Ist Schwarzfahren bald nicht mehr strafbar? Richterbund wagt Vorstoß

Ist Schwarzfahren bald nicht mehr strafbar? Richterbund wagt Vorstoß

  • Der Richterbund plädiert dafür, Fahren ohne Fahrschein zu entkrominalisieren
  • Die Justiz sei aufgrund der vielen Delikte völlig überfordert

Der Deutsche Richterbund hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, das Schwarzfahren als Tatbestand aus dem Strafgesetzbuch zu streichen.

Dadurch könnten die Gerichte entlastet werden, sagte der Vorsitzende des Richterbundes, Jens Gnisa, am Donnerstag im Inforadio des rbb.

“Natürlich können sich die Verkehrsbetriebe besser gegen Schwarzfahren schützen. Sie tun es nicht, sparen Geld; dann soll es letztendlich der Staat mit seiner Strafjustiz richten”, erklärte Gnisa.

Mehr zum Thema: Absurde “Zwei-Minuten-Regel”: So werdet ihr zum Schwarzfahrer, obwohl ihr ein Ticket habt

Er halte diese Praxis nicht für richtig, “Die Berliner Justiz wird jährlich mit 40.000 Schwarzfahrten befasst, und gleichzeitig gibt es Personalknappheit. Die Dinge passen da nicht zusammen.”

Schwarzfahrer überfordern das System

Eine alternative Lösung, um das Problem nicht länger auf die Gerichte abzuwälzen, hat der Richterbund auch parat: Zugangskontrollen zu Haltestellen des Nahverkehrs.

Also: Einlasschleusen, wie sie etwa in Paris, London oder New York Gang und Gäbe sind. Bislang weigern sich die meisten Verkehrsbetriebe solche Sperren zu errichten.

Auch etwa in Niedersachsen zeigt sich, wie das das Problem verschärft. 19.200 Ermittlungsverfahren habe es hier allein im Jahr 2016 gegen “renitente Schwarzfahrer” gegeben, berichtet der NDR.

Dabei gehe es nur um Mehrfachtäter, die wiederholt einer Zahlungsaufforderung nicht nachgekommen seien. Ein Mehraufwand, der für die Justiz kaum mehr tragbar ist.

‘Celebrity Big Brother’: Drag Queen Star Courtney Act Reveals She’s Been Allowed Twice As Many Bags As Her Housemates (EXCLUSIVE)

‘Celebrity Big Brother’: Drag Queen Star Courtney Act Reveals She’s Been Allowed Twice As Many Bags As Her Housemates (EXCLUSIVE)
‘Celebrity Big Brother’ bosses waived one of their rules for new arrival Courtney Act, she has revealed.

Usually, ‘CBB’ contestants are only allowed two suitcases’ worth of luggage for their stay in the house, but prior to her arrival, she was told that she’d be given twice as much allowance as her fellow housemates, to accommodate all the drag she intends to bring into the house.

However, speaking to HuffPost UK before entering the house, Courtney said: “I’ve got so many great outfits, I’ve been allowed four bags, whereas everybody else gets two, because I’m dressing for two genders… I’ve got so many great costumes and I wanna wear them all.”

She also joked, referencing this series’ ‘Year Of The Woman’ twist: “Male privilege is alive and well.”

When we asked how some of her more conservative housemates, namely Ann Widdecombe, might react to her emerging from the ‘CBB’ bedroom in full drag, Courtney said: “How could you not love it? It looks so pretty and so fun and there are so many sparkles! If you don’t have an appreciation for things that sparkle – then we’re going to have a problem.”

The drag performer, real name Shane Jenek, is one of eight male stars who arrived in the ‘CBB’ house on Friday (5 January).

Eight women entered earlier in the week, as part of the ‘Year Of The Woman’ twist.

Courtney is best known for being a finalist on the sixth series of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’, having previously starred in ‘Australian Idol’.

Read our full interview with Courtney, in which she discusses how she plans to deal with living with Ann Widdecombe and throws some serious shade at former contestant (and ‘Drag Race’ judge) Michelle Visage here.

‘Celebrity Big Brother’: ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Star Courtney Act On Preparing For A Debate With Ann Widdecombe And Michelle Visage Rivalry (EXCLUSIVE)

‘Celebrity Big Brother’: ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Star Courtney Act On Preparing For A Debate With Ann Widdecombe And Michelle Visage Rivalry (EXCLUSIVE)

The cat is well and truly out of the bag, ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ star Courtney Act has finally arrived in the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ house.

Prior to entering the ‘CBB’ residence, HuffPost UK caught up with Courtney to chat about how she hopes to promote issues of gender and sexuality, why she doesn’t think she should win and how she “certainly hasn’t” asked ‘Drag Race’ judge Michelle Visage for any tips on surviving in the house…

What are your initial feelings about going into the house?

I’m excited! I feel like I got to cheat on the big test by seeing half the cast that’s gone in already, so there’s been some serious Googling and fact-checking, and girding my loins for a debate. Well, at least with Ann Widdecombe…

Well, let’s talk about Ann Widdecombe. She’s someone who voted against LGBT+ rights throughout her political career, and you obviously represent the complete opposite of that. How do you feel about sharing a living space with her?

One thing with people like Ann on reality television, that I have general concern for, is that she’s hysterical and funny, but the things that she stands for are quite horrible and oppressive. I think it’s very dangerous to make somebody who is so oppressive likeable.

Having said that, I respect that she’s a very intelligent woman, she’s not like one of these stupid people who somehow came to power… she knows what she’s talking about.

I think it’s very dangerous to make somebody who is so oppressive likeable.”

I’m obviously not going to change any of her opinions, but I do hope to perhaps understand how she thinks that a woman shouldn’t have the right to choose what happens to her body or why she thinks pregnant women in prison should be shackled while in labour, or why she’s against trans rights, or why she supports the death penalty.

I’m genuinely interested to, you know, talk to her and hear more about how she’s come to those conclusions that seem somewhat closed-minded for such an intelligent person.

Maybe she just hasn’t come in close contact with somebody like me before, or somebody like India [Willoughby] before. So hopefully she might get to see that our similarities are greater than our differences.

live in echo chambers, and in my echo chamber sometimes I’m preaching to the choir about, you know, being genderqueer or pansexuality, and just the topics of gender and sexuality in general.

I really think that these topics are not understood by most people, and I love being able to talk about them and have people ask questions.

And I’m not offendable, so I really look forward to using what I know and what I’ve learned from my own experiences to talk about those important topics and hopefully enlighten some people. 

I really think [gender and sexuality] are not understood by most people… I love being able to talk about them and have people ask questions.”

In the same way, are you hoping you can challenge stereotypes of drag performers while in the house?

For sure. I haven’t seen the episode, but I saw that India said she had some preconceptions about drag queens. I think a lot of her comments are valid, but I think she perhaps is pigeon-holing drag as being one thing. Drag has evolved so much and there are so many facets of drag – from your East London drag to your Glamazon drag, and obviously ‘Drag Race’ has had such a huge influence all around the world.

I just really think India will soon have a new perception of what drag is and what it means. And I actually think that despite her comments we’ll have some common ground and get on quite well.

trans women who were “transitioning” should be allowed to use female changing rooms and public toilets [she later issued an apology retracting her comments].

I suppose I’d have to know more about her specific views, but I would definitely be keen to discuss that with her.

I thought that the “bathroom debate” was something that was just happening in North Carolina, but it’s nice to know that it’s not unique to America. Trans people have been using the bathroom since the beginning of time. It’s only now that this conversation has been raised that this theoretical issue has been created.

And I think it is used to oppress people, I don’t actually think it’s got anything to do with the bathroom, just as it was never anything to do with the water fountain when it came to people of colour.

I’ll definitely be keen to talk to her about that. I love conversation and getting down to the nitty-gritty and hearing people’s opinions, and I just love that this year, seeing so many intelligent and diverse people going in means that there will be lots of intelligent conversation.

On the last show that I did [‘Single AF’ on MTV], I was the oldest person by 10 years and the conversation got about as intelligent as what colour lip gloss to wear, so I’m looking forward to some mental stimulation. And possibly some physical, who knows?

live in a patriarchy where men make the rules and men define the narrative, and things have been in men’s favour for so long, and I think the script should be flipped and a woman should win… although if it had to be a male-bodied person, I’d like it to be me.

I actually don’t think that I should be allowed to win… it’s ‘Year Of The Woman’.”

Going into this experience, is getting further than Michelle Visage [‘Drag Race’ judge and fifth place contestant in ‘CBB’ 2015] something you’re thinking about?

Fuck yeah. You just know that Michelle Visage is sitting somewhere in the world right now fuuuuuuuming. And I would be lying if I said that it didn’t bring me no end of joy.

I thought you’d have reached out to Michelle for tips on surviving in the house?

No. Certainly not.

girl, don’t blame the edit, you’re just making excuses”? I have got screenshots of two tweets within 48 hours of Michelle coming out of the house where she blamed the edit. She said, “oh there was so much more than what you saw on television, I wish you could have seen everything”. 

Have you seen any of the rumours about the other contestants going in late?

Well, I saw they’ve announced John Barnes who is the… footballer? I feel like football players… I’m often threatened by alpha males, or at least historically I have been. Now I like to put on my favourite costume and stand up against them…

But the UK has got such a different relationship with masculinity. Whether it’s John Lennon or Harry Styles… none of these are typical “alpha males”. The UK respects that, but in Australia and America it’s still very much about masculinity.

Even David Beckham! I’m loathe to use the term “metrosexual”, but he seems like a pretty cool guy, and he’s a soccer player. So I don’t know whether John is going to be of the David Beckham variety of football player, or whether he’ll be a little more oppressive.

male housemate, and who would be your nightmare male housemates?

Dream housemate… a handsome, intelligent gentleman, aged 28 to 40, who is somewhere on the sexuality spectrum, likes boys, likes girls, and perhaps somebody in between. And terror housemate would just be a meathead, opinionated alpha male. Piers Morgan would be a nightmare housemate.

How would you cope if you ended up in the house with a “meathead” like you described?

Look, in real life, when I’m in drag and they’ve had a few drinks, it’s shocking to see how quickly those sorts of people who are against any idea of homosexuality or gender diversity can bend and start flirting… and even on several occasions making out and going even further with me. Behind a closed door.

So often I think a lot of that meathead bravado is actually a distraction for things that lie beneath the surface.

“My terror housemate would just be a meathead, opinionated alpha male. Piers Morgan would be a nightmare.”

With cameras filming you 24/7, how much will we see Shane, how much will we see Courtney, and how much of a difference is there between the two?

There are so many times I’ll be going out to a party, and I just think, “going to this party in drag would be so much more fun”. And so I think there will be times in the house where I just wanna get up in drag.

I’ve got so many great outfits, I’ve been allowed four bags, whereas everybody else gets two, because I’m dressing for two genders – male privilege is alive and well! – but I’ve got so many great costumes and I wanna wear them all. I can’t wait to put them on.

How do you anticipate someone like Ann will react to you coming out of the bedroom in full drag?

I mean, how could you not love it? It looks so pretty and so fun and there are so many sparkles! If you don’t have an appreciation for things that sparkle – then we’re going to have a problem.

Standing up and doing the right thing is more important than anything… so I look forward to any confrontation.”

Is part of you secretly hoping you’ll wind her up a bit by coming out in drag?

Look, I think that any preconceptions will quickly be dispelled – I feel like these are famous last words – when people meet me.

I’m just about having a good time and enjoying company and having fun. Maybe I’m being ignorant here, but I feel like most people just want to connect to other people and have a good time. So I’m hoping they’ll look past anything they might think is a bit strange and see somebody who’s having fun.

You say that, but ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ is notorious for its arguments. How do you deal with that kind of confrontation?

I really like confrontation, but I like balanced confrontation. So if there’s a man speaking down to a woman who isn’t comfortable defending herself, then I’m more than happy to be an ally to either a woman, a minority or anyone in the house who’s being bullied or discriminated against.

Standing up and doing the right thing is more important than… anything, really. So I look forward to any confrontation, and hopefully that will lead to education and transformation of those opinions.

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ airs every night on Channel 5.

How to focus on self-care in 2018

How to focus on self-care in 2018

Defining self-care

Self-care. We hear it everyday, we know those who swear by it, but some of us are still a little stumped about what self-care looks like. Self-care is often mischaracterized as an indulgence, but we should really view it as a tool to keep us empowered and holistically healthy.

With a new year ahead of us and political and social tensions high across the country, it is no surprise that many people are stressed out this season. So let’s start by defining exactly what self-care means: the care and keeping of yourself- physically, mentally and emotionally.

It’s important to think of these three fields as a Venn diagram or triangle. We want to focus on maintaining all three, rather than sticking to just one or two points. When we neglect one area of the triangle, we feel out of whack.

Queer self-care

As most LGBTQIA+ identifying persons know, going home around the holidays can be tough. Family members don’t always accept who you are, or they try to but still make offensive comments, or they don’t really know how you identify at all.

To be better equipped to process feeling ostracized or misunderstood this season, it’s imperative that we practice self-care to prevent any low moods or breakdowns.

What self-care looks like for you

By this point you’re probably asking, what does self-care look like for me? Begin this process with a simple question: what are my needs and how can I meet them?

No matter what your self-care looks like, it always boils down to meeting your personal needs. So, how do we identify our needs? According to the Crisis Text Line, there are three steps to planning for self-care methods: identifying the problem, starting to plan, and taking action.

1. Identify the Problemwhat do you anticipate as being a problem or stressor for you on this day?
2. Start Planningwhat can you do to take care of yourself during this stressful time? What are you not doing that you should be?
3. Take Actionfollow through with your safety plan.

Sometimes, self-care is about simple maintenance. It can be as little as trying to floss everyday or eating meals properly. Sometimes, it’s a bit bigger, like taking a walk everyday to reduce stress and release endorphins. Other ways to practice self-care may include doing some of your favorite activities to lift your mood- like listening to music, playing with a pet, or writing in a journal.

Here are a few examples of what self-care might look like for you:

  • Eating three meals a day
  • Writing a poem
  • Taking a bubble bath
  • Calling someone you miss
  • Cleaning the house
  • Going to the gym
  • Playing an instrument
  • Going on Tumblr
  • Completing a chore that’s been on your to-do list
  • Taking your medications as prescribed
  • Drinking water regularly
  • Watching your favorite TV show

It’s key to remember that what works for you may not be as effective on your best friend. We are all individuals, and finding what helps us the most during difficult time can take time. Try a various self-care methods while you’re feeling good to find out what works best for you.

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Winter time can be cold, dark, and stressful for some people, but by practicing basic self-care principles, we can all endure the season. We can remember to practice self-care by identifying problems that worry us, planning to take action, and following through with that action.

You’re never alone in this. If you need assistance planning for a tough time, or are going through a difficult moment and can’t recall your safety plan, text HELLO​ to 741741​ to be connected to a real Crisis Counselor through Crisis Text Line.

By practicing self-care regularly, even when you’re not feeling stressed out, you can make it through. Remember: at the end of the day, we are capable of much more than we think.

Megan Banning is a GLAAD Campus Ambassador and sophomore at Ithaca College studying sociology, women & gender studies, and art history. She is currently working for Hope XChange and Crisis Text Line.

January 5, 2018

Coachella’s Philip Anschutz, Bob the Drag Queen, Ed Sheeran, David Letterman, Logan Paul, Scott Pruitt: HOT LINKS

Coachella’s Philip Anschutz, Bob the Drag Queen, Ed Sheeran, David Letterman, Logan Paul, Scott Pruitt: HOT LINKS
Jota Ricciardi

Scott PRuittGODDESS HELP US ALL. Scott Pruitt wants U.S. Attorney General job. “Since taking office, Pruitt has reportedly garnered favor with Trump and has led the administration’s deregulation efforts by walking back Obama-era environmental policies and spearheading the administration’s move to exit the Paris climate accord. ”

COACHELLA. Owner Philip Anschutz is still donating to anti-LGBTQ politicians.

fire furyCONFIRMATION. Of what’s in Fire and Fury

FLORIDA. GOP Rep. Ron DeSantis entering governor’s race: “I’m excited about taking this first step towards a campaign for governor,” DeSantis told POLITICO. “As a former prosecutor, Iraq veteran and conservative leader who’s endorsed by President Trump, I’ve got the experience needed to win this race and build on Gov. [Rick] Scott’s strong legacy.”

NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION. Obama to be first guest on new Letterman Netflix show

LOGAN PAUL. YouTuber suspends posting videos following outrage over “suicide forest” video. ‘Paul took to Twitter on Wednesday to say he was suspending his video blog “for now” and “taking time to reflect.” A petition on demanding that his YouTube channel be deleted had been signed by more than 125,000 people as of Thursday morning.

SHEMAR MOORE. Is getting thirsty on Instagram.

LIAR. Sarah Huckabee Sanders lies about Trump’s position on marijuana: “During an interview with a Colorado TV station in the summer of 2016, then-candidate Trump said that as president, he would not use federal power to shut down the sale of recreational cannabis in states like Colorado.”

AMSTERDAM. Man called “cancer faggot” in New Year’s Day attack: ‘The victim was on his way to his bike after celebrating New Year’s Eve at a friend’s house in West. It was around 6 a.m. and the bike was parked near to the club De School. “While I was busy with my bike’s chain, I heard a group of people behind shouting at me,” the victim told Het Parool through his uncle, “They insulted me for being a faggot and then beat me up.” During the attack he fell on the ground, which caused injuries on his hand and two broken front teeth. The man reported he barely saw the perpetrators. They left him lying in the street.’

CHINA. Media watchdog taken to court over new regulations that describe gay relationships as “abnormal”.

PREVIEW OF THE DAY. Ed Sheeran on The Simpsons.

RICHMOND. The case of the missing mobster, godfather of Richmond’s gay community: “Leo Joseph Koury was a straight man who grew up in the restaurant business in Richmond but presented somewhat like a Jersey gangster, overweight and diabetic and – some say – diabolical.”

BERKELEY REP. Bob the Drag Queen joining Stephen Spinella in production of Angels in America.

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TRAILER OF THE DAY. Aardman’s Early Man.

NIGHTMARE OF THE DAY. A 5-foot snake in the toilet.

FRIDAY FLASH. Jota Ricciardi.

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The post Coachella’s Philip Anschutz, Bob the Drag Queen, Ed Sheeran, David Letterman, Logan Paul, Scott Pruitt: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Coachella’s Philip Anschutz, Bob the Drag Queen, Ed Sheeran, David Letterman, Logan Paul, Scott Pruitt: HOT LINKS

John Worboys: CPS Defends Decision Not To Pursue Scores Of Complaints Against The ‘Black Cab Rapist’

John Worboys: CPS Defends Decision Not To Pursue Scores Of Complaints Against The ‘Black Cab Rapist’
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has defended its decision not to pursue scores of complaints against ‘black cab rapist’ John Worboys.

The comments come after it was announced on Thursday that the parole board had approved Worboys’ release following an oral hearing.

The move sparked an immediate backlash, with women’s rights campaigners and charity workers criticising the “shocking” decision to release the 60-year-old from custody.

Worboys used alcohol and drugs to incapacitate his victims between 2002 and 2008.

The licensed London black cab driver told some women he had won money at a casino or lottery and offered them spiked champagne in an invitation to celebrate with him.

Questions have been raised about the decision by prosecutors not to pursue further allegations against the serial sex attacker.

More than 100 complainants came forward with accusations against Worboys but he was only convicted of 19.

The CPS said that of the 83 complainants initially referred to them by the Metropolitan Police Service during their investigation, just 14 passed the evidential test.

The cases of three more complainants referred to the CPS ahead of the trial passed the evidential test, but the CPS didn’t pursue these.

The CPS said “at that stage it had been decided that there were sufficient counts on the indictment to enable the judge to impose an appropriate sentence in the event of conviction”.

The CPS said its decision was taken in “full consultation” with the police.

Worboys was charged with 23 offences in April 2008, with the CPS believing “there was a realistic prospect of conviction”.

He was convicted of 19 of those offences following his trial in March 2009.

The Met Police informed the CPS that 19 more complainants had come forward following his conviction.

But the CPS said it would “be unlikely that it would be in the public interest” to prosecute Worboys in relation to allegations of sexual assault or administering a substance with intent because it would not impact sentencing.

The CPS said that former director of public prosecutions Sir Keir Starmer did not have “any involvement in the decision making” of the case.

Scotland Yard said that there is currently no live investigation “as no new information has been received at this time”.

“Should any further information come to light it will be fully investigated,” police added.

On Friday the chairman of the Parole Board “apologised unreservedly” for not informing victims of Worboys’ release.

Nick Hardwick said that he was “very surprised and shocked” to hear that victims had learnt about his release through media reports the previous day, and acknowledged it “would have been absolutely horrible for them”.

But he told the Today programme that it was the job of the Victim Contact Service to liaise with victims and the Parole Board believed they had done so in this case.

The Ministry of Justice has since said that not all of Warboys victims chose to be updated about decisions relating to his imprisonment.

Golden Opportunity: What to Look for at the Golden Globe Awards

Golden Opportunity: What to Look for at the Golden Globe Awards

The 75th annual Golden Globe Awards on Sunday features a number of groundbreaking stories about LGBTQ people and celebrates the LGBTQ actors and allies who brought them to the screen. The award show will be hosted by Seth Meyers, a longtime advocate who received the HRC Equality Award last year.  

All eyes will be on the red carpet, as many actors have confirmed they will be wearing all black as a show of solidarity with the #MeToo movement against sexual assault and harassment.  

Last year, several other noted LGBTQ people and allies were nominated and the groundbreaking film “Moonlight” made history when it won for Best Motion Picture – Drama.

Here’s who could make history this year:

  • Emma Stone and Steve Carell are nominated for their roles in “Battle of the Sexes,” a film depicting the life of out athlete and longtime HRC supporter Billie Jean King. King, honored by HRC with a National Equality Award in 2006, spoke at last year’s HRC National Dinner.
  • Nominated for Best Motion Picture – Foreign Language, the Chilean drama “A Fantastic Woman” tells the story of the struggles of a young transgender woman after her partner suddenly dies. The film stars Daniela Vega, a transgender actor and lyrical singer.
  • Will & Grace,” which has been critical to changing hearts and minds around LGBTQ issues, is nominated for Best TV Series – Musical or Comedy. Cast member Eric McCormack is nominated for his role in the series. HRC was proud to be featured in the premiere of the series’ reboot with a special cameo.
  • “Call Me By Your Name,” a coming-of-age story featuring a same-sex relationship, is nominated in three categories, including Best Motion Picture – Drama.
  • Meryl Streep, honored by HRC with an Ally for Equality Award last year, is nominated for her role in “The Post,” a movie in which she plays Katharine Graham, the first female publisher of a major newspaper in the U.S.  
  • Allison Janney, an ally and HRC supporter, is nominated for Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture for her role in “I, Tonya.”
  • Richard Jenkins received a nomination for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role for playing Giles, a gay man in the fantasy film “The Shape of Water.”
  • Ryan Murphy’s “FEUD: Bette and Joan” received four nominations, including Best Television Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television. Susan Sarandon, a longtime ally, is also nominated, alongside “FEUD” co-star Jessica Lange.

HRC is proud to call so many of these nominees longtime HRC supporters and leaders in the fight for LGBTQ equality, and we wish them the best of luck. The Golden Globe Awards will air Sunday at 8 p.m. EST on NBC.