Bah Humbug! Why Christmas Brings Out My Inner Scrooge

Bah Humbug! Why Christmas Brings Out My Inner Scrooge

I always struggle a bit at this time of year. On the one hand I love the Christmas lights in town, the chill in the air and the chance of snow, and I’m a massive sucker for cheesy Christmas music. The song Driving Home For Christmas gets me every time. I love a good carol service too, even as a non-believer, and I know most of the descants from a childhood spent singing in the church choir. I love turkey with all the trimmings, crackers, bubbly and hunkering down with my nearest and dearest. I even have a reindeer jumper!

But I don’t like over the top gift giving and I no longer send Christmas cards. And the mad crazy rush to get everything ready for the ‘big’ day leaves me cold. I’m all for thinking of others, but let’s do it the whole year round, rather than just at Christmas.

I think I may have been spoilt by living in America for three years and celebrating Thanksgiving there. That had the food and being with loved ones, and that wonderful sense of gratitude, but no gifts. It even had the decorations to a certain extent, at least around the Thanksgiving table, and how beautiful those can be. I remember talking to American friends about how they much preferred Thanksgiving to Christmas, precisely because they didn’t have to worry about giving and receiving gifts on Thanksgiving. It was just about giving thanks.

In a world where so many have so little (even in the UK there are 4 million children living in poverty so the radio ads tell me), it feels rather excessive for me to spend lots of money on gifts others often don’t need or even want. It’s fine if gift-giving works for you and I’d never not give to children, but at 51, I feel I have everything I need. The things I want can’t be wrapped up as gifts that others can give me. I want more time for all the stuff I want to do. I want an end to ageism and sexism.  I want to go on an around the world trip.  I want to learn Argentine Tango. If I was writing a letter to Santa, those are the kinds of things I would put on it.

I’m currently living on a building site as we try to future-proof our home and make room for visitors. I’m trying to throw things away rather than accumulate more stuff. We’ve been camping in two rooms upstairs and it’s been fun making do without all our clobber. There are boxes full of stuff downstairs that I haven’t even thought about for the last three months, which is probably a sign I don’t need them after all. Living on a building site also means we won’t be having a Christmas tree this year and I’m still debating whether to bother hanging up a bit of tinsel. But finding it first will be the real challenge! Which box shall I start with?

I still get a few Christmas cards each year, but have gradually stopped sending them.  I feel really Scrooge-like writing that but I’d rather be in touch with people on an ongoing, if often irregular, basis.  For most of my adult life I sent cards because I thought I needed to, especially to the few people who still sent them to me. But this year the building work gives me the perfect excuse to break free and not rush to get the last post! (Thank you and sorry if you sent me a Christmas card this year!)

Adult children are usually happy with money and if I tried to buy them actual presents, I’m sure I’d get it wrong. I don’t want to receive presents, because then I have to worry about giving them. It just becomes this rather pointless exchange of things that neither side actually wants, at least in my family. The older I get, the less I feel like going through the motions any more.

So I’ll be continuing my charitable donations instead and saving my pennies for the new paint. And I’ll try not to feel guilty and instead embrace my inner Scrooge. Guilt is such a useless emotion isn’t it! I know I’m not alone in feeling this way and just today heard about new research saying 30% of UK adults dread the Christmas and New Year period because of increased stress levels.

The present buying pressure is top of the list and of course the knock-on effect of managing finances and also general overindulgence. Then there is the stress of spending time with people you may not have much in common with because that’s what you do at Christmas. Or spending extended time with people better experienced in small doses. It’s really no surprise that more people file for divorce in January than at any other time of the year! And what about those who can’t do or don’t have the one big happy family thing? Or all those people for whom Christmas is the very loneliest time of the year?

As I get older I feel less and less inclined to submit to social mores and increasingly empowered to rebel. Many people love everything I dislike about the festive season and that’s absolutely fine. But being a bit of a Scrooge at this time of the year is fine too. Maybe it’s about time we all started doing Christmas exactly how we each want to do it, instead of how we think we ought to do it. Wouldn’t that be fun!

The Mutton Club is an online platform and global community for fabulous and feisty women in midlife and beyond.

“Zurück in eure Gaskammer”: Mann beschimpft israelischen Gastronom in Berlin

“Zurück in eure Gaskammer”: Mann beschimpft israelischen Gastronom in Berlin
Der jüdische Restaurantbesitzer Yorai Feinberg steht am 21.12.2017 in seinem Restaurant in Berlin-Schöneberg. 

  • Ein Mann hat in Berlin einen israelischen Gastronom antisemitisch beleidigt
  • Der 60-Jährige stieß vor laufender Kamera übelste Drohungen aus

Yorai Feinberg führt ein israelisches Restaurant in Berlin, das “Feinberg’s”, nicht weit vom KaDeWe. Es gibt sephardische Gerichte, viel Vegetarisches, auch Veganes.

Am Dienstagnachmittag stand Feinberg also vor seinem Lokal. Was sich dann abspielte, dokumentiert ein Video, das laut “B.Z.” seine Freundin Kamila Thomas drehte – und mittlerweile abertausende Male angeklickt wurde.

Zu sehen ist ein älterer Mann, kurzes helles Haar, blaue Winterjacke, der Feinberg beschimpft. Er habe ja nichts gegen einen Menschen, sagt der Mann, aber “ihr seid verrückt”.

Wen der Mann mit “ihr” meint, wird nur allzu deutlich: Menschen aus Israel, Juden. Die Szene ist ein weiterer Fall von Antisemitismus, wie er viel zu oft zu beobachten ist in Deutschland.

Je länger der Mann – laut Polizei ein 60 Jahre alter Deutscher – spricht, desto fürchterlicher werden seine Worte.

“In zehn Jahren lebst du nicht mehr”

Die Israelis führten seit 70 Jahren Krieg gegen die Palästinenser, sagt er, “und jetzt wollt ihr euch hier installieren”, dabei seien sie in Deutschland wie Palästina nur Gäste.

Feinberg bleibt ruhig, fragt nach. Verwahrt sich nur dagegen, dass ihm der Mann allzu nah auf die Pelle rückt. “Sie spucken mich an, bleiben Sie weg”, sagt er einmal.

Der Mann macht immer weiter. “In zehn Jahren lebst du nicht mehr.” Warum? Das will er nicht sagen.

Er zeigt auf den siebenarmigen Kerzenleuchter, die jüdische Menora, im Fenster des Restaurants. “Diese Scheiße geht hier nicht.” Warum? “Das ist nicht mein System.”

Feinberg winkt einem vorbeifahrenden Polizeiauto. Der Mann lässt sich dadurch nicht bremsen, spricht direkt in die Kamera. 

“Ihr werdet alle in der Gaskammer landen”

“Da, niemand schützt euch. Ihr werdet alle in der Gaskammer landen. Alle wieder zurück in eure blöde Gaskammer, keiner will euch hier”, schimpft der Mann.

Sechs Minuten dauert diese unsägliche Tirade. Dann endet das Video, offenbar weil die Polizisten fordern, die Kamera auszumachen.

Wie die Polizei mitteilt, habe der Mann auch die Beamten beleidigt, die ihm Handfesseln anlegen und ihn vorläufig festnehmen. Auf Anfrage heißt es, jetzt ermittele der Staatsschutz gegen den Mann, wegen Volksverhetzung.


How To Encourage Your Children To Spend Time Out Of Their Room

How To Encourage Your Children To Spend Time Out Of Their Room

Christmas is supposedly a time to spend as a family, but in reality many parents are lucky if they can get their kids to sit with them for the duration of a film, let alone days and days of festivity. 

Whether they are teenagers who enjoy spending time in their room playing video games, or younger children who just want to be left alone, it can be difficult for adults to know how to stop children from shutting themselves away.

Of course if kids are tired or need privacy, it is important to respect that, as ChannelMum founder, Siobhan Freegard, says: “Christmas can be overwhelming for children of all ages and you may find they need to spend more time than normal in their rooms.” 

But if they’re just making themselves scarce out of boredom there are some ways that parents can encourage them downstairs.

1. Check Yourself

Before you go any further, it is important to ask whether your child is simply taking cues from you and other family members over the Christmas period.

Are you all sitting on your phones around the dinner table or busying yourself with things they can’t get involved in? 

Clinical psychologist and parent educator, Ann Rasmussen, tells HuffPost UK: “Be 100% present. No phone distractions, no multi-tasking. Try to be fully in the moment, carefree and warmly available.

“Yes, this will feel weird. But try to plunge into a spirit of playful abandon, the way you used to when they were little.”

Spend time with your kids one-on-one and ensure they are having a good time.

2. Ask Them To Show Off Their Presents

Once you’re sure you aren’t doing anything to isolate them, start with the easiest way to get them talking – presents. Obviously this doesn’t work all year, but at Christmas you have ample topics for conversation. 

So instead of letting them take their gifts off to their room, encourage them to show other members of the family (especially if it is tech they can teach others how to use).

Freegard says: “Get older children to help out younger ones with their new toys in communal areas like the kitchen living or living room. Get the whole family involved.” 

3. Cook With Them

Obviously most parents don’t have days and days of nothing to do, and are likely to be responsible for ensuring everyone is fed, watered and having a wonderful time. So get your kids involved in this.

“Cooking is a great way to tempt children out of their rooms,” says Freegard.

“Whether it’s helping to prepare the main Christmas lunch, or asking them to make their signature dish, everyone from toddlers to teens likes to help.” 

4. Get Out Of The House

Sometimes, regardless of the activity, staying at home means children will be forever sneaking off to their bedroom. And before you know it, hours have passed and you haven’t heard a peep from them.

So why not take a Christmas walk? Or a simple outdoor activity to get everyone out of the house, because we could all do with some fresh air after days inside.

“It’s amazing how fresh air can blow away the cobwebs and make a world of difference to how you feel as well – especially on days when you haven’t had much sleep or your child is feeling a bit grumpy or grizzly at home,” says a spokesperson for parenting charity, NCT.

Freegard agrees: “Kids may moan at first but they’ll come back happier and healthier.”

In Arbeitspapier: Nach dem GroKo-Treffen unterläuft der SPD ein peinlicher Fehler

In Arbeitspapier: Nach dem GroKo-Treffen unterläuft der SPD ein peinlicher Fehler

  • Der SPD-Pressestelle ist ein kleiner Fehler bei einem verschickten Arbeitspapier unterlaufen
  • Ein Themenblock der Sondierungsgespräche trug einen falschen Namen

Am Mittwoch haben sich die Spitzen von Union und SPD geeinigt: Am 7. Januar starten die Sondierungsverhandlungen über eine mögliche Neuauflage der großen Koalition.

“Ergebnisoffen” sollen die Gespräche sein, betont SPD-Chef Martin Schulz. Am Ende kann eine Koalition, eine geduldete Minderheitsregierung der Union oder eine andere Variante stehen.

Wegen einer Panne klang das am Mittwoch jedoch kurzfristig anders.

Sind die Gespräche gar nicht ergebnisoffen?

► In einem Papier der Pressestelle der SPD-Fraktion hieß der letzte angekündigte Themenblock der Sondierungsgespräche zunächst “Arbeitsweise der Koalition”.

Dies ließe sich verstehen als Widerspruch zu den offiziellen Beteuerungen von Schulz, man verhandle auch über andere Varianten als eine erneute große Koalition.

Wenig später korrigierte die SPD diese Version. Die erste Version sei eine “nicht aktualisierte Fassung”.

Der Themenblock heißt eigentlich “Arbeitsweise der Regierung und Fraktionen”. 

Mehr zum Thema: An diesen 3 Konflikten droht die SPD zu Beginn der Sondierungen zu zerbrechen

Sondieren in 6 Tagen

In sechs Tagen wollen die Union und die SPD sondieren. Bis zum 12. Januar wollen die Parteien die Ergebnisse ihren Fraktionen vorstellen können.

Am 21. Januar soll ein SPD-Parteitag voraussichtlich entscheiden, ob die Sozialdemokraten förmliche Koalitionsverhandlungen aufnehmen. In dem Fall müsste ganz am Ende die Basis in einer Mitgliederbefragung auch noch über einen möglichen Koalitionsvertrag abstimmen.

Im besten Fall könnte im März oder im April eine Koalition stehen.

Mehr zum Thema: Medienbericht: So fies beharken sich Außenminister Gabriel und SPD-Chef Schulz hinter verschlossenen Türen

Mit Material der dpa.

Khloé Kardashian Finally Reveals Her Pregnancy In Emotional Instagram

Khloé Kardashian Finally Reveals Her Pregnancy In Emotional Instagram

The Kardashian family is (officially) expecting another new addition.

Khloé Kardashian put an end to speculation and rumours on Wednesday 20 December with a heartwarming Instagram post announcing her pregnancy to the world.

Reports originally emerged in September that the reality star might be expecting with her boyfriend, NBA player Tristan Thompson, but the family refused to confirm or deny the news for months. 

A photo of the couple’s hands covering Kardashian’s baby bump has now answered that question. 

“My greatest dream realised! We are having a baby!” Kardashian wrote in her post. “I had been waiting and wondering but God had a plan all along. He knew what He was doing. I simply had to trust in Him and be patient. I still at times can’t believe that our love created life!” 

A post shared by Khloé (@khloekardashian) on

In the June season finale of ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’, the family’s reality TV show, Kardashian saw a fertility specialist and revealed that her earlier attempts to have a baby with then-husband Lamar Odom were faked

She and Odom separated in 2013 as his struggles with substance abuse came to light. Kardashian told the doctor on the show that she had known the marriage wasn’t healthy and “just kept pretending” that she was trying to have a baby. 

So it’s no wonder that she is overjoyed at the growing life inside her now. Kardashian’s post thanks Thompson for his support during the pregnancy and for making her feel loved. 

“Tristan, most of all, thank you for making me a MUMMY!!!” Kardashian wrote. 
“You have made this experience even more magical than I could have envisioned! I will never forget how wonderful you’ve been to me during this time! Thank you for making me so happy my love!”

She also noted that they had been keeping the pregnancy secret as a way to “enjoy the first precious moments just us.”

“I know we’ve been keeping this quiet but we wanted to enjoy this between our family and close friends as long as we could privately,” Kardashian wrote. 

The story was originally published on the US version of HuffPost.

Auto fährt in Menschenmenge im australischen Melbourne – Fahrer festgenommen

Auto fährt in Menschenmenge im australischen Melbourne – Fahrer festgenommen

  • In Melbourne ist ein Auto in eine Menschenmenge gerast, zwölf Personen wurden dabei verletzt
  • Die Polizei hat den Fahrer festgenommen

Im Zentrum von Melbourne ist ein Auto in eine Menschenmenge gefahren. Dabei gab es mindestens 12 Verletzte. 

Der Hintergrund des Vorfalls ist noch unklar. Die Polizei hat den Fahrer festgenommen.

Not good, appears a 4wd has hit pedestrians in #Melbourne CBD – image from

— Ryan Northover (@RyanNorthover) December 21, 2017

Fotos zeigen ein weißes Auto mit einer eingebeulten Haube. Polizei- und Krankenwagen sind vor Ort. Die Polizei von Melbourne fordert die Menschen dazu auf, den Bericht zu meiden.

“A lot of frightened people.”

Caller reports a SUV has ran through a pedestrian crossing in the CBD at the intersection of Flinders St and Elizabeth St.

Emergency services on site.

— Brianna Travers (@briannatravers) December 21, 2017


+++ Mehr in Kürze +++

Melbourne – Multiple Pedestrians Hit By Vehicle On City Centre Street

Melbourne – Multiple Pedestrians Hit By Vehicle On City Centre Street

BREAKING: At least five people are laying motionless on Flinders St after an incident apparently involving a car at Elizabeth St intersection @theheraldsun.

— Sophie Smith (@SophieSmith86) December 21, 2017

Scene on Flinders St. White SUV has gone through pedestrians and crashed into tram stop

— Andrew Lund (@andrew_lund) December 21, 2017

Photos showed a white four wheel drive with damage to its front. A person claiming to be a witness called radio station 3AW, saying there were “five to seven people laying on the ground” following the crash.

Another 3AW called claimed the car “just mowed everybody down, people were flying everywhere”, HuffPost Australia reported.

One witness said of the driver:  “The only thing slowing him down was him hitting pedestrians.”

Police are currently attending an incident on Flinders Street between Elizabeth and Swanston streets where a vehicle has collided with a number of pedestrians. Police have arrested the driver of the car. Extent of injuries are not known at this stage. (1/2)

— Victoria Police (@VictoriaPolice) December 21, 2017

Police are asking any witnesses to go to the Melbourne West Police Station at 313 Spencer Street, Melbourne and all vehicular and pedestrian traffic to avoid the area. (2/2)

— Victoria Police (@VictoriaPolice) December 21, 2017

Police said the driver was arrested and appealed for witnesses to go to a police station.

All vehicle and pedestrian traffic has been advised to avoid the area on the city’s busy Flinders Street.

As of 5.15pm local time (6.15am GMT), paramedics were assessing 12 people, including one young child who has already been transported to hospital in a serious condition.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated. Check back for the fullest version. Follow HuffPost UK on Twitter here, and on Facebook here.