Utah’s ‘No Promo Homo’ Law Now History
After decades, Utah teachers and students can discuss LGBT issues in school thanks to a settlement finally reached.
Utah’s ‘No Promo Homo’ Law Now History
After decades, Utah teachers and students can discuss LGBT issues in school thanks to a settlement finally reached.
Carson Kressley: Gays are “happy,” “healthy,” and “cute,” so let them donate blood!
“We will totally spice up the blood donor centers.”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions Issues Broad ‘Religious Freedom’ Guidance That Should Concern All LGBT Americans
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday issued broad “religious freedom” guidance which appears intended to undermine LGBT rights. The memo comes a day after Sessions rescinded a policy protecting transgender people from discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
The guidance says the government cannot unduly burden people or certain businesses from practicing their faith, noting, “The free exercise of religion includes the right to act or abstain from action in accordance with one’s religious beliefs.”
The policy does not create new law, but rather interprets how the government should construe the Constitution and existing federal law. It comes on the heels of the Justice Department weighing in on a religious liberty case, in which lawyers under Sessions argued in a brief to the US Supreme Court that a Christian baker had a First Amendment right to deny a gay couple a cake for their wedding.
The guidance memo, which avoided mentioning pending cases by name but did refer to the ongoing controversy over contraception coverage in Obamacare, directs federal agencies to observe 20 “principles of religious liberty.” Among them, it says that religious employers are entitled to hire only workers whose beliefs and conduct are “consistent with the employer’s’ religious beliefs” — a directive adopted under former President George W. Bush — and that some of the legal principles extend “not just to individuals, but also to organizations, associations, and at least some for-profit corporations.”
The US Department of Health and Human Services on Friday announced new rules that will allow employers with a “moral” or “religious” objection to stop covering contraception for employees.
“Our freedom as citizens has always been inextricably linked with our religious freedom as a people,” Sessions said. “It has protected both the freedom to worship and the freedom not to believe. Every American has a right to believe, worship, and exercise their faith. The protections for this right, enshrined in our Constitution and laws, serve to declare and protect this important part of our heritage.”
A background memo accompanying the new guidance insists the move “does not authorize anyone to discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity in violation of federal law or change existing federal and state protections.”
But key portions of the memos should be troubling to proponents of LGBT rights. The memo to agencies allows individuals to act or abstain from action according to their religious beliefs and prohibits the government from targeting religious individuals and organizations for acting on their beliefs.
The memo asserts 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act applies not just to people, but organizations and some for-profit companies. Further, the guidance says RFRA doesn’t permit the federal government to second-guess a religious belief and asserts the strict scrutiny standard under the law is “exceptionally demanding.”
Read the memos, to administrative agencies and Justice Department attorneys.
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DOJ’s anti-LGBTQ “religious exemptions” guidance makes LGBTQ employees second-class citizens
Guidance could force LGBTQ federal workers back in closet to protect their own job security
Trump Administration’s sweeping guidance could have additional consequences to safety of LGBTQ Americans
NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s LGBTQ media advocacy organization, today condemned guidance issued this morning by United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions, which invites taxpayer funded federal agencies, government employees, and government contractors to legally discriminate as long as they cite a religious belief as the reason for doing it. This guidance follows the anti-LGBTQ executive order signed by President Trump – which could ultimately allow a person to use so-called “religious exemptions” to discriminate against the LGBTQ community at the workplace, in housing, in public accommodations across the nation, and even in marriage equality. Today’s guidance bears a striking resemblance to some of Indiana’s “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” (RFRA), an anti-LGBTQ measure Mike Pence signed into law when he was Indiana’s governor in 2015.
RFRA was backed by local anti-LGBTQ groups and had the sole intent to give Hoosiers permission to discriminate LGBTQ people at work, in housing access, and in other areas of public accommodation, including hospitals, across Indiana. Now, multiple reports indicate that Mike Pence has become the chief architect for this and other social issues within this administration, including its anti-LGBTQ agenda that has harmed the community since Day One of the Trump Presidency.
“Today’s guidance by Jeff Sessions proves this Administration will do anything possible to categorize LGBTQ Americans as second-class citizens who are not equal under the law,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “Freedom of religion is paramount to our nation’s success but does not give people the right to impose their beliefs on others, to harm others, or to discriminate. Nothing could be more un-American and unholy than using religion to justify harm and discrimination to others.”
This guidance reveals the urgent need for a comprehensive non-discrimination law inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity at the federal level. The guidance and executive orders come after a recent study by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) showed how a majority of Americans oppose anti-LGBTQ discriminatory laws, also known as so-called “religious exemption” laws. This is in complete contradiction to the efforts by anti-LGBTQ activists like the Trump Administration to issue such orders.
Further, both orders follow Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ choice this summer to voluntarily issue a friend-of-the-court brief for a case in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit that argues LGBTQ Americans are not protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This gives the greenlight for LGBTQ Americans to be openly targeted and discriminated against by employers, landlords, business owners, or other Americans simply for being LGBTQ. This also follows guidance issued yesterday that says transgender Americans are not classified as a protected class until the Civil Rights Act.
GLAAD warned about the possibility of additional anti-LGBTQ executive orders in May when President Trump issued his first “religious exemptions” executive order, which stopped just short of allowing rampant discrimination against LGBTQ Americans. GLAAD leaked a draft executive order last February that highlighted the Trump Administration’s attempt to issue an order that would allow any business or person to use so-called “religious exemptions” as an excuse to fire someone, reject a housing application, or deny a person a service – like medical care – just for being LGBTQ.
Creando inclusión LGBTQ en las escuelas
El Dr. Thomas Aberli, director de la Escuela Secundaria Atherton, implementa normas inclusivas y abre las puertas para estudiantes transgénero en Kentucky.
For First Time, LGBT Pride Flag to Fly Permanently On Federal Land
It’s a rainbow-colored triumph whose meaning is compounded by the shadow President Donald Trump’s administration has cast over LGBTQ rights. A rainbow flag will soon fly at the Stonewall National Monument in Manhattan, the first such flag to be permanently placed on federal land and maintained by the National Park Service, activists announced on Thursday. “It…
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For First Time, LGBT Pride Flag to Fly Permanently On Federal Land
Trump using “religious exemptions” to restrict health care access is a direct attack on women and transgender Americans
NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media organization, released the following statement after the Trump Administration rolled back a mandate in President Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA) which required employers and insurers under the ACA to provide health insurance that allowed affordable opportunities to acquire birth control and contraception access. Instead, employers can now claim so-called “religious exemptions” as an excuse to deny health care to approximately 55 million women and an untold number of transgender and nonconforming people who rely on no-copay contraception benefit provided by the ACA.
“It is a dangerous overreach for President Trump to try and dictate how women and LGBTQ Americans access their health care and contraception,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “The Trump Administration is actively cloaking controversial policies under so-called ‘religious exemptions’ when the policies, in fact, directly attack marginalized communities who often experience discrimination on a daily basis. President Trump must be called out for hiding behind so-called ‘religious exemptions’ and held accountable for his clear anti-LGBTQ and anti-woman agenda.”
All LGBTQ people who can become pregnant require access to reproductive care and often face additional discrimination and barriers to inclusive healthcare. This includes the bi+ women, who face the highest rates of sexual assault and transgender men who need safe and inclusive access to contraception and reproductive care.
Donald Trump Nominates Anti-LGBTQ Extremist Jeff Mateer
Jeff Mateer, Donald Trump’s nominee for a federal judgeship in Texas, believes that transgender children are evidence of “Satan’s plan,” supports the dangerous and debunked practice of so-called “conversion therapy,” and thinks marriage equality will lead to bestiality.
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