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Mark Wahlberg Donates $1.5 Million to #TimesUp Movement in Michelle Williams’ Name
Following outrage over the news that Mark Wahlberg was paid $1.5 million for reshoots of All The Money in the World while his co-star Michelle Williams was paid less than $1,000, Wahlberg has donated $1.5 to the #TimesUp campaign in Williams’ name.
All The Money in the World was quickly reshot with actor Christopher Plummer following a multitude of sexual abuse allegations against the movie’s star Kevin Spacey.
At the same time, WME, which reps Wahlberg, Williams and Scott, has also pledged $500,000 in a donation to #TimesUp.
Wahlberg issued this statement: “Over the last few days my reshoot fee for All The Money in the World has become an important topic of conversation. I 100% support the fight for fair pay and I’m donating the $1.5 million to the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund in Michelle Williams’ name.
Williams and Wahlberg are both represented by WME (William Morris Endeavor), which also released a statement:
“The current conversation is a reminder that those of us in a position of influence have a responsibility to challenge inequities, including the gender wage gap. In recognition of the pay discrepancy on All The Money In The World reshoots, WME is donating an additional $500,000 to the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund in Michelle Williams’ name, following our $1 million pledge to the organization earlier this month. It’s crucial that this conversation continues within our community and we are committed to being part of the solution.”
Williams released a statement on Sunday in response to the donation: “Today isn’t about me. My fellow actresses stood by me and stood up for me, my activist friends taught me to use my voice, and the most powerful men in charge, they listened and they acted. If we truly envision an equal world, it takes equal effort and sacrifice. Today is one of the most indelible days of my life because of Mark Wahlberg, WME and a community of women and men who share in this accomplishment. Anthony Rapp, for all the shoulders you stood on, now we stand on yours.”
Rapp’s accusation of sexual abuse against Spacey in October prompted dozens of others to come out with their own claims of assault against Spacey, triggering the reshoots on All the Money.
Rapp responded to Williams’ statement on Saturday, tweeting: “I’m very moved by Michelle Williams’ kind words.”
I’m very moved by Michelle Williams’ kind words.
— Anthony Rapp (@albinokid) January 14, 2018
The post Mark Wahlberg Donates $1.5 Million to #TimesUp Movement in Michelle Williams’ Name appeared first on Towleroad.
Mark Wahlberg Donates $1.5 Million to #TimesUp Movement in Michelle Williams’ Name
Top-News To Go: 17-Jähriger tritt am Boden liegenden Polizisten gegen den Kopf
Ein Jugendlicher hat in Regensburg einen Polizisten so schwer verletzt, dass ein Richter wegen versuchter Tötung Untersuchungshaft anordnete.
► Am Samstagabend gegen 21 Uhr wollten Polizisten in Regensburg drei Jugendliche kontrollieren. Eine Gruppe von 15 Jugendlichen, so berichtet es die “Mittelbayerische Zeitung”, störte und grölte so sehr, dass die Polizisten alle Personen überprüfte.
► Bei einem Handgemenge habe ein 17-Jähriger einen Polizisten gegen den Körper getreten. Ein anderer 17-Jähriger trat dann mehrmals gegen den Kopf des am Boden liegenden Polizisten.
► Der 26-jährige Beamte erlitt laut Polizei eine Gehirnerschütterung und eine Platzwunde.
In derselben Nacht wurden in Regensburg noch drei weitere Polizisten bei Einsätzen verletzt. “Dass es in einer Nacht zu vier Übergriffen kommt, bei denen zwei Kollegen erheblich verletzt werden, ist bei uns in Regensburg sehr selten, und es schockiert uns auch”, sagte ein Polizeisprecher am Sonntag in Bayern.
Angriffe auf Rettungskräfte und Polizisten häufen sich in Deutschland in dramatischer Weise. Zuletzt haben Attacken auf Retter an Silvester die Debatte befeuert. Justizminister Heiko Maas (SPD) erwägt, die Strafen noch einmal zu verschärfen.
Im vergangenen Jahr wurde in Deutschland ein neuer Straftatbestand eingeführt: “tätlicher Angriff auf Vollstreckungsbeamte” mit Strafen von drei Monaten bis fünf Jahre.
► Der Fall von Regensburg hat vor diesem Hintergrund eine besondere Bedeutung. Denn Rettungskräfte haben beobachtet, dass immer öfter eigentlich Unbeteiligte auf die Helfer losgehen. Auch in Regensburg hatte sich die große Gruppe in die Arbeit der Polizisten eingemischt.
➨ Mehr zum Thema: Markus Lanz: Feuerwehrmann berichtet über brutale Angriffe auf Rettungskräfte
Jacob Rees-Mogg Should Not Be Next Tory Leader, Says MP In Charge Of Contest
The next Conservative Party leadership election will see a “cast of thousands” run for the job but Jacob Rees-Mogg should not be one of them, the Tory MP in charge over overseeing any contest has said.
Sir Graham Brady, the influential chairman of the 1922 committee of backbench Conservative MPs, said he doubted Rees-Mogg, a grassroots favourite to succeed Theresa May, could connect with the wider country.
“I really like Jacob,” he said when asked if Rees-Mogg was a “viable candidate” to become party leader. “Great guy. Brilliant speaker. Knows exactly what he thinks. He’s very often right.”
But confiding in young student Conservative activists at University College London (UCL) on Thursday evening, he added: “I don’t think that it would work. He brings a lot of fun to politics. A lot of style. He is very entertaining. Cheers everybody up. And there is a real serious point as well.
“But it’s one thing for a lot of members of the public, or the party, to think it’s great fun and admire him for never mincing his words and speaking 18th Century English.
“It’s another thing to see that translating to being the prime minister and connecting with the whole of the country. So no I don’t see it happening.”
Sir Graham’s comments were revealed in a recording of the meeting obtained by HuffPost UK.
Rees-Mogg emerged as an unlikely leadership frontrunner over the summer and was the main attraction during the Tory conference in October – with younger activists swarming to his events.
As 1922 chairman, Sir Graham would be the returning officer in any leadership contest just as he was during the race to replace David Cameron.
He told the BBC’s Daily Politics last week that the role meant he “really couldn’t express a preference” for who should be the next party leader.
Speaking to the students, Sir Graham rubbished the idea the party would unite behind one candidate in then next contest.
“I have colleagues who say to me if we have another leadership election we’ve got to make sure there’s just one candidate. We can’t,” he said.
“My instinct is that if there is a leadership election in the next few years you could have cast of thousands. I don’t see anyone saying ‘so-and-so is evidently the best person, we are all going to step aside’.”
Sir Graham also said May had made a mistake in promoting Gavin Williamson from Chief Whip to defence secretary last year.
“Gavin’s a capable person. I wasn’t asked for advice. Had I been asked for advice, my advice would have been, ‘he’s doing a good job as Chief Whip, keep him there’,” he said.
“I can understand why he might have wanted to move on. But I thought he was doing a good job and probably should have stayed.
Sir Graham said it would be better if the Chief Whip was an older MP “in their last government job” who had “no personal ambition”.
Speaking about Williamson, he added: “If you have people who are early in their careers and might seek to have a number of other positions, it’s difficult resist recommending yourself for post that you quite like.”
Sir Graham, who was recently given his knighthood in the New Year Honours list, said May had a “huge number of qualities” but “she’s also got some things she doesn’t do quite as well”.
“This emerged in the general election campaign. Before then there was this great honeymoon period where everybody said Thersa May is Mother Teresa and is most remarkable prime minster we have every had, a combination of Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill and Disraeli. I never thought that was true,” he said.
“We then went through that dreadful general election campaign where everything that could possibly be done wrong, was done wrong. And in-spite of that we emerged having won 2.3 million more votes than we did two years before.
“And yet suddenly Theresa May was the worst possible prime we have ever had and she was a combination of the Kray twins and Al Capone – only less effective. Neither of these things is true.”
Sir Graham also warned the young Tory activists that the party could be facing a more “palatable” Labour leader in 2022 because Jeremy Corbyn was so old.
Jeremy Corbyn is 68, John McDonnel is 69,” he said. “It’s entirely possible, might even say likely, if this parliament runs another four years, Jeremy Corbyn won’t be leading the Labour Party.
“I can have a nice chat with Angela Rayner. She is far more personable than most of the Labour leadership. I couldn’t ever vote for her. But she’s, I would say, more electable probably. She is certainly more approachable, and has less obvious baggage.”
Founder of Facebook’s biggest ‘Drag Race’ fan group spills the tea
Oh honey.
Cockyboys Actor Marco Pumpgood Meets His Boyfriend’s Parents on SNL: WATCH
As guest host on last nights SNL, Three Billboards actor Sam Rockwell revealed what might happen when you bring your porn star boyfriend Marco Pumpgood home to meet your parents.
Turns out Mr. Pumpgood needed no introduction.
The adult film studio Cockyboys has been getting plenty of press this week. Earlier this week, Troye Sivan debuted the video for his new track “My My My” and enlisted another (real-life) Cockyboys performer, Justin Brody, in that clip.
The post Cockyboys Actor Marco Pumpgood Meets His Boyfriend’s Parents on SNL: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.
Cockyboys Actor Marco Pumpgood Meets His Boyfriend’s Parents on SNL: WATCH
Island – Kroatien im Live-Stream: Handball-EM online sehen, so geht’s
Handball-EM im Live-Stream: Der Superstar von Handball-Rekordmeister THW Kiel, Domagoj Duvnjak, ist nach langer Verletzungspause wieder verletzt.
Nach nur einem Spiel bei der EM für seine Heimat Kroatien ist Duvnjak nun tatsächlich wieder verletzt. Ein Muskelfaserriss in der Wade bremst den Welthandballer von 2013 nun zumindest für die Vorrunde des Turniers aus.
► Duvnjak gilt in Kroatien als Nationalheld. Im eigenen Land zählt für die Kroaten nur der EM-Titel, seit Monaten und nach einer Patellasehnen-OP ging es auch für Duvnjak nur darum, dass er rechtzeitig für dieses Turnier wieder fit wird. Er ist der Schlüsselspieler in der Mannschaft von Trainer Lino Cervar.
In den nächsten beiden Gruppenspielen der Kroaten an diesem Sonntagabend gegen Island wird der Rückraumstar nun definitiv fehlen.
► Deutschlands Testspielgegner hat die Handball-EM in Kroatien mit einem überraschenden Achtungserfolg eröffnet. Die Isländer setzten sich am Freitagabend mit 26:24 (15:8) in Split gegen Rekord-Europameister Schweden durch.
Das Vorrunden-Match zwischen Island und dem EM-Gastgeber gibt es im Live-Stream bei zu sehen. Das Angebot ist offenbar ebenfalls kostenlos. Los geht es am Sonntag um 20.30 Uhr.
Mit dpa-Material.
The Trump Administration Shows The Dangers Of The Abnormal Becoming Normal
It takes a surprisingly short amount of time for the public-at-large to accept what would previously be seen as an extremely abnormal state of affairs as a new state of normality. Let us take this past week for example; in any previous presidency, the news that the president had been accused of paying for the silence of pornographic actresses who he had sexual relations with would be the main scandal of that president’s reign. In the Trump administration, however it isn’t even the main scandal of the week, with the presidents’ nakedly racist remarks made a day before dominating the headlines. The likelihood is, something else or indeed many other things else will occur in the next week to remove both stories from the foreground of the public imagination just as Trumps previous threats against North Korea over the size of his nuclear button, his outbursts against both his former acolyte Stephen Bannon and the anecdotes related in the expose, Fire and Fury, of the first six months of his rule are now firmly in the background.
If a Lewinsky or Iran-Contra scandal happened today, then it would be forgotten within the month. Whether by accident or design, the Trump administration produces so much controversy and outrage, it goes from the bizarre to the normal and then to the boring very quickly.
We’ve seen lesser examples of this in our own country. See how news about Brexit grabs the public attention less than now it did in the first six months after the referendum. We’ve collectively factored in a certainty that it’s happening and that there will probably be some difficulties in the process, so what would have been earthshattering and unthinkable just over 18 months ago is in fact ordinary and routine. Similar phenomena can be seen in all long standing wars from Korea and Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan. We get attuned to seeing regularly scenes of combat on their television news. The names and scenery gets familiar and less exotic, and we get less interested and indeed shocked by what is happening. Britain’s involvement in Afghanistan was a major news story in 2007, but five years later unless there had been a major development, footage of the war on the television news had become predictable, ubiquitous even.
The human collective ability to become accustomed to what in the very recent past would have been bizarre is a psychological survival mechanism in parts. However we must also not get too accustomed to the ‘new normal’ as being ‘the way things are’ as although our adaption aids our mental state and become attuned to new and frightening surroundings, it blinds to that which is taken from us. There has been a destruction of democratic norms across the world in the past decade. Mostly notably in the United States, but also in Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Venezuela and The Philippines to name but five others. A reduction in democratic oversight, whether it’s an attack on the independence of the judiciary as in Poland or the Trump administrations decimation of the State department and American diplomacy must never be accepted as normal, as to do so is to accept that an end to democracy is the normal destination of ones country’s destiny.
75 Photos Launch the 2018 Leather Season In Los Angeles
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