations that don’t allow them to express their moral objections.” Read more at Politico.
HISTORIC — DEMOCRATS FLIP WISCONSIN STATE SENATE SEAT: HRC mobilized our 1,280 members and supporters in this district to get out the vote for State Senator-elect Patty Schachtner in this crucial election, flipping a seat that had been held by Republicans since the start of the century. By comparison, the margin of victory in this race was 1,600. In the 2016 election, Donald Trump won this district by 17 points. More from CNBC and The Washington Post.
TODAY IN OHIO — HRC, EQUALITY OHIO AND LOCAL ADVOCATES CALL ON LEGISLATORS TO PASS FAIRNESS ACT: Rep. Nickie Antonio (D-Lakewood) will join representatives from HRC Ohio, Equality Ohio, the Ohio Business Competes Coalition and TransOhio for a press conference at 10:00 a.m. in The Ladies Gallery at the Ohio Statehouse, to call for passage of the Ohio Fairness Act. Ohio is one of 31 states that lack explicit state-level protections for all LGBTQ people, and ranked in the “High Priority to Achieve Basic Equality” category in HRC’s 2017 State Equality Index (SEI), which provides a comprehensive state-by-state analysis of laws and policies that affect LGBTQ people and their families.
TRUMP EXPECTED TO CONTINUE ATTACKS ON MEDIA WITH DEPLORABLE STUNT: Donald Trump doesn’t like it when he is held to account for his bigotry, discrimination, lies and undermining of our democracy. So, as is his troubling pattern, he is again planning to attack journalists and media outlets for performing their valuable jobs — ensuring that we have a free and open press to help maintain the integrity of our government. The work of journalists dedicated to holding our elected and appointed officials accountable has never been more important. More from HRC.
WHAT WE’RE WATCHING WEDNESDAY — TRANSGENDER WOMAN “SENT HOME TO A DEADLY NIGHTMARE BY TRUMP’S AMERICA”: Cristel was placed in a detention center by the Trump-Pence Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) forces, who plan to send her back to her native country of El Salvador. Cristel sought asylum in the U.S. after being targeted by violent gangs who threatened to murder her because she is trans. If forced to return to El Salvador? “They are going to kill me,” she told reporter Josefina Salomón (@josefinasalomon). More from The Washington Post.
GRUESOME MURDER OF LGBTQ TEEN MAY BE HATE CRIME: Authorities have arrested Samuel Woodward on suspicion of murdering Blaze Bernstein. Bernstein, a college student, was found with more than 20 stab wounds. This horrific and tragic crime must be thoroughly investigated as reported hate violence continues to rise nationwide. More from The Los Angeles Times.
DOVER, N.H., POLICE CHIEF CALLS FOR LAW PROTECTING TRANS PEOPLE: “Right now, under New Hampshire state law, there are no measures that explicitly protect transgender people from discrimination in the workplace, in access to housing, and in public spaces like restaurants, shops, and government buildings. That’s wrong,” writes Dover, N.H. Police Chief Anthony Colarusso in a piece for Seacoast Online supporting a bill that would provide such protections. More from Seacoast Online.
CONGRATS TO NEW JERSEY GOVERNOR PHIL MURPHY ON HIS INAUGURATION: HRC-endorsed Murphy is a strong pro-equality leader who believes that no one in New Jersey — from military veterans to small business owners to aspiring parents — should be treated differently because of who they are or whom they love. He has committed to vigorously expanding and enforcing anti-bullying and LGBTQ non-discrimination protections, and recently spoke out strongly against President Trump’s unconscionable transgender military ban.
PALM SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEMBER SHARES EXPERIENCES OF BIPHOBIA: “It’s not appropriate to ask someone if they’re really sure about their sexual orientation or if they’d had experiences or if it was just one time in college, which I heard again and again in professional settings,” Palm Springs City Councilwoman Christy Gilbert Holstege says. More from Advocate.
TWO TRANSGENDER MEMBERS OF MINNEAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL INAUGURATED: Andrea Jenkins (@annapoetic) was announced as the body’s vice president. Phillipe Cunningham (@CunninghamMPLS) will serve as vice chair on the Committee of the Whole. More from Minnesota Daily.
HORIFYING — EGYPT ARRESTS NINE ON SUSPICION OF BEING LGBTQ: The arrests are the latest in a crackdown on LGBTQ people in the country. HRC has called on Egyptian authorities and the media to respect the human rights and freedom of expression of their LGBTQ citizens. More from Gay Star News.
TAIWAN GOVERNMENT CONSIDERING ADDING THIRD GENDER OPTION TO PASSPORTS AND NATIONAL IDENTITY CARDS: A government spokesperson says a final decision has yet to be made, but local LGBTQ groups are actively pushing for the change. More from Reuters.
Valley News reports that the Claremont, N.H., library started an initiative to bring diversity and inclusion to its children’s books collection; Advocate honors the life of The Cranberries’ Dolores O’Riordan; Austin Statesman reviews “Sunday Church,” a new film with LGBTQ themes; ABC interviews actor Asia Kate Dillon (@AsiaKateDillon) on non-binary representation in media
HRC launches HRC Equidad MX – HRC estrena HRC Equidad MX
‘Fire and Fury’ Author Michael Wolff Got Trump Team to Talk by Pitching a Different Book Title
Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House was originally pitched as The Great Transition: The First 100 Days of the Trump Administration, a title with the promise of a sympathetic narrative that got staffers to talk, according to Bloomberg:
And in part due to that title, Wolff was able to exploit an inexperienced White House staff who mistakenly believed they could shape the book to the president’s liking.
Nearly everyone who spoke with Wolff thought someone else in the White House had approved their participation. And it appears that not a single person in a position of authority to halt cooperation with the book — including Trump himself — raised any red flags, despite Wolff’s well documented history. His previous work included a critical book on Trump confidant Rupert Murdoch, the Twenty-First Century Fox Inc. co-chairman.
The book unleashed a spectacular war between Trump and his former chief strategist Steve Bannon, after quotes in the book described the Trump team’s meetings with Russians as “treasonous” and “unpatriotic.”
The post ‘Fire and Fury’ Author Michael Wolff Got Trump Team to Talk by Pitching a Different Book Title appeared first on Towleroad.
‘Fire and Fury’ Author Michael Wolff Got Trump Team to Talk by Pitching a Different Book Title
Kohls Witwe erhebt Vorwürfe gegen die Söhne des Altkanzlers
Auch sieben Monate nach dem Tod von Helmut Kohl gibt es weiter Streitigkeiten in der Familie des Altkanzlers. Kohls Witwe Maike Kohl-Richter hat sich dazu jetzt erstmals in einem Interview des Magazins “Stern” geäußert.
► Die 53-Jährige wirft den beiden Söhnen Kohls vor, die Vater-Sohn-Beziehung zum “Geschäftsmodell” gemacht und den Weg in die Medien gesucht zu haben.
“Mein Mann und ich werden als maximal unversöhnlich dargestellt, und ich gelte als Monster, das die armen Kinder von Vater und Großvater fernhält”, sagte Kohl-Richter weiter. Sie fühle sich wie “Freiwild, das zum Abschuss freigegeben ist”.
► Kohl-Richter erhalte zahlreiche Briefe, in denen sie beschimpft werde.
Man erkläre ihr in solchen Schreiben unaufgefordert, “wie ich das Grab meines Mannes zu gestalten habe, mein Leben zu führen habe und mich zu benehmen hätte”.
► Die Witwe wird außerdem von verschiedenen Seiten dafür verantwortlich gemacht, dass sich Kohl von seinen Söhnen Walter und Peter entfernt hat.
Die beiden Brüder haben sich öffentlich über das zerrüttete Verhältnis zu ihrem Vater beklagt und waren auch nicht auf seiner Beerdigung.
➨ Mehr zum Thema: Helmut Kohl – das Leben einer Legende in Bildern
Mit Blick auf amtliche Unterlagen, die sich möglicherweise im Bungalow in Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim befinden, erklärte Kohl-Richter: “Mein Mann hat bereits 2007 handschriftlich testamentarisch verfügt, dass ich bezüglich seines Lebenswerks seine legitime Alleinerbin und Ansprechpartnerin sein soll.”
► Kohl sei es wichtig gewesen, “dass der Nachlass zusammenbleibt und seriös zugänglich ist”.
Dazu führe sie Gespräche, aber die Entscheidung etwa über eine Helmut-Kohl-Stiftung müsse in Ruhe getroffen werden.
► Kohls Sohn Walter hatte die Gründung einer Kohl-Stiftung an einem neutralen staatlichen Ort wie etwa dem Bundesarchiv vorgeschlagen.
So solle sie unabhängig von jeglichem Einfluss der zerrissenen Familie sein.
Das Bundesarchiv beansprucht von dem Nachlass die amtlichen Dokumente aus Kohls Regierungszeit. Wie viele sich in seinem einstigen Haus in Ludwigshafen befinden, ist aber ebenfalls unklar.
► Helmut Kohl starb am 16. Juni 2017 in Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim.
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