Brad Goreski Marries Longtime Partner Gary Janetti

Brad Goreski Marries Longtime Partner Gary Janetti
Brad Goreski marries

Celebrity fashion stylist and Fashion Police co-host Brad Goreski married his partner of 16 years, TV producer Gary Janetti, aboard a Seabourn Cruise with their family in attendance.

Instagram Photo


Writes US Weekly:

“The intimate ceremony was officiated by Seabourn Sojourn captain Tim Roberts at sunset. The Fashion Police cohost, 40, wore a custom royal blue suit by Isaia, while his 51-year-old groom donned a gray suit that was also designed by the Italian menswear brand. Their wedding rings were crafted by David Yurman…The longtime couple met in Athens, Greece, and became engaged in August 2014.”


Instagram Photo

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Brad Goreski Marries Longtime Partner Gary Janetti

An Heiligabend nahm er noch dieses Video mit seinem Sohn auf – einen Tag später brachte er seine Familie um

An Heiligabend nahm er noch dieses Video mit seinem Sohn auf – einen Tag später brachte er seine Familie um

  • Ein Starkoch aus Amerika hat an Heiligabend ein rührendes Weihnachtsvideo mit seinem Sohn veröffentlicht
  • Am Tag darauf erschoss er seine Ex-Frau und die beiden gemeinsamen Kinder
  • Mehr über die bisher bekannten Hintergründe der Tat erfahrt ihr im Video oben

“Merry Christmas”. So lautet der Schriftzug in dem Video, das Anthony Milan Ross mit seinem Sohn Nigel an Heiligabend auf Facebook geteilt hat.

Gemeinsam lachen sie und singen “Santa Clause is Coming to Town“.

Am Tag darauf löschte der vegane Starkoch die Leben seiner Ex-Frau Iris Ross und der beiden gemeinsamen Kindern Nigel und Anola aus.

Familiendrama an Weihnacht

Laut der amerikanischen Tageszeitung “New York Times“ fand die Polizei die Leiche der Ex-Frau auf einem Parkplatz. In der Wohnung in Phoenix fand sie später die Leichen des elfjährigen Sohns und der gerade einmal 10 Monate alten Tochter.

Rund sechs Stunden verbarrikadierte sich Ross in der Wohnung. Lange versuchten die Polizeibeamten, auf den 45-Jährigen einzureden.

Mehr zum Thema: Polizistin schildert Bluttat: Vater tötet zwei Kinder und verletzt drittes schwer

Nachdem er gestand, seine Familie umgebracht zu haben, eröffnete er das Feuer. Die Polizei nahm ihn später fest.

Der Grund für die Familientragödie ist noch unklar. Ross und seine Ex-Frau lebten getrennt voneinander. Um Weihnachten mit seinen Kindern verbringen zu können, war er für die Feiertage nach Phoenix gereist.

Anthony Milan Ross ist ein bekannter veganer Koch und Motivationsredner in den USA. Mithilfe einer Gemüsediät hatte er vor drei Jahren 136 Kilo abgenommen und sich dadurch einen Namen gemacht.

The Hype And The Hope For AI

The Hype And The Hope For AI

As 2017 draws to a close it seems we are reaching a paradoxical time where many are placing AI front and centre in their 2018 trends list whilst others are finding AI to be over-hyped.  

The sad reality is that many companies are trying to make their newest product sound cutting edge by using the term artificial intelligence to mean just about anything a computer can do, take for example this child’s toy for Christmas.

Newspapers and magazines love to put out sensationalist stories on AI, buoyed by futuristic movies from the likes of Tom Cruise and Will Smith, meaning the term is thrown around casually across the world. Many are now not even clear on where we are with AI presently, never mind where it’s likely to take us in the future.

Marvin Minsky, one of the bigger names in the AI field (he co-founded MIT’s AI lab), has called “intelligence” a “suitcase word,” meaning you can stuff anything in there. In other words, it’s too broad and it doesn’t lend itself to precise definition. That’s fuelling the hype but also the confusion. The lack of precision around the term has become part of the issue.

The lessons from history

What a lot of people probably don’t know about AI is that it debutedback in 1956.  Much like today, this was a time of huge optimism and millions were invested, many believing AI would be doing the work of humans by the mid-1970s… of course, that didn’t happen.

The cautionary tale from history comes from what happened next. When expectations weren’t met with results, funding dried up and a lot of research ground to a halt leading to “The AI Winter”. It was a time when disillusionment with AI was so widespread it led venture capitalists to use the term “AI” as a synonym for “bad investment decisions.”

Now we’re at an interesting time… the sophistication and access to technology has advanced exponentially since the 1970s and there’s much more hope for AI this time around.

However, this time round, there is also a lot more hype, and as history teaches us, that can be very dangerous.

Is the hype deserved?

That depends on who you ask, of course. But consider this quote from an article about the evolution of Watson, probably still the biggest name in AI right now:

“IBM Watson is the Donald Trump of the AI industry—outlandish claims that aren’t backed by credible data,” said Oren Etzioni, CEO of the Allen Institute for AI and former computer science professor. “Everyone—journalists included—know[s] that the emperor has no clothes, but most are reluctant to say so.”

Strong comments, however, other major tech companies ― ones that have far surpassed IBM in the last 10 years ― are retooling their business models around AI, including Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Some smart people work in those places, so the hype must have more than a kernel of truth in it, right?

Is the AI hype bad or good specifically?

You can argue either side here. If it results in a second AI winter where the entire idea collapses as a scalable concept, then the hype was likely bad; full of sound and fury, signifying nothing except businesses returning to the way they’ve always done things.

The good news: funding for AI startups by VCs has surged and shows no signs of slowing down, meaning a lot of money is being thrown at the research and development side of the equation. That is a benefit of the hype.

A drawback, however, is what if all the hype and the videos of robots doing box jumps and the articles about losing your job in five years are actually preventing real advancements in the AI field by researchers? What if the hype is creating too much of a drive for money and attention, and that’s curtailing what could be the next big advance in human evolution?

“The stock market has predicted nine of the last five recessions”

That’s a quote from Paul Samuelson, the first American winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics. Most of the recent winners of that award have been from behavioural economics, which tries to turn economics on its head and realise that people aren’t completely rational.

With this in mind, the truth is no-one knows what’s going to happen but the significant changes are unlikely to be coming in the short term.

What we do know is it’s easier to imagine a time when AI will take our jobs rather than work out how our jobs may evolve. If you tried to explain the concept of an iPhone to someone in 1975, they would have no idea why that would be necessary and would probably laugh directly in your face. Now, it seems normative.

Let’s just hope the current hype wave isn’t working against true growth for AI’s potential.

Reporter’s Name Altered with Anti-Gay Slurs in California Newspaper: ‘Paul Gayzalez – News-Press Faggoat’

Reporter’s Name Altered with Anti-Gay Slurs in California Newspaper: ‘Paul Gayzalez – News-Press Faggoat’
gay slur newspaper

The Santa Barbara News-Press apologized on Wednesday after a reporter’s name was altered using anti-gay slurs in the print edition of its Christmas Day paper.

The reporter, Paul Gonzalez, had his name altered to read ““Paul Gayzalez, News-Press Faggoat.”

Hey @sbnpnews: what’s this about?

— Max Matthies (@Selfmademax) December 25, 2017

Wrote Director of News Operations Donald Katich: “In Monday’s News-Press, one of our employees changed another employee’s byline to reflect an offensive slur. The News-Press has taken immediate and swift action with this employee; we do not tolerate any form of harassment in the workplace. We apologize to our readers.”

The San Luis Obispo Tribune adds:

The byline is unaltered in the online version of the story. Katich told SF Gate that the employee behind the change “is represented by the Teamsters. There is a process we are obligated to follow when it comes to discipline or termination. The employee is no longer in the building.”

The post Reporter’s Name Altered with Anti-Gay Slurs in California Newspaper: ‘Paul Gayzalez – News-Press Faggoat’ appeared first on Towleroad.

Reporter’s Name Altered with Anti-Gay Slurs in California Newspaper: ‘Paul Gayzalez – News-Press Faggoat’

Nach Radio-Interview: Meghan Markles Schwester geht auf Prinz Harry los

Nach Radio-Interview: Meghan Markles Schwester geht auf Prinz Harry los

  • In einem Radio-Interview erzählte Prinz Harry am Mittwoch vom Weihnachtsfest der Royals mit seiner Verlobten Meghan Markle

  • Dabei bezeichnete er die Königsfamilie als “die Familie, die sie vermutlich nie hatte”

  • Meghans Schwester reagierte darauf empört, wie das Video oben zeigt

Vergangene Woche feierte Meghan Markle ihr erstes royales Weihnachtsfest zusammen mit ihrem Verlobten Prinz Harry und seiner Familie rund um Queen Elizabeth II. 

In einem Gespräch mit dem Sender BBC Radio 4 erzählte Harry dann stolz, dass seine Verlobte ein “fantastisches” Weihnachten bei der Queen in Sandringham gehabt und dass seine Familie Meghan “geliebt” habe. Weiter berichtete er auf die Frage der Moderatorin nach Familientraditionen Markles: 

“Sie hat einen absolut tollen Job gemacht. Sie kommt rein und es ist die Familie, die sie vermutlich nie hatte.“ 

Meghans Schwester reagiert empört

Dieser Satz ließ Megans Halbschwester Samantha Grant aufhorchen. Via Twitter entgegnete sie, dass ihre Familie Meghan immer unterstützt habe, die aber immer zu “beschäftigt“ gewesen sei: “Sie hat tatsächlich eine große Familie, die immer bei ihr und für sie da war. Unser Zuhause war sehr normal und als sich Vater und Doria scheiden ließen, hatte sie zwei Häuser.“ 

Man solle Grants Buch lesen, um alle “Fakten und Fotos” zu erhalten, schreibt sie weiter.

Viele halten die Kommentare für taktlos

Meghan Markle und die 53-Jährige haben den gleichen Vater. Die Eltern der Schauspielerin ließen sich scheiden, als Meghan sechs Jahre alt war.

Aber nicht nur Samantha Grant empfand die Aussage des Royals als taktlos. Einige Twitter-User merkten ebenfalls an, dass seine Kommentare über “die Familie, die sie nie hatte“ unangebracht gewesen seien.

US Evangelical Christians ‘Uncritically Accepting’ Of Donald Trump, Bishop Of Liverpool Says

US Evangelical Christians ‘Uncritically Accepting’ Of Donald Trump, Bishop Of Liverpool Says

Conservative evangelical Christians in the US are “uncritically accepting” of Donald Trump’s comments, a senior Church of England bishop has said.

Paul Bayes, the bishop of Liverpool, said that some American religious leaders were colluding with a divisive system which “marginalises the poor”, contradicting the teachings of the Bible.

Bayes told the Guardian: “Some of the things that have been said by religious leaders seem to collude with a system that marginalises the poor, a system which builds walls instead of bridges, a system which says people on the margins of society should be excluded, a system which says we’re not welcoming people any more into our country.

“Whenever people say those kinds of things, they need to be able to justify that they’re saying those things as Christians, and I do not believe it’s justifiable.”

The US President is a Presbyterian Christian and has referenced the Bible at a number of rallies to appeal to his Evangelical base, but his attempts at espousing religious views in public have been awkward at times. 

Trump has admitted that he has not asked God for forgiveness, and refers to the Holy Communion as “my little wine” and “my little cracker”.

He said: “When I drink my little wine ― which is about the only wine I drink ― and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of asking for forgiveness, and I do that as often as possible because I feel cleansed,” he said. 

Trump’s contentious travel ban is currently in place, which prevents predominately Muslim nationals of Libya, Somalia, Syria, Chad, Iran, and Yemen from entering the US. 

Earlier this year the US commander in chief also announced he wanted to ban transgender people from enlisting in the US military – a plan which has been blocked by judges.

Bayes said that people in the US who call themselves evangelical “seem to be uncritically accepting” positions taken by Trump and his allies.

Although he stressed that not all evangelicals were Trump supporters.

In October, Trump became the first sitting US President to address a summit held by the Family Research Council (FRC), an evangelical Christian group which has been branded a “hate group”.

The FRC is an anti-LGBT, anti-Islam organisation, whose website states:

Family Research Council believes that homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can never be affirmed. It is by definition unnatural, and as such is associated with negative physical and psychological health effects. While the origins of same-sex attractions may be complex, there is no convincing evidence that a homosexual identity is ever something genetic or inborn. 

Last month, the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, told ITV’s Robert Peston on Sunday that he does not understand why fundamentalist Christians in the US are so supportive of Trump. 

“There’s two things going through my mind: Do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say? And I’m going to say what I think,” said Welby. “No, I don’t understand it. I really, genuinely do not understand where that is coming from.”

Bayes, who assumed the role of bishop of Liverpool in 2014, said that people could support right-wing populism, but questioned how that would relate to their Christian faith.

He added: “And if what I believe are the clear teachings of the gospel about love for all, the desire for justice and for making sure marginalised and defenceless people are protected, if it looks as though those teachings are being contradicted, then I think there is a need to say so.”

According to US think tank the Pew Research Center, 80% of those who identified as white evangelical Christians said they voted for Trump.

The think tank’s findings state: “While earlier in the campaign some pundits and others questioned whether the thrice-married Trump would earn the bulk of white evangelical support, fully eight-in-ten self-identified white, born-again/evangelical Christians say they voted for Trump, while just 16% voted for (Hillary) Clinton.”

Meanwhile, Trump has had a rocky relationship with the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, which finally culminated in this iconic photo being taken during the Pope’s first meeting with the US President earlier this year.

Wie Macron die französische Asylpolitik auf den Kopf stellt

Wie Macron die französische Asylpolitik auf den Kopf stellt
Macron in Niamey, Niger.

  • Der französische Präsident schmiedet eine neue, deutlich restriktivere Asylpolitik
  • Im nächsten Frühjahr sollen seine Reformen abgeschlossen sein

Erfolg ist stets eine Frage der Perspektive – auch in Frankreich. Nach seinem ersten Kalenderjahr als französischer Präsident reichen die Beurteilungen von Emmanuel Macron von überschwänglich bis niederschmetternd

Eines aber ist dem En-Marche-Politiker zweifelsohne gelungen: die endgültige Zerschlagung der Links-Rechts-Achse auf dem Netzpapier der europäischen Politik.

Macron ist jung, liberal, in seinen Ansätzen revolutionär – europäisch, aber auch protektionistisch. Macron pocht auf Humanität, doch liebäugelt gleichzeitig mit der Abschottungsrhetorik der Rechten, wenn es um die Außengrenzen Europas geht.

► Der Präsident will die Asylpolitik seines Landes neu gestalten. Was Macron schon lange graduell begonnen hat, könnte im Frühjahr weiter an Form gewinnen.

Dabei schreckt Macron nicht vor radikalen Maßnahmen zurück.

Die “Le Monde” polterte zuletzt gar: Mit seinem neuen Kurs übertreffe Macron gar seinen zuwanderungsskeptischen Amtsvorgänger Nicolas Sarkozy, der als Innenminister Pariser Vorstädte “mit dem Kärcher” von Kriminellen und Illegalen reinigen wollte. 

Macron ist dabei ein Getriebener. “Sogar er kann hier nicht nicht handeln. Er braucht eine härtere Linie”, sagte zuletzt Dominique Reynie, Vorsitzender des Pariser Think-Tanks Fondapol, der “Financial Times” (“FT”). 

Wie ist die Situation in Frankreich?

Der französische Präsident muss und will auf die Stimmung im Land reagieren, die spätestens seit dem Mord an zwei Frauen in Marseille im Oktober angeheizt ist. Täter war ein ausreisepflichtiger Tunesier.

► Laut Angaben des republikanischen Abgeordneten Guillaume Larrivé gibt es rund 500.000 illegale Migranten in Frankreich.

► In vielen Großstädten leben tausende Flüchtlinge auf der Straße. Allein in Paris soll die Polizei in zwei Jahren 30.000 Menschen von den Gehwegen vertrieben haben, berichtet die “Welt”.

► Im vergangenen Jahr schoben französische Behörden 16.489 Menschen ab. Mehr als fünfmal so viele wären ausreisepflichtig gewesen, schreibt die “FT”.

► Zudem äußern französische Konservative Sorge, dass nicht nur aus Afrika und dem Nahen Osten, sondern auch aus anderen europäischen Ländern weitere Flüchtlinge nach Frankreich reisen könnten.

Innenminister Gérard Collomb sagte zuletzt: “In Deutschland wurde 300.000 Menschen Asyl verwehrt, sie wollen nach Frankreich kommen.”

Was hat Macron vor?

In den kommenden Monaten will Macron die Migrationspolitik umfassend reformieren.

► Vor allem geht es um eine Beschleunigung der Asylverfahren. Das betrifft die bürokratische Bearbeitung sowie auch die Abschiebung abgelehnter Asylsuchender.

► Zudem soll über Asylbescheide in Zukunft vor allem außerhalb Frankreichs entschieden werden. Dazu hat die zuständige Behörde Ofpra bereits im Niger und im Tschad Büros eröffnet. Auch in Libyen entstehen solche “Hotspots”.

► Hier will Macron gemeinsam mit der EU und Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel gegen Schlepperbanden vorgehen. Flüchtlinge, die in dem nordafrikanischen Land in teils sklavenähnlichen Verhältnissen leben müssen, sollen bei der Rückkehr in ihre Herkunftsländer unterstützt werden.

So will der Präsident verstörende Bilder vermeiden, wie sie in diesem Jahr wiederholt aus Libyen zu sehen waren. 

► Auch die Aufnahmen von obdachlosen Flüchtlingsgruppen auf französischen Straßen, die immer wieder für Empörung und Kritik aus allen Lagern sorgen, sollen bald der Vergangenheit angehören.

Schon im Juli kündigte Macron an, er wolle “niemanden, keine Frau und keinen Mann mehr auf den Straßen und in den Wäldern” sehen. Dafür sollen überall Notunterkünfte entstehen. Nicht überall ist das gelungen.

Macrons Kurs: “Der extremste seit dem Krieg”

Vor allem scheint die Regierung ohnehin auf Abschreckung zu setzen.

Immer wieder tauchen vor allem aus Calais, aber auch aus Paris erschreckende Aufnahmen auf, die zeigen, wie Polizisten Flüchtlinge mit Tränengas angreifen, verprügeln oder ihre Zelte zerstören.

The ‘zero tolerance’ policy has returned, cops in #Calais are harassing people collecting food from associations.

— Calais Solidarity (@calaisolidarity) April 5, 2017

Erst drei Tage vor Heiligabend stürmten Polizisten am Seine-Ufer in Paris ein Lager, in dem über 100 Flüchtlinge wohnten. 

► Kritiker werfen der Regierung bereits seit Monaten vor, die Behörden zu diesem rauen Vorgehen anzustacheln. 

Neu unter Macron ist dabei vor allem eins: Auch die Notunterkünfte werden deutlich strikter kontrolliert.

Laurent Giovannoni, Flüchtlingsverantwortlicher beim Hilfswerk Secours catholique kritisierte zuletzt, die Regierung habe mit der Order eine “rote Linie” überschritten. 

“Zum ersten Mal wird die Polizei in die Notunterkünfte eingreifen, das heißt in die Orte, an denen die prekärsten Menschen für ihre lebenswichtigen Bedürfnisse untergebracht sind”, sagte Giovannoni.

Patrick Weil, französischer Migrationsexperte, nannte Macrons Kurs im Fernsehsender BFM-TV den “extremsten seit dem Krieg.”

Macron arbeite nicht mit Zuckerbrot und Peitsche. Sondern “mit einem Lächeln  und Bonbons” in der Außendarstellung. Und “einem Dolch” in der Realität.

The UK Experienced Its ‘Greenest Year For Electricity Ever’ In 2017

The UK Experienced Its ‘Greenest Year For Electricity Ever’ In 2017

The UK enjoyed its greenest year ever in 2017 in terms of how it produced its electricity, the National Grid has revealed.

Proving that renewable and clean energy has been enjoying stratospheric growth, the country managed to break an impressive 13 records around renewable energy.

These included the first day since the industrial revolution where the UK was able to generate electricity without any coal power.

Other records include the first time where over half of the UK’s electricity needs were met by renewable energy.

“It’s been an exciting year managing the many ‘network firsts’“said Duncan Burt, Director of the System Operator at National Grid.

List Of Broken Records In 2017:

  • First 24 hour period without coal generation since the Industrial Revolution – 21 April
  • Longest period without coal generation (40 hours 35 minutes) – 28-29 October
  • Greenest summer ever, with almost 52% of our electricity generation from low carbon sources – 21 June to 22 September
  • The lowest amount of carbon produced by electricity production at any one moment (73 gCO2/kWh) – 2 October 
  • The largest amount of  electricity produced from renewable sources at any one moment (19.2 GW) –21 March
  • Most electricity production from solar power at any one moment (8.9 GW), a quarter of Britain’s electricity supply – 26 May
  • Highest percentage of solar produced relative to national demand (26.8%) – 2 July
  • Most wind power produced in a day (285GWh)– 7 December
  • Most offshore wind generation at any one moment (4.3 GW) – 1 October
  • Most electricity production from all wind generation at any one moment (12.4 GW) – 6 December
  • Most electricity production from hydropower at any one moment (4 GW) – 27 February
  • Record low strike price at the second Contracts for Difference subsidy auction of £57.50/MWh, well below Government guarantee for Hinkley C – 11 September

Figures from MyGridGB reveal the true extent of how renewable and low-carbon energy have transformed the UK’s power grid.

British wind farms generated more electricity than coal plants on more than 75% of days this year, figures show.

The continuing rise of renewables and the decline of the most polluting fossil fuel also saw solar outperform coal more than half the time.

Overall, renewables provided more power than coal plants on 315 days in 2017, or more than 90% of the year, figures up to December 12 show, while coal was beaten by wind on 263 days and by solar on 180 days.

British #electricity has been 46% low carbon over the last 12 months with carbon emissions below 280gCO2/kWh.

That’s down from 486gCO2/kWh in 2012. Source:

— MyGridGB (@myGridGB) December 19, 2017

Coal generation only exceeded solar on 10 days from the beginning of April to the end of August.

In total, renewables generated more than three times the amount of electricity as coal over the year to December 12.

The figures reflect a year in which a number of “green” records have been set for the power sector, including the first full day without any coal power on the system, new high levels of solar generation and tumbling prices for new offshore wind farms.

While the UK as a whole has benefitted from this growth in green energy, it is Scotland in particular that has achieved some of the most impressive results.

In October, Scottish wind power created double the amount of electricity needed to power every home in Scotland.

Strong winds and the remnants of Hurricane Ophelia helped send a staggering 1.7 million megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity to the National Grid.

WWF Scotland’s Director Sam Gardner said: “We’re blown away by these figures but they are part of a pattern of increasingly green power production made possible thanks to many years of political support in Scotland. Across the year, renewables now contribute over half of our electricity needs.”

But with daily output from wind only outstripping gas on two days of the year, and renewables overall – including wind, solar, biomass and hydropower – beating the fossil fuel on just 23 days, there were calls for more support for low-carbon power.

Dr Andrew Crossland from MyGridGB and the Durham Energy Institute said: “The Government has focused on reducing coal use which now supplies less than 7% of our electricity.

“However, if we continue to use gas at the rate that we do, then Britain will miss carbon targets and be dangerously exposed to supply and price risks in the international gas markets.

“Clearly, refreshed government support for low carbon alternatives is now needed to avoid price and supply shocks for our heat and electricity supplies.”