Jeremy Corbyn Supporters At West Bromwich Rally Aren’t Concerned At Polls Showing Theresa May Gaining Support

Jeremy Corbyn Supporters At West Bromwich Rally Aren’t Concerned At Polls Showing Theresa May Gaining Support

Labour may not be performing quite as well in the polls as its supporters expected but its voters on the ground certainly don’t seem that bothered.

A poll earlier this month showed public support for Theresa May had grown despite a disastrous party conference speech, two Cabinet resignations and Brexit talks stalling. The YouGov poll for The Times found 34% of voters want May to stay as Prime Minister, up one point from a month ago. Backing for Jeremy Corbyn as PM, meanwhile, fell two points to 35% and a sizeable 35% said they were not sure who they wanted to lead the country.

Yet there were no signs of support for Corbyn waning at his first rally since just before the Labour party conference in September.

The Islington North MP yet again ushered on stage to a rendition of “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” and rapturous applause from the 1,500-strong audience in West Bromwich.

Yes, “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” is still a thing

— Sarah Ann Harris (@smallest_sarah) November 23, 2017

“Polls don’t really concern me, to be honest,” said 18-year-old Erin Gilbey, a student at Birmingham University.

“We’ll see what happens and we’ll fight behind him.

“Just as he was leaving then, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an MP for many years be popular in the way that people want to speak to him and want to know him, almost as a person.

“Given the really negative media attention he had right at the start of his campaign, he’s done incredibly to get that sort of support and I don’t think that poll makes any difference to that whatsoever from what I’ve seen tonight.”

Her fellow student, 18-year-old Emma Gordon, added: “Polls haven’t had much of a history of being that accurate, let’s be real. There was the landslide victory for the Tories and all that, so I’m not really concerning myself with polls, to be honest.”

The young women, who told HuffPost UK they had dressed in red especially for the event, said they were optimistic about the future of the party.

Labour MP, said: “I think the energy that was here tonight is going to be alive in all of the people who leave this room with newfound inspiration.”

The trio weren’t the only ones dressed for the occasion. There were plenty of football-style scarves with Corbyn’s name emblazoned upon them floating around, as well a plenty of other merchandise, including the now-almost iconic T-shirt featured the leader’s name in the style of the Nike slogan.

Peter Griffiths, a 69-year-old Labour councillor, also had little for time polls suggesting Corbyn was losing support.

He said: “It’s not what we’re finding on the streets. When we go door-knocking, people are very much with Jeremy.”

He too said he was optimistic about the future: “We are, we certainly are in the Midlands here about a very good result in the next round of elections.”

Tom England, 27, has been a member of the party since Corbyn became a major figure. He was thrilled with the Labour leader’s furious response to Wednesday’s budget, when he attacked the absence of social care from Philip Hammond’s financial priorities.

Tony Blair for talking Corbyn down.

He said: “I saw Tony Blair talking about him and it kind of pissed me off because he was saying he should be further ahead and coming from somebody who lost the trust of the general public, it seems like a rather strange thing to do.

“So I don’t think Jeremy Corbyn is hoped generally by people speaking out against him when they’ve got no real right to be speaking out against him. establishment figures speak out against him a lot but actually if you speak to the general public,I think he’s quite favourably viewed.

“His authenticity is looked upon favourably even if you disagree with his views.”

The biggest cheers of the nights were reserved for the issues of council housing, reversal of NHS privatisation and party successes in locations not generally thought of as Labour areas.