Amistead Maupin reveals which deeply closeted movie star he had awkward sex with
“It was clumsy, alright.”
Daily Archives: December 22, 2017
George Michael, Hugh Jackman, Obamacare, 2018 Bloodbath, Fancy Bear, Jonathan Groff, Taiwan: HOT LINKS
George Michael, Hugh Jackman, Obamacare, 2018 Bloodbath, Fancy Bear, Jonathan Groff, Taiwan: HOT LINKS
SIMON HATTENSTONE. Last Christmas we lost George Michael. Now he’s an unlikely beacon of hope: “At a truly horrible time in our history – Brexit, Trump and the rise of populist bigotry – sad, sleazy George Michael stood out as a beacon of hope. We may have lost Michael last Christmas, but in 2017 he became a symbol of human goodness – a man who took pleasure in improving people’s lives without telling a soul.”
BEACH BODS. Hugh Jackman and his trainer work out shirtless on Bondi Beach.
THE COMING BLOODBATH. Republicans warn Trump of 2018: “The warning, several people close to the chairwoman said, reflected deepening anxiety that a full-throated Trump endorsement of accused child molester Roy Moore in the special election — which the president was edging closer to at the time — would further damage the party’s standing with women. McDaniel’s memo, which detailed the president’s poor approval numbers among women nationally and in several states, would go unheeded, as Trump eventually went all-in for the ultimately unsuccessful Republican candidate.”
FANCY BEAR. Russian hackers targeted journalists as early as mid-2014: “The AP identified journalists as the third-largest group on a hacking hit list obtained from cybersecurity firm Secureworks, after diplomatic personnel and U.S. Democrats. About 50 of the journalists worked at The New York Times. Another 50 were either foreign correspondents based in Moscow or Russian reporters like Lobkov who worked for independent news outlets. Others were prominent media figures in Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltics or Washington.”
JUDGE: Congress should do something about Trump.
SAN FRANCISCO. Gay publisher Michael Yamashita buys Bay Area Reporter: “Michael Yamashita has purchased the Bay Area Reporter making him the first gay Asian-American publisher and owner of an LGBT newspaper. The decision was announced on Monday. Yamashita has served as the newspaper’s publisher since 2013 and was also its former general manager. After receiving two shares from former investors, he was able to purchase the LGBT weekly newspaper.”
ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS. Jonathan Groff is in the sweater aisle.
TAIWAN. Largest gay nightclub Funky Club to close: “According to a report in the Chinese-language Apple Daily, the club has been facing competition from a growing number of similar establishments, and a moving away of its former clientele to newer clubs might be to blame for the closure.”
TRAILER OF THE DAY. A Futile and Stupid Gesture. “A Futile and Stupid Gesture is the story of comedy wunderkind Doug Kenney, who co-created the National Lampoon, Caddyshack, and Animal House. Kenney was at the center of the 70’s comedy counter-culture which gave birth to Saturday Night Live and a whole generation’s way of looking at the world.”
FRIDAY FLASH. Robert Oliveira.
The post George Michael, Hugh Jackman, Obamacare, 2018 Bloodbath, Fancy Bear, Jonathan Groff, Taiwan: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.
PCD Darts-WM im Live-Stream: 2. Runde online sehen, so geht’s
PCD Darts-WM im Live-Stream: 2. Runde online sehen, so geht’s
- Phil Taylor tritt gegen Chris Dobey an
- Das Video zeigt, wie ihr die Sport-1-Übertragung im Internet sehen könnt
Darts-WM im Live-Stream: In der Professional Darts Corporation kämpfen die Spieler derzeit in London um den 25. Weltmeister-Titel.
Am Freitag hat die zweite Runde begonnen. Gerwyn Price, Vincent van der Voort und Dimitri van den Bergh sind bereits eine Runde weiter.
Freitag, 22. Dezember
20.00 Uhr |
Mensur Suljovic |
– |
Robert Thornton |
21.15 Uhr |
Gary Anderson |
– |
Paul Lim |
22.45 Uhr |
Michael van Gerwen |
– |
James Wilson |
Darts-WM im Live-Stream
Der Free-TV-Sender Sport 1 überträgt alle wichtigen Matches der Darts-WM. Sendungsbeginn ist 19.30 Uhr. Mit dem kostenlosen Live-Stream des Senders könnt ihr die WM auch ganz leicht online verfolgen.
► Darts-WM im kostenlosen Live-Stream sehen
Das Sportportal DAZN überträgt ausnahmslos alle Sessions der Dart-WM – mit englischem Originalkommentar.
Anzeige: DAZN überträgt für seine Abonnenten viele Sport-Events im Live-Stream.
➨ Hier könnt ihr euren Gratismonat starten
Danach beginnt ein kostenpflichtiges Abonnement.
Weiter geht es am Samstag um 14 Uhr:
Samstag, 23. Dezember
14.00 Uhr |
Keegan Brown |
– |
Zoran Lerchbacher |
15.00 Uhr |
Michael Smith |
– |
Rob Cross |
16.00 Uhr |
Steve West |
– |
Jermaine Wattimena |
20.00 Uhr |
Daryl Gurney |
– |
John Henderson |
21.15 Uhr |
Phil Taylor |
– |
Justin Pipe |
22.45 Uhr |
R. van Barneveld |
– |
Kyle Anderson |
Dienstag, 27. Dezember
Darts-Profi Kevin Münch trifft bei der Weltmeisterschaft in London auf Toni Alcinas. Der Spanier schaltete am Donnerstag seinen Landsmann Cristo Reyes mit 3:1 aus.
Der 29 Jahre alte Münch hatte zwei Tage zuvor im Alexandra Palace völlig überraschend den zweimaligen Weltmeister Adrian Lewis aus England besiegt. Die Zweitrunden-Begegnung von Münch bei der Darts-WM wird am 27. Dezember ausgetragen.
13.30 Uhr |
Simon Whitlock |
– |
Darren Webster |
14.45 Uhr |
Alan Norris |
– |
James Richardson |
16.00 Uhr |
Kevin Münch |
– |
Antonio Alcinas |
20.00 Uhr |
Peter Wright |
– |
Jamie Lewis |
Der zweite deutsche Dartsspieler im 72er-Feld, Martin Schindler, war dagegen in der ersten Runde ausgeschieden.
Mit dpa-Material
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Christmas Traffic: Severe Jams From Lunchtime, Expert Warns As 1.3M Extra Drivers Hit The Roads
Christmas Traffic: Severe Jams From Lunchtime, Expert Warns As 1.3M Extra Drivers Hit The Roads
Drivers embarking on the Christmas getaway will not be able to escape severe jams on many roads on Friday, a traffic expert has warned.
Dr Graham Cookson, chief economist at transportation analysts Inrix, said many motorists will find themselves stuck in long queues from Friday afternoon onwards.
An estimated 1.3 million drivers on leisure trips will fight for road space with regular commuters on the last working day before Christmas.
Highways England reported 46 traffic incidents on motorways and major A-roads before 1pm, including 15 classed as severe.
Cookson said it will be one of the worst days of the year on the roads with “incredibly severe” traffic jams.
There will be 300 million trips made over #Christmas to see family and friends. Who will you be seeing at the end of your #journey?
December 22, 2017
He told the Press Association: “After lunch most of the roads will get busier and stay busy into the evening.
“What we see is roads in congestion for most of the time, average speeds very slow, people crawling along.
“The pure weight of traffic means a lot of motorways will be much slower than normal so your total journey takes so much longer.”
Inrix data shows that the worst non-accident traffic blackspot on the Friday before Christmas last year was the A303 at Stonehenge.
There were tailbacks for seven miles when congestion at the notorious bottleneck peaked shortly after 6pm on 23 December 2016.
Asked which routes will see the longest queues this year, Cookson replied: “Unfortunately any of the major motorways. It is tricky to avoid.”
He said the M25 is right at the top of the list warning that “it doesn’t matter which way you’re going round it”.
The M6 between Merseyside and Staffordshire, M1 and M4 will be “incredibly busy as well”, he added.
The RAC is referring to the day as “Frantic Friday” and strongly urged drivers to avoid long journeys “if they possibly can”.
It estimates that 11.5 million leisure trips will be made by car between December 17 and Christmas Eve, but this will be eclipsed by the 17.5 million taking place between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day as people take advantage of post-Christmas sales at shops.
Almost 400 miles of roadworks will be lifted by Highways England to ease journeys.
The roadworks embargo will be in place on motorways and major A roads from 6am on Friday until January 2.
Some 260 engineering projects on the railway will also disrupt journeys and could force more people to travel on already congested roads.
Many of Britain’s mainline routes will be partially shut as Network Rail carries out its biggest ever Christmas investment programme.
Great Western Railway is urging passengers to complete journeys by Saturday at the latest as London Paddington will be closed between Christmas Eve and December 27.
If you booked Christmas travel before 16 November your train time may have changed to allow upgrade work to take place. Please check
December 11, 2017
The West Coast main line will be halted between Preston and Lancaster from Christmas Eve to December 27, with buses replacing trains.
Passengers travelling between London and Glasgow during this time are advised to go via Edinburgh, adding around an hour to journeys.
Coach operator National Express is running its largest ever Christmas schedule to meet increased demand from key locations such as Bournemouth, Cardiff, Leeds, Edinburgh, Portsmouth, Bristol, Glasgow and Manchester.
Airports, ports and international train stations are exceptionally busy with more than 4.5 million people heading abroad over Christmas and the new year.
The UK’s busiest airport, Heathrow, will welcome almost 130,000 departing passengers on Friday.
Travel trade organisation Abta advised people to leave extra time to catch their flight, boat or train.
Okay, now two men claiming to have the “world’s largest [censored]” are arguing over who’s biggest
U.S. Hosting ‘Friendship Party’ for UN Countries That Didn’t Rebuke Trump’s Maligned Jerusalem Decision
U.S. Hosting ‘Friendship Party’ for UN Countries That Didn’t Rebuke Trump’s Maligned Jerusalem Decision
The U.S. threatened it would be “taking names” of countries opposing the decision to move America’s Israeli embassy to Jerusalem—but it turns out, the names were for a party. On Thursday, after the United Nations resoundingly voted to rebuke the Trump administration for the controversial move, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley invited the eight countries that voted…
The post U.S. Hosting ‘Friendship Party’ for UN Countries That Didn’t Rebuke Trump’s Maligned Jerusalem Decision appeared first on Towleroad.
Mexikaner hat längsten Penis – nun wirft ihm ein Mann Betrug vor
Mexikaner hat längsten Penis – nun wirft ihm ein Mann Betrug vor
- Roberto Esquivel Cabrera soll ein 48 Zentimeter langes Geschlechtsteil haben
- Jonah Falcon – bis dahin Rekordhalter – aber betont: Das sei alles nur ein Trick
Praktisch jeder ist schon mal Zeuge eines “Schwanzvergleichs” geworden. Die Männlichkeit steht dabei im Fokus, meist ganz abseits der Geschlechtsteile.
Dieses Mal geht es aber tatsächlich um das beste Stück. Beziehungsweise um die Länge.
Der Mexikaner Roberto Esquivel Cabrera behauptet, er habe den längsten Penis der Welt. 48,2 Zentimeter soll er lang sein – im schlaffen Zustand.
Das ist deutlich länger als beim bisherigen Rekordhalter. Der US-Schauspieler Jonah Falcon galt zuvor als der bestbestückte Mann der Welt. 34 Zentimeter lang soll sein Geschlechtsteil im erigierten Zustand sein.
Entthront sieht sich der 47-Jährige offenbar noch nicht: Denn der 55 Jahre alte Mexikaner ist wohl nicht von Natur aus so bestückt.
Mit Gewichten zu einem langen Penis
Ein Arzt erklärte nach einer Untersuchung: Cabrera habe schon als Jugendlicher Gewichte an seine Vorhaut gehängt – auch wenn er das abstreitet.
Sein eigentlicher Penis sei vermutlich nur bis zu 18 Zentimeter lang. Der Durchschnittsmann weise etwas weniger als 15 Zentimeter auf.
Falcon wittert laut der britischen Boulevardzeitung “Sun” Betrug:
Der hat keine 48,2 Zentimeter!
Jonah Falcon laut “Sun”
Das will Cabrera nicht hören – und wird in den Berichten ziemlich ambivalent dargestellt. Einerseits jammert er. Da sein Geschlechtsteil bis zum Knie gehen soll, könne er nicht arbeiten, beschwert er sich. Und hat nun tatsächlich einen Behindertenstatus erhalten.
Andererseits will er auch keine Penis-Verkleinerung. “Ich bin berühmt, weil ich den längsten Penis der Welt habe. Ich bin glücklich, weil niemand auf meine Größe kommt”, sagt er laut Medienberichten.
Sein Ziel: Eine Porno-Karriere in den USA, heißt es.
Wofür braucht man einen so großen Penis?
Aber Frauen hätten bei der Größe natürlich Angst, gibt er zu.
Falcon stellt – nicht zu Unrecht die Frage -, wozu das alles gut sei. Natürlich nicht ganz ohne Eigennutz: Würde sich Cabrera für eine Operation entscheiden, würde der “Schwanzvergleich” anders ausgehen.
Aber Falcon geht es nicht darum. “Ich wetteifere mit niemandem, zumindest nicht direkt“, sagt er laut der “Sun”.
Ein Grund könnte sein: Das Guinness-Buch der Rekorde erkennt Carbreras “Leistung” offenbar nicht an. Offiziell hat also Falcon den größten.
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Woman Who Turns 100 On Christmas Day Says Secret To Long Life Is Family And Whisky
Woman Who Turns 100 On Christmas Day Says Secret To Long Life Is Family And Whisky
A great-grandmother who turns 100 on Christmas day has revealed the secret to her long life: friends, family and whisky.
Edith Pryor, who lives at Bupa Erskine Hall care home in Northwood, was born in 1917 on 25 December.
Edith says: “For as long as I can remember now, people have been asking me what it’s like to have my birthday on Christmas Day. I must say, after doing it for 100 years I’m rather used to it now, though I do quite like that I get two cakes!”
Edith was born and raised in London. She left school at 14 and had various jobs, before meeting her future husband, Edward, during evening classes when she was just 18.
The pair were married for nearly 60 years before he passed away in 2005.
Edith’s family will be with her to help mark her centenary. She has two sons and a daughter – who she counts as her biggest achievement in life. She also has eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, with another due in early 2018.
Speaking of her birthday, Edith said: “I count myself lucky to reach 100, especially with so many wonderful people around me.
“I’m often asked for my secret for a long life and my answer is always the same: the love of family and friends, along with a little whisky at the end of each day!”
Edith takes part in regular exercise classes hosted by staff at the Bupa care home, and keeps her mind active by taking part in a weekly quiz. To mark the special occasion, staff at Bupa Erskine Hall – where Edith has lived for the past two years – hosted a party and a special quiz.
Megan Guest, activities coordinator at Bupa Erskine Hall, said: “Milestones like this don’t come along every day, so we’re pulling out all the stops to help give Edith a memorable birthday. Edith is sharp as anything and always on the winning quiz team so we thought it was the ideal way to help make the most of the occasion in the run up to Christmas!”
Trans people talk about gender at Christmas
Trans people talk about gender at Christmas