“Bahnbrechende Entwicklung”: Europa holt Flüchtlinge mit dem Flugzeug aus Afrika

“Bahnbrechende Entwicklung”: Europa holt Flüchtlinge mit dem Flugzeug aus Afrika

  • Bisher mussten Flüchtlinge sich meist in Lebensgefahr begeben, um nach Europa zu gelangen
  • Nun erhalten einige die Chance, per Flugzeug zu kommen – eine dauerhafte Lösung ist das aber kaum

Erstmals sind direkt Flüchtlinge über einen humanitären Korridor von Libyen nach Italien gebracht worden.

Die 162 Migranten, darunter viele Kinder und Frauen, aus Eritrea, Äthiopien, Somalia und dem Jemen seien nach monatelangem Leiden in Libyen mit zwei italienischen Militärfliegern sicher nach Rom gebracht worden, teilte das UN-Flüchtlingswerk UNHCR am Samstag mit.

Die meisten Migranten kommen in schrottreifen Booten

Der UN-Gesandte für das zentrale Mittelmeer, Vincent Cochetel, sagte: “Das ist wirklich eine bahnbrechende Entwicklung.”

Auch ein drei Wochen altes Baby war unter den Evakuierten, es war in einem Lager geboren worden.

Aus Libyen fahren die meisten Migranten mit meist schrottreifen Booten über das Mittelmeer nach Italien.

Flüchtlingszahlen sind gesunken

Seit die italienische Regierung ein Abkommen mit Libyen geschlossen hat und die dortige Küstenwache unterstützt, kommen allerdings wesentlich weniger Menschen in Europa an.

Menschenrechtler kritisieren, dass Hunderttausende Migranten nun in libyschen Lagern festsitzen und Folter und Misshandlungen ausgesetzt sind. Die Möglichkeit für einige wenige per Flugzeug nach Europa zu gelangen, hilft den meisten wenig. 

Auf dem Mittelmeer kamen in diesem Jahr nach Angaben der Internationalen Organisation für Migration bisher mehr als 3100 Menschen ums Leben. An Italiens Küsten landeten in diesem Jahr bisher rund 118.000 Migranten.

Mehr zum Thema: Die Flüchtlingskrise und die Folgen für Europa

Die Flüchtlingskrise ist zurück – das sind die wichtigsten Fakten

Vom Helfer zum Schlepper? Das sollten alle wissen, bevor sie über Flüchtlingsretter im Mittelmeer diskutieren

“Europa sollte sich vorbereiten”- die Flüchlingskrise hat noch gar nicht richtig angefangen

Wir haben in den letzten Wochen 3000 Flüchtlinge gerettet – das ist meine Botschaft an euch

Politiker wollen die Flüchtlingskrise im Mittelmeer lösen – kann der sogenannte Rom-Plan helfen?


Gogglebox’s Leon Bernicoff Dies, Aged 83

Gogglebox’s Leon Bernicoff Dies, Aged 83
Leon Bernicoff, who found fame alongside his wife June on ‘Gogglebox’, has died at the age 83.

The sad news was announced on the programme’s Twitter account, with Channel 4 later stating that Leon died in hospital after a short period of illness.

“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear friend and #Gogglebox legend Leon,” the tweet read. “We will all miss him so very dearly.

“Our thoughts are with June and family at this incredibly sad time.”

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear friend and #Gogglebox legend Leon. We will all miss him so very dearly. Our thoughts are with June and family at this incredibly sad time. ?

December 23, 2017
In a longer statement, Channel 4 and Studio Lambert, who make ‘Gogglebox’, said (via the BBC): “Leon and his wife June were the first members of the public to be cast for ‘Gogglebox’ back in early 2013, and they soon grew to become much-loved voices during the course of the show’s 10 series to date.

“Leon’s unique personality and sharp wit endeared him to fans of the show, as he contributed fully to Gogglebox’s reputation as a programme full of warm humour and unvarnished opinion.

“To those of us that knew him personally, Leon was a man of unwavering principles who exerted a distinct paternal presence both on and off screen. He will be dearly missed by the entire ‘Gogglebox’ family; cast and crew.”

The show’s creator, Tania Alexander,  posted her condolences on Twitter, as many fans began sharing tributes.

So deeply saddened at the passing of our dear, dear Leon. He was and always will be the grandfather of #gogglebox – an absolute star who always made me laugh with his sharp wit and unshakable opinions. Much love and strength to June and the Bernicoff family. ❤️ pic.twitter.com/hFJdkNDBd1

December 23, 2017
“So deeply saddened at the passing of our dear, dear Leon,” she wrote. “He was and always will be the grandfather of #gogglebox – an absolute star who always made me laugh with his sharp wit and unshakable opinions.

“Much love and strength to June and the Bernicoff family.”


HS Football Star Who Came Out as Gay at School Assembly Signs with Indiana State: WATCH

HS Football Star Who Came Out as Gay at School Assembly Signs with Indiana State: WATCH
Jake Bain

Check out the video above which tells the story of Jake Bain, the star athlete and best football player at John Burroughs High School in Missouri. After coming out  as gay at an all-school assembly, he’s now signing with Indiana State.

Bain told KSDK that it was difficult hearing things from other players on the field after people knew he was gay: “At the bottom of a pile a lot of times I would hear ‘stay down, you fag.’ I would hear, ‘this is no sport for gay people.’”

@Jakebain10 is an all-around playmaker, there is nothing he can’t do! #FearTheForest #ALL1NDST8 pic.twitter.com/3NncNpwcsx

— Sycamore Recruiting (@IndStRecruiting) December 20, 2017

Added Bain: “My main reason for coming out was not necessarily for me. I have always been comfortable with myself and how people view me. For me, it was to try and reach out to people who aren’t comfortable coming out. I feel like, especially within athletics, there’s a stigma. I don’t think being an athlete and gay really collide.”

Instagram Photo


Bain said he wanted to be assured before signing with a college that he would be accepted: “I had a meeting with the head coach, Kurt Mallory and I sat him down with my family and said ‘I love the place. I love everything about Indiana State but before I commit the next four years of my life, I want you to know I am an openly gay person and that is something that is a part of my life.’ I knew he would accept me because that is the kind of person he is. He told me he had coached gay players in the past.”

The St. Louis Dispatch also posted a lengthy profile of Bain. It starts off like this:

Two autumns ago, he scored three touchdowns in the state title game, but on this October day, his senior season ended unceremoniously. So the running back walked off the field, seeking solace in a hug from his boyfriend.

“I did notice that moment, and knowing that was the last game of Jake’s career, I thought, ‘How lucky is Jake for that?’” said John Merritt, the football coach at John Burroughs. “And what does that say about our community, that they can both express themselves without any fear?”

Jake Bain is the best athlete at his high school. He’d be the best athlete at most high schools. As a sophomore running back, he was named the Class 3 Offensive Player of the Year in Missouri. As a sophomore! And after winning the state title, he was selected team captain for his junior and senior seasons. On Wednesday, Jake signed to play college football — he’s headed to Indiana State next year.

He is openly gay.

“This is a kid who, in every traditionally stereotypical way, would not have been connected to that community,” said John Burroughs head of school Andy Abbott, “but in every authentic way, was and is.”

Instagram Photo

The post HS Football Star Who Came Out as Gay at School Assembly Signs with Indiana State: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

HS Football Star Who Came Out as Gay at School Assembly Signs with Indiana State: WATCH

Ahmadi Muslims Group Brings Festive Cheer To Elderly And Isolated

Ahmadi Muslims Group Brings Festive Cheer To Elderly And Isolated
A minority Muslim group has launched a nationwide initiative this Christmas to bring some festive cheer to the elderly and isolated.

Young Ahmadi Muslims from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) will be visiting care homes and hospices as well as providing a free taxi service to the elderly on Christmas Day.

AMYA’s members hope to carry out more than 2,000 visits to spend some time with people who might otherwise be on their own, the organisation said.

In #Yorkshire we have started our 10 days #Seasonal #Charity campaign which include #foodbank donations, feeding the #Homeless, visiting Elderly & Sick, Free Taxi service on #Xmas, Street cleaning on #NewYear . Stay with us for more updates. #TrueIslam #LoveForAllHatredForNone pic.twitter.com/puGbjNUNc4

December 22, 2017
They will also visit homeless shelters where they will prepare warm meals and gift bags, reports the Press Association.

One of AMYA’s initiatives will see 50 members in Yorkshire offering a taxi services to more than 100 elderly members of the local community and take them to YMCA centres.

Members will “serve them, sit with them, pack them a meal for Christmas Day, then take them home,” the organisation said.

AMYA said it was hoping to beat last year’s record of feeding over 1,600 people, donating 336kg of food and 100kg of clothing and visiting 1,500 isolated adults.

The organisation said in a statement: “This campaign is particularly important to us as we feel that it offers our youth vital training and personal development, which helps to shape them into productive, conscientious and well integrated members of British society.

“Moreover, it enables us to demonstrate the motto of our community: Love for all, hatred for none.”

On New Year’s Day AMYA has planned a clean-up of Britain’s streets involving 500 members who will go out litter picking after 7am prayers.

There are an estimated 35,000 Ahmadiyya in the UK, while AMYA itself has around 8,500 members across its 124 branches.

Ahmadiyya are regarded as blasphemous by radical Islamists because they believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who founded the movement in the late 19th century, to be the messiah promised to Muslims in the Koran.

The sect is widely persecuted in Pakistan and in November it emerged threats had been made to the Ahmadiyya community in Britain, prompting some mosques to install metal detectors.

In March last year, Glasgow shopkeeper Asad Shah was murdered by extremist Tanveer Ahmed because of his religious views.

Ahmed, a taxi driver, travelled from his home city of Bradford to carry out the killing after identifying his target through social media.

As he was jailed for a minimum of 27 years, Ahmed shouted: “Praise for the Prophet Mohammed, there is only one prophet.”


Vorbild Österreich: Der konservative Parteinachwuchs in der Union setzt Merkel unter Druck

Vorbild Österreich: Der konservative Parteinachwuchs in der Union setzt Merkel unter Druck

  • Angela Merkel geht angeschlagen ins neue Jahr
  • Der Parteinachwuchs fordert für die kommenden Monate eine personelle Erneuerung in der Partei 

Florian Braun ist eigentlich schwer aus der Ruhe zu bringen – aber der Blick nach Berlin bereitet ihm gewaltige Sorgen.

Braun, JU-Chef in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Landtagsabgeordneter, gehört zum Parteinachwuchs der Union.

Bei der Regierungsbildung herrsche “weitestgehend Stillstand”,  klagt er. In Zeiten von Trump und Brexit “ist das brandgefährlich.”

In dem bevölkerungsreichsten Bundesland hat seine Partei in kürzester Zeit eine schwarz-gelbe Koalition gezimmert. Es war eine der wenigen Erfolgsmeldungen für die CDU in den vergangenen Monaten.

“Müssen uns personell grundlegend erneuern”

Die verlorene Bundestagswahl, verlorene Landtagswahlen, die AfD im Nacken. Das Jamaika-Aus, nun wackelt die GroKo. In Bayern hat das schon zum Machtwechsel in der CSU geführt –  auch Merkel verliert spürbar an Einfluss.

“Wenn ich auf die Zukunft der Union schaue, ist für mich völlig klar, dass wir uns personell grundlegend erneuern müssen”, sagt Braun.

Die CDU “braucht eine Frischzellenkur”.

“Wir brauchen junge, frische Köpfe in Schlüsselpositionen, die in den kommenden Wahlkämpfen Verantwortung übernehmen können.”

Alle Personalfragen in den kommenden Monaten und Jahren müssten unter diesem Vorzeichen getroffen werden, fordert er.

In Bayern geht die Merkel-Furcht um

Die ganz große Revolution will Brauch aber noch nicht ausrufen. Auch nach einer “Frischzellenkur” sieht er die Kanzlerin an der Spitze.

Härter mit Merkel geht die Junge Union in Bayern ins Gericht. Die jungen Konservativen dort schauen schon auf die Landtagswahl im kommenden Jahr.

“Die Wahrheit ist: Das Ergebnis bei der Wahl liegt nicht nur in CSU-Hand”, sagt der bayerische JU-Chef Hans Reichhart. “Auch Berlin hat einen Einfluss darauf, ob wir die absolute Mehrheit verteidigen können.”

Im Klartext: Die Kanzlerin.

Reichhart fordert deshalb ein klares Bekenntnis von Merkel, “dass sie aus den Fehler in der Flüchtlingspolitik gelernt hat und ihre Politik ändert.”

Österreich könne Deutschland hier ein Vorbild sein.

Annäherung zwischen CDU und AfD

Im Nachbarland zimmerten die Konservativen in diesen Tagen ein Bündnis mit der rechtspopulistischen FPÖ.

Heißt das, dass auch die Union überlegen sollte, eine Koalition mit der AfD einzugehen?

Erste Annäherungen in diese Richtung gibt es schon: In Sachsen-Anhalt stimmten Unions-Abgeordnete bereits für einen AfD-Antrag. Auch CDU-Bürgermeister sprachen sich zuletzt für eine Zusammenarbeit mit den Rechtspopulisten aus.

Davon wollen aber Reichhart und Braun allerdings nichts wissen. Hier sind sie auf Linie des Parteivorstands, der eine Zusammenabeit ausschließt.

Die kommenden Wochen werden entscheidend für Merkel

“Die Versuchung mag groß sein, aber die Union muss ihr widerstehen”, sagt Reichhart.

Es könne nicht sein, dass man sich von Stimmen der AfD abhängig mache. Außerdem sei der Blick auf den AfD-Nachwuchs besorgniserregend.

“Das sind teils Leute, die rechtsextremen Kräften noch viel näher stehen als die jetzige Führungsriege”, sagt er.

Sprich: Die Union muss aus eigener Kraft wieder zulegen. Ob im Fall von Neuwahlen mit Merkel an der Spitze, werden die kommenden Wochen zeigen.

Sicher ist: Viele in der Union warten nur auf eine Gelegenheit um auf Angriff gegen Merkel zu schalten. 


11 Pro-Blue Passport Comments That Should Be Made Up But Aren’t

11 Pro-Blue Passport Comments That Should Be Made Up But Aren’t
Yesterday, according to Nigel Farage, the UK took a step towards “becoming a proper country again”.

No, we didn’t curb foodbank use, see a rise in the value of Sterling or negotiate a trade deal with the EU better than the one we already have – we got blue passports.

All for a bargain £490 million.

A return to British passports means we are becoming a proper country again. We are getting our individuality and national identity back. pic.twitter.com/AOZjmQhsyf

December 22, 2017
Upon the announcement of the news people asserted their new-found individuality and national identity by lauding the move in some of the strongest terms imaginable.

We’ll take these guys up on their bet but we’ll hold out to see if Sterling bottoms out anymore first.

Mine is due for renewal in summer 2019, but you can bet your bottom Sterling that I’ll hold fire until the Blue ones are issued!!

December 22, 2017
A whopping 17 million Brits have never even known a blue passport, never mind missed one.
Bog off burgundy, welcome back blue, you were missed! Steve, Mail Online commenter
For the last 30 years all I have dreamt of is having a blue passport, nothing else that is going on in the whole wide world matters.
I`ve always felt a sense of shame on having to have an EU passport it made me feel like a state member and not a free man in a sovereign nation. The hairy bag, Mail Online commenter
Protect our savereintey! Change the word ‘passport’ to ‘passpOURt’. Damn you Europe! Broadhead McBritt, Sun Online commenter
Bit of advice Mr Welshman, do not ever test this theory.
Still have my old blue one. It survived floating in a duffel bag full of water inside Niagara Falls and would likely take a bullet for me. So welcome back old blue. Expat Welshman, Mail Online commenter
We can have burgundy passport burning ceremonies. V Bale, Mail Online commenter
Don’t tell Shoeman that one of the three companies currently bidding for the contract to make the new blue passport includes a manufacturer based in Germany.
Let’s hope it’s printed in the UK, we’ve got to start giving work to this country now and buying more things made in the UK.
TrueBrit will have plenty of time to practice his suave lines as he queues to pas through.
Whip it out at Passport Control………….My name is ‘Bond’…………’Premium Bond’ TrueBrit, Mail Online commenter
Doesn’t matter what colour it is it will still be handed out to immigrants, what we need to do is kick all the foreigners out and don’t let any more in, may has done nothing what the people voted for I voted out because I’m sick of all the foreing s..t that’s here Leeds ripper, Sun Online commenter
Curse you Europe! Let’s get our sovereignty back! Time to resurrect our Imperial System! Time to change our money! Broadhead McBritt, Sun Online commenter
