Popular morning show Despierta América participates in #SpiritDay
The cast of the morning show Despierta América sported purple today and talked about #SpiritDay. The show also aired a segment on bullying and anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
LGBTQ students of color, on average, experience more verbal harassment, physical harassment and physical assault because of their gender expression that their white peers.
Thank you, Despierta América for airing this story and for going purple today.
About Spirit Day
Each year, millions go purple for GLAAD’s Spirit Day to support LGBTQ youth in a united stand against bullying. Started in 2010 by high school student Brittany McMillan in response to numerous young LGBTQ lives lost to suicide, Spirit Day now draws the participation of celebrities, schools, faith institutions, national landmarks, corporations, media outlets, sports leagues, and advocates around the world, all joining together to stand against bullying and support LGBTQ youth.
As anti-LGBTQ policies, hate crimes, and harassment are on the rise, it is now especially important to let all marginalized youth know they are supported.
This year, Spirit Day is on October 19, 2017. Take the Spirit Day pledge to show LGBTQ youth you’ve got their backs at glaad.org/spiritday. Follow @GLAAD on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr to keep up to date with #SpiritDay news.