David Gauke Vows Not To Let ‘Hard Left’ Win On ‘Social Media Battlefield’

David Gauke Vows Not To Let ‘Hard Left’ Win On ‘Social Media Battlefield’

Work and pensions secretary David Gauke has vowed not to let the ‘hard left’ win arguments over Universal Credit on the social media ‘battlefield’.

The cabinet minister entered into a Twitter spat – with mixed results – after Labour MP and work and pensions select committee chair Frank Field claimed the roll-out of the controversial benefit system had left one woman with no income until after Christmas. 

Gauke said the woman had in fact already been paid her advance and had not been specially sought out after Field raised the case, citing it as an example of the new system – which replaces the six current main benefits – “working properly”.

Important to note that the payment was not as a consequence of FF’s tweet or an intervention from the centre. Just UC working normally.

— David Gauke (@DavidGauke) December 19, 2017

Here’s my letter to Frank Field. We only found who Frank was tweeting about on Tuesday. By which time, £688 had already been paid in UC. pic.twitter.com/vdjTqn86aD

— David Gauke (@DavidGauke) December 20, 2017

But the Labour MP hit back on Wednesday afternoon, claiming the woman in question was still in need of help.

“It’s great that you’ve found and helped someone in such desperate need,” he tweeted.

“But the mum to whom I referred still hasn’t had an appointment. The public has ensured she has money for food and heating today. She’s still seeking help from DWP and I hope you’ll ensure this happens.”

It’s great that you’ve found and helped someone in such desperate need. But the mum to whom I referred still hasn’t had an appointment. The public has ensured she has money for food and heating today. She’s still seeking help from DWP and I hope you’ll ensure this happens.

— Frank Field MP (@frankfieldteam) December 20, 2017

During a briefing on Universal Credit roll-out hosted by the Centre for Social Justice, alongside former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith, Gauke told journalists: “I think it’s important that we don’t desert the battlefield.  Social media can at the moment feel almost dominated by the hard left, and I think it’s important that we engage and make the points.

“I strongly believe that we have got a really good policy that has positively transformed lives, but – and I am not for a moment suggesting Frank is part of the hard left – there is almost a sort of knee-jerk criticism, and a temptation, I think in particular with Universal Credit, that you can almost say anything critical and it goes without challenge.”

He said reports of problems with the system from Labour MPs had led to claimants becoming anxious about the process, while Duncan Smith blamed “irresponsible” reporting of the issue in the media. 

Gauke said: “We are definitely picking up within the Jobcentres that people are coming in to make their claim for universal credit more anxious than would have been the case three months ago. They are generally leaving the Jobcentre reassured.

“I do think there needs to be a responsible debate.  Of course there is legitimate debate about any major reform, and looking at case studies is a legitimate part of that.

“But I am concerned that there are vulnerable people who are scared, not by actual cases, but by some ill-informed criticism, or cases which are not as they are first portrayed. 

“We have seen that pretty consistently.  There have been many incidences of that, and it’s my job to try to bring a bit of balance to this debate.”

Work and pensions select committee chair Frank Field

He said Jobcentre staff across the country had praised the policy and its “transformative” impact on claimant’s lives.

“I have met so many work coaches up and down the country who are consistently enthusiastic about the policy, and consistently telling me about how they are shouting at the television or the radio when they see the policy they are working on being – in their eyes – misrepresented,” he added.

“Yes it is big, yes it is ambitious, but it’s something that on the ground is working well.”

Gauke said take-up of advance payments – which are available as loans repayable via deductions from future Universal Credit allowances – had risen from about 34% in the spring to 62%, according to latest figures. 

He also pledged to keep the benefit’s ‘taper rate’ – the amount every pound of Universal Credit is reduced by if a claimant earns over their work allowance – under review after it was lowered from 65p initially to 63p.

“The point both Philip [Hammond] and I have made is that yes, it will be good if we could bring it down further, but clearly that is expensive and has to be viewed in light of public finances.

“But the aspiration to bring it down further is there.”

Former DWP secretary Iain Duncan Smith was one of the driving forces behind Universal Credit 

Duncan Smith, one of the driving forces behind the introduction of Universal Credit, said he believed both the media and opposition parties should deal with the issue more “responsibly”.

Labour has long called for the roll-out of the system to be paused while problems with its implementation are ironed out – with many MPs warning their constituents would be pushed into poverty as a result of delayed initial payments. 

“They are dealing at the end of the day with people who are often in quite vulnerable situations, and to run these kind of stories as though this were a crisis I have to tell you I think is verging on the irresponsible,” the former cabinet minister said.

“These facts should be fully checked before stories are pushed out and that also goes for the opposition, who are at the moment playing a political game with this. 

“Their aim is to make things look as bad as possible.  But frankly it is pretty cynical to try and do that, and I would suggest that people behave a little more responsibly, because people’s lives matter in this regard.”


CDC’s Banned Words Would Be Deadly For LGBT Americans

CDC’s Banned Words Would Be Deadly For LGBT Americans
cdc banned words

cdc banned words

The Trump administration may be telling the nation’s top public health agency to avoid terms such as “transgender.” The last time a sitting U.S. president refused to communicate LGBT health risks, thousands died on his watch. An uproar followed a report in The Washington Post that claimed the administration is prohibiting officials at the Centers of…

The post CDC’s Banned Words Would Be Deadly For LGBT Americans appeared first on Towleroad.

CDC’s Banned Words Would Be Deadly For LGBT Americans

Essen: Clanmitglieder verbreiten Angst und Schrecken in Wohnviertel

Essen: Clanmitglieder verbreiten Angst und Schrecken in Wohnviertel

  • In der Essener Innenstadt verbreiten kurdisch-libanesische Clan-Mitglieder Angst und Schrecken
  • Eine Interessensgemeinschaft aus der Essener Nord-City hat deshalb einen Hilferuf abgesetzt
  • Die wichtigsten Infos des Textes seht ihr zusammengefasst auch im Video oben

Eine Interessensgemeinschaft aus der Essener Nord-City hat einen Hilferuf abgesetzt. Kurdisch-libanesische Clans sorgen in der Innenstadt für Angst bei den Anwohnern.

Wie die Regionalzeitung “WAZ” berichtet, wirft die Immobilien- und Standortgemeinschaft City Nord – kurz ISG – den Clan-Mitgliedern “permanente Rechts- und Regelverstöße bis hin zu organisiertem kriminellen Verhalten“ vor.

“Sachbeschädigungen, Beleidigungen, Bedrohungen”

In der ISG-Erklärung ist zudem die Rede von “Sachbeschädigungen, Beleidigungen, Bedrohungen“. Auch sollen die Mitglieder nicht vor der “Anwendung von Gewalt“ zurückschrecken. Ansässig seien die Clan-Mitglieder im Quartier rund um die I. Weberstraße.  

Laut Bericht handelt es sich um so genannte Mhallami-Libanesen. Diese Volksgruppe hat ihren Ursprung im heute türkischen Teil Kurdistans, siedelte später in den Libanon über, von wo aus einige nach Deutschland flüchteten. Hauptsächlich sollen sie in Berlin, Bremen und Essen ansässig sein.

“Netzwerk illegaler Geldschöpfung”

Weiter heißt es in dem Bericht, die Clan-Mitglieder würden in der Nord-City Shisha-Bars und Grill-Stuben beitreiben sowie zunehmend Immobilien kaufen. In dem ISG-Appell ist die Rede von einem “Netzwerk illegaler Geldschöpfung“, offenbar ist damit Geldwäsche gemeint.  

Der ISG-Vorstand macht sich nun dafür stark, einen “Arbeitskreis Sicherheit I. Weberstraße“ ins Leben zu rufen. Dieser soll einen ständigen Austausch von Verwaltung, Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft mit Vertretern der Bürgerschaft gewährleisten.

“Wir werden der Lage nicht wirklich ernsthaft Herr”

Wie angespannt das Verhältnis zwischen Stadt und Polizei inzwischen ist, verrät der letzte Satz der ISG-Erklärung. “Erst bei sichtbaren Ergebnissen wird sich wieder ein hinreichendes Vertrauen in die staatlichen Instanzen herstellen lassen, das für ein friedlichen Neben- und vor allem Miteinander unabdingbar ist.“

Immer wieder berichten Medien über die zunehmende Brutalität der Familien-Clans. Auch der Machtbereich der Clans breitet sich immer weiter aus. Während früher Essen das Zentrum war, sind inzwischen auch Städte wie Gelsenkirchen, Mülheim und Duisburg betroffen. “Wir werden der Lage nicht wirklich ernsthaft Herr”, sagt Sebastian Fiedler vom Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter dem “WDR” im Juni 2017.





We’ll All Get A Taste Of Eating Disorders This Christmas

We’ll All Get A Taste Of Eating Disorders This Christmas
The most wonderful time of the year is upon us again. In the run-up to Christmas, we are drip-fed the expectation to be joyful, merry and bright. The meaning we derive from sharing time and gifts with family and friends is seized upon by commercial interests to the extent that the festive period becomes at risk of being conducted primarily through the vehicle of consuming.

Consuming together – sharing our generosity through gifts, and sitting down to an especially lavish meal – is a human ritual as old as time. Eating together can be especially bonding, giving a sense of belonging through sharing, and unity through the breaking of bread (or in this case, Christmas pudding).

However, a Christmas where celebrations revolve around food and drink is the perfect nightmare for someone struggling with anorexia nervosa. Far from being a joyous celebration where feeling included and being indulgent go hand in hand, Christmas presents huge challenges when you live in fear of food, eating in front of others and gaining weight. Over the many festive periods when I was experiencing anorexia, I remember the utter dread I had of the big day, with its sit-down lunch that extended into a seemingly endless foodathon. The anticipation of my prime fear – having to eat my forbidden foods whilst held hostage at the dinner table – began months in advance of December 25th, with the barrage of food-related adverts that permeate the high-street, the ubiquitous festive cookery programmes, the special offers on seasonal food items piled high in supermarkets.

Ever since I restored my weight, I have struggled with bulimia, and it is no easier. With anorexia, all of my forbidden foods were to be seen but not touched. Now, the unending amounts of calorific treats that surround me at Christmas are almost irresistible triggers to binge eating. The vomiting that follows means that I can literally have my cake and eat it. But this win-win scenario – binging and purging – comes at a huge cost, high anxiety, and just as much difficulty in taking part with my family and friends at food-related celebrations as with anorexia.

Bulimia can also sneak under the radar, as most people are eating excessive amounts of food at this time of year anyway. Only not all of them are going and being sick afterwards. In fact, I think it is accurate enough to describe our Christmas habits as a collective national binge. Binge eating is defined as eating an unusually large amount of food over a discrete period of time, and estimates say our drawn-out Christmas lunches often amount to over 5000Kcal – more than twice the recommended daily amount. The normalised binging around me almost gives permission or an expectation to indulge in the very behaviour I am trying so hard to stop. I am like a teetotaller in the brewery.

Not only is over-consumption an issue on the actual day, but the festive period – with its never-ending stream of tempting mince pies and drunken work parties – means many of us over-consume for weeks on end. When January hits, this period of excess is counterbalanced by a collective purging. High on the list of resolutions for the New Year are hitting the gym, dieting hard and spiritually decluttering our lives. No wonder living with an eating disorder at Christmas is especially tough against a backdrop of disordered, chaotic and unbalanced eating amongst the general population. Finding the balance needed to forge and maintain recovery is extremely difficult at this time, when extreme eating is complemented by extreme dieting and exercise regimes – promoting the ability to control and sculpt our bodies as the height of personal achievement.

Without trivialising the profound difficulties represented by eating disorders, I do think that we can all get a taste of the problematic nature of unbalanced attitudes towards eating and depleting during this national binge-purge cycle. And not everyone finds it easy – whether or not they have a diagnosed mental health problem. A lot of us are driven by impulse, guilt, fear and stress at this time. For a huge number of reasons, so many people struggle to feel the joyful Christmas spirit they might believe “should” be feeling. Having emotions we don’t want to be having – or struggling to feel the happiness we’re “meant” to be feeling – is a universal experience we can all relate to. In each case, what you feel and how you feel it is valid and real for you. 

If, like me, you will struggle with an eating disorder this Christmas, remember that most likely, other people can relate to the idea that Christmas can be hard. They mightn’t have insight into your inner world and the degree of terror a turkey dinner might induce, but my hope for this Christmas is that everyone can seek to understand the very human challenges we all share at this time – whether or not they are about food. And considering the relentless focus we place on food and eating at Christmas, people may not be as surprised or unable to understand your problems as you think. If you explain that this might be a hard time for you with food, people who understand and care may be able to help you to make changes that mean you can still feel involved.

At Christmas, remember that the food is a tool for the social interaction, the celebration and the togetherness we seek to share. Opening up about the difficulties that this might pose for you, I hope you can work together with loved ones to work out ways you can still get the most meaning out of Christmas, with less imbalance and more peace during this festive season.


Weltgrößter Müll-Importeur in China hat genug von Abfall aus dem Ausland

Weltgrößter Müll-Importeur in China hat genug von Abfall aus dem Ausland

Der weltgrößte Müll-Importeur will keinen schmutzigen Müll mehr aus dem Ausland annehmen. Vor allem die USA und Deutschland werden davon hart getroffen und bekommen nun die Rechnung für frühere Versäumnisse serviert.

Gefunden auf: weather.com


Liam And Noel Gallagher Appear To Have Buried The Hatchet Just In Time For Christmas

Liam And Noel Gallagher Appear To Have Buried The Hatchet Just In Time For Christmas

Liam Gallagher has hinted the unthinkable may have happened just in time for Christmas, appearing to reveal that he’s reconciled with brother, Noel.

Yes, after yet another year of sly comments, clunky put-downs and an exchange of jibes that ended with a concertgoer peeling a potato in front of Liam, it seems the duo might be able to sit down and enjoy the festive season together after all.

Liam revealed the news on Tuesday (21 December) night, when he took to Twitter to wish Noel – well, “Team NG” – a happy Christmas:

I wanna say Happy Xmas to team NG it’s been a great year thanks for everything looking forward to seeing you tmorrow AS YOU WERE LG x

— Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) December 19, 2017

I wanna say Happy Xmas to team NG it’s been a great year thanks for everything looking forward to seeing you tomorrow AS YOU WERE LG x,” he wrote.

Replying to a fan, he then stated he’s back in contact with his brother:

……..Team who? Your not going to have a meltdown on here come Christmas day are you Liam when NG doesnt reach out to you.

— Paul Blake (@pbfl81) December 19, 2017

He’s already reached out

— Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) December 19, 2017

It’s been a bumper year for both Gallagher siblings, who each released albums at the tail-end of this year, and topped the charts in October and November, respectively.

Liam also delighted fans with his appearance on a Stand Up To Cancer ‘Gogglebox’ special, which saw him critique TV programmes alongside his son, Gene, and mother, Peggy.


Medienbericht: Ex-Bundestagspräsident Lammert prognostiziert Merkels Ende 2018

Medienbericht: Ex-Bundestagspräsident Lammert prognostiziert Merkels Ende 2018
Kanzlerin Merkel neben Ex-Bundestagspräsident Lammert.

Laut einem Medienbericht hält Ex-Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert ein Scheitern der GroKo-Gespräche und Neuwahlen 2018 ohne Angela Merkel als CDU-Spitzenkandidatin für wahrscheinlich.

Das ist passiert:

Die “Bild”-Zeitung will erfahren haben: In kleinem Kreis habe Lammert die brisante Prognose abgegeben, dass die Gespräche zwischen Union und SPD scheitern würden.

Stattdessen werde es 2018 Neuwahlen geben – ohne Merkel und mit einer schwarz-grünen Koalition als Ergebnis.

Darum ist es wichtig:

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel hatte nach dem Scheitern der Jamaika-Gespräche angekündigt, im Falle einer Neuwahl erneut anzutreten.

Lammert hält die erneute Kandidatur des CDU-Chefin offenbar für unwahrscheinlich.

Auf Nachfrage sagte Lammert der “Bild”-Zeitung allerdings lediglich: “Ich weise lediglich immer wieder darauf hin, dass die ständigen Erklärungen, es werde auf jeden Fall wieder zur Bildung einer Großen Koalition kommen, die sicherste Methode sind, eine selbige zu verhindern.”

Mehr zum Thema: Die Grokostrophe: Warum ein Bündnis aus Union und SPD ein Desaster für Deutschland wäre

Was ihr noch wissen solltet: 

Der langjährige Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert ist seit Dezember neuer Vorsitzender der CDU-nahen Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
