This gay couple vehemently opposes same-sex marriage
“Where does it stop?”
Daily Archives: September 5, 2017
Irish Man Beaten and Bitten by Gang of Ten in Horrific Homophobic Assault
Irish Man Beaten and Bitten by Gang of Ten in Horrific Homophobic Assault
Police in Ireland are investigating after a man was assaulted by up to ten people who saw him kiss another man on a date.
32-year-old Gary Daly was in a bar in Sligo with his date when they were set upon by the group of thugs. He was left with scars to his face after being head-butted, punched and bitten.
The Sun reports:
[Daly] was with his date when someone in the pub shouted: “Are those two gays kissing?”
Gary said: “A guy started demanding we leave the bar, but we refused and said ‘we have the same rights as anyone else to be here’. He left and returned with a bunch of guys, between eight or ten, and started getting hostile towards us again. He caught me a cheap shot head-butt to the side of my face out of the blue and then they began punching and kicking us. We tried to defend ourselves. I was able to subdue one of them, but then one of the other guys threw me down a flight of stairs into the beer garden. They then continued punching and beat us and started using the garden furniture to hit us and threw it at us.”
RELATED: Ireland’s Ruling Party Names First Gay Prime Minister
After another patron broke up the fight, Daly and his date reentered the pub. However, shortly afterwards, the pair were targeted again.
Upon re-entering the pub, the thugs began hurling homophobic slurs at the couple again and a second assault ensued.
Gary, from Co Meath, covered his face in an attempt to protect himself, but one of the scumbags still managed to take a chunk out of his nose.
He said: “One of them came over and bit me on the nose. Another one had grabbed my friend by the head and bounced it off the bar. As they were leaving the guy who bit me on the nose said ‘I am not into that shit’.”
As a result of the bite, Gary, who now lives in Longford, had to receive a Hepatitis B shot, and will require two additional shots in the near future.
He was also left with a scar from the teeth marks.
Daly’s date has bruises and cuts on his face and could not eat as his jaw was so badly damaged. The 20-year-old man was put on antibiotics, an anti-inflammatory and painkillers following the attack.
Daly added that “it was a surprise in this day and age” that such an attack would take place.
Gay Senator Jerry Buttimer (right) said:
“Any attack of gay people has to be condemned in the strongest possible manner. It’s disappointing and upsetting to hear that two people were attacked for whatever reason.”
Gardai in Sligo are investigating.
(Image via Twitter)
The post Irish Man Beaten and Bitten by Gang of Ten in Horrific Homophobic Assault appeared first on Towleroad.
Irish Man Beaten and Bitten by Gang of Ten in Horrific Homophobic Assault
HRC responde a la cruel decisión de eliminar DACA por parte de la Administración Trump-Pence
HRC responde a la cruel decisión de eliminar DACA por parte de la Administración Trump-Pence
La Campaña de Derechos Humanos respondió a la cruel decisión de la Administración Trump-Pence de poner fin a la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA). El programa con cinco años de vigencia ha permitido a cientos de miles de jóvenes, quienes fueron traídos a Estados Unidos como menores, a permanecer en el país, continuar sus estudios y contribuir positivamente a nuestra nación. Se calcula que 75,000 de estos “soñadores” son LGBTQ; HRC ha apoyado el DREAM Act de 2017(H.R.3440 / S.1615), que fue introducido en el Congreso en julio para pedirle explícitamente al Gobierno que detenga la deportación de los soñadores. HRC ha firmado también una carta apoyando a los jóvenes que fue firmada por más de 1,850 gobernadores, funcionarios estatales y municipales, organizaciones civiles y líderes religiosos.
“Esta es otra decisión cargada de odio por parte de la Administración de Trump-Pence”, dijo Alejandro Avilés, director de alianzas estratégicas de HRC. “Una Casa Blanca que ha perdonado a violadores de derechos humanos como Joe Arpaio y defendido el racismo y nacionalismo blanco ha decidido que cientos de miles de jóvenes – muchos de los cuales no conocen otro hogar fuera de los Estados Unidos – ya no son bienvenidos aquí. Los estudiantes con brillantes futuros por delante, listos para ayudar a que nuestro país sea verdaderamente grandioso, serán enviados a lugares que no recuerdan, separando a las familias y atrasando a nuestro país drásticamente”.
Cerca de 75,000 soñadores que se benefician de DACA pertenecen a la comunidad LGBTQ. Para ellos, la perspectiva de la deportación contiene un elemento adicional de incertidumbre, ya que podrían regresar a países que tienen pobres registros de derechos humanos y LGBTQ. Por ejemplo, en El Salvador, las mujeres transgénero se han enfrentado a tal aumento de violencia que las Naciones Unidas pidieron una investigación sobre el caso.
En agosto, HRC habló con un soñador LGBTQ, Sheridan Aguirre, acerca de su experiencia como beneficiario de DACA y parte de la comunidad LGBTQ en Texas. Recientemente, HRC se unió a FIRM, CASA, Planned Parenthood, MoveOn y otras organizaciones para celebrar el Día Nacional de Acción para Defender el Programa de DACA.
GLAAD Statement on President Trump revoking nation’s DACA program
GLAAD Statement on President Trump revoking nation’s DACA program
Approximately 800,000 undocumented young immigrants, including 36,000 LGBTQ DREAMers, face detention and deportation under President Trump’s reversal of the DACA program
NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization, strongly condemned today’s announcement by President Donald Trump to effectively reverse the nation’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This policy, carried out by President Barack Obama and his administration, protected an estimated 800,000 young undocumented immigrants (DREAMers) who were brought to the United States as young children from detention and deportation. Contrary to this policy move, a large majority of Americans (about 64%) support the DACA program in a recent poll conducted by NBC News and SurveyMonkey.
According to reports, the Trump Administration had been “reviewing its options” on DACA for months with President Trump even saying on record that DREAMers should “rest easy” concerning his immigration policies. Today’s policy announcement, however, is a complete one-eighty since President Trump’s inauguration as it reverts back to his campaign promise to dismantle DACA in the first place.
“President Trump’s choice to dismantle DACA is an attack on about 800,000 DREAMers, their families, and their communities, and will expose them to racial targeting by ICE and deportation to a place that they have never called home in the first place,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “Along with his Muslim ban and pardon of Joe Arpaio, this cruel act is a trifecta of President Trump’s full embrace to the violent, out-of-touch ideology of white supremacists. The LGBTQ community stands with fair-minded Americans in demanding that hardworking and patriotic DREAMers be allowed access to the American Dream.”
So far, the DACA program has allowed undocumented immigrants who entered the United States before the age of 16, and met other federal government requirements, to receive a temporary work permit and protection from deportation for a renewable two-year period. According to the Williams Institute, there are approximately 75,000 LGBTQ DREAMers living in the United States with about 36,000 who have participated in the DACA program. A poll conduct by Morning Consult just this month showed that nearly 8 out of 10 Americans supported allowing DREAMers to permanently remain in this country.
Aviso de GLAAD Sobre DACA
Aproximadamente 800.000 inmigrantes jóvenes , incluyendo 36.000 “DREAMers” LGBTQ podrán ser detenidos y deportados por las acciones de Presidente Trump
Nueva York – GLAAD, la organización más grande que aboga por las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgénero y queer (LGBTQ) en los medios de comunicación, condenó enérgicamente el anuncio de hoy del presidente Donald Trump que efectivamente revierte el programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés). Esta política, llevada a cabo por el presidente Barack Obama y su administración, protegió a unos 800.000 jóvenes inmigrantes indocumentados (DREAMers) que vinieron a los Estados Unidos como niños pequeños de la detención y la deportación. En contraste con esta política de la administración, una alta mayoría de estadounidenses (aproximadamente 64%) estaban a favor de DACA en una encuesta recién implementada por NBC News y SurveyMonkey.
Según informes, la Administración Trump había estado “revisando sus opciones” referente a DACA durante meses y el Presidente Trump incluso dijo que los DREAMers debian “descansar tranquilo” con respecto a sus políticas de inmigración. Sin embargo, el anuncio de hoy representa un cambio completo y Trump ahora vuelve a su promesa que hizo como candidato de desmantelar a DACA.
“La decisión del Presidente Trump de desmantelar a DACA es un ataque contra unos 800.000 DREAMers, sus familias y sus comunidades, y ahora los expone a la selección por perfiles raciales de parte de ICE y la deportación a una tierra que a veces ni conocen,” dijo Sarah Kate Ellis, Presidenta y CEO de GLAAD. “Junto con su prohibición de entrada al país a musulmanes y el perdón de Joe Arpaio, este acto cruel es una trifecta del abrazo total del presidente Trump a la ideología violenta de los supremacistas blancos. Toda la comunidad LGBTQ se solidariza con los estadounidenses de mentalidad justa en exigir que los DREAMers, personas trabajadoras y patrióticas, tengan acceso al Sueño Americano “.
Hasta ahora, DACA ha permitido que inmigrantes indocumentados que ingresaron a los Estados Unidos antes de los 16 años y cumplieron con otros requisitos del gobierno federal puedan recibir un permiso de trabajo temporal y protección contra la deportación por un período renovable de dos años.
Según el Instituto Williams, hay aproximadamente 75.000 DREAMers LGBTQ viviendo en los Estados Unidos con aproximadamente 36.000 que han participado en el programa DACA. Una encuesta realizada por Morning Consult apenas este mes mostró que casi 8 de cada 10 estadounidenses apoyaban permitiendo que los DREAMers puedan permanecer permanentemente en este país.
Queen of Hearths
Meet the Gay Australian Couple Speaking Out Against Same-Sex Marriage
Meet the Gay Australian Couple Speaking Out Against Same-Sex Marriage
Two Australian men in a long-term relationship and opposed to same-sex marriage deny that they are homophobic.
Ben Rogers and Mark Poidevin, who met 15 years ago, say that they are committed to “traditional marriage,” concerned that “if we make one exception for one community…where does it stop?”
Poidevin said:
“We’ve been through our ups and downs like anyone else, but I love him dearly and there’s no-one else I’d like to spend my life with than him.
“I used to be a supporter of same-sex marriage. I mean, I proposed to Ben five years ago. At the time Ben said it wasn’t for him, that he didn’t believe in it, and I said, ‘When the laws change, would you like to?’”
Rogers said that he refused Poidevin’s proposal because “It’s not something I had ever envisioned.”
RELATED: Pro-LGBT Group Fires Back at Nasty Australian Marriage Equality Ad: VIDEO
Poidevin, a committed Catholic, has changed his stance on same-sex marriage since he proposed to Ben five years ago.
ABC Australia reports:
“If we make one exception for one community, that being the same-sex couples, where does it stop?” Mark said.
Both are happy to express their views, but say their honesty has come at a cost.
“The campaign’s gotten nasty on both sides and I think the comments that I hear are, ‘You’re a homophobe if you don’t support gay marriage,’” Mark said. I’m a gay person here that’s coming out and saying, ‘well, no it’s not. It’s your right to have a view, your right to have a view either way and people should be respected’. You’re not intolerant if you don’t support a view.”
Rogers added: “If it’s yes, we’ll be like, ‘Congratulations, everyone can get married. But we personally will not be getting married.”
“We stand by our commitment to each other,” he said, “we don’t need marriage in our lives, definitely not.”
Watch ABC Australia’s report:
(Image via ABC)
The post Meet the Gay Australian Couple Speaking Out Against Same-Sex Marriage appeared first on Towleroad.
Meet the Gay Australian Couple Speaking Out Against Same-Sex Marriage
To Celebrate 15 Seasons of “Ellen,” Here are 15 Iconic Ellen DeGeneres Moments
To Celebrate 15 Seasons of “Ellen,” Here are 15 Iconic Ellen DeGeneres Moments
Today, Ellen DeGeneres’ hit talk show, Ellen, begins its 15th season, marking a decade and a half of bringing her trademark humor, wit and compassion into our homes.
At its helm, Ellen continues to push for justice and LGBTQ equality, proving that DeGeneres is far more than just a comedic star. Throughout the years, both on-air and off, DeGeneres has been a seminal figure in shaping America’s attitudes towards LGBTQ people and showing LGBTQ people in a positive light.
In honor of today’s episode, HRC remembers the 15 times that Ellen has inspired us, moved us and helped make our society just a little bit more inclusive.
- When she spoke out against bullying on her talk show in the wake of tragedies involving LGBTQ youth suicides.
When, after an anti-LGBTQ pastor accused her of celebrating her “lesbianism,” she responded in classic Ellen DeGeneres fashion.
When DeGeneres invited a gay Iraqi couple onto the show to discuss their difficult journey to happiness.
When DeGeneres spoke out against Mississippi’s anti-LGBTQ Law.
When she donated $25,000 to a fund for the survivors of the Pulse nightclub shooting, and gave Tony Marrero — one of the survivors — the surprise of a lifetime.
When former President Barack Obama awarded DeGeneres the Presidential Medal of Freedom — the nation’s highest civilian honor — reminding us why she is such a pioneer.
When she featured two best friends on her show — one gay, the other straight — who attended prom together.
When she told our nation’s youth that there’s nothing wrong with being different.
When DeGeneres praised a lesbian teenager who fought for the right to take her girlfriend to prom.
When, on the 20th anniversary of her coming out, Warner Brothers donated $50,000 to HRC in her name.
When DeGeneres praised Ellen Page for coming out at HRC’s first ever Time to THRIVE conference.
When she gave Blossom Brown, a transgender student and HRC volunteer, $20,000 to help her follow her dream of becoming nurse.
When she spoke out against hate and advocated for tolerance after the murder of Matthew Shepard, an openly gay man who was brutally killed in Wyoming.
When former President Obama praised her for making our country a little more accepting of one another.
And of course the moment that started it all — when she decided to come out in the most public way possible on her TV show, Ellen.
Trio candid
Trio candid
* RICHARD M (Over 6 million views) posted a photo:
Just one of them spotted me.
Shot @ the 2017 Liverpool Pride event
Models Go All Aboard the Zandwagon
Models Go All Aboard the Zandwagon
Ch♂ldren of Ra♀nbow:04
Ch♂ldren of Ra♀nbow:04
kowei posted a photo:
(model: Aram)