Weil Tattoo sich nicht entfernen ließ: Sohn schlägt Mutter brutal zusammen

Weil Tattoo sich nicht entfernen ließ: Sohn schlägt Mutter brutal zusammen
Mit einem Cent-Stück sollte die Mutter das Tattoo wegreiben – als das nicht funktionierte rastete ihr Sohn aus. (Symbolbild)

  • In Duisburg hat ein Mann seine Mutter auf brutale Weise zusammengeschlagen, weil es ihr nicht gelang, sein Tattoo zu entfernen
  • Das Gericht verurteilte ihn zu 18 Monaten Haft 

Für einen brutalen Angriff auf seine Mutter ist ein Mann in Duisburg zu 18 Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt worden.

Laut Anklage hatte der 30-Jährige im November 2016 seine Mutter aufgefordert, eine seiner Tätowierungen mit einem Cent-Stück wegzurubbeln. Als dies – wie zu erwarten – nicht gelang, soll er brutal auf die 59-Jährige eingeschlagen haben. Dies berichtete die Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung”.

Die Duisburgerin versuchte zu fliehen, doch ihr Sohn zerrte sie zurück ins Haus und stieß sie eine Kellertreppe herunter – das jedenfalls nimmt die Staatsanwaltschaft an. Da Täter und Opfer eine Stellungnahme zum Tathergang verweigerten, lässt sich der Stoß auf die Kellertreppe nicht nachweisen.

Fest steht nur, dass die Frau einen Nasenbruch erlitt.

Mutter in Keller eingeschlossen 

Nach der Tat schloss sich der Duisburger mit seiner Mutter im Keller ein. Nachbarn, die das Geschehen teilweise vom Balkon beobachtet hatten, alarmierten die Polizei.

Diese konnte die blutverschmierte Frau knapp eine Stunde später mit der Hilfe des Schlüsseldienstes aus dem von innen verschlossenen Keller befreien.

Das Amtsgericht Duisburg verurteilte den Sohn wegen vorsätzlicher Körperverletzung und Freiheitsberaubung zu einer Haftstrafe von eineinhalb Jahren. Da der Mann bereits mehrfach vorbestraft war, scheidet eine Aussetzung der Strafe zur Bewährung aus.

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Tory ‘Mutineer’ Paul Masterton: ‘Happy Clappy’ Pro-Brexit Tories Won’t Stop Me Standing Up To The Government

Tory ‘Mutineer’ Paul Masterton: ‘Happy Clappy’ Pro-Brexit Tories Won’t Stop Me Standing Up To The Government
Tory Brexit ‘mutineer’ Paul Masterton has attacked his “happy-clappy” colleagues who cheer “like a seal” whenever leaving the EU is mentioned.

Masterton – one of 15 Tories dubbed a ‘Brexit mutineer’ by the Daily Telegraph – told HuffPost UK he was determined to hold the Government to account during the EU Withdrawal process, despite attacks from hostile media and fellow MPs.

The East Renfrewshire MP was put on the Telegraph’s front page as one of a group trying to stop the Government locking the date of Brexit into the EU Withdrawal Bill – a move which they believed weakened the UK’s negotiating hand.

The Government later offered a compromise that the date could be changed if needed.

Masterton said the infamous front page actually galvanized those under attack, and he now counts some of his fellow ‘mutineers’ among his closest friends.

Speaking to HuffPost UK as part of a series of interviews with MPs elected in the 2017 General Election, Masterton said: “My constituency is the highest Remain voting constituency held by a Conservative and that matters to me – I’m not flippant about that.

“I am not and have never been a Brexiteer.

“To me, respecting the will of the people isn’t about happy-clappy cheering like a seal every time someone says we’re leaving the European Union, it’s about recognising that yes we are leaving, but how are we going to do it.”

Masterton said his goal is not to frustrate the result of referendum, but with an estimated 74% of people in his constituency backing Remain in the 2016 vote he was determined to represent their views – regardless of “people being hostile to you who made careers out of rebelling against the Government on Europe.”

He said: “It’s about actually being prepared to stand and say: ‘Hold on, the way you are doing this, Government, you are not yet convincing me this is going to work for my people.’

“I’m not going to compromise on that as a principle otherwise what’s the point in me being here?”

Masterton was clear that while he would hold the Government to account on Brexit, he would not go so far as trying to bring Theresa May’s administration down.

He said: “I’ve always been very clear that whilst there are some people in the party who are very happy to go on the assault against Conservative Prime Ministers over Europe regardless of the consequences, I’m never going to do anything that is going to put us at risk of having a neo-Marxist in Number 10, which is far worse for the people of East Renfrewshire than anything you could imagine.”

Masterton revealed that it was the leader of Scottish Conservative, Ruth Davidson, who alerted him to the fact he was under attack from the Telegraph.

“I was back in the hotel and I got a text from Ruth Davison actually, and she said” “Your first front page national!’. I was like: ‘What?!’ and I went on Twitter and saw the front page and went ‘Shit!’

“It was hilarious because the whole way they designed the front page was ludicrous but also most of those people on that front page I’ve literally said two words to since I joined and now I count many of them among my closest and best friends.

“People like Tom [Tugendhat], Vicky [Fox], I get on very well with Heidi [Allen], I get on well with Bob Neill.

“Because it was so overdone and so unnecessary it kind of threw us together in a way we hadn’t expected.

“I think in some ways the reaction of a lot of the ministers when it came out was so supportive of us and hostile to the paper because I think they recognised that actually, hold on a second here, you’ve basically just as a newspaper backed 15 people into a corner by projecting people in this way.”

Despite forcing the Government to offer a concession on locking the Brexit date into law, Masterton does not believe he will be remembered as a rebel.

“It’s funny because I’ve not mutineered on anything yet,” he said.


The Second Official Trailer for the Gay Coming Out Romance ‘Love, Simon’ is Here: WATCH

The Second Official Trailer for the Gay Coming Out Romance ‘Love, Simon’ is Here: WATCH

Love, Simon, the film adaptation of Becky Albertalli’s “coming-of-age coming-out” novel Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda is due out on March 16 and just got a second official trailer (below).

Says Nick Robinson’s (Jurassic World) Simon in the trailer: “I’m done living in a world where I don’t get to be who I am. I deserve a great love story and I want someone to share it with.”

Greg Berlanti (Dawson’s Creek, Brothers & Sisters, Green Lantern, Everwood, Political Animals, Arrow, The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow) directed the film.

The first poster art was revealed in October, along with a Halloween-themed teaser.

The film also features Katherine Langford, Josh Duhamel, Jennifer Garner, Miles Heizer, and Tony Hale.

The film’s synopsis:

Everyone deserves a great love story. But for seventeen-year old Simon Spier it’s a little more complicated: he’s yet to tell his family or friends he’s gay and he doesn’t actually know the identity of the anonymous classmate he’s fallen for online. Resolving both issues proves hilarious, terrifying and life-changing.

Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger, who co-executive produce the new NBC show This Is Us, wrote the script. The film is being produced by Wyck Godfrey and Marty Bowen of Temple Hill and Pouya Shabazian.

Said Berlanti to EW about choosing to direct the film: “There’s this one section of the film where Simon imagines this one boy and imagines them kissing underneath the mistletoe at Christmas. In every other major studio film, it’s always the guy and the girl. And there was something so powerful about it being just a guy imagining himself with this other guy in a film again that was going to be marketed and sold as a mainstream romantic comedy.”

Watch the second official trailer:

Catch the first trailer, if you missed it, HERE.

The post The Second Official Trailer for the Gay Coming Out Romance ‘Love, Simon’ is Here: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

The Second Official Trailer for the Gay Coming Out Romance ‘Love, Simon’ is Here: WATCH

Er fotografiert seit 14 Jahren die Royals – Harry macht’s ihm schwer

Er fotografiert seit 14 Jahren die Royals – Harry macht’s ihm schwer

  • Chris Jackson fotografiert seit 14 Jahren die britischen Royals

  • Er verrät, dass ein Royal besonders schwer zu fotografieren ist

  • Oben im Video seht ihr Bilder der Royals, die um die Welt gingen

Der Terminkalender der Royals ist auch sein Terminkalender – und das seit 14 Jahren. Der 38-jährige Chris Jackson ist bei der internationalen Bildagentur Getty Images angestellt und versorgt die ganze Welt mit Aufnahmen der britischen Königsfamilie. Von Queen Elisabeth bis hin zu Prinz Harry und Prinz George: Jackson hatte sie alle schon vor seiner Linse.

In einem Interview mit der britischen Ausgabe der HuffPost erzählt der Fotograf, was er in den letzten 14 Jahren über die Royals gelernt hat – und wer es ihm besonders schwer macht, ein gutes Bild zu schießen. 

“Du schreibst damit Geschichte”

“Wenn du ein gutes Bild hast, dann schreibst du damit Geschichte”, erklärt Jackson zu Beginn des Interviews. “30 Prozent einer guten Aufnahme sind allerdings Glück”, sagt er weiter. 

Jackson war derjenige, der eines der bekanntesten Bilder von der Hochzeit von Prinz William und Kate geschossen hatte. “Sie haben mich direkt angeschaut”, erinnert sich der Fotograf. 

Er erzählt, dass er zwei Wochen vor der Hochzeit das gesamte Gebiet von Westminster Abbey in London abgelaufen sei, um sich den besten Platz mit dem besten Blick auf das Brautpaar zu sichern. Prinz William und Kate haben dort im April 2011 geheiratet.

Mehr zum Thema:Herzogin Kate zeigt sich erstmals mit Babybauch – die Kommentare im Internet sind geschmacklos

Jedes Foto ist eine neue Herausforderung

Jackson fotografiert die britische Königsfamilie auf offiziellen Reisen und bei offiziellen Terminen und Feierlichkeiten, jedoch nicht bei privaten Veranstaltungen. Er reist den Royals fast überall hinterher. Auf seinen Bildern möchte er zwei Aspekte vereinen. Er erklärt: 

“Ich möchte die einstudierten Momente mit der Spontanität und den sorgfältig geplanten und überwachten Ereignissen verbinden.”

Vor allem die Hochzeit von Prinz Harry und Meghan Markle wird diesbezüglich eine große Herausforderung. Auch, weil es besonders schwierig ist, eine gute Aufnahme von Prinz Harry zu machen. Der Grund: Der Prinz ist ein leidenschaftlicher Kuschler. Jackson erzählt: 

“Er ist ein großer Kuschler, egal wohin er geht. Er liebt es, Menschen in den Arm zu nehmen. Um solche Momente einzufangen, musst du sehr schnell sein. Vor allem, weil in den Bildern auch immer noch ein Teil des Gesichtes zu sehen sein muss.”

Und auch Queen Elisabeth ist für den Fotografen immer wieder eine neue Herausforderung. Jackson erklärt, dass die Queen nur selten lachen würde. Teilweise sehe man sie bei offiziellen Events kein einziges Mal lachen. “Sie macht es dir nicht einfach, aber ich mag das”, sagt Jackson. 

➨ Mehr zum Thema:Die Queen hat den Großteil von Prinz Williams Ausbildung übernommen – aus einem guten Grund

Der 38-Jährige liebt seinen Job als Royal-Fotograf. “Die Fotografie ist eine sehr ehrliche Arbeit. Ich versuche ein ehrliches Fotoarchiv der britischen Königsfamilie zu schaffen. Ein ehrliches und einzigartiges Archiv”, erklärt er.  

Das nächste große Event der Royals wird Prinz Harrys Hochzeit im Mai sein. Und seine Aufnahmen könnt ihr hinterher sicher wieder in allen Zeitungen bestaunen.



Dying Migrants Too Scared To See A Doctor For Fear Of Deportation, MPs Are Warned

Dying Migrants Too Scared To See A Doctor For Fear Of Deportation, MPs Are Warned

Seriously ill migrants are too scared to seek medical treatment in the UK for fear of being deported, MPs were warned today.

Experts told Parliament’s health select committee that data sharing systems between the NHS and Home Office leave many too scared to see a doctor, leading to people dying from treatable illnesses and pregnant women missing out on vital care.

Marissa Begonia of Voice of Domestic Workers, which campaigns for recognition and representation for household workers, was reduced to tears as she explained how one woman died because she was too worried about seeking help for her persistent cough.

“We had one member who died and never sought any hospitalisation or GP because she was too frightened,” she said.

“She was not even aware of what kind of disease she had – she was just coughing very badly and just thought it was a cold.”

Dr Lucinda Haim, a GP at Doctors Of The World, which provides treatment to those excluded from healthcare, said the organisation had seen many cases of pregnant women seeking help from them – or from accident and emergency departments in hospitals – because they were too scared to give their address to a GP.

She told the committee: “Just this morning someone who was eight weeks pregnant was on the phone to us in tears, saying she was too scared to go to a GP, she was too scared to go to an antenatal clinic.

“One woman who was 17 weeks pregnant would not even give her address to us because she was too frightened.

“And in one extreme circumstance we had a woman present to us in labour.”

A ‘memorandum of understanding’ exists between the NHS’s digital service and the government, which allows the Home Office to make disclosure requests to the health service to help trace “immigration offenders and vulnerable people who may be at risk”.

The system came into force in January 2017 and the panel said fewer people were seeking treatment as a direct result of it.

Yusef Azad, director of strategy at the National AIDs Trust, said: “It’s self-evident that a migrant worried about the authorities, if they are told that if they give a GP their address then the immigration authorities might access it, is a deterrent, in our view, to accessing healthcare.”

Labour MP and qualified GP Paul Williams, who continues to work as a doctor in his Stockton South constituency, sits on the health select committee.

He told HuffPost UK: ”Patients should give information to health services safe in the knowledge that it will be protected.

“We’ve seen today that this confidentiality is being breached on an industrial scale.

“Doctors don’t want to see this happening, and we’ve heard heartbreaking stories today of harm being done to patients.”

HuffPost UK has asked the Home Office and NHS for comment.


#AM_Equality Tipsheet: January 16, 2018

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: January 16, 2018

HRC TO LAUNCH 2ND EQUIDAD PROJECT TO RATE LGBTQ WORKPLACE INCLUSION IN CHILE: Tomorrow, HRC will kick off its groundbreaking partnership with Fundación Iguales & Pride Connection with an international launch of HRC’s Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the premier report tracking LGBT inclusion in the world’s largest companies. “Following the equality trend across the Americas, Chile is now taking a clear lead by investing in LGBT inclusion in the workplace, which is both fair and smart for business,” said Deena Fidas, Director of HRC Equidad MX and HRC’s Workplace Equality Program. “As we have seen in the U.S. and Mexico, more and more Latin American businesses are interested in working on LGBT diversity and inclusion. This partnership with Fundación Iguales demonstrates our commitment to deliver concrete results for LGBT employees in Chile and around the globe.” HRC has previously launched the CEI internationally in Mexico, marking the historic HRC Equidad MX initiative that works with leading employers in country to create more diverse and LGBT-inclusive workplaces.

HONORING DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. WITH SERVICE: Yesterday, HRC members and supporters held more than 25 community service events across the country to mark Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, joining millions who honored his legacy by participating in the annual day of service. “Because our community is so diverse and expansive, there are many ways in which we can use this day to deepen our commitment and connection to those in our community who are too often at its margins,” said Nicole Cozier, HRC Director of Diversity and Inclusion. More from HRC.

Why the Dream is still not a reality.
Racial inequalities in wages, income, and wealth show that MLK’s work remains unfinished t.co/JsZat1y4Bq #MartinLutherKing @NAACPecon pic.twitter.com/y9Ru1EBUQG

— NAACP (@NAACP) January 15, 2018

  • To cap off the historic day, the NAACP held its annual Image Awards, honoring visionaries and trailblazers including Halle Berry (@HalleBerry), Audra Day, Common (@common) and Ava DuVernay (@Ava). HRC President Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) attended the event with transgender trailblazer and advocate Blossom Brown (@BlossomCBrown).

.@Sifill_LDF is one of the most tireless advocates for equality I’ve ever had the honor of working with. Inspired by her work at @NAACP_LDF every single day. #ImageAwards pic.twitter.com/CYEgHH4N1x

— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) January 16, 2018

AHEAD OF TRUMP’S DESPICABLE STUNT TO ATTACK THE MEDIA, 37 ARTICLES HE DOESN’T WANT YOU TO SEE: HRC is sharing stories Trump no doubt hopes you’ve missed from 2017 — those that illustrate the Trump-Pence administration’s disastrous, dangerous first year. Why 37? Because the number aligns perfectly with Trump’s record-low 37 percent approval rating. More from HRC.

#10 on our list of 37 stories Donald Trump hopes you’ve missed: Why Didn’t Trump Mention Pride Month? We Asked 30 Times.
See the full list:t.co/ka7ZsVNfZi

— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) January 15, 2018

TUESDAY TWEETS — HRC CELEBRATES VIRGINIA GOVERNOR RALPH NORTHAM’S SWEARING IN: HRC worked aggressively to ensure Northam and other pro-equality candidates claimed victory on Election Day. “Ralph Northam consistently campaigned on a platform of equality for all Virginians,” said JoDee Winterhof, HRC Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs. “By electing Northam and other fair-minded candidates up and down the ballot, Virginians resoundingly rejected the Trump-Pence politics of hate, fear, and discrimination.” More from HRC.

  • In one of Northam’s first acts, he signed an executive order protecting state employees from discrimination — including on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation. This executive order also added gender expression for the first time. More from WTOP.

“This management team can be an example to our friends in the corporate world.

When people say, ‘we can’t find enough women, or enough diverse candidates for leadership roles,’ I say—you’re not looking hard enough.”

— Ralph Northam (@GovernorVA) January 16, 2018

“This cabinet is led by women. And like this new General Assembly, it is also one of the most diverse in our history.”

— Ralph Northam (@GovernorVA) January 16, 2018

HRC MOURNS VICCKY GUTIERREZ, SECOND TRANS WOMAN MURDERED IN 2018: HRC was shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Viccky Gutierrez, a transgender woman from Honduras killed in what officials are calling a “suspicious” fire in her Los Angeles home early Wednesday. Friends took to social media to mourn Gutierrez, describing her as “a young trans Latina immigrant woman whose warm smile would give anyone comfort.” More from HRC and Autostraddle.

ADVOCATES CALL FOR NOTORIOUS EXPORTER OF HATE TO BE BANNED FROM ENTERING JAMAICA: Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona, a Southern Poverty Law Center designated anti-LGBTQ hate group, is headed to Jamaica this month on a so called “missions trip”. “Steven Anderson is endangering LGBTQ people around the world with his reckless words and dangerous messages,” said HRC Global Director Ty Cobb (@TyWesleyCobb). “We stand in solidarity with Jamaican advocates as they tirelessly organize to counter the hateful bigotry he is peddling.” Anderson has called for gay people to be executed and, in the aftermath of the Orlando tragedy in 2017, he called LGBTQ people “perverts” and “pedophiles” and praised their murders. A petition launched by Jamaican LGBTQ activists is calling for Anderson to be banned from the island nation. More from HRC.

HRC MOURNS LGBTQ AND HIV & AIDS ADVOCATE DR. MATHILDE KRIM: Dr. Krim, 91, founded the American Foundation for AIDS Research. More from Towleroad.

BILL INTRODUCED IN WASHINGTON STATE TO PROTECT YOUTH FROM SO-CALLED “CONVERSION THERAPY”: Introduced in the state Senate Health Committee, it would ban the debunked and abusive practice for anyone under 18. More from My Northwest.

HOW HATE CRIMES AFFECT ENTIRE COMMUNITIES: The Hate Crime Project at the University of Sussex released findings that show even hearing about hate crimes can have negative consequences on communities, even if they are not directly connected to the victim. More from BBC.

JESSICA PLATT IS THE FIRST TRANSGENDER WOMAN TO COME OUT IN NORTH AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY: She joins Harrison Browne, a transgender man who came out in 2016. Both the Canadian Women’s Hockey League and the National Women’s Hockey League have updated their policies regarding transgender athletes to align with International Olympic Committee rules. More from ESPN.


The Washington Post interviews openly gay Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy (@GusKenworthy) about his powerful coming out in 2015; The New York Times reports on an analysis stating that marriage equality in Australia will boost the local wedding industry revenue by 10 percent;
