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Daily Archives: January 10, 2018
Saudi Arabia Police Arrest Men Involved In Gay Wedding Video That Went Viral
Saudi Arabia Police Arrest Men Involved In Gay Wedding Video That Went Viral
Police in Saudi Arabia have arrested several men who last week appeared in a video described as a “gay wedding scene.”
Gay sex between both men and women is outlawed in Saudi Arabia. Punishments range from lashings to the death penalty.
The video footage of two men walking down an aisle at the alleged wedding ceremony went viral.
RELATED: WikiLeaks Outed Gay Men in Saudi Arabia, Where Homosexuality is Punishable by Death
The Mecca Police said the “gay wedding scene” took place in the holy city last Friday and had “surprised” people there.
هذا #زواج_مثليين فى العارضيات التابعه لمنطقه مكه وهذا يؤكد لاننا جعلنا بلدنا لكل أجنبي إلى أن أستوطن وظن أن هذه بلده وسمى نفسه #مواليد !
— alhothly (@MARAMSAAD3322) January 3, 2018
In the video, the men are sprayed with confetti as they walk side by side on a carpet at an outdoor venue. One of them seems to be wearing a long bridal veil.
On Monday night, Mecca Police said they had identified “the cross-dresser and other people involved in the incident”.
They had been arrested and their case referred to prosecutors, it added.
The force did not name the men or say what charges they faced.
Saudi Arabia has no written laws concerning sexual orientation or gender identity, but judges use principles of Islamic law to sanction people suspected of extra-marital sexual relations, homosexual sex or other “immoral” acts, according to US-based Human Rights Watch.
The country’s anti-cybercrime law also criminalises online activity impinging on “public order, religious values, public morals and privacy”.
In 2016, it was reported that government prosecutors were pushing for adherence to the death penalty for gay people, particularly as it relates to online activity.
However, breaking with ultra-conservative clerics, last October Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman pledged a “moderate, open” Saudi Arabia catering to foreign investors and Saudi youth.
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Saudi Arabia Police Arrest Men Involved In Gay Wedding Video That Went Viral
Brexiteers Bungle Attempt To Impress EU With A Hamper Of ‘British’ Goodies
Brexiteers Bungle Attempt To Impress EU With A Hamper Of ‘British’ Goodies
Brexit campaigners have been mocked for an attempt to show Britain can thrive outside the European Union after they presented the bloc’s top negotiator with a hamper of ‘British’ goods that have a distinctly European flavour.
A delegation led by independent MEP and ex-Ukiper Steven Woolfe today met Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, and gave him the special gift so the EU could “fully grasp the powerful commercial position Britain occupies globally”.
The hamper included Cheddar cheese, English sparkling wine and Shakespeare plays in a show of British strength designed to demonstrate the UK should not be underestimated.
The group, which also included former CBI boss Lord Digby Jones, Labour Leave chairman John Mills and former British Chamber of Commerce chief John Longworth, also contained a jar of Marmite, a biography of Winston Churchill and Hendrick’s gin.
Woolfe showcased the straw-lined offering on social media.
Looking forward to giving Mr Barnier some fantastic products from Britain including some British wine and gin
— Steven Woolfe MEP (@Steven_Woolfe) January 10, 2018
And the Brexit Four posed for pictures in Brussels with their wares on display.
“The gifts will help Mr Barnier to fully grasp the powerful commercial position Britain occupies globally”
— Alex Wickham (@WikiGuido) January 10, 2018
But, as the pro-EU Open Britain group among many others pointed out, its contents were perhaps not the best choices.
Pro-Brexit campaigners present a basket of British goods to Michel Barnier. PG Tips and Marmite are made by anti-Brexit Anglo-Dutch company Unilever, Hendrick’s is produced by a business that’s concerned about Brexit hitting sales… it’s not hard to check is it.
— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) January 10, 2018
Marmite and PG Tips are brands owned by the Anglo-Dutch company Unilever, which has expressed misgivings about Brexit and expressed concern about the impact on its business.
The firm warned recently it was delaying whether to keep its headquarters in the UK – rather than the Netherlands – because of the “political turbulence” caused by Brexit.
Hendrick’s gin is made by William Grant & Sons, which warned that sales had slumped in some markets because of “exchange rate changes since the referendum”.
Some also pointed out there were few products from Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland …
… and that the products were made with Spanish oranges, had been invented abroad or inspired by Europe and beyond.
Marmite invented by German
Tea – grown in India
Winston Churchill – half American – believer in a federal Europe
Shakespeare – sourced plays from European texts
Piccalili – English interpretation of Indian chutney
Steve Woolfe – grandson of immigrants
Enjoy— Otto English (@Otto_English) January 10, 2018
Barnier’s advisor Stefaan De Rynck suggested the basket was welcomed, but pointed out some other European connections.
.@MichelBarnier liked a lot: Pinot Noir, Dorset cheese w/ #EU protected origin, marmelade w/ EU organic logo; + he just saw Darkest Hour
— Stefaan De Rynck (@StefaanDeRynck) January 10, 2018
Twitter lapped it up.
I see your dad, your dad, your dad and your dad have come in thinking they’re helping
— Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian) January 10, 2018
that’s not a hamper, that’s a trip to a petrol station when you forgot to buy a gift
— David Wyllie (@journodave) January 10, 2018
Brexit as fuck
— Mister Roger Quimbly (@RogerQuimbly) January 10, 2018
This is a joke, right? If not, it possibly the lamest gesture in modern European politics.
— Captain Haddock (@JXB101) January 10, 2018
There were suggestions of other products more British products that should have made the cut.
PICTURED: Proud patriots deliver Brexit hamper to @MichelBarnier to illustrate the power of British brands and our strong negotiating hand in trade deals.
— The DM Reporter (@DMReporter) January 10, 2018
And, as is increasingly common, there was a pararrel between a farcical political episode and a scene from The Office (US or otherwise).
Incredibly, it’s even worse than I imagined.
— hrtbps (@hrtbps) January 10, 2018
Francis Grove-White, Deputy Director of Open Britain, said: “We have reached peak Brexit.
“Self-important charlatans marching around Brussels with hampers of quintessentially British products, many of which are owned by companies that have said they are deeply worried about the impact of Brexit, does nothing to further the national interest.
“Rather than wasting everyone’s time and making themselves look ridiculous, these hard-Brexit supporting extremists should have found themselves a local park, sat down with their hamper and had a picnic.
“This is no time for ridiculous stunts: the prosperity of our country is at stake. We must protect jobs and our economy, and that means staying in the Single Market and the Customs Union on a permanent basis.”
HRC Celebrates Historic Swearing-In of Danica Roem to the VA House of Delegates
HRC Celebrates Historic Swearing-In of Danica Roem to the VA House of Delegates
HRC celebrated Danica Roem’s swearing-in to the Virginia House of Delegates as the next representative of District 13. Roem is now Virginia’s first out transgender public official and the nation’s only out transgender state representative.
“Delegate Danica Roem’s victory was a game changer, sending a clear warning to anti-equality lawmakers across the country that the days of attacking LGBTQ people to scare up votes are over,” said HRC Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs JoDee Winterhof. “HRC was proud to endorse her candidacy and to mobilize around her campaign. Today, as she is sworn in to the Virginia House of Delegates, Danica Roem is giving hope to LGBTQ people — especially transgender young people– all across this country. We congratulate Delegate Roem on this historic achievement and look forward to working with her to advance equality for all Virginians.”
En route to her historic victory, Roem unseated former Delegate Bob Marshall, who had a vicious, anti-LGBTQ record. In addition to working to make Virginia a more inclusive commonwealth for all, Delegate Roem is committed to moving Virginia forward by passing non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people, improving affordable access to health care, updating the Virginia Human Rights Act to include gender identity and sexual orientation, and removing outdated, unconstitutional language on marriage equality that still exists in the Virginia code.
Working hand-in-hand with Equality Virginia, HRC worked aggressively in the commonwealth to get out the vote for Roem. HRC also worked to turn out the vote for Ralph Northam for governor, Justin Fairfax for lieutenant governor, and Mark Herring for attorney general — all of whom claimed victory in their respective races. HRC’s efforts were strategically targeted and included voters in all of the 15 legislative districts that elected new pro-equality candidates. HRC’s efforts more broadly targeted an estimated 185,366 LGBTQ voters and hundreds of thousands more allied voters in the commonwealth. The organization engaged fair-minded Virginia voters through targeted social media, emails, text alerts, direct mail, phone calls, door-to-door canvassing, and other crucial efforts.
HRC’s work in Virginia is part of a bold, proactive grassroots expansion called HRC Rising — the largest grassroots expansion and earliest deployment of resources in its 37-year history. The campaign has already hired a dozen new staff to lead the effort, aimed at expanding and mobilizing its grassroots army of 3 million members to bolster pro-equality candidates and initiatives in key states across 2018. To get involved or learn more about HRC Rising, visit
Benham Brothers insist they aren’t “weak men” because they don’t have “limp wrists”
Benham Brothers insist they aren’t “weak men” because they don’t have “limp wrists”
What do you get when you mix toxic masculinity with heteronormativity then add a dash of Christian extremism?
Giant Whale Protects Diver From Deadly Shark: WATCH
Giant Whale Protects Diver From Deadly Shark: WATCH
We may need to rethink what animal carries the title of “man’s best friend.” A humpback whale pushed a diver away from an oncoming tiger shark in an apparent attempt to protect her from a potential threat. The diver, a marine biologist, has never seen this whale species exhibit such behavior before. Lucky for us, it…
The post Giant Whale Protects Diver From Deadly Shark: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.
“Playboy” zeigt Transgender-Model – Playmate Ramona Bernhard findet das “eklig”
“Playboy” zeigt Transgender-Model – Playmate Ramona Bernhard findet das “eklig”
- Der deutsche “Playboy” veröffentlicht zum ersten Mal ein Cover mit einem transsexuellen Model
- Dem Playmate Ramona Bernhard gefällt das gar nicht und ruft zum indirekten Boykott der Zeitschrift auf
Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte des deutschen “Playboy” ziert eine Transsexuelle das Cover. In der Februar-Ausgabe wird die ehemalige “Germany’s Next Topmodel“-Kandidatin Giuliana Farfalla auf dem Titel zu sehen sein. Farfalla wurde zwar als Mann geboren, hat sich jedoch immer als Frau gefühlt. Sie hat sich schließlich einer Geschlechtsanpassung unterzogen.
Für das neue Cover erhielten das Model und das Magazin viel Zuspruch.
➨ Mehr zum Thema: “Playboy”-Cover zeigt mit Giuliana Farfalla erstmals Transsexuelle
Unser Titelstar der Februar-Ausgabe: Giuliana Farfalla – @giuliana_farfalla Photo: @christophervonsteinbach Einen Dschungelstar wie sie gab es noch nie Playboy-Chefredakteur Florian Boitin: „Giuliana Farfalla mag die erste Transsexuelle überhaupt auf dem Titel des deutschen Playboy sein. In erster Linie ist sie aber eine ganz besondere Frau. Und zugleich ein wunderschöner Beleg dafür, wie wichtig der Kampf für das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung ist. Der deutsche Playboy sieht sich da übrigens ganz in der Tradition von Gründer Hugh Hefner, der sich zeitlebens für die Freiheit des einzelnen stark gemacht hat und entschlossen gegen jegliche Form von Ausgrenzung und Intoleranz eingetreten ist. Und wenn im Jahre 2018 eine nackte Giuliana im Playboy noch ein Tabu berührt, dann spricht das wohl mehr für die Aufgeschlossenheit des Playboy als für die Aufgeklärtheit unserer Gesellschaft.“ @fboitin #playboy #playboygermany #ibes #dschungel #dschungelcamp #ichbineinstarholtmichhierraus
Ein Beitrag geteilt von Playboy Deutschland (@playboygermany) am
Ein anderes Playmate ist nicht begeistert
Doch Playmate-Kollegin Ramona Bernhard ist nicht begeistert davon. Sie kritisierte den “Playboy” öffentlich auf Facebook: “Wahnsinn! Ich bin schockiert! Jetzt ist ‘Playboy’ echt langsam eklig. Ich dachte, es ist ein Magazin für Männer mit ästhetischen Frauen.”
Dass der “Playboy” in der heutigen Zeit angekommen ist, scheint der ehemaligen “Miss Mai” nicht zu passen: “Jetzt ist es eine Plattform für Transgender. Welche Zielgruppe wird als nächstes angesprochen? Ladyboy-Fans?“
Bernhard selbst war schon über 20 Mal in verschiedenen “Playboy”-Ausgaben zu sehen. Nun ruft sie mit ihren homophoben Aussagen indirekt zum Boykott der Zeitschrift auf: “Wäre ich ein Mann, hätte ich jetzt Angst vor dem Magazin und würde es mir nicht kaufen. Am Ende wird einem ja unterstellt, man steht auf Transgender. Wieso kein kein neuer Name für das Magazin? Zum Beispiel Transiboy?“
Bernhard veröffentlichte ein unangemessenes Cover
Auf Instagram postete sie ein umgeändertes “Playboy”-Cover – für das sie erschreckend viel Zuspruch von ihren Fans bekommen hat. Inzwischen ist das Foto allerdings gelöscht.
Am Ende ihrer Tirade auf Facebook wünschte Bernhard allen Lesern “viel Spaß mit nackten Männern mit gemachten Mumus“. Mittlerweile wurde auch dieser Post wieder gelöscht.
➨ Mehr zum Thema: Es ist eine Sensation, dass der “Playboy” diese Nacktfotos abdruckt
“Playboy”-Chef zeigt sich entspannt
Chefredakteur Florian Boitin steht der Intoleranz entspannt gegenüber. Es wäre damit zu rechnen gewesen, dass das Thema kontrovers diskutiert werden würde – schließlich wären die Grenzen von Mann und Frau “vermeintlich verwischt”.
″Überwiegend ist die Resonanz aber sehr positiv, viele erklären sich gerade in den sozialen Medien solidarisch mit unserer Entscheidung”, sagt Boitin gegenüber der HuffPost. “Aber auch persönlich betroffene, etwa andere Transsexuelle, schreiben mir persönlich, wie dankbar sie sind, dass ‘Playboy’ sich klar für das individuelle Recht auf Selbstbestimmtheit stark macht.”
Wenn man die aktuelle “Playboy”-Ausgabe aber nicht lesen wolle, wäre das für den Chef auch in Ordnung: “Jeder hat das Recht, einen Bogen um die aktuelle ‘Playboy’-Ausgabe zu machen, ob nun männlicher Zeitschriftenleser oder ehemalige Miss Mai.“
Bafta Responds To Critics After Revealing All-Male Best Director Nominee List
Bafta Responds To Critics After Revealing All-Male Best Director Nominee List
Bafta chairperson Jane Lush has answered criticism over the fact the organisation’s 2018 film awards shortlist include an all-male set of Best Director nominees.
Film fans and critics raised eyebrows when the nominees were revealed earlier this week, especially as they came just 48 hours after Natalie Portman’s on-stage comment about the Golden Globes shortlist also being made up entirely of men.
“Of course we want to see women in the best director category. It is a reflection of the industry to a certain extent and we should be doing something about it, and that’s why we have Bafta Elevate.
“It’s not about blaming people. It’s about what can we do to make it different.”
Bafta Elevate is a scheme “designed to elevate individuals from under-represented groups to the next stage of their career”.
Variety also reported just 16% of the entrants in the director category were women.
Guardian critic Peter Bradshaw was one of many left dissapointed by Bafta, writing: “It is fantastically depressing that Gerwig did not get a director nomination for her tremendous coming-of-age comedy.”
asked the question of why there are “so few women calling the shots behind the camera”.
“In truth, it’s difficult to blame the Awards juries [or] voters,” she wrote. “There aren’t a whole ton of women to choose from.”
‘Lady Bird’ could still triumph on the night though, as Saoirse Ronan and Laurie Metcalfe are nominated for Leading Actress and Supporting Actress, respectively.
The script has also earned Greta a nod in the Best Screenplay category.
You can see the full list of Bafta 2018 nominees here.
#AM_Equality Tipsheet: January 10, 2018
#AM_Equality Tipsheet: January 10, 2018
BREAKING — HRC & EQUALITY FEDERATION INSTITUTE RELEASE ANNUAL STATE EQUALITY INDEX RATINGS: The comprehensive state-by-state report details statewide laws and policies that affect LGBTQ people and their families. It also highlights the onslaught of more than 125 anti-LGBTQ laws introduced across 30 states during the 2017 state legislative season, including proposals to grant sweeping licenses to discriminate; undercut marriage equality; and target the transgender community — including transgender children. The SEI comes as more than 40 state legislatures will reconvene by the end of January, and, according to a 2018 legislative preview report from HRC, state legislators, under relentless pressure from opponents of equality, are expected to wage attacks on transgender people — particularly in the critical areas of health care and access to appropriate restrooms. “If an LGBTQ couple drove from Maine to California today, their legal rights and civil rights protections could change more than 20 times at state borders and city lines. The vast majority of Americans today understand that this crazy quilt of protections — and lack thereof — is wrong, impractical, and unacceptable,” said HRC President Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin). “The time has come for us to do away with this ragged patchwork of state laws that fail to protect LGBTQ people equally by passing the Equality Act once and for all.” Read the full report here. More from HRC.
.@HRC Foundation and @EqualityFed released our 2017 State Equality Index assessing #LGBTQ-related legislation and policies in all 50 states & DC. See how your state rates → #StateOfEquality
— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) January 10, 2018
HRC CALLS ON SENATE TO REJECT TRUMP-PENCE ANTI-LGBTQ NOM HOWARD C. NIELSON: In advance of Nielson’s Senate nomination hearing today for U.S. District Court for the District of Utah, HRC Legal Director Sarah Warbelow said: “The nomination of Howard Nielson to the federal bench is the latest attack on LGBTQ people by the Trump-Pence Administration. Nielson has a long track record of hostility and discrimination towards the LGBTQ community. He has stated that being gay is a choice, argued in favor of Prop 8 and abusive conversion therapy techniques, and had the audacity to claim a gay judge could not be impartial in a ruling involving LGBTQ rights. Nielson is unfit to serve on the federal bench, and the Senate Judiciary Committee should reject his nomination.” More from HRC.
TODAY — HRC CELEBRATES DANICA ROEM AS SHE IS SWORN IN TO VA’S HOUSE OF DELEGATES: Roem is now Virginia’s first out transgender public official and the nation’s only out transgender state representative. She unseated Bob Marshall, who had a vicious, anti-LGBTQ record. Roem plans to fight to pass non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people, improve affordable access to health care, update the Virginia Human Rights Act to include gender identity and sexual orientation, and remove outdated, unconstitutional language on marriage equality in the Virginia code.
- HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride sat down with Roem recently for an extended interview on running for office and fighting for LGBTQ equality. Watch here.
WHAT WE’RE READING WEDNESDAY — MEET THE FIRST SAME-SEX COUPLES MARRIED IN AUSTRALIA: This week marked the first time LGBTQ couples could marry following the passage of marriage equality in December. In Australia, couples must give 30 days notice prior to marrying; many held midnight weddings as the waiting period finally ticked down. Australia is the 25th country with marriage equality. More from BuzzFeed.
Same-Sex Weddings Are Finally Being Held In
— BuzzFeed LGBT (@BuzzFeedLGBT) January 9, 2018
300 DAYS UNTIL ELECTION DAY 2018 AND, YES … IT’S CRIMINAL — JOE ARPAIO IS RUNNING FOR THE U.S. SENATE: The former Maricopa County sheriff, pardoned for racist crimes last year by Trump, has attacked nearly every marginalized community, including using anti-LGBTQ schemes to humiliate inmates at his ‘Tent City’ prison. Arpaio also campaigned against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which provides much needed relief for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children — including 75,000 LGBTQ Dreamers. More from Washington Examiner.
Joe Arpaio is a racist and a criminal who should be behind bars. There is only one candidate qualified to represent all of Arizona, and that’s @kyrstensinema.
— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) January 9, 2018
- Meanwhile, a federal judge has blocked the Trump-Pence administration’s effort to shut-down the DACA program. Politico’s Josh Gerstein (@joshgerstein) reports that the ruling will allow former DACA recipients who failed to renew by an October 5 deadline “a chance to submit renewal applications and will also require the administration to allow renewal of applications expiring in the future.” More at Politico.
TRUMP RISKS LGBTQ LIVES BY REFUSING TO GRANT PROTECTED STATUS TO SALVADORAN IMMIGRANTS: In El Salvador, many LGBTQ people face violence and harassment because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Without protected status, many will be forced to return to a country that is not safe for them. More from The Washington Blade.
- Heartbreaking: Jose Guevara, a Salvadoran gay man who came to the U.S. and is covered by DACA, is fighting leukemia. More from CNN.
BROWARD (FLA.) COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROTECT YOUTH FROM SO-CALLED “CONVERSION THERAPY”: The commission voted unanimously yesterday, and now joins municipalities across the state that have already protected residents from the dangerous and debunked practice. More from Sun-Sentinel.
MORNING MUST WATCH — LGBTQ NATIVE AMERICANS FIND LOVE AT TRADITIONAL DANCE: Adrian Stevens and Sean Snyder met and fell in love at a pow wow, the traditional Native American celebration. After their rare same-sex dance went viral, they’ve performed all over the world, bringing visibility to LGBTQ Native Americans. More from People.
THERE ARE ONLY 145,000 ACTIVE TRUVADA PRESCRIPTIONS IN THE U.S.: Researchers cite Truvada’s cost, skepticism among some doctors and stigma around HIV and AIDS as causes for the low usage. Truvada is a form of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) – an HIV prevention strategy that includes taking anti-HIV medication to significantly reduce the risk of contracting HIV. More from The Associated Press.
FILM STARRING TRANS ACTRESS TAKING AWARDS SEASON BY STORM: The Chilean film A Fantastic Woman shines a light on the story of the courage of a young transgender woman, who struggles in the wake of her partner’s untimely death. Daniela Vega (@DaniVega), a transgender actress and lyrical singer, is creating buzz this awards season. More from W Magazine.
BAFTA HONORS LGBTQ, ALLIED STORIES AND ACTORS: Call Me by Your Name is nominated for Best Film and Best Adapted Screenplay; Coco, co-directed by openly gay Adrian Molina, is nominated for Best Animated Film; and I Am Not Your Negro is nominated for Best Documentary. HRC supporter and LGBTQ ally Allison Janney is nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her role in I, Tonya. More from The Guardian.
MEET THE LGBTQ GOLDEN GLOBE WINNERS: Openly gay songwriter Benj Pasek, with professional partner Justin Paul, won Best Original Song for “This Is Me” from The Greatest Showman. Additionally, Coco, which won Best Animated Film, was co-directed by openly gay Adrian Molina. More from Advocate.
HATEFUL — CATHOLIC PRIEST KICKS OUT THREE LGBTQ CHURCH MUSICIANS: The Reverend John Drees removed the men from the Minneapolis-Saint Paul-area church because they are all in same-sex marriages. More from The Christian Post.
CONGRATULATIONS TO ERIN URITUS, NEW CEO AT OUT & EQUAL: The organization is the world’s largest LGBTQ professional organization. Uritus was a senior leader at Booz Allen and International School Services. More from San Diego LGBT Weekly.
BuzzFeed interviews transgender teenagers who will have a float in the Mardi Gras parade; The Lantern reviews a new children’s book with LGBTQ themes, You Be You!; Michigan Radio follows a trans opera singer following his dreams
Tsao Chia Hsin
Tsao Chia Hsin
kowei posted a photo:
(model: Tsao Chia Hsin)