Hard Brexiteers ‘Have Had Their Chance And Failed’, Says Nicola Sturgeon

Hard Brexiteers ‘Have Had Their Chance And Failed’, Says Nicola Sturgeon
Hardline Brexiteers “had their chance and failed”, Nicola Sturgeon has said, as the SNP’s Westminster leader pledges to push for a Commons vote on the single market.

Scotland’s First Minister said there was a “golden opportunity” for moderates to press for continued single market and customs union membership.

It came as Ian Blackford, her party’s Westminster leader, revealed he was working with the Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, and Green Party to amend the EU Withdrawal Bill at report stage.

If their bid is successful, ministers would be blocked from using so-called Henry powers to amend primary legislation and drag the UK out of the single market and customs union.

Sturgeon said: “More than 18 months on from the Brexit vote, it beggars belief that the UK Government is not only still unable to say what kind of relationship it wants with the EU, but has also failed to produce any meaningful economic assessment of the different possibilities.

“Bluntly, the hard Brexiteers have had their chance and failed.”

Theresa May has vowed that Brexit will include taking the UK out of the single market, though the Prime Minister has left herself with maximum room for manoeuvre on regulation surrounding the customs union.

Sturgeon added: “[Hard Brexiteers] have completely failed to explain how their approach could even remotely come close to replacing the enormous lost trade and investment of leaving the single market.

“That means there is now a golden opportunity for those moderate voices who are making the case for Scotland and the UK to remain in the single market.

“It will be a fundamental dereliction of duty as Prime Minister if Theresa May continues to pursue her red lines without providing information on their impact and publicly discussing the options available.”

Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer has said the party wants to remain “in a single market and a customs union” but does not support full membership beyond a transition period. Around 87% of Labour’s rank and file back single market membership, however, a recent Mile End Institute survey found.

Some pro-EU Labour MPs, such as Chuka Umunna and Chris Leslie, could choose to back the cross-party amendment. However, the Parliamentary arithmetic would require all Labour MPs and Remainer Tories to rebel against their leaders.

A Labour Party spokeswoman said: “This amendment would not keep the UK in the single market and customs union, nor does it intend to deal with the serious flaws in this Bill.

“Labour has been clear that we want a time limited transition on the same basic terms we have now. Following that, we want a final deal that retains the benefits of the Customs Union and the Single Market. Options for achieving that are subject to the negotiations.”

Blackford said: “With just ten months to go before a deal is due between the UK and EU, sensible MPs of all parties must now unite to protect our vital place in the single market. Short of remaining in the EU – as Scotland voted for – retaining our single market membership is by far the best compromise and the least damaging option.”

Lib Dem Leader, Sir Vince Cable, said: “This amendment is a significant step in the fight against Brexit, demonstrating the increased willingness of parties to work together formally rather than just behind the scenes. Through the four leaders in the House of Commons, we are presenting a united front. We urge the leadership of a fifth opposition party, Labour, join us so we can change course from the dangerous Brexit being pursued by the Conservatives.”

Plaid Cymru Westminster Leader, Liz Saville-Roberts, said: “Through this important amendment, the four opposition parties are presenting the UK Parliament with an opportunity to change course, away from this needlessly damaging Brexit. We remain hopeful that the Labour Party will work with us and take the opportunity to defeat the Tories.”

Green Party Co-Leader, Caroline Lucas, said: “It’s heartening to see parties working together to halt the calamitous Tory Brexit plans. What happens this year in Parliament will have huge and lasting repercussions for the country – which is why we’re putting party differences aside and working alongside each other. We urge the Labour leadership to join us in backing this crucial amendment – and show that they too are willing to put the national interest first.”

Sturgeon, who is due to appear on the BBC Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, was also speaking ahead of the publication of a detailed study on the implications of leaving the European Union.

Scottish Government analysis, published on Monday, sets out the impact on Scotland’s future economic growth of three options for the future UK relationship with Europe – if the country cannot remain members of the EU.

The study – Scotland’s Place in Europe: People, Jobs and Investment – looks at continued membership of the single market, a preferential trade agreement or non-preferential access on World Trade Organisation provisions.

A UK Government spokeswoman said: “We are seeking a deal that works for the whole of the UK, that delivers on the result of the EU referendum.

“Rather than trying to undermine the result of a democratic referendum, we urge the Scottish Government to work with us to ensure, as we leave the EU, we protect the UK’s vital internal market.

“Scotland trades four times as much with the rest of the UK as it does with the EU, so it is vital that we ensure that market continues unimpeded.”


Trump Attacks ‘Mentally Deranged’ Author, ‘Crazed’ Mainstream Media in Unhinged Tweet

Trump Attacks ‘Mentally Deranged’ Author, ‘Crazed’ Mainstream Media in Unhinged Tweet

Racist-in-chief Donald Trump attacked the “mentally deranged author” of a “Fake Book” (presumably Fire and Fury author Michael Wolff) in a Saturday tweet which also attacks the “crazed Mainstream Media.”

Tweeted Trump: “So much Fake News is being reported. They don’t even try to get it right, or correct it when they are wrong. They promote the Fake Book of a mentally deranged author, who knowingly writes false information. The Mainstream Media is crazed that WE won the election!”

So much Fake News is being reported. They don’t even try to get it right, or correct it when they are wrong. They promote the Fake Book of a mentally deranged author, who knowingly writes false information. The Mainstream Media is crazed that WE won the election!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 13, 2018

The post Trump Attacks ‘Mentally Deranged’ Author, ‘Crazed’ Mainstream Media in Unhinged Tweet appeared first on Towleroad.

Trump Attacks ‘Mentally Deranged’ Author, ‘Crazed’ Mainstream Media in Unhinged Tweet

Nach Rassismus-Eklat: H&M-Filialen in Südafrika werden von Vandalen verwüstet

Nach Rassismus-Eklat: H&M-Filialen in Südafrika werden von Vandalen verwüstet
Bild einer zerstörten H&M-Filiale auf Twitter

  • Das schwedische Bekleidungsunternehmen H&M hat unter der Woche mit einer rassistischen Werbung für Empörung gesorgt
  • In Südafrika hat sich diese Wut jetzt in Vandalismus entladen

Das Bild, das den ganzen Ärger auslöst, sieht zunächst harmlos aus. 

Ein Screenshot aus dem Online-Shop von H&M, der schwedischen Textilkette. Es geht um den Pullover, der darauf abgebildet ist. Und den Jungen, der ihn trägt. 

Der hat eine schwarze Hautfarbe. Und auf dem Pullover steht: “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle” – “der coolste Affe im Jungle”. Das rassistisch anmutende Bild löste in sozialen Medien Empörung aus und wurde heftig kritisiert.

. @hm, have you lost your damned minds?!?!?! pic.twitter.com/EYuCXLZtv3

— Charles M. Blow (@CharlesMBlow) January 8, 2018

In Südfarika ist diese Kritik aus dem Ruder gelaufen. Wie Aufnahmen auf Twitter und der Videoplattform Liveleak zeigen, wurden in und um Johannesburg ganze H&M-Filialen verwüstet. 

Blinde Zerstörungswut

Bilder und Videos zeigen, wie Männer Produkte von Tischen schmeißen und Regale umwerfen. Die Vandalen zerstören mutwillig das Inventar der Läden. 

► Verantwortlich für die Zerstörung ist laut eigenem Bekenntnis die radikal-sozialistische Partei Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

Floyd Shivambu, ein Mitglied des südafrikanischen Parlaments aus den Reihen der EFF, twitterte Fotos aus einem verwüsteten H&M und schrieb dazu: “Dieses unsinnig Bekleidungsgeschäft erfährt nun die Konsequenzen für seinen Rassismus. Alle rational denkenden Menschen sollten der Meinung sein, dass diese Läden nicht mehr in Südafrika operieren dürfen.” 

That @hm nonsense of a clothing store is now facing consequences for its racism. All rational people should agree that the store should not be allowed to continue operating in South Africa. Well done to Fighters who physically confronted racism. pic.twitter.com/cgdedYGoOj

— Floyd Shivambu (@FloydShivambu) January 13, 2018

Der Anführer der EFF, Julius Malema, verteidigte die Zerstörungswut seiner Anhänger laut BBC: “Wir werden uns nicht für das entschuldigen, was unsere Kämpfer heute getan haben.”

Polizei vertreibt Vandalen mit Gummigeschossen

Gegen diese musste zuvor die südafrikanische Polizisten vorgehen.Wie diese auf Twitter mitteilte, seien ihr mehrere Vorfälle in H&M-Filialen gemeldet worden. In der East Rand Mall hätten Einsatzkräfte eingegriffen und eine Gruppe Protestler mit Gummigeschossen vertrieben. 

Auch H&M hat sich mittlerweile zu den Attacken auf seine Filialen geäußert. Die Läden in den betroffenen Regionen Südafrikas sollen demnach zum Schutz des Personals zunächst geschlossen bleiben. 

► Die Kette betonte noch einmal, dass sie Rassismus in jeder Form ablehne. Schon am 9. Januar hatte sie sich für ihre empörende und rassistisch wirkende Werbung entschuldigt. 

Mehr zum Thema: Der unbequeme Zusammenhang zwischen H&M und Flüchtlingen


‘Hard Sun’ Episode 2: 8 Questions We Have Following The Latest Instalment

‘Hard Sun’ Episode 2: 8 Questions We Have Following The Latest Instalment
First things first: We know that the whole of ‘Hard Sun’ series one is currently on iPlayer.

It’s just that, sometimes, watching television the traditional way can be pretty fun, so we’re taking it slow and rationing the episodes to one a week.

And quite frankly, there’s so much going on that need a lay down as the ‘Hard Sun’ credits roll.

Episode two was no different to the series opener, with murders, reveals and secrets aplenty. And with four episodes of ‘Hard Sun’ still to watch, there’s no telling how things will end.

Here are eight questions we have after the second instalment…

1. How did Hicks and Renko decide to bury the hatchet?

Episode one ended with Agyness Deyn’s character beating up her boss and the opening scenes of episode two then saw her leak the Hard Sun documents to a news organisation, while Hicks and his wife were captured.

When the action then fast-forwarded four weeks, it was revealed the pair had patched up their differences and started working together again. How did the conversation about it all go down?

2. How many more Hard Sun “truther” murders will there be?

Hicks is certain that there will be more criminals like the one who dominated episode two, but just how many will take place? Surely they can’t continue at this rate?

3. When is Hicks’ baby due?

We know this might seem slightly besides the point, but it’s easy to forget that the DCI and his wife, Simone, have a new son or daughter coming, what with all the “Oh-my-God-the-end-of-the-world-is-coming!” drama.

A new baby will be a very big deal – especially as the world is going to end in five years – and becoming a dad again could change Hicks’ outlook on the world.

4. When will his wife find out about the affair?

Mari Butler’s young son has now seen Hicks emerging from his mum’s bedroom and at this point, we’re pretty sure MI5 know about Hicks’ extramarital activities too. All of this – plus the fact secrets never stay secret in TV Land – suggest Simone will find out the truth at some point soon.

5. When will Renko hear Daniel’s message?

She clearly has other things on her mind at the moment, but Renko’s son is spot on with his guess that officials are lying about Hard Sun. His mental health is clearly suffering and the mystery visit from MI5 probably won’t do much to quell his fears. Which brings us to…

We all saw what nearly happened to Hicks’ pregnant wife, so it’s unlikely Daniel would be shown any mercy. The episode closed with the mystery woman from MI5 arriving at the facility he lives in. Will she simply have questions to ask, or could her arrival signal that something far worse is set to take place?

7. What evidence did Renko receive?

Her deal with the police – agreeing to get Hicks for Alex Butler’s murder in order to keep her son out of prison – was revealed, but she made little ground in her secret investigation. That is until the last few minutes, when evidence was sent through to her phone. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long to find out what it is.

8. How is Renko always wearing a hoodie for work when everyone else looks so smart?

No judgement here, Those hoodies look seriously cosy. But with Hicks always sporting a suit and their colleagues looking similarly smart, how does Renko get away with her stylish, sport-luxe look? No, it’s not exactly a pressing issue, but a question we’re asking all the same.
