김민수: 무지개로 모두 함께, 규슈 레인보우 프라이드

김민수: 무지개로 모두 함께, 규슈 레인보우 프라이드
규슈지역을 대표하는 Pride Parade, 규슈 레인보우 프라이드가 지난 11월 5일 일요일, 후쿠오카에서 열렸습니다. 올해로 4회째를 맞는 규슈 레인보두 프라이드는 Rainbow City(레인보우 시티 후쿠오카, 모두와 함께라서 좋다!)라는 주제로 작년과 같은 레이센 공원에서 여러 공원과 결혼식 등의 다채로운 이벤트가 열렸습니다.

기사 보기: 보이스, 동성애, 성소수자, 규슈, 레인보두 프라이드, Korea News


Newsnight Viewers Mock Anthony Travers After Stock Exchange Chairman Dubs Paradise Papers ‘Fake News’

Newsnight Viewers Mock Anthony Travers After Stock Exchange Chairman Dubs Paradise Papers ‘Fake News’

The chairman of the Cayman Islands Stock Exchange has been dubbed a “cartoon capitalist” by Newsnight viewers after branding the Paradise Papers “fake news” and calling for journalists to be jailed. 

Appearing on the show to discuss the leak of 13.4 million revelatory documents which claim to show how the rich and powerful have secretly invested vast sums in offshore tax havens, Anthony Travers denied that those involved are guilty of tax evasion, calling the claims “complete heresy”. 

“They pay 100% of the tax due in those jurisdictions,” he told presenter Kirsty Wark, claiming there is “no tax edge” to investing in so-called ‘havens’ such as the Cayman Islands. 

Referencing a similar leak in 2015, Travers – who was awarded an OBE in 1998 for his services to the government and financial sector – continued: “What have we actually had from the Panama Papers in terms of actual convictions in the UK for anything at all involving tax evasion or tax avoidance? The answer is nothing. Certainly nothing statistically relevant. 

Disgusting, repulsive, offensive behaviour by Anthony Travers, Chairman of Cayman Islands stock exchange, on #Newsnight. Fire him, now.

— Simon Wood (@SimonWood2k5) November 7, 2017

Wow. The mansplaining is at optimum levels when Kirsty Wark interview Anthony Travers #newsnight

— Stanners (@cheesecakebase) November 6, 2017

Shout out to the man from Cayman Islands stock exchange trying but failing to patronise Kirsty Wark whilst not opening his eyes #newsnight

— Jane Merrick (@janemerrick23) November 6, 2017

The arrogant & offensive comments from Anthony Travers on #Newsnight regarding tax havens are breathtaking. Nothing wrong he says!

— Roy Bailey (@DrRoyBailey) November 6, 2017

According to the BBC’s economic editor Kamal Ahmed, HM Revenue and Customs have revealed that 66 criminal investigations are ongoing and £100 million of tax could be retrieved following the release of the Paradise Papers. 

In the wake of the revelations, many of those named in the leaks have denied any wrong-doing, including Tory donor Lord Ashcroft and Formula 1 champ Lewis Hamilton



