#AM_Equality Tipsheet: November 14, 2017
MORE THAN 1,400 PARENTS OF TRANSGENDER YOUNG PEOPLE SIGN DECLARATION OF RIGHTS IN RESPONSE TO ATTACKS ON LGBTQ EQUALITY: An unprecedented number of parents of transgender young people have come together to sign a national declaration of rights seeking protections for their children and all transgender people from discrimination, violence and harassment. The declaration comes as the nation marks Transgender Awareness Week, and one year after HRC launched its groundbreaking national Parents for Transgender Equality Council in the wake of Donald Trump’s election. “What started as a council of 25 parents of transgender youth one year ago has grown into a movement of more than 1,400 parents demanding dignity and fairness for their children,” said HRC President Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin). “These courageous parents represent tens of thousands more across the nation and the challenges facing their families must be addressed by our policymakers and public officials. From building welcoming schools to ending violence against transgender women of color, our work will not be complete until every child in America and around the globe is afforded the opportunity, safety and respect that everyone deserves.” More from HRC and Metro Weekly.
1,400+ courageous parents of trans youth are demanding that every child in America and around the globe be afforded opportunity, safety and respect. Thanks to each of them for joining @HRC‘s Declaration of Transgender Rights. t.co/Bb0xyj8BKE
— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) November 13, 2017
MORNING MUST READ FROM AP’S DAVID CRARY — “STALLED IN CONGRESS, LGBT RIGHTS ADVANCE AT THE LOCAL LEVEL”: Cities big and small, in red and blue states alike, are continuing progress toward full equality — despite the anti-LGBTQ agenda of the Trump-Pence administration, and state legislators across the country who are attempting to codify discrimination into state law. Crary (@CraryAP) highlights equality gains made in cities including Birmingham, Ala.; De Pere, Wisc.; and Morgantown, W.Va., where the city council unanimously passed an LGBTQ-inclusive non-discrimination ordinance despite opposition from the anti-LGBTQ Family Policy Council of West Virginia. “It’s ironic that the party of small government wants to interfere with cities which want to provide common sense protections for all their citizens,” said HRC Legal Director Sarah Warbelow. Read the full piece from The Associated Press.
- ICYMI: Crary’s reporting affirms the findings of HRC’s 2017 Municipal Equality Index, in which a record 68 cities across the nation earned perfect scores for advancing LGBTQ-inclusive policies and practices. Check out the report, and how municipalities scored, at HRC.
NEW FBI DATA SHOWS INCIDENTS OF ANTI-LGBTQ HATE CRIMES INCREASED IN 2016: Yesterday, the FBI released hate crime statistics for 2016, which highlight the ongoing epidemic of anti-transgender violence. In 2016, 6,121 hate crime incidents were reported –an increase of five percent from 2015. Of the 6,121 incidents reported, 1,076 were based on sexual orientation bias and 124 were based on gender identity bias. These numbers reflect a two percent and nine percent increase, respectively. Of the 124 incidents based on gender identity, 19 targeted gender non-conforming people, a decrease of 54 percent from 2015. Yet, of those same 124 incidents,105 targeted transgender people, an increase of 44 percent from 2015. More from HRC.
TUESDAY TWEET– THIS WEEK IS #TRANSWEEK: November 14-20 is Transgender Awareness Week, or #TransWeek, which culminates in Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20. HRC will be sharing stories and resources on social media, using the #TransWeek hashtag, and on our blog.
This week, @HRC celebrates Transgender Awareness Week (#TransWeek) by promoting the visibility, well-being and dignity of all #transgender and non-binary people. t.co/mM6Z8SbkYT
— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) November 13, 2017
TODAY — HRC AND OTHER CIVIL RIGHTS ORGS & ADVOCATES TO RALLY AGAINST JEFF MATEER AT U.S. CAPITOL: Mateer, nominated for a seat on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, has referred to transgender children as part of “Satan’s plan,” supports the dangerous and debunked practice of so-called “conversion therapy,” and has claimed that marriage equality will lead to bestiality. HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride will be a featured speaker, joining Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR); Nan Aron, Alliance for Justice; Julie Gonen, National Center for Lesbian Rights; Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal; and Harper Jean Tobin, National Center for Transgender Equality. More on Mateer from HRC.
THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS — ONE MONTH UNTIL ALABAMA’S SPECIAL U.S. SENATE ELECTION: HRC has endorsed Doug Jones for U.S. Senator from Alabama. Jones is running against the notoriously anti-LGBTQ Roy Moore in a December 12 special election to replace now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Doug Jones is the only candidate in this race who will look out for all Alabamians, regardless of who they are or whom they love. More from HRC.
WEST VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE MUST CONSIDER BILL PROTECTING MINORS FROM SO-CALLED “CONVERSION THERAPY”: A bipartisan group of state lawmakers supports a bill that would protect LGBTQ youth from the dangerous and debunked practice. More from the Charleston Gazette-Mail.
LGBTQ AMERICANS SUFFER DISPROPORTIONATELY FROM WORKPLACE DISCRIMINATION: “When it comes to employment, fundamentally, LGBTQ Americans are not on an even playing field,” Deena Fidas, director of HRC’s Workplace Equality Program told Mic’s Anna Swartz (@Anna_Snackz). The LGBTQ community suffers from higher unemployment rates, workplace harassment and lower wages compared to non-LGBTQ people. More from Mic.
NYC SUBWAY SYSTEM TO MAKE GENDER NEUTRAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: The previous “ladies and gentleman” announcements will be replaced with more inclusive language, such as “passengers” or “riders.” More from Pix 11.
HISTORY-MAKING LESBIAN DIRECTOR DEBRA CHASNOFF PASSES: Chasnoff was the first woman to thank a same-sex partner when accepting an Oscar for Best Documentary Short Subject in 1992 for the film Deadly Deception: General Electric, Nuclear Weapons, and Our Environment. More from Advocate.
TEXAS LGBTQ ADVOCATE CECI GRATIAS PASSES: Gratias, 53, was an advocate for LGBTQ equality in Texas, volunteering for HRC, OutYouth and LifeWorks. More from the Austin American-Statesman.
CHURCH OF ENGLAND PUTS OUT LGBTQ-SUPPORTIVE GUIDANCE: It includes encouraging teachers to allow student explore “who they might be.” More from BBC.
Utah Public Radio interviews a University of Utah professor on the importance of the U.S. presidency on LGBTQ equality; NewNowNext reports that Julie Lemieux is believed to be the first openly transgender person to be elected to office in Canada;
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