Jake Shears Takes Us Inside His New Orleans: INTERVIEW

Jake Shears Takes Us Inside His New Orleans: INTERVIEW
Jake Shears

Jake Shears

Mark your calendars, because 2018 will be the year of Jake Shears. The Scissor Sisters frontman is not only taking Broadway by storm in a lead role in Kinky Boots, but he’s also finished an upcoming memoir called Boys Keep Swinging and his first solo album. It’s not surprising to see the multi-talented Shears showcasing his skills across so many projects. What’s more unexpected is the place fueling this creative boon: New Orleans.

For an artist whose career has been closely associated with the New York scene and the Scissor Sisters’ early success across the pond, Shears says the Big Easy has been a huge influence on his work. Shears has spent recent years in the Crescent City and spoke with us about what makes New Orleans so special.

Find out how NOLA factors into his recent work and his favorite places around town in our interview below!

What inspired your initial move to New Orleans?

I was at this crossroads in my life, and I always wanted to be there. When Scissor Sisters would perform down there, it was my favorite place to play. I would get off the bus in the morning and spend as much time as I could just hanging out and walking around. It was just a huge fantasy of mine — as I think it is for a lot of people who visit — to move there. It was two years ago that I just had this moment where I saw the opportunity to just go. So I bought a one-way ticket, I didn’t know anybody, and I left. I rented a place for a few months from a buddy of mine and then just stayed. It felt like home to me. It feels like home to me more than anywhere else.

Jake Shears

What is it about the city that resonates with you so much?

Do you have three hours? (Laughs) I could talk and talk and talk about it! First of all, there are no other people on Earth that are as wonderful as New Orleanians. I love the locals. The people down there are the most important thing about this city. It’s such a brilliant town, because one of the biggest industries is tourism. So, there’s this constant influx of new people. But with the locals, there’s this love for visitors, for tourists. I’ve never heard a local grouse about people visiting the city. I think there’s just an incredible welcoming nature within the people of New Orleans that is unbeatable.

Also, the people are funny down there. Everyone’s got such a great sense of humor. You can be anywhere from a streetcar stop to a Rite Aid, and people are just constantly making each other laugh. People talk to each other in public that don’t know each other more than any other place I’ve ever seen. It’s just a lot of fun walking out your front door.

The people of the city are my favorite thing about it, and the second thing that I really love about town is that it’s a music city. The city is built on music, it’s built on jazz, and theres’s music everywhere. I live in the Marigny, I’m right near Frenchmen Street. I just love that I can walk out of my apartment at any time of day and go hear some of the best musicians in the world. Being down there, the more you’re there, the more you can tune into it. I highly recommend one of the great things about New Orleans, the local radio station WWOZ. I highly recommend everyone tune into whenever, they’ve got an app. It’s the local station there. It’s mostly just New Orleans music, jazz and local music just 24 hours a day. It’s pretty awesome.

The third thing that I really love about the city, and this kind of goes along with the people and its welcoming atmosphere, but it’s a place where you’re just allowed to be whoever you are. And you’re encouraged to just be yourself. It’s a very live and let live city in that way. It’s funny, because when I’m down there, I’ve got a bunch of clothes in my apartment and whatnot, but it’s one of the places where I can just throw on whatever’s in front of me and just walk out my door, whether it’s a pair of shorts and T-shirt or whether it’s a naughty nurses uniform or whatever. I can put on anything. I could wear my pajamas and go down to Phoenix Bar and just hang out. It’s place where your self-consciousness can just fall away.

How has the city influenced the music you’re making now?

I’ve always been super inspired by New Orleans music. I’ve always been referencing it in my songs and albums since I’ve started making music. But actually being there, it was such a great place to get work done, strangely enough. Since I’ve moved down there I’ve written and recorded an album, and I’ve written a whole book. There’s something about it where if you want to live your wildest life, that’s there.

But also it’s a great place to turn off and squirrel yourself away and get work done. It’s a great place to get work done. People don’t believe me when I say that, but I get more work done down there than anywhere. It’s because the surroundings are so beautiful, everything is so easy, everything’s walkable. You can be really lazy down there, and it’s the kind of place where you can get up and get everything done by 2 and then be having a cocktail at the Country Club by 2:30.

There’s a studio right near my apartment called Marigny Studios that’s where a ton of people record. Solange is always there recording. It’s a great studio, and it’s two blocks away from my place. So it was kind of the perfect set up where I could just schedule days there, have friends fly in to write and work with me, and also everyone wants to come to New Orleans. It’s an easy way to get friends to come visit you.

Also, on Sundays all the second line parades happen. I recommend anybody going down to try to experience the big Sunday second line parade. They’re just life affirming. They just get this massive community together that plays music and marches down the street for hours. It’s exquisite.

Jake Shears New Orleans

What has your writing process been like on your book?

I started two years ago. When I went down to New Orleans is when I really just started writing it. It’s a memoir. I just went down there and really started from scratch, just kind of vomiting pages and pages and pages. It’s the first book I’ve ever written, so, it was tougher than I thought it would be, but at the same time I’m really happy that I’ve had the kind of free space to do it in…

Once I had a full draft of the book I was really able to start having a good time with it, making connections in it, linking things and creating a kind of arc for it. At first it was really messy. It was a really tough process … It’s just been so exciting to finish it. I just got the galleys last night, and to actually finish something like that just felt really good. It made me realize that it’s something I want to do again. With a book, it’s something you just chip and chip and chip away at it, and then suddenly you have a book. It doesn’t really happen overnight, but one day you just realize that it’s all there.

What are your favorite places in New Orleans to write?

As far as the book goes, in the mornings I would take my laptop and go to Press Street Station, which is in Marigny, it’s right by the train tracks. It’s an awesome place for breakfast. It’s connected to the art school there. Their breakfast is flippin’ amazing. My other place to write is Cafe Who Dat, which is right around the corner from my place. They have some insane corn cakes. I get a chicken fried steak there that’s really scary good. It’s dangerous, though. Finally, I got my kitchen set up and a truck so I could go buy groceries, which really helps the waistline, because I definitely gained a lot of weight.

Just for hangs, my favorite bar there is the Phoenix. It’s right down the street from my place, it’s open 24 hours. It’s the kind of place that they don’t make ‘em like that anymore. It’s like a neighborhood bar from the ‘70s or something, it’s just amazing. I love the balcony at Good Friends, that’s one of my favorite spots. I love 700 Club, as far as a gay bar there that has a lot of locals. It’s not sort of in the middle of the Bourbon Street gay area, it’s a little bit removed from that, which is nice.

The post Jake Shears Takes Us Inside His New Orleans: INTERVIEW appeared first on Towleroad.

Jake Shears Takes Us Inside His New Orleans: INTERVIEW

Channel 4’s Alternative Christmas Message: The Children Of Grenfell Tower Explain What Is Most Important To Them

Channel 4’s Alternative Christmas Message: The Children Of Grenfell Tower Explain What Is Most Important To Them
Children who lost almost everything in the Grenfell Tower fire have revealed what is most valuable to them this Christmas.

Chosen to deliver Channel 4′s Alternative Christmas Message, five kids who narrowly escaped the blaze with their parents have spoken about the importance of family and having a home.

The Grenfell Tower tragedy claimed 71 lives, including at least 18 children.

Megan, 10, who will spend the festive period in temporary accomodation as her family have yet to be rehoused, said: “My Christmas message is that I think all families, children and parents should have a nice, warm, cosy home.”

She and her 12-year-old sister, Luana, were both placed into induced comas due to smoke inhalation after their family – who lived on the 21st floor – only just managed to flee the burning tower block in June.

They spent five months living in a hotel before being moved into a temporary flat.

“I just want everyone in the world to have a house at least,” Megan said.

Luana added: “Everyone should love and respect each other because you never know what tomorrow will be like and it’s important to love and cherish your family.”

The messages will be seen by millions of people when they are broadcast on Christmas Day.

Dozens of families who survived the Grenfell tragedy are due to spend the festive period without a permanent home, with many still living in hotels or temporary accomodation six months on from the blaze.

Earlier this month, survivors staged a protest over the current lack of homes, with one woman claiming a lack of support from authorities means it feels as if they are being “penalised for being alive”.


Teens Caught on Camera Slashing Gay Couple’s Inflatable Christmas Display: WATCH

Teens Caught on Camera Slashing Gay Couple’s Inflatable Christmas Display: WATCH
christmas vandals

vandals gay couples christmas display

A group of teens vandalized a gay couple’s Christmas display in Toronto, and the incident was caught on a home security camera.

CTV reports:

Adam Broker and Chris Basnicki captured the incident on their home security video just before 7 p.m. on Saturday night, when three teens were recorded attacking the lawn decorations.

“You hear them clearly – they’re laughing,” Broker told CTV Toronto. “And then you hear them say, get the big one! And that’s three stab wounds to the snowman.”

Broker says the teens appeared to be recording the incident as well.

The attack left Broker and his partner, Basnicki, feeling frustrated and furious.


The post Teens Caught on Camera Slashing Gay Couple’s Inflatable Christmas Display: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Teens Caught on Camera Slashing Gay Couple’s Inflatable Christmas Display: WATCH

FPÖ-Minister im Kabinett Kurz: Die Rechtesten der Rechten

FPÖ-Minister im Kabinett Kurz: Die Rechtesten der Rechten
Blick nach Rechts: Österreichs Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz hat mit fünf FPÖ-Ministern einige Hardliner im Kabinett

  • Mit der FPÖ sind in Österreich rechte Populisten an der Macht
  • In der Regierung von Sebastian Kurz sitzen nun viele Minister mit extremen Ansichten – die HuffPost stellt die wichtigsten von ihnen vor 

Es ist eine der ersten Amtshandlungen der rechtskonservativen Regierung Kurz: Sie will auf dem Gelände des ehemaligen Vernichtungslagers Maly Trostinec ein Denkmal für die dort von Nazis ermordeten österreichischen Juden errichten. 

“Ein klares Bekenntnis zur historischen Verantwortung und Mitschuld Österreichs” solle das Denkmal sein, sagte Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz. Tatsächlich ist es auch ein Versuch, dass Image Österreichs zu retten. 

Denn der Rechtsruck in der Alpenrepublik hat in der internationalen Gemeinschaft für Sorge und Empörung gesorgt. So hatte Israels Premier Benjamin Netanjahu angekündigt, dass seine Regierung vorerst nur auf Arbeitsebene mit den FPÖ-geführten Ministerien sprechen wolle.

Ministerien, die von einigen der radikalsten Ministern geführt werden, die es in Österreich je gegeben hat. 

Mehr zum Thema: Klima der Angst: Wer in Österreich die rechte Politik kritisiert, muss dafür büßen

Vizekanzler Heinz-Christian Strache

Strache ist das Gesicht der FPÖ. Er hat die Partei aus der Versenkung an die Regierungsmacht in Österreich geführt. 

Unter Strache ist aus der rechtskonservativen eine pur rechte Partei geworden. Hetze gegen den Islam und Einwanderer wurden unter ihm zum Kernprogramm der FPÖ

Auch das Österreich insgesamt stark nach rechts abgedriftet ist, liegt vor allem an dem FPÖ-Chef. Strache hat die Politik des Landes und auch seinen Koalitionpartner Sebastian Kurz vor sich hergetrieben – vor allem, indem er es schaffte, Rechtspopulismus mit einem familiären und heimatliebenden Image zu versehen. 

Ein Image, das zumindest im Fall von Strache täuscht. Denn wie eine aufwendige Recherche der “Süddeutschen Zeitung” belegt, war der heutige FPÖ-Chef in früheren Jahren ein aktives Mitglied der österreichischen Neonazi-Szene. 

Mehr zum Thema: Neonazi als Vizekanzler? Das ist die rechtsextreme Vergangenheit von FPÖ-Chef Strache

Innenminister Herbert Kickl

Er gilt als das strategische Gehirn der FPÖ und als rechte Hand von Parteichef Heinz-Christian Strache: Herbert Kickl arbeitet seit Jahren unermüdlich daran, die Freiheitlichen an die Macht zu führen.

Um sein Ziel zu erreichen, scheute er auch vor einer harten Anti-Ausländerlinie nicht zurück. Der FPÖ-Plakatspruch “Daham statt Islam” geht auf ihn zurück.

Mehr zum Thema: Cousine von FPÖ-Minister schreibt Facebook-Post an ihn – ganz Österreich spricht darüber

Nun ist Kickl am Zenit angekommen und das Amt des Innenministers ist seine Belohnung. Leicht einzuordnen ist der 49 Jahre alte FPÖ-Generalsekretär aber nicht. Er gilt als ausgesprochen arbeitsam, stur und durchsetzungsfähig.

Der Mann mit der schmalrandigen Brille schrieb schon Reden für den später tödlich verunglückten Rechtspopulisten Jörg Haider. Jacques Chirac, damals Frankreichs Präsident, wurde da zum “Westentaschen-Napoleon”.

Nachdem Haider die FPÖ verlassen hatte, blieb Kickl seiner politischen Heimat treu und begann mit Strache die Partei aus dem Umfragetief wieder aufzubauen. Dabei benutzt er sein Talent für Zuspitzungen und für Themen, die der Bevölkerung auf den Nägeln brennen.

Verteidigungsminister Mario Kunasek

Mit Mario Kunasek wird seit langer Zeit das erste Mal wieder ein Soldat Minister in Österreich. 1996 trat er als Zeitsoldat in das österreichische Heer ein, nun ist er als Verteidigungsminister hauptverantwortlich für die Armee. 

Kunasek sei einer, der nicht gerne anecke, schreibt die österreichische Zeitung “Kurier” über den gelernten KfZ-Mechaniker. “Ein Ideologe ist er nicht gerade”, zitiert das Blatt einen parteiinternen Konkurrenten. 

Doch als Kunasek noch in der Steiermark Wahlkampf gemacht habe, habe er dies auch mit dreisten Lügen getan, heißt es im “Kurier”. Er habe etwa behauptet, Moscheen würden mit Staatsgeld gebaut.

Weiterhin würden Strache Berührungspunkte mit der als rechtsextrem eingestuften Gruppe “Partei des Volkes“ (PDV) nachgesagt. Er habe zudem schon in der ebenso rechtsextremen Zeitung “Aula″ publiziert.

In der Regierung Kurz wird sich nun zeigen, was Kunasek wirklich ausmacht: Mitläufertum – oder rechte Überzeugungen

Verkehrs- und Innovationsminister Norbert Hofer

Hofer ist der zweitprominenteste Politiker der FPÖ. Scheiterte er Anfang des Jahres noch mit seinem Versuch, Bundespräsident Österreichs zu werden, so hat er es nun über Umwege doch noch an die Macht geschafft. 

Gilt Strache manchen in Österreich als geradezu familiär, dann ist Hofer sogar kumpelig. “Freundlich, leutselig, sachorientiert und kompetent” – so würden selbst Sozialdemokraten Hofer beschreiben, schrieb das österreichische Magazin “Profil” vergangenes Jahr

Ein Eindruck, der täuscht. Hofer hat im Präsidentschaftswahlkampf und auch in seiner sonstigen Karriere mit Inbrunst gegen Muslime Stimmung gemacht. Er vertritt in der FPÖ auch einen stramm anti-europäischen Kurs

Als Verkehrsminister wird Hofer zwar nicht die ganz große Politik in Österreich prägen. Aber als “Volksempfänger (O-Ton “Profil”) wird er versuchen, der rechten FPÖ nach Innen ein freundlicheres Gesicht zu verleihen. 

Mehr zum Thema: Wer glaubt, dass Österreich nun wie Polen und Ungarn wird, hat die wahre Gefahr nicht erkannt

Außenministerin Karin Kneissl 

Streng genommen ist Karin Kneissl keine FPÖ-Ministerin – sie leitet in Zukunft jedoch Österreichs Außenministerium auf Vorschlag der Rechtspartei. 

Kneissl ist Nahost-Expertin. Sie spricht acht Sprachen und gilt im Grundsatz als Pro-Europäerin. Doch Kneissl ist nicht umsonst von der FPÖ ins Rennen geschickt worden. 

“Sie soll für Kurz die Flüchtlinge stoppen”, schrieb die österreichische Boulevardzeitung “Blick” über die Diplomatin. Tatsächlich steht Kneissl Einwanderern feindlich gegenüber. 

Angela Merkels Selfies mit Flüchtlingen nannte sie in einer Kolumne einmal “grob fahrlässig”, schreibt die österreichische Zeitung “Der Standard”. Zudem habe sie einmal behauptet, die Einwanderung junger Männer nach Europa führe zu einem gefährlichen “Männerüberschuss”.  

Dennoch: Kneissl zur Außenministerin zu machen, war ein kluger Schachzug von FPÖ-Chef Strache. Ihr haftet das schlechte Image der Rechtspopulisten nicht direkt an.

Gepaart mit ihrer Expertise könnte Kneissl es der Kurz-Regierung so erleichtern, die internationalen Sorgen vor dem neuen rechten Kurs in Österreich zu besänftigen. 

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Theresa May And Donald Trump Discuss Brexit Deal In First Conversation Since Britain First Controversy

Theresa May And Donald Trump Discuss Brexit Deal In First Conversation Since Britain First Controversy
Theresa May and Donald Trump discussed the importance of a post-Brexit trade deal in their first conversation since the president retweeted far-right organisation Britain First.

The PM called Trump on Tuesday afternoon – the first time the two world leaders have officially spoken since he retweeted propaganda posted by Britain First’s deputy leader Jayda Fransen, and publicly rebuked May for criticising his actions.

Downing Street said May began the call by offering her condolences over the loss of life in the terrible train crash in Washington state on Monday, before moving on to Trump’s controversial position on Jerusalem.

“They discussed the different positions we took on the recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, and agreed on the importance of the US bringing forward new proposals for peace and the international community supporting these efforts,” a spokesman said.

“The prime minister also raised Yemen, highlighting our ongoing deep concerns at the humanitarian situation. They agreed on the vital importance of reopening humanitarian and commercial access to prevent famine and alleviate the suffering of innocent Yemenis.”

May also updated the president on the “recent good progress” of Brexit negotiations.

The spokesman added: “The president set out the progress he had made on his economic agenda. They agreed on the importance of a swift post-Brexit bilateral trade deal.

“They wished each other a very merry Christmas and looked forward to keeping in close touch.”
