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Turkish lesbian #turkish #turkishcanadian #lesbian #lgbt #muslimandlesbian #islam #love #arabiansword #gaypride #turkishpride #art #political

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Turkish lesbian #turkish #turkishcanadian #lesbian #lgbt #muslimandlesbian #islam #love #arabiansword #gaypride #turkishpride #art #political

Bermuda Governor Expected to Sign Bill to Re-Ban Gay Marriage

Bermuda Governor Expected to Sign Bill to Re-Ban Gay Marriage
David Burt

Bermuda Governor John Rankin is expected to sign a bill to re-ban gay marriage, passed by its legislature this week, according to Premier David Burt. Burt made the remarks in an interview with Bernews (above).

“I expect that the governor will ratify the bill of the parliament,” said Burt. “I think history will remember it by a government that chose to be courageous when other governments have failed.”

The Royal Gazette adds:

The man whose court victory paved the way for same-sex marriage in Bermuda said it would be a “monumental symbol” if the Governor refused to give assent to an Act designed to replace same-sex marriage with watered-down domestic partnerships.

Winston Godwin said: “It sends a message that you not only believe in equality of all people but that you disagree with the stripping of rights.”

Mr Godwin was speaking after Senate members on Wednesday voted 8-3 in favour of the Domestic Partnership Act, which replaces same-sex marriage with domestic partnerships.

The Supreme Court of Bermuda legalized same-sex marriage last May in a case brought by Toronto-based Bermudian and Canadian gay couple, Winston Godwin and Greg DeRoche (above), who  preferred to marry in Godwin’s home country Bermuda.

Seeing boycotts and protest on the horizon, Bermuda’s Tourism Authority issued a statement before the vote.

“Since last Friday’s vote, we have seen ample evidence of negative international headlines and growing social-media hostility towards Bermuda that we feel compelled to express our concern about what the negative consequences could be for tourism if the Domestic Partnership Bill passes the Senate this week. We believe the Bill poses an unnecessary threat to the success of our tourism industry.

“We urge you to vote no and appreciate the opportunity to lay out the reasons why. Importantly, we do not view domestic partnerships as a negative in isolation. In fact many jurisdictions permit domestic partnerships without adverse impacts on their economies.

“The circumstance in Bermuda is different — and troubling — in one important way: same-sex marriage is already the law of our island and to roll that back for what will be seen as a less equal union will cause us serious reputational damage. We are convinced it will result in lost tourism business for Bermuda.”

“If Governor Rankin signs this measure into law, it will rip away the right of loving same-sex couples in Bermuda to marry. That’s unconscionable,” said Ty Cobb, director of HRC Global. “With international business and tourism as its major industries, Bermuda’s people, international reputation, and economy would all be harmed by this legislation. It is crucial that Governor Rankin reject this assault on equality.”

The post Bermuda Governor Expected to Sign Bill to Re-Ban Gay Marriage appeared first on Towleroad.

Bermuda Governor Expected to Sign Bill to Re-Ban Gay Marriage

“Schlag den Henssler”: Wer jetzt über die Kandidaten entscheidet

“Schlag den Henssler”: Wer jetzt über die Kandidaten entscheidet

Schlag den Henssler” geht in die dritte Runde. Zwar hat der TV-Koch die vergangenen zwei Ausgaben gewonnen – aber offensichtlich nicht die Herzen der Zuschauer: Anfang November schalteten 1,41 Millionen ein. 1,72 Millionen waren es Ende September gewesen.

Eine Regeländerung soll es offensichtlich nun richten.

Ab sofort lässt ProSieben die langwierige Auswahl unter drei Kandidaten zu Beginn der Sendung wegfallen und geht direkt zum Duell mit Steffen Henssler (45) über.

Trotzdem bleibt es an den Zuschauern, sich einen Gegner für Henssler auszusuchen. 

In einer Online-Abstimmung in den Tagen zuvor, haben die Menschen sich entschieden.

Welche Männer zur Wahl stehen

Zur Wahl standen für den 16. Dezember drei Männer:

  1. Zollbeamte Jup (36) aus Bruchköbel (Hessen)
  2. Turmspringer Patrick (35) aus Bottrop
  3. Musiker Robert (38) aus Berlin

Zuvor hatte die “Bild”-Zeitung darüber berichtet. “Die ‘Schlag den Henssler’-Zuschauer haben sich gewünscht, dass das Duell schneller beginnt. Diesem Wunsch kommen wir gern nach”, wurde ein Sprecher zitiert.


‘Tell Us What You Want!’ Italian Minister Cranks Up Pressure On May Over Brexit

‘Tell Us What You Want!’ Italian Minister Cranks Up Pressure On May Over Brexit
The EU is still not clear what Britain wants from Brexit, according to a top Italian politician who has urged Theresa May to spell out her plans.

Italy’s Europe Minister Sandro Gozi, who spent ten years working for the European Commission before being elected to the Italian parliament, told HuffPost UK Theresa May needs to be clearer in her demands and the “ball is in the British court.”

His words were echoed by Ireland’s Europe Minister Helen McEntee, who told HuffPost UK “intensive talks” were needed in order to bring “clarity” to Britain’s position.

The pressure from the European politicians comes ahead of a crunch meeting of May’s cabinet next Tuesday, where ministers will for the first time be able to set out their visions for the UK’s post-Brexit relationship with the EU.

Speaking to HuffPost UK in Brussels on the day it was officially agreed that phase one of the negotiations had been completed, Gozi said January and February of next year would be used by the EU to prepare “the framework agreement on the future relationship” between the UK and the bloc.

He said the talks were moving at the “right rate”, but added: “It is not clear what Britain wants from the transition period, it is not clear what Britain wants for the future.

“The ball is in the British court and it’s up to the Brits to tell us how they see the transition period and how they see the future relationship.

“From an Italian perspective I do believe that transition period could be organised around a couple of years and based on the Single Market and the Customs Union.

“The closer the transition period is to the current situation the better for us, but it’s up to the Brits to tell us how they want to start the negotiations.”

Listen to the interview in the Commons People podcast

Ireland’s Europe Minister Helen McEntee told HuffPost UK that while Britain has always been clear it wants “a very close relationship” with the EU, there now needed to be flesh on the bones of any future deal.

“Setting that out and what that means is what we’re going to do now in phase two.

“Particularly around transition, we know that maybe views have changed throughout this period of time and I think that’s why we need to have these intensive talks in the New Year to get a bit of clarity around what the UK is thinking and how that matches up with the EU so that we’re moving forward knowing what it is that everybody wants and everybody’s agreed to.”

In a document released on Friday afternoon, the EU set out its vision for what a post-Brexit transitional deal would look like.

The UK would still “participate” in the Single Market and Customs Union – meaning it would have to abide by laws around free movement of people, goods, capital and services.

It would also remain under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, and have to abide by any new laws passed during the expected two-year period.

However, the UK would have no role in EU institutions or decision making, meaning there would be no British MEPs in the European Parliament and the Prime Minister would be locked out of future summits.


A Canadian Man Asked a Bakery for the Gayest Cake It Could Make, and It Delivered

A Canadian Man Asked a Bakery for the Gayest Cake It Could Make, and It Delivered
gay cake

While certain “Christian” bakers are shunning gay couples, there are plenty others happy to help gay people celebrate special occasions.

Like Cake and Loaf Bakery in Hamilton, Ontario. Chris Farias had a special request for the bakers.

He writes:

In celebrating my engagement to Jared Lenover (It’s been a year… 8 months ’till the big day!!) I wanted to get him a cake to celebrate (he loves cake…as do I!). So I called my local bakery, Cake and Loaf Bakery, and requested the GAYEST cake they could make. Without hesitation, and with much excitement, they said “We’ll do it!!!”

This is what I got. I am in tears right now I’m so happy.

Being part of the LGBTQ+ community isn’t easy for many. And that’s an huge understatement. But I am proud of who I am, and how far WE have come. I am proud to be a gay Canadian who can order a cake and not get turned down because of who I love. I love this country, and I love my community.

If you believe that #LoveIsLove, please share, and show our neighbours to the south that we support them. That we empathize with their struggles. That Canada is loud and proud and will make them any cake their heart desires.

And the final result:

The post A Canadian Man Asked a Bakery for the Gayest Cake It Could Make, and It Delivered appeared first on Towleroad.

A Canadian Man Asked a Bakery for the Gayest Cake It Could Make, and It Delivered