Windsor’s Rough Sleepers Have A Message For The Council Leader Who Wants Them Gone

Windsor’s Rough Sleepers Have A Message For The Council Leader Who Wants Them Gone
Rough sleepers in Windsor have rejected claims from a local council leader that beggars are “marching tourists to cash points” to get money, amid calls for police to remove them ahead of the Royal Wedding.

Windsor and Maidenhead council leader Simon Dudley has called for action to be taken against “aggressive begging and intimidation” ahead of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding on May 19 at Windsor Castle.

The Windsor Homeless Project estimates between 12 and 15 people sleep rough in the town but, in a letter to Thames Valley Police, Dudley said the ceremony would mean more tourists in the area and “increased concerns from our residents about their safety”.

HuffPost spoke to people sleeping rough, including those literally in the shadow of Windsor Castle, about the problems they’ve had with council offers of accommodation and how being told they’re a security risk makes them feel.

He used Grindr to violently attack gay men; now he’s getting locked up for over a decade

He used Grindr to violently attack gay men; now he’s getting locked up for over a decade
According to prosecutors, Garrett and three accomplices created a fake profile on the popular hookup app and arranging to meet at the victim’s house.

Peter Thiel, Meryl Streep, ‘Fire and Fury’, Jeff Sessions and Marijuana: Sam Smith, Slender Man: HOT LINKS

Peter Thiel, Meryl Streep, ‘Fire and Fury’, Jeff Sessions and Marijuana: Sam Smith, Slender Man: HOT LINKS

fire furyYOU CAN’T MAKE THIS SH*T UP. More excerpts from Michael Wolff’s explosive book: “Everybody was painfully aware of the increasing pace of his repetitions. It used to be inside of 30 minutes he’d repeat, word-for-word and expression-for-expression, the same three stories — now it was within 10 minutes. Indeed, many of his tweets were the product of his repetitions — he just couldn’t stop saying something.”

THE SILENCE OF ME. Meryl Streep wants to hear from Melania and Ivanka.

RECORDINGS. Michael Wolff has audio of interviews, dozens of hours: “Among the sources he taped, I’m told, are Steve Bannon and former White House deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh.”

CEASE AND DESIST. Trump seeks to block book’s publication. ‘The letter by Beverly Hills-based attorney Charles J. Harder demanded the publisher, Henry Holt and Co., “immediately cease and desist from any further publication, release or dissemination of the book” or excerpts and summaries of its contents. The lawyers also seek a full copy of the book as part of their investigation.’

FIRE AND FURY. The useful scandal.

MARIJUANA. Jeff Sessions comes for pot: “Attorney General Jeff Sessions is rescinding an Obama-era policy that paved the way for legalized marijuana to flourish in states across the country, creating new confusion about enforcement and use just three days after a new legalization law went into effect in California.”

PETER THIEL. Considering network competitor to FOX News: “Thiel, a Facebook board member who secretly funded lawsuits to bring down Gawker Media, had originally explored a plan to create the network along with Roger Ailes, the late founder of Fox News, according to a soon-to-be published book by journalist Michael Wolff. But BuzzFeed News has learned that Thiel has continued looking into fashioning a Fox News competitor even after the May 2017 death of Ailes, according to the two sources familiar with the matter.”

SAM SMITH. Opens up about his relationship with Brandon Flynn in V Magazine: “I’m in a relationship right now and for the first time, I think I deserve to be happy. I’m actually asking myself if I’m going to be writing some happy love songs soon.”

INFAMOUS BRIDGE. Takes another victim.



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The post Peter Thiel, Meryl Streep, ‘Fire and Fury’, Jeff Sessions and Marijuana: Sam Smith, Slender Man: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Peter Thiel, Meryl Streep, ‘Fire and Fury’, Jeff Sessions and Marijuana: Sam Smith, Slender Man: HOT LINKS

‘Celebrity Big Brother’: Dapper Laughs’ Potential Arrival Has Already Caused A Stir Among Fans

‘Celebrity Big Brother’: Dapper Laughs’ Potential Arrival Has Already Caused A Stir Among Fans
‘Celebrity Big Brother’ kicked off earlier this week and, as fans will know, this series is apparently all about celebrating women.

As it marks 100 years since (some) women in Britain won the right to vote for the first time, the series started with an all-female line-up and on Friday (5 December), they’ll be joined by a some male housemates.

So who’s going in, you ask? Channel 5 have confirmed that John Barnes will be among them and while the rest of names are yet to officially be revealed, The Sun has claimed Dapper Laughs will probably be among them.

Yes, Dapper Laughs, the one-time Vine star who hit headlines when he joked a woman was “gagging for rape” in 2014.

Dapper – real name Daniel O’Reilly – then spent a year defending himself, attempting to do so via an interview with campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez, another in The Sunday Times and, of course, there was his infamous ‘Newsnight’ appearance.

And how has news of his imminent arrival gone down? Hmm. See for yourself…

Dapper Laughs going in #cbb. I really hope this is the year we get a live lion taming task.
The news that Dapper Laughs is entering the #CBB @bbuk house means I shall no longer be watching it. ‘Year of the Woman’ my female arse… ?
Watch Dapper Laughs win now showing this whole ‘year of the Woman’ stuff was all a huge joke #cbb
Big Brother: This is gonna be year of women Big Brother: send Dapper Laughs in #CBB
not that i watch the dull parade of nobodies that is big brother but that dapper laughs is literally only famous for making rape jokes…like what goes through their head when they book these bellends

January 4, 2018
Monday – #CBB puts in 6 women and dedicates the series in tribute to 100 years since women got the vote. Tuesday – The ratings come in. Friday – Dapper Laughs enters. That’s @channel5_tv for you.

January 4, 2018
Dapper Laughs is a comedian that landed his own show on ITV. The show was pulled as a result of him telling a woman that she was ‘gagging for a rape’. CBB is hosting a special in honor of women’s rights, but have casted him to enter tomorrow.

January 4, 2018
When you hear Dapper Laughs is going into the Celebrity Big Brother this year filled with women because it’s supposed to be the Year of the women, you couldn’t make this up.

January 4, 2018
Channel 5: We are celebrating women and it is the Year of the Woman- Also Channel 5: -So we’re sticking Dapper Laughs in the Big Brother house

January 4, 2018
We may be just days into the new series, but the usual conveyor belt of controversies is already in action.

The first came in the form of a conversation about Harvey Weinstein, during which Ann Widdecombe suggested his alleged victims “had a choice”.

India Willoughby is also facing criticism, for stating that drag stars, including RuPaul – who she singled out for a mention – “cheapens the seriousness” of what it means to be a trans person.

Trump Is Losing It: ‘Fire and Fury’ Book Reveals Mentally Unfit President Treated Like Child

Trump Is Losing It: ‘Fire and Fury’ Book Reveals Mentally Unfit President Treated Like Child
fire fury

fire fury

President Donald Trump can’t remember the faces of his friends, with his staff treating him as a child and concerned he might be booted from office as unable to perform his duties, a bombshell new book claims. Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House describes a tumultuous start to the 45th presidency with…

The post Trump Is Losing It: ‘Fire and Fury’ Book Reveals Mentally Unfit President Treated Like Child appeared first on Towleroad.

Trump Is Losing It: ‘Fire and Fury’ Book Reveals Mentally Unfit President Treated Like Child

Domina verrät: Warum sich euer Chef danach sehnt, ein Sex-Sklave zu sein

Domina verrät: Warum sich euer Chef danach sehnt, ein Sex-Sklave zu sein
In der Realität oft in einer Führungsposition: der Sex-Sklave einer Domina.

  • Die Münchner Domina Lady Angelina hat uns von ihren treuesten Kunden erzählt: Es sind Männer in Führungspositionen
  • In ihrem Studio können sie endlich in eine andere Rolle schlüpfen: die des Sex-Sklaven

Gegen Mittag packt euer Chef seine Sachen zusammen, wirft einen Blick auf die Uhr und hastet mit einem gemurmelten “Bin zum Essen verabredet” aus dem Büro – möglicherweise geradewegs in das Domina-Studio von Lady Angelina. Um sich dort anleinen und auspeitschen zu lassen. 

“90 Prozent meiner Kunden sind Männer in Führungspositionen”, sagte die Münchner Domina Lady Angelina der HuffPost. “Die meisten von ihnen kommen in ihrer Mittagspause zu mir.”

Im Domina-Studio können die von Stress geplagten Chefs endlich loslassen und in eine andere Rolle schlüpfen: die des Sex-Sklaven. 

Wer schon einmal den Sklaven einer Domina gesehen hat, einen Mann in einem ledernen Ganzkörper-Hundekostüm oder mit einer Schweinsmaske über dem Gesicht, kommt nicht drum herum, sich zu fragen, was einen Menschen dazu treibt, sich so sehr erniedrigen zu lassen. 

Spätestens dann, wenn die Domina ihren Sklaven anleint und hinter sich herzieht. Oder wenn er sich vor sie legt, als sei er ihr Wachhund – und kein Mann, der im realen Leben im Job eine angesehene Position bekleidet. 

Sie geben Termine vor oder kommen zum “Nooner” vorbei

Doch genau solche Männer stecken meist unter den ledernen Masken – Firmenchefs, Manager, Unternehmensberater oder Politiker – vielleicht auch euer eigener Chef. 

Sie geben vor, einen wichtigen Geschäftstermin am Nachmittag zu haben oder kommen mittags zum “Nooner” vorbei, wie Insider der Szene zu einer Sex-Verabredung in der Mittagszeit sagen. 

“Wann sollen sie auch sonst kommen?”, sagt Lady Angelina. “Sie arbeiten ja bis spät abends.”

Oft würden sie nach der sogenannten Session auch noch ein zehnminütiges Schläfchen einlegen und einen Kaffee trinken, bevor sie dann entspannt und energiegeladen zurück ins Büro kehren. Entspannt und energiegeladen vom Auspeitschen. 

“Das ist nichts Ungewöhnliches”, sagte der Paartherapeut und Psychotherapeut Stefan Woinoff der HuffPost. “Gerade sehr mächtige Männer brauchen die totale Erniedrigung.”

“Wie ein Embryo im Mutterleib”

Männer in leitenden Positionen werde oft so viel Verantwortung aufgebürdet, dass sie dringend einen Gegenpol benötigen würden. 

“Deshalb lassen sich gerade sehr mächtige Männer von einer Domina mit Latex wie einen Embryo im Mutterleib einbinden”, erklärt Woinoff. 

Wenn ihr jetzt beim Lesen misstrauisch euren Chef beäugt, seid gewarnt. “Man sieht den Menschen ihren Fetisch nicht an”, sagt Lady Angelina. “Im Büro sind sie die Männer im Anzug mit Krawatte. Bei mir können sie in eine andere Rolle schlüpfen und ein anderes Gesicht zeigen. Das ist für sie sehr befreiend.”

Mehr zum Thema: Ich bin seit 14 Jahren Domina – und damit helfe ich vielen Menschen

Auch Woinoff bestätigt das befreiende Gefühl, dass die gestressten Männer überkommt. Oft seien Sex-Sklaven Kindern ähnlich, die Schuldgefühle hätten, weil sie was ausgefressen haben.

“Dabei ist das, was sie nach eigener Beurteilung ausgefressen haben, nur ihre eigene sexuelle Lust. Wenn aber die Domina die gestrenge Mutter oder Gouvernante spielt und ihnen selbst diese Lustgefühle beibringt, fallen die Schuldgefühle weg und die Lust hat freie Fahrt”, erklärt er.

90 Prozent meiner Sklaven wollen das Gleiche 

Und diese freie Fahrt ist offensichtlich berauschender als jede Achterbahn.

Denn Lady Angelina hat sich schon so viele Stammkunden erarbeitet, dass sie wahrscheinlich Treuepunkte verteilen könnte. Und regelmäßig kommen neue mächtige Männer hinzu. In ihrem Studio trifft sich mittlerweile wahrscheinlich das Who is Who der Münchner Konzernchefs.

“Schon einige Male hatte ich den Fall, das mich jemand gebucht hatte, von dem ich dachte: Oh je, der hat eine so hohe Position in seinem Job. Wie soll ich den nur dominieren? Aber in der Realität ist das nie schwer. Sie wollen es ja”, sagt die Domina. 

Natürlich erfülle sie aber nicht jeden Wunsch ihrer elitären Kunden. “Wenn ein Mann will, dass auch Tiere mit im Spiel sind, sage ich zum Beispiel ganz klar Nein”, sagt sie. “90 Prozent von ihnen wollen aber ohnehin das Gleiche: Ein bisschen fesseln, ein bisschen peitschen, ein bisschen spielen an den Brustwarzen. Nichts Krasses, einfach etwas Bizarres mit mir anstellen.”


‘Dancing On Ice’ Pro Matt Evers Says Political Climate Inspired Him To Come Out As Gay

‘Dancing On Ice’ Pro Matt Evers Says Political Climate Inspired Him To Come Out As Gay
‘Dancing On Ice’ professional Matt Evers has explained his motivation to come out as gay, following the rise of President Donald Trump.

Matt, who was born and raised in Minnesota, appeared on all nine series of the original run of ‘Dancing On Ice’, during which time he was partnered with contestants including Pamela Anderson, Jorgie Porter and Denise Welch.

In an interview in the new issue of Attitude magazine, Matt has revealed that he is gay, explaining that the current political climate influenced his decision.

Matt also shared the story of his late uncle, who was “banished” from his religious family because they disapproved of his lifestyle.

‘Dancing On Ice’ returns for a new series on Sunday (7 January), with Matt back on the ice once again.

This time around, he’s partnered with former ‘Great British Bake Off’ winner Candice Brown.

Read Matt’s full interview in the new issue of Attitude magazine, on sale now.