Dale Scott, First Out MLB Umpire, to Retire
Scott, who came out in 2014, suffered a concussion this year, and decided the time for retirement has arrived.
Dale Scott, First Out MLB Umpire, to Retire
Scott, who came out in 2014, suffered a concussion this year, and decided the time for retirement has arrived.
PHOTOS: Boys on the run for charity
Across the US, no matter how frigid the weather, hot guys stripped down for good causes.
AT&T Models How to Guarantee Trans Employees Protection
Pride at Work argues that a union contract helps ensure transgender employees get the protection they need.
Political group runs ads thanking Trump for ‘letting us say Merry Christmas again’
It should go without saying that America’s first black president did not ban the words “Merry Christmas.”
UN-Sicherheitsrat verschärft Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea
Der UN-Sicherheitsrat hat einstimmig weitere Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea wegen dessen wiederholter Atom- und Raketentests beschlossen.
► Die UN hat auf Initiative den wirtschaftlichen Druck auf das Regime von Diktator Kim Jong-un nochmals erhöht.
► Lieferungen von Mineralölerzeugnissen wie Benzin, Diesel und Schweröl an das Land werden auf ein Viertel der erlaubten Menge begrenzt.
► Es gilt nun außerdem ein Exportverbot auf Lebensmittel und landwirtschaftliche Produkte, Maschinen, elektrische Geräte, Gesteine und Holz sowie auf Schiffe.
“Pjöngjang hat den Weg der Isolation gewählt”, begründete die US-amerikanische UN-Botschafterin Nikki Haley die Sanktionen. Sie drohte, dass auf neuerliche Provokationen Kims weitere Sanktionen folgen würden.
“Die Abstimmung heute spiegelt den Ernst der Lage”, sagte Frankreichs UN-Botschafter François Delattre. “Wir glauben, dass maximaler Druck heute unser bestes Werkzeug für eine politische Lösung morgen ist.”
Das höchste UN-Gremium hatte erstmals 2006 Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea verhängt und diese zuletzt im September verschärft.
► Wirkung gezeigt hat bisher keine dieser Strafmaßnahmen.
Aldi Skipton Stabbing Of Jodie Willsher Sees Man Charged With Murder
A man has been charged with murder after supermarket worker Jodie Willsher was stabbed to death in an Aldi store in Skipton, North Yorkshire Police said on Friday.
The mother-of-one died on Thursday after being rushed to Airedale General Hospital following the attack at the Keighley Road store around 3.30pm.
Neville Hord, from Skipton, has been remanded in custody over the 30-year-old’s death.
The 44-year-old is due to appear at York Magistrates’ Court on Saturday, the BBC reported.
Jodie’s husband Malcolm Willsher paid an emotional tribute to his wife on Friday, saying: “She was lovely and warm and always had a smile on her face.
She was amazing, beautiful and a lovely person. She was a doting mother and a loving wife.”
Police yesterday credited “brave members of staff and public” who detained the attacker before they arrived.
Bless you, Wilfred Beattie. “he punched the man accused of the murder in the face several times before dragging him to the floor and restraining him.” RIP Jodie Wilsher. “Wilfred regularly spoke to Willsher, ‘lovely lass who is always bubbly.'”https://t.co/iZC7L5FVs6
December 22, 2017
Detectives have urged any witnesses or anyone with information about the incident to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 1, and speak to the Force Control Room.
Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.
Please quote reference number 12170227342 when providing details about this incident.
Amistead Maupin reveals which deeply closeted movie star he had awkward sex with
“It was clumsy, alright.”
George Michael, Hugh Jackman, Obamacare, 2018 Bloodbath, Fancy Bear, Jonathan Groff, Taiwan: HOT LINKS
SIMON HATTENSTONE. Last Christmas we lost George Michael. Now he’s an unlikely beacon of hope: “At a truly horrible time in our history – Brexit, Trump and the rise of populist bigotry – sad, sleazy George Michael stood out as a beacon of hope. We may have lost Michael last Christmas, but in 2017 he became a symbol of human goodness – a man who took pleasure in improving people’s lives without telling a soul.”
BEACH BODS. Hugh Jackman and his trainer work out shirtless on Bondi Beach.
THE COMING BLOODBATH. Republicans warn Trump of 2018: “The warning, several people close to the chairwoman said, reflected deepening anxiety that a full-throated Trump endorsement of accused child molester Roy Moore in the special election — which the president was edging closer to at the time — would further damage the party’s standing with women. McDaniel’s memo, which detailed the president’s poor approval numbers among women nationally and in several states, would go unheeded, as Trump eventually went all-in for the ultimately unsuccessful Republican candidate.”
FANCY BEAR. Russian hackers targeted journalists as early as mid-2014: “The AP identified journalists as the third-largest group on a hacking hit list obtained from cybersecurity firm Secureworks, after diplomatic personnel and U.S. Democrats. About 50 of the journalists worked at The New York Times. Another 50 were either foreign correspondents based in Moscow or Russian reporters like Lobkov who worked for independent news outlets. Others were prominent media figures in Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltics or Washington.”
JUDGE: Congress should do something about Trump.
SAN FRANCISCO. Gay publisher Michael Yamashita buys Bay Area Reporter: “Michael Yamashita has purchased the Bay Area Reporter making him the first gay Asian-American publisher and owner of an LGBT newspaper. The decision was announced on Monday. Yamashita has served as the newspaper’s publisher since 2013 and was also its former general manager. After receiving two shares from former investors, he was able to purchase the LGBT weekly newspaper.”
ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS. Jonathan Groff is in the sweater aisle.
TAIWAN. Largest gay nightclub Funky Club to close: “According to a report in the Chinese-language Apple Daily, the club has been facing competition from a growing number of similar establishments, and a moving away of its former clientele to newer clubs might be to blame for the closure.”
TRAILER OF THE DAY. A Futile and Stupid Gesture. “A Futile and Stupid Gesture is the story of comedy wunderkind Doug Kenney, who co-created the National Lampoon, Caddyshack, and Animal House. Kenney was at the center of the 70’s comedy counter-culture which gave birth to Saturday Night Live and a whole generation’s way of looking at the world.”
FRIDAY FLASH. Robert Oliveira.
The post George Michael, Hugh Jackman, Obamacare, 2018 Bloodbath, Fancy Bear, Jonathan Groff, Taiwan: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.
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