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Fox News Anchor Shepard Smith Calls Trump Out on Russia Lies
The out anchor continues to challenge Trump and the Republicans’ unending lies, even as his Fox colleagues promote them.
Trump wütet in Meeting: “Warum kommen Leute aus Scheißloch-Ländern hierher?”
Donald Trump macht Ernst.
Der US-Präsident will in diesem Jahr die von ihm versprochenen Verschärfungen in der Migrationspolitik durchbringen.
Nicht nur hat er deshalb den US-Kongress um 18 Milliarden Dollar für seine Mauer an der mexikanischen Grenze gebeten – er verhandelt dieser Tage auch gemeinsam mit Republikanern und Demokraten über eine mögliche Reform der Einwanderungsgesetze.
Eine Aufgabe, die Trump scheinbar so frustrierte, dass er ausfällig wurde.
Der Präsident sei am Donnerstag an die Decke gegangen, als ihm während eines Meetings der Vorschlag unterbreitet wurde, Migranten aus Haiti, El Salvador und mehreren afrikanischen Ländern besonders zu schützen, berichtet die “Washington Post”.
Sie zitiert zwei über das Meeting informierte Mitarbeiter der Regierung, laut denen Trump gepoltert habe: “Warum kommen all diese Leute aus Scheißloch-Ländern hierher?”
Stattdessen sollten die USA doch mehr Leute aus Norwegen ins Land bringen, habe Trump anschließend hinzugefügt. Erst am Mittwoch hatte Norwegens Premierministerin den US-Präsidenten in Washington getroffen.
➨ Mehr zum Thema: Norwegische Premierministerin ringt Trump Klima-Versprechen ab
Laut der “Washington Post” seien die an dem Meeting mit Trump teilnehmenden Politiker von dessen Aussagen bestürzt gewesen.
► Dabei sind diese nicht überraschend.
Erst vor wenigen Tagen sagte Trump, alle Flüchtlinge aus afrikanischen Ländern hätten Aids und würden niemals wieder “in ihre Hütten zurückkehren”, wenn sie erst einmal die USA gesehen hätten.
Einwanderern aus muslimischen Ländern unterstellte Trump im vergangenen Jahr, sie seien Terroristen. Und Mexikaner denunzierte er verallgemeinernd als Vergewaltiger.
Trotz all dieser Äußerungen berichten die US-Medien, dass sich Demokraten und Republikaner mit Trump bald auf einen Kompromiss beim Thema Migration einigen könnten.
Tatsächlich hatte Trump am Mittwoch schon aus Versehen einem Vorschlag der demokratischen Senatorin Dianne Feinstein zugestimmt. Erst ein beherztes Eingreifen eines Parteikollegen des US-Präsidenten erinnerte ihn daran, dass er sich nicht auf die Seite einer Demokratin schlagen sollte.
Vielleicht war es dieser peinliche von TV-Kameras aufgezeichnete Fauxpas, der Trump am Donnerstag dann so zur Weißglut kommen ließ.
➨ Mehr zum Thema: Mitarbeiter von Trump sollen an dessen Verstand zweifeln, behauptet “Fire and Fury”-Autor
BBC Bosses Furious As John Humphrys And Jon Sopel Mock BBC’s Gender Pay Gap After Carrie Gracie Quits
BBC presenters John Humphrys and Jon Sopel are facing a backlash after mocking the gender pay gap that has divided the broadcaster.
In unguarded comments while not on air, the Radio 4 Today show presenters are reportedly heard discussing the salary of Carrie Gracie, the BBC’s China Editor who quit the post after revealing she was being paid less than male colleagues doing the same job.
The conversation is said to have been recorded before Monday’s programme went to air, and Humphrys reportedly asks Sopel how much of his salary he would “hand over” to Gracie to keep her at the corporation.
The 74-year-old host then jokes that he’s “handed over more than you fucking earn”.
Humphrys told The Sun, who broke the story along with The Times, that it was “silly banter between old mates”. But BBC management have taken a tougher line, with a source at the corporation telling HuffPost UK bosses were “deeply unimpressed”.
According to The Sun, the conversation went:
HUMPHRYS: “The first question will be how much of your salary you are prepared to hand over to Carrie Gracie to keep her and then a few comments about your other colleagues, like our Middle East Editor and the other men who are earning too much…” SOPEL: “If we are talking about the scope for the greatest redistribution I’ll have to come back and say well, yes, Mr Humphrys, but… HUMPHRYS: “And I could save you the trouble as I could volunteer I’ve handed over already more than you fucking earn but I’m still left with more than anybody else and that seems to me to be entirely just – something like that would do it?” SOPEL “Don’t…” HUMPHRYS: “Oh dear God. She’s actually suggested that you should lose money; you know that don’t you? You’ve read the thing properly have you?”
The exchange was reportedly leaked by former Countryfile presenter Miriam O’Reilly, who was sidelined by the corporation over accusations of ageism. But she later denied she was the source of the leak.
To make clear, I did not give The Sun or Times the John Humphrys Jon Sopel exchange, but I am glad it’s being brought to public attention. #BBCwomen
I have heard the recording and it is base – and beneath what the public would expect to hear from John Humphrys. Winifred Robinson was stood down for tweeting support for @BBCCarrie I expect the same will now happen with Mr Humphrys.
January 11, 2018
A BBC spokesperson said: “This was an ill-advised off air conversation which the presenter regrets.
“The BBC is committed to getting its pay structures right and, as we have said, we are conducting a comprehensive analysis of presenter pay.
“PwC are working with us on this to ensure an objective external assessment of how we have set pay in the past, what we need to do differently going forward, and what further action we need to take immediately.
“We will publish that in the coming weeks.”
Missouri GOP Governor Admits Affair, Denies Blackmail Allegations
Conservative Republican Eric Greitens is accused of threatening to circulate a seminude photo of the woman he was involved with.
Listen to this radio host completely destroy an antigay caller with one simple question
The host repeated the question 27 times without an answer – and that’s when he dropped the bomb on the caller.
Trump Refers to African Nations and Haiti as ‘Sh-thole Countries’ in Meeting with Lawmakers
Donald Trump shocked lawmakers in an Oval Office meeting today when he referred to Haiti and African nations as “sh-thole countries,” the Washington Post reports:
“Why are we having all these people from sh-thole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to African countries and Haiti. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met Wednesday.
The comments left lawmakers taken aback, according to people familiar with their reactions. Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) proposed cutting the visa lottery program by 50 percent and prioritizing countries already in the system, a White House official said.
There was no immediate comment from the White House on the report.
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Trump Refers to African Nations and Haiti as ‘Sh-thole Countries’ in Meeting with Lawmakers
Britain Would Vote 55% To REMAIN If 2nd EU Referendum Was Held, Says New Poll
Britons have changed their mind on Brexit and now back Remain, a fresh poll on EU membership suggests.
A flash ComRes/Daily Mirror poll of more than 1,000 people found 55% back staying in Europe and just 45% would vote Leave.
More than half (51%), however, said they do not back a re-run of the divisive 2016 referendum which saw the country narrowly back breaking away from the bloc.
The poll comes after former UKIP leader Nigel Farage’s shock admission that he is close to backing a second referendum, saying it would “kill off” the Remain campaign for a generation.
Speaking on the Channel 5 talk show The Wright Stuff, Farage said: “What is for certain is that the Cleggs, the Blairs, the Adonises will never ever, ever, give up.
“They will go on whinging and whining and moaning all the way through this process.
“So maybe, just maybe, I’m reaching the point of thinking that we should have a second referendum on EU membership… and we may just finish the whole thing off.
“And Blair can disappear off into total obscurity.”
He even claimed “the percentage that would vote to leave next time would be very much bigger than it was last time round”.
Pro-EU campaigners have said support is growing for a second referendum, while others, including Tory MP Heidi Allen and Labour MP Ali McGovern, have said Farage wants a second Leave to torpedo any notion of a soft Brexit.
Leave.EU founder, Arron Banks, supports a re-run. He said that to avoid sleepwalking “into a faux Brexit” people should “go back the polls and let the people shout from the rooftops their support of a true Brexit”.
But Farage’s UKIP colleagues do not all agree with the Farage floating the idea. Former deputy chairwoman Suzanne Evans described his comments as “epically stupid”.
Labour MP Chuka Umunna, of the pro-single market Open Britain campaign, however, said: “For perhaps the first time in his life, Nigel Farage is making a valid point.
“In a democracy like ours, the British people have every right to keep an open mind about Brexit.”
Downing Street said: “We will not be having a second referendum.”
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