#AM_Equality Tipsheet: January 4, 2018

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: January 4, 2018

IN A WIN FOR DEMOCRACY, TRUMP DISSOLVES SO-CALLED “VOTER FRAUD” COMMISSION: The Mike Pence-led sham was a threat to voting rights and aimed at framing undocumented immigrants and further disenfranchising minority voters. This farce was a threat to voting rights in the United States and our democracy. Good riddance.

This Pence-led sham voting commission was a farce from the start and a threat to voting rights. This is a big win for our democracy. Congrats to the advocates and countless citizens who led the fight & made this happen. t.co/GZUtv7xPK4

— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) January 4, 2018

HRC CELEBRATES SWEARING-IN OF ALABAMA’S U.S. SENATOR DOUG JONES: “Thanks to hundreds of thousands of fair-minded Alabamians who rejected the politics of hate and fear, we have one more vote for equality and justice in the U.S. Senate today,” said HRC President Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin). “We look forward to working closely with Senator Jones to advance LGBTQ equality. Let his victory in one of the reddest of states be a lesson to politicians everywhere: if you come after our rights and attack our families, we will organize, mobilize and come after you on Election Day.” HRC — which opened offices in Alabama in 2014 and first launched its #NoMoore campaign against Roy Moore in 2016 — engaged in a public education campaign about Roy Moore’s record during the Republican primary and endorsed Senator Jones in Alabama’s hotly-contested special election. In the weeks leading up to Election Day, HRC organized dozens of events, recruited hundreds of volunteers, and partnered with the NAACP of Alabama on statewide get-out-the-vote efforts. More from HRC.

Let @GDouglasJones‘ victory in one of the reddest of states be a lesson to politicians everywhere: if you come after our rights and attack our families, we will organize, mobilize and come after you on Election Day. 2/2 t.co/JSOb3FHRU1 pic.twitter.com/tDhHn9ZETS

— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) January 3, 2018

COREY JOHNSON ELECTED SPEAKER OF NYC COUNCIL: Johnson is the first openly gay man and the first person with HIV to be elected to the position. More from Washington Blade.


  • SHE’S BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK: Anti-LGBTQ politician Michele Bachmann is considering a bid for U.S. Senate seat in Minnesota in 2018. Bachmann, who earned zero after zero after zero after zero on HRC’s Congressional Scorecard during her time in Congress, has been cozy with Trump since his campaign. More from Advocate and Washington Blade.
  • For your radar — 15 races in 2018 that will impact LGBTQ Americans: More from Advocate.
  • At least 35 LGBTQ people intend to run for public office in Texas in 2018. More from The Hill.

THANKFUL THURSDAY — THE “SEXIEST TEACHER ALIVE” SHARES A POWERFUL MESSAGE WITH LGBTQ YOUTH: HRC Upstander Award Winner Nicholas Ferroni, named People’s “Sexiest Teacher Alive,” fights for his LGBTQ students. “As a cisgender, straight man it is part of my purpose to show people that we are all created equal and should all be given the same rights and opportunities,” Ferroni says in a video for Advocate.

WIN IN ILLINOIS CASE INVOLVING TRANS STUDENT: U.S. District Judge Jorge Alonso denied a request by anti-equality activists for a preliminary injunction to halt the Palatine District 211 school policy allowing transgender students to use restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity. More from The Associated Press.

ILLINOIS’ BAN ON SO-CALLED “GAY PANIC” DEFENSE GOES INTO EFFECT: The law prevents criminal defense attorneys from using the victim’s sexual orientation as justification for a crime against an LGBTQ person. LGBTQ advocates hope to replicate this law in other states. More from the The Associated Press.

MORNING MUST WATCH — SARAH MCBRIDE SITS DOWN WITH DANICA ROEM: HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride (@SarahEMcBride) sits down with Virginia Delegate-elect Danica Roem (@pwcdanica) for an extended interview on running for office and fighting for LGBTQ equality. More from HRC.

  • Danica also spoke with InStyle about her historic win. More from InStyle.

HOPING FOR A NEW DAY DAWNING IN THE LDS CHURCH: Thomas S. Monson, who presided over the rapidly-growing Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) since 2008, died Monday at his home in Salt Lake City. Said Lisbeth Melendez Rivera, HRC Foundation’s Director of Latinx and Catholic Initiatives: “As the church contemplates its path forward, we call on leaders to take this opportunity to open their hearts and doors and examine the pain many of their policies have caused to the LGBTQ community.” More from HRC.

SALT LAKE CITY’S CITY COUNCIL NOW HAS THREE LGBTQ MEMBERS: This week, Chris Wharton and Amy Fowler were sworn in, joining Council member Derek Kitchen to make three of the seven members LGBTQ. More from KUER and Deseret News.

CONGRATS TO THE HAPPY COUPLE — ELLEN PAGE AND EMMA PORTER MARRY: Page, who came out in 2014 in an amazing speech at HRC Foundation’s Time to THRIVE conference, shared photos on her Instagram. More from People.

DUSTIN LANCE BLACK WINS WRITERS GUILD AWARD: Black (@DLanceBlack), who directed “Milk” and “When We Rise,” will receive the Valentine Davies Award in recognition of his commitment to civil and human rights. More from Variety.

ABHORRENT — RENO, NEV. LGBT CENTER VANDALIZED: A person wearing a mask allegedly smashed a window with a rock while people were in the building. No injuries were reported. More from My News 4.

SOUTHERN MISS BASEBALL TEAM LOSES THREE HOME GAMES OVER ANTI-LGBTQ LAW: A harmful Mississippi state law allowing the use of religion as a justification for discrimination against LGBTQ Mississippians at work, school and in their communities prompted New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to ban non-essential travel to the state to protect state employees. More from the Jackson Clarion Ledger.

LARGEST MENNONITE CONGREGATION IN U.S. LEAVES DENOMINATION OVER EFFORTS TO EMBRACE LGBTQ FAITHFUL: The Lancaster Mennonite Conference, with 179 churches, split from the Mennonite Church USA, which has some policies that affirm the LGBTQ community. More from Deseret News.

Nobody should be forced to choose between who they are, whom they love and what they believe. @HRC is disappointed to see the Lancaster Mennonite Conference split from Mennonite Church USA over its embrace of #LGBTQ equality. t.co/h1vuX4RZSb

— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) January 3, 2018

EVANGELICAL GROUP’S ANTI-LGBTQ PROPOGANDA DISGUISED AS “MILLENIAL” VIDEO: It sends a dangerous message to LGBTQ youth that there is something wrong with them. More from Queerty.

JAMAICAN ADVOCATES WORK TO BAN ANTI-LGBTQ EXTREMIST FROM ENTERING COUNTRY: Steven Anderson is a known exporter of hate and a pastor at the Southern Poverty Law Center-designated hate group Faithful Word Baptist Church. In 2016, he was banned from South Africa and arrested and deported from Botswana for advocating for the murder of LGBTQ people. More from Washington Blade.

UKRAINE’S ONLY LGBTQ SHELTER: The eight-bed shelter, run by Insight, a Kiev-based LGBTQ group, helps and houses LGBTQ people across the country fleeing violence and discrimination in the conservative country. More from Reuters.

ADVOCATES TO AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT — DON’T INSTALL A LICENSE TO DISCRIMINATE: On the heels of a marriage equality win, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ordered a review of “religious freedom” protections — which advocates worry may prompt legislation to undermine protections for the LGBTQ community. More from Pink News.

Mirror reports that India Willoughby, an openly transgender talk show host, will host Celebrity Big Brother;

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!


Ellen Page Announces She’s Married to Emma Portner

Ellen Page Announces She’s Married to Emma Portner
Ellen Page married

Actress Ellen Page announced her marriage to Emma Portner in a series of adorable photos posted to social media.

One photo just featured the couple’s hands wearing wedding rings while another featured the couple kissing.

“Can’t believe I get to call this extraordinary woman my wife,” wrote Page.

Instagram Photo

The post Ellen Page Announces She’s Married to Emma Portner appeared first on Towleroad.

Ellen Page Announces She’s Married to Emma Portner

Debatte um Twitter-Zensur: Jan Böhmermann platzt wegen SPD-Frau der Kragen

Debatte um Twitter-Zensur: Jan Böhmermann platzt wegen SPD-Frau der Kragen
Satiriker Jan Böhmermann kritisiert die Umsetzung des neuen Gesetzes scharf.

Ein neues Gesetz sollte dafür sorgen, Hass und Hetze im Internet zu unterbinden. Doch nachdem bei Twitter mehrere Nachrichten verschwunden sind, ist immer öfter von Zensur die Rede.

Das ist passiert: 

► Twitter hat zu Neujahr den Account von AfD-Politikerin Beatrix von Storch wegen eines mutmaßlich volksverhetzenden Tweets gesperrt. 

► Am Dienstag blockte der Kurznachrichtendienst zudem den Account der Satirezeitung “Titanic” – wegen einer Parodie auf den hetzerischen Von-Storch-Beitrag.

► Bundesjustizminister Heiko Maas (SPD) und SPD-Vize Eva Högl verteidigten die Maßnahmen, die eine Konsequenz des neuen Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetzes (kurz NetzDG) sind. Entertainer Jan Böhmermann nannte Högls Argumentation “verfassungswidrig” und “ekelhaft”.

Als hauptberuflicher Produzent „ekelhafter Dinge im Netz“ möchte ich diese bitte auch in Zukunft erst nach erfolgreichem Strafverfahren (o.ä.) verschwinden sehen.

Die ekelhafte Argumentation von @EvaHoegl ist verfassungswidrig und muss aus den Gehirnen verschwinden. t.co/sz0KbRe1yy

— Jan Böhmermann ? (@janboehm) January 4, 2018

Darum ist es wichtig: 

Das Gesetz verlangt von Internet-Portalen wie Twitter, Facebook oder Youtube, strafbare Inhalte binnen 24 Stunden nach einem Hinweis zu löschen. Högl sagte dazu im Radio Eins

“Man möchte doch diese ekelhaften Dinge nicht länger im Netz sehen. Wenn das strafrechtlich relevant ist, muss es erstmal verschwinden. Wenn es nicht zu einem Strafverfahren geführt hat, kann es wieder draufgestellt werden.”

Damit zeigte sie selbst ein großes Problem des Gesetzes auf: Die Internet-Portale werden dazu angehalten, kontroverse Beiträge auf Verdacht zu entfernen, bevor dazu ein juristisches Urteil erfolgt ist.

Was ihr noch wissen müsst: 

“Als hauptberuflicher Produzent ‘ekelhafter Dinge im Netz’ möchte ich diese bitte auch in Zukunft erst nach erfolgreichem Strafverfahren (o.ä.) verschwinden sehen”, schrieb Böhmermann in seinem Tweet weiter.

Doch auch von Rechts gibt es massive Kritik an dem vermeintlichen “Zensur-Gesetz”. AfD-Chef Alexander Gauland sagte: “Privatpersonen, das heißt in diesem Fall Twitter-Mitarbeiter, können und dürfen nicht die Aufgabe von Richtern übernehmen.” 


Windsor Council Homeless Claims Slammed As Support Group Shame Authorities Over ‘Rat-Infested’ Shelter

Windsor Council Homeless Claims Slammed As Support Group Shame Authorities Over ‘Rat-Infested’ Shelter

A homelessness group has countered claims by a Tory council that beggars and rough sleepers in Windsor are refusing help, claiming its shelters were “rat-infested” and had bed bugs.

Murphy James, who works for the Windsor Homeless Project, hit out after Windsor and Maidenhead council leader Simon Dudley urged police to clear beggars and rough sleepers from the streets before the Royal wedding on May 19.

Dudley wrote to Thames Valley Police (TVP) on Tuesday seeking action against “aggressive begging and intimidation” and “bags and detritus” accumulating on the streets and urged them to use their powers under the 1824 Vagrancy Act – which criminalises rough sleepers – and the 2014 Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act.

live in. It is rat-infested, there’s bed bugs… then their answer is ‘no, I’d rather stay in a bus shelter’.”


Shelter’s Director of Communications, Policy and Campaigns, Greg Beales, told HuffPost UK that people sleeping on the street “don’t do so through choice”.

He said: “They are often at their lowest point, struggling with a range of complex problems and needs and they are extremely vulnerable, at risk from cold weather, illness and even violence.

“They desperately need our help, support and advice to move off the streets into safety and, eventually, into a home. Stigmatizing or punishing them is totally counter-productive.”

Thames Valley Police’s (TVP) Windsor branch responded to Dudley’s comments on Twitter, saying that agencies should work together to tackle homelessness. 


Doug Jones’s Gay Son Carson Stares Down Homophobic VP Mike Pence at Senate Swearing-In

Doug Jones’s Gay Son Carson Stares Down Homophobic VP Mike Pence at Senate Swearing-In
Carson Jones Mike Pence

Carson Jones, the gay son of Democratic Alabama Senator Doug Jones, posted a photo to social media of his dad’s swearing-in on Wednesday. In the photo, Carson appears to be staring down Vice President Mike Pence.

Jones hashtagged the photo “#wemadeit #nocaptionneeded

Instagram Photo


Pence, as his record shows, is no friend to the LGBTQ community.

In 2000 during his first successful run for Congress, Pence said that he was in favor of sending money allocated to care for people with HIV/AIDS to organizations that provide conversion therapy.

From running a think-tank that published virulently anti-gay articles, to attempting to divert HIV/AIDS money to fund conversion therapy, to refusing to protect LGBT Hoosiers from discrimination, to legalizing anti-LGBT discrimination in Indiana, to cozying up to notorious homophobes, to supporting a ban on gay marriage, and decrying the ‘mainstreaming of homosexuality in the military’ after DADT was repealed, Pence’s record is among the worst records on LGBTQ issues of anyone who has ever occupied the office of the Vice President.

Pence recently vacationed in Aspen, Colorado, where his neighbors taunted him with a sign that read “Make America Gay Again.”

The post Doug Jones’s Gay Son Carson Stares Down Homophobic VP Mike Pence at Senate Swearing-In appeared first on Towleroad.

Doug Jones’s Gay Son Carson Stares Down Homophobic VP Mike Pence at Senate Swearing-In

Obdachloser stirbt umgeben von 130 Menschen – das darf uns nicht egal sein

Obdachloser stirbt umgeben von 130 Menschen – das darf uns nicht egal sein
Dutzende obdachlose Menschen versammeln sich in einer Sporthalle, um gemeinsam zu essen. 

  • In London soll ein Obdachloser in einer überfüllten Unterkunft gestorben sein
  • Die Sozialarbeiterin Ros Ponder erklärt, warum uns diese Nachricht nicht egal sein sollte

Es war der letzte Tag des Jahres, als sich die Sozialarbeiterin Ros Ponder aus London dazu entschied, eine traurige Nachricht mit ihren Facebook-Freunden zu teilen:

In der Obdachlosenunterkunft, in der Ponder arbeitet, soll an Heiligabend ein 60-Jähriger Mann zu Tode gekommen sein – und das, obwohl sich zum Zeitpunkt des Todes hunderte andere Menschen um ihn herum aufhielten. Darüber berichtet die HuffPost UK. 

Der Mann war einer von rund 130 Personen, die in einem provisorischen Schlafsaal schliefen, weil sie über die Weihnachtstage keine andere Unterkunft hatten. Der Raum war daher komplett überfüllt.

“Wenigstens war er nicht auf der Straße” 

Dem Post zufolge soll der Obdachlose namens Christopher für tot erklärt worden sein, nachdem andere Gäste gegen 11 Uhr morgens Alarm geschlagen hatten. Ros Ponder erklärte Christopher sei eines natürlichen Todes gestorben.

Nach Angaben der Sozialarbeiterin “legte er sich im Schlafbereich unter eine Decke auf den Fußboden und stand nie wieder auf”. Mehr als 24.000 Menschen haben ihre emotionale Nachricht inzwischen auf Facebook geteilt.

Mehr zum Thema: Obdachlose im Winter im Stich gelassen: Polizeibeamter verklagt seine Stadt

“Die Sanitäter, die Polizei, die Gäste und die freiwilligen Helfer vor Ort taten alles, um ihn am Leben zu erhalten und seine Würde zu respektieren”, schreibt Ponder in ihrem Post. “Wenigstens war er nicht auf der Straße”.

Doch in ihrer Mitteilung geht es der Sozialarbeiterin nicht nur darum, ihre Facebookfreunde über das Ableben des 60-Jährigen aufzuklären. Mit ihrem Post will sie auch eine deutliche Botschaft an die Menschen senden:

Sei wütend, entsetzt, sei alles, was du willst – ignoriere es nur nicht”, fordert Ros Ponder deshalb in ihrem Post. 

Obdachlose Menschen werden im Durchschnitt nur 47 Jahre alt

Denn der Sozialarbeiterin zufolge liegt das durchschnittliche Todesalter eines Obdachlosen in Großbritannien bei 47 Jahren. Diese Tatsache sollte uns entsetzen.

Eine Studie aus dem Jahr 2014 ergab, dass das Todesalter in deutschen Großstädten mit 46,5 Jahren sogar noch etwas darunter liegt. 

“Wir Leben im Großbritannien des 21. Jahrhunderts”, schreibt Ponder. Wir sind eine Nation, die mehr als 78 Milliarden Pfund für Weihnachtsessen, Geschenke und Partys ausgibt… und doch leben immer mehr obdachlose Menschen auf unseren Straßen – zusammengepfercht in Hauseingängen, auf Parkbänken und sogar in Mülltonnen.” 

Mehr zum Thema: Obdachloser stirbt nach feigem Messerangriff – jetzt trauert ein ganzes Stadtviertel

Auch in Deutschland verlieren Jahr für Jahr obdachlose Menschen auf der Straße ihr Leben. In den letzten Jahren ist die Zahl sogar angestiegen.

Laut der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe (BAGW) verloren seit 1989 über 500 obdachlose Frauen und Männer durch Gewalt ihr Leben. Allein 2016 seien 17 Todesopfer zu beklagen gewesen.

Für große Aufmerksamkeit sorgte vergangenes Jahr der Fall eines Wohnungslosen, der von mehreren Jugendlichen im Schlaf angezündet wurde. Nur durch das Eingreifen von Passanten konnte Schlimmeres verhindert werden.

Im Juni 2017 verurteilte das Berliner Landgericht den Haupttäter zu zwei Jahren und neun Monaten Gefängnis.



Bottle Of Vodka Worth £960,000 Stolen From Danish Bar

Bottle Of Vodka Worth £960,000 Stolen From Danish Bar
A £960,000 bottle of vodka – claimed to be the most expensive in the world – has been stolen from a Copenhagen bar.

The Russo-Baltique bottle was on loan to a Danish collector when it was seized from the Café 33 bar in the Vesterbro district.

Bar owner Brian Ingerberg told TV2 Lorry: “I had loaned [the bottle] from Russia from something called the Dartz Factory, which makes the world’s most expensive cars and vodka. It has been part of my collection for six months, but not anymore.

Features a diamond encrusted cap shaped like a Russian imperial eagle
It featured in an episode of House of Cards as a gift from the Russian president to his US counterpart
“I am obviously very upset. It was the icing on the cake in my collection. Of the 1,200 bottles I have, this was a very special bottle.”

Ingerberg has released CCTV images of the thieves, speculating that the masked individuals pictured may have somehow obtained a key.

The theft has been reported to the police.
