Russia Eyes Criminalizing ‘Gay Propaganda’

Russia Eyes Criminalizing ‘Gay Propaganda’

Putin drag

Russia’s much criticized law that fines anyone expressing support for LGBT rights in public could get even harsher after a senior official in the Ministry of the Interior suggested making it a criminal offense. The controversial 2013 law equates LGBT pride symbols and public portrayals of non-heterosexual relationships as inappropriate for children. The law stopped short…

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Russia Eyes Criminalizing ‘Gay Propaganda’

Spirit Day al aire con el ritmo Latinx; Spirit Day on air with a Latinx beat

Spirit Day al aire con el ritmo Latinx; Spirit Day on air with a Latinx beat

Los radioescuchas oyeron el mensaje de Spirit Day y vieron la participación en las redes de sus estaciones y celebridades favoritas. La radio es súper importante para la comunidad Latinx y ahora la juventud LGBTQ y sus familiares saben que tienen ese apoyo. People who listen to Spanish language radio Heard the Spirit Day message toady and saw the participation on social media by their favorite stations and celebrities. The radio is super important for the Latinx community and now LGBTQ youth and their families know that they have that support.

Hoy y todos los días estoy en contra del acoso y el bullying en contra de nuestra comunidad #LGBTQ#SpiritDay #SpreadLove #OrgulloUCI

— Argelia Atilano (@argelia_atilano) October 19, 2017

Hoy se celebra en todo el mundo el #SpiritDay Ponte algo morado para luchar contra el acoso escolar LGBTQ+ unido siempre a nuestra comunidad

— Zeta 92 (@Z92MIAMI) October 19, 2017

Hoy se celebra en todo el mundo el #SpiritDay Ponte algo morado para luchar contra el acoso escolar LGBTQ+ unido siempre a nuestra comunidad

— El ZOL 106.7 FM (@elzol1067fm) October 19, 2017

Hoy es SPIRIT DAY, un día para pronunciarnos en contra del acoso LGBTQ y enviar un mensaje de apoyo a los jovenes #lgbtq #SpiritDay

— TU 94.9 (@TU949fm) October 19, 2017

About Spirit Day

Each year, millions go purple for GLAAD’s Spirit Day to support LGBTQ youth in a united stand against bullying. Started in 2010 by high school student Brittany McMillan in response to numerous young LGBTQ lives lost to suicide, Spirit Day now draws the participation of celebrities, schools, faith institutions, national landmarks, corporations, media outlets, sports leagues, and advocates around the world, all joining together to stand against bullying and support LGBTQ youth. As anti-LGBTQ policies, hate crimes, and harassment are on the rise, it is now especially important to let all marginalized youth know they are supported. This year, Spirit Day is on October 19, 2017. Take the Spirit Day pledge to show LGBTQ youth you’ve got their backs at Follow @GLAAD on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr to keep up to date with #SpiritDay news.

Acerca de Spirit Day

Cada año, millones de personas usan ropa morada o imagines morados para Spirit Day de GLAAD para pronunciarse en contra del bullying o acoso. La campaña de Spirit Day fue creada en el 2010 por una estudiante de secundaria, Brittany McMillan, como una respuesta al suicidio de jóvenes LGBTQ. Spirit Day ahora cuenta con la participación de celebridades, escuelas, instituciones de fe, monumentos nacionales, corporaciones, medios de comunicación, equipos de deportes, y personas que abogan para la aceptación alrededor del mundo quienes se juntan para enviar un fuerte mensaje de rechazo del bullying y apoyo para la juventud LGBTQ. Mientras que pólizas anti-LGBTQ, crímenes de odio, y acoso siguen creciendo, es más importante que nunca demostrarle a la juventud que sufre niveles múltiples de opresión ya sea por su estatus migratoria, su etnicidad, sus discapacidades, su orientación, expresión de género, identidad de género o cualquier mezcla de razones, que tienen nuestro apoyo. Este año Spirit Day cae el 19 de octubre, 2017. Haz el compromiso en y demuéstrale a la juventud LGBTQ que tienen tu apoyo. Sigue a @GLAAD en Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, y Tumblr para estar al tanto de la participación más actualizada en Spirit Day.

October 19, 2017

Russian Trolls, Kelly Clarkson, Fire Tornado, Chelsea Handler, Thad Cochran, Billy Joel, Puerto Rico: HOT LINKS

Russian Trolls, Kelly Clarkson, Fire Tornado, Chelsea Handler, Thad Cochran, Billy Joel, Puerto Rico: HOT LINKS

I’D SAY IT WAS A 10. Trump grades himself on his response to Puerto Rico.

ONE MONTH LATER. One million Puerto Ricans still lack drinkable water.

RUSSIA. Trump staffers pushed tweets from Russian trolls in days before the election: ‘Some of the Trump campaign’s most prominent names and supporters, including Trump’s campaign manager, digital director, and son, pushed tweets from professional trolls paid by the Russian government in the heat of the 2016 election campaign. The Twitter account @Ten_GOP, which called itself the “Unofficial Twitter account of Tennessee Republicans,” was operated from the Kremlin-backed “Russian troll farm,” or Internet Research Agency, a source familiar with the account confirmed with The Daily Beast. The account’s origins in the Internet Research Agency were originally reported by the independent Russian news outlet RBC. @Ten_GOP was created on Nov. 19, 2015, and accumulated over 100 thousand followers before Twitter shut it down.’

TESLA. Factory workers claim anti-LGBT threats, racial abuse.

FRAIL AND DISORIENTED. Health concerns for Thad Cochran (R-MS) as Senator appears confused, disoriented: ‘Cochran had to be guided by staffers around a security checkpoint inside the Capitol. He started to walk into a first-floor room — though the Senate chamber is on the second floor. He was then ushered by an aide up to the Senate. When another reporter asked whether leadership had pressured Cochran to return for a vote on the budget resolution — a key moment in the tax reform debate — Cochran smiled and responded, “It’s a beautiful day outside.”

BURN BOOK SING-ALONG. The news on Taylor Swift’s new album.

obamacare transgenderON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL. President Obama heads out: “Obama, who has spoken at private party fundraisers but largely steered clear of electoral politics since leaving office in January, will make public appearances on behalf of Democratic candidates in Virginia and New Jersey – the only two states holding off-year elections for governor.”

EXPECTING. Billy Joel is going to be a father again at 68.

Chelsea Handler DACACHELSEA HANDLER. Quitting her Netflix show to become a “more engaged citizen.”

WEST VIRGINIA. City of Morgantown passes LGBT rights ordinance: ‘Morgantown Mayor Bill Kawecki says the move “simply verbalized the kind of community I really hope that we are.” Kawecki said about 45 people spoke in support of the ordinance Tuesday and about three spoke against it. He said two were from out of town.’

INDONESIA. Country considers ban on LGBTQ TV content: “Lawmakers told Reuters the ban could include dramas with gay characters, traditional folk or comedic performances with cross-dressing or “effeminate” men and broadcasts advocating LGBT rights. It would be the latest measure targeting the LGBT community in a rising tide of hostility in the world’s third-largest democracy.”

NEW TUNE OF THE DAY. Kelly Clarkson “Meaning of Life”.

FIRE TORNADO OF THE DAY. Wildfires have killed at least 41 in Portugal.


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The post Russian Trolls, Kelly Clarkson, Fire Tornado, Chelsea Handler, Thad Cochran, Billy Joel, Puerto Rico: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Russian Trolls, Kelly Clarkson, Fire Tornado, Chelsea Handler, Thad Cochran, Billy Joel, Puerto Rico: HOT LINKS

Trump-Pence Administration Unleashes Sweeping Anti-LGBTQ #LicenseToDiscriminate

Trump-Pence Administration Unleashes Sweeping Anti-LGBTQ #LicenseToDiscriminate

Today, HRC strongly condemned the Trump-Pence administration’s decision to carry out a sweeping “license to discriminate” that puts millions of LGBTQ Americans at risk of discrimination, as well as release a new regulation that could deny millions of Americans access to critical contraceptive care previously guaranteed under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

“Today the Trump-Pence administration launched an all-out assault on LGBTQ people, women, and other minority communities by unleashing a sweeping license to discriminate,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “This blatant attempt to further Donald Trump’s cynical and hateful agenda will enable systematic, government-wide discrimination that will have a devastating impact on LGBTQ people and their families. Donald Trump and Mike Pence have proven they will stop at nothing to target the LGBTQ community and drag our nation backwards. We will fight them every step of the way.”

“It’s unconscionable that the Trump-Pence administration also today encouraged employers to exert control over the essential health care decisions of their employees,” continued Griffin. “The rule change on contraception will undoubtedly limit access to vitally important care that women and so many in the LGBTQ community rely on every day. We each deserve to have the freedom to live and plan our lives with dignity, and this administration’s reckless efforts to undermine the health care of millions of Americans must be stopped.”

In May, Donald Trump signed an order that threatened to exacerbate anti-LGBTQ discrimination by laying the groundwork for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to implement the license to discriminate announced today. Already, more than 50 percent of Americans live in an area of the U.S. where LGBTQ people are at risk being fired, evicted, or denied services because of who they are — and two-thirds of LGBTQ people report having faced such discrimination in their lives.

A preliminary analysis of the Trump-Pence administration’s license to discriminate indicates that LGBTQ people and women will be at risk in some of the following ways:

  • A Social Security Administration employee could refuse to accept or process spousal or survivor benefits paperwork for a surviving same-sex spouse
  • A federal contractor could refuse to provide services to LGBTQ people, including in emergencies, without risk of losing federal contracts
  • Organizations that had previously been prohibited from requiring all of their employees from following the tenets of the organization’s faith could now possibly discriminate against LGBTQ people in the provision of benefits and overall employment status
  • Agencies receiving federal funding, and even their individual staff members, could refuse to provide services to LGBTQ children in crisis, or to place adoptive or foster children with a same-sex couple or transgender couple simply because of who they are

The guidance instructs federal government attorneys on how to handle matters before them and instructs federal agencies to reconsider current and future regulations in light of this license to discriminate. It’s important to note this Department of Justice interpretation of existing federal law is not consistent in the way that federal courts have interpreted these issues and are subject to legal challenges.

Out LGBTQ elected officials across the United States send messages of support to LGBTQ youth on #SpiritDay

Out LGBTQ elected officials across the United States send messages of support to LGBTQ youth on #SpiritDay

Photo Credit: GLAAD

From Alaska to Maine, out LGBTQ public officials took to Twitter on Spirit Day 2017 to voice their support for LGBTQ youth. Representation in public office is vital and these community leaders have a unique and powerful platform to let LGBTQ youth know they are loved and not alone.

Tony Navarrete‏ – Arizona House of Representatives

#LGBTQ elected officials across the nation are standing against bullying this #SpiritDay, & in support of LGBTQ youth. #OutPower

— Tony Navarrete (@NavarreteAZ) October 19, 2017

Rep. JoCasta Zamarripa – Wisconsin State Assembly

As an #LGBTQ elected official, I am committed to supporting LGBTQ youth and will always stand against bullying. #SpiritDay #OutPower

— JoCasta Zamarripa (@repjocasta) October 19, 2017

Felix Rivera‏ – Anchorage Assembly

Now more than ever, we must stand against bullying. As an #LGBTQ elected official, I’ll always speak up. #SpiritDay #OutPower

— Felix Rivera (@felixerivera89) October 19, 2017

Local and state representatives words and actions carry weight and have the power to directly influence their local communities. Using this position and visibility as an LGBTQ public official to stand with queer and marginalized youth who face bullying simply for being themselves can create real change and help accelerate acceptance.

Leslie Herod‏ – Colorado General Assembly

As an #LGBTQ elected official, I am committed to supporting LGBTQ youth and will always stand against bullying. #SpiritDay #OutPower

— Leslie Herod (@leslieherod) October 19, 2017

Matt McCoy‏ – Iowa State Senate

As an #LGBTQ elected official, I am committed to supporting LGBTQ youth & will always stand against bullying. #SpiritDay #OutPower

— Matt McCoy (@mccoyforiowa) October 19, 2017

Toni Atkins – California State Senate

I will always stand with LGBTQ youth and support them every way I can. Bullying has no place in enlightened society. #SpiritDay #OutPower

— Senator Toni Atkins (@SenToniAtkins) October 19, 2017

Kelvin Atkinson‏ – Nevada State Senate

#LGBTQ elected officials across the nation are standing against bullying this #SpiritDay, & in support of LGBTQ youth. #OutPower

— Tony Navarrete (@NavarreteAZ) October 19, 2017

Other out LGBTQ public officials who participated in Spirit Day include: Georgia State Representative Park Cannon‏, Maine State Representative Ryan Fecteau, Indianapolis City Council Member Zach Adamson, Michigan State Representative Jon Hoadley,NYC Council Member Carlos Menchaca, NYC Council Member Rosie Mendez‏, New Hampshire Representative Ed Butler, Massachusetts State Senator ‏Julian Cyr, California State Senator Ricardo Lara, New Hampshire Executive Council Member Chris Pappas, and California Council Member Gabe Kearney.

About Spirit Day

Each year, millions go purple for GLAAD’s Spirit Day to support LGBTQ youth in a united stand against bullying. Started in 2010 by high school student Brittany McMillan in response to numerous young LGBTQ lives lost to suicide, Spirit Day now draws the participation of celebrities, schools, faith institutions, national landmarks, corporations, media outlets, sports leagues, and advocates around the world, all joining together to stand against bullying and support LGBTQ youth.

As anti-LGBTQ policies, hate crimes, and harassment are on the rise, it is now especially important to let all marginalized youth know they are supported.

This year, Spirit Day is on October 19, 2017. Take the Spirit Day pledge to show LGBTQ youth you’ve got their backs at Follow @GLAAD on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr to keep up to date with #SpiritDay news.

October 19, 2017